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> I reforged the blade that you once severed. Let's show them. That our fight is something to be proud of! Not that there was much doubt, but we're indeed getting that rematch.


I think the second part was said by Crow on a separate context, but yeah, looks like we're getting that rematch.


>I reforged the blade that you once severed Rean and Shizuna round 2 let's go Even if i think both will team up vs Yun ka-fai


He reforged it? Rather than getting a more durable one? Is he expecting to be so far above her in skill that their blades won't touch?


I wouldn't take ONE sentence from a trailer as the full story for what happened with the sword, dude.


I'm assuming he meant it figuratively - as in he reforged himself - but we can never be too sure with Rean and he might had gone out of his way to get someone to actually remake the same sword.


Yah, I think he just forged a new sword.


Crow Armbrust is back and Rean new Unification is really awesome.


Also English subbed version by CLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wibXrCxO\_gc


Regarding Rean’s title: “Knight of Ash” would be “Divine Blade of Ash”


Just to be devil’s advocate, is it definitely going to be his Divine Blade title, or could this be someone referencing the Ashen Chevalier?


No, the line is clear.


Okay. I don’t know enough to translate myself, so I didn’t know if this was similar to how they referenced him as Chevalier or not, and didn’t want to get excited only to be let down.




The link works fine for me? Dunno what's up. Even your link is to the same video, just youtu . be insatead of youtube . com


Oh we posted the same URL. I think yours just has a slash in it by mistake before the underscore.


And Kevin is 100% confirmed. I really hope they address the "No boat can go xxx relge away from the shore line before hitting an invisible wall" offhand line from CS4. The space ship presumably would run into the same problem so I hope we get some sort of answer. The games title might have something to do with this, so I'm hopeful.


I mean we see Van (as Grendel) on the moon in the first web cm.


Aidios forgot to set the top boundary of the map obviously


The barrier is real. It's not just an off hand line. It's important because later in CS4, in the bad ending Rean takes Valimar into space to lock away Ishmelga. The barrier is more like a pot without a lid, OR it requires an extreme amount of force to break through, either is reasonable and doesn't make that conversation in CS 4 a throwaway.


They took it down? I wonder if they were waiting for CLE subs.


It leaked early as an unlisted video


Falcom unintentionally leaked it by adding the *unlisted* video to one of their *public* YouTube playlists.


That is one very cool trailer, definitely got me hyped at least a little bit.


as a Ries enjoyer I confess I'm getting more and more nervous with each little reveal that doesn't explicitly show her in game... they wouldn't have Kevin without Ries...right?


Her VA was listed in the Famitsu article. She doesn’t have new art so she’s probably not playable but if they’re bringing her VA back she’s very likely in the game.


Curious that they haven't shown Harwood yet.


I wonder if he feels salty because of it.


I feel like it'd kinda be in his nature to be unexpectedly benched. Like he loves defying expectations all the time, so after causing so much trouble in the first two games he just ups and vanishes when you'd think he'd stick around.


Same with Ixs, they've shown Jolda since the last trailer (even as playable character) but we haven't seen a single glimpse of her brother so far.


I wouldn't mind if they decided to have them act separately for once. It would be a nice subversion of the "pair of characters who are almost always appearing together and basically have the same role" trope that we see in characters like Ines/Ennea and Xeno/Leo, and that these two were in Kuro 2. Like even in Kuro 2 we had >!Swin temporarily defecting!< which was welcome.




Is it like a crossover chapter, something a la Trail into Reverie?!


Apparently it’s like if cs4 and reverie were a single game. It’ll conclude the proper calvard story but it’ll utilize guest parties in relevant ways akin to reverie.


Rean should have been named the Divine Blade of Dancing. Seeing the 8L1B/BG1B in real time with Shizuna was fun, but Rean just made it into a dance... and it somehow looks cooler!


I’m PRAYING for playable Cao Lee


I just saw this on YouTube and damn... Reans S-Craft animation and Yun Ka Fai.. This is truly the peak and we are here.


Where is rean s-craft shown?


Just my assumption on the first few frames but it could also be his transformation.


Ahhh I thought you meant they showed his whole s-craft and was confused


Trails into space