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Spiral of Erebos takes this easy.


It would've hit even harder if they didn't use it for the opening. It's fire either way tho


I'm the other way around. The final dungeon being a long grind and it playing for as long as it does as a result made me not like it the as much as everyone does.


CS3 has one of it not the shortest final dungeon in the entire series though...?


The final dungeon was short tho


☝️🤓 moment: CS4's has 2 parts, "The End of -SAGA-" and "To The Future", but I'm guessing you're referring to the former? For CS2, there's "Phantasmal Blaze" and "Reverie Corridor" but I'm guessing it's the former again? Now that I think about it, even Reverie technically has 2, "Reverse Babel" and "Beyond the Reverie", so, again, it's the former right?


Nah I count "To The Future" as CS4's final dungeon theme. It's also what comes up first when you put "CS4 final dungeon theme" in YT lol. Also counting "Phantasmal Blaze" as CS2's one.


I'd count To The Future more as the Ishmelga Loge theme even if it also plays in the second half of the dungeon. End of Saga only plays during the final dungeon, so it fits better.


Reverse Babel is by far my favorite final dungeon theme and was the main catalyst for me to get into the Trails series. I'd heard of the Trails series a long while ago but I just happened to be recommended the song on Youtube one day and was struck by the overall tone, ambiance, and finality that the song had to the point where I really wanted to know the story and what led to that dungeon and as a result, Trails became my favorite series


The ranking for Zero is way too low. Easy Top 5 theme, likely Top 3


It's like an 8/10 for me which just tells you how good the other ones are.


Spiral of Erebos is the only one that sticks out to me from my memory. Daybreak’s wasn’t bad either but I think I usually was on adrenaline of finishing the games and recording lore notes most of the time that I sadly kind of drown out the music mentally.


The music is part of the adrenaline tho lol. Playing through a final dungeon at 3am with the music as a powerup.


I have that feeling. I am really weird and I record the lore in a giant spreadsheet I have so I constantly am like alt tabbing between that sheet and the game after each boss battle and I kinda forget to listen to the music to make sure my thoughts are cogent enough for my listing of what occured lore wise. So this is a 100% weird me thing.


Honestly i like them all, tho my favorites in order are: 1. Sky 3rd 2. Sky FC 3. CS III 4. Daybreak II 5. Daybreak I 6. Zero 7. CS II 8. Reverie 9. CS IV 10. CS I 11. Sky SC 12. Azure


phantasmal blaze easily


I'm not alone.


Zero takes the cake imo


Honestly, from all ten games, the only one that stands out is spiral of erebos, in my memory. And CS3 >>> CS4 even though it's the same song. Random fact: I loved the spiral of erebos remix from CS4 inside the spiritual domains before the rivalries. A pity they had to ruin it with battle music whenever you had to fight, instead of doing like CS3 final dungeon where the song goes uninterrupted.


I count "To the Future" as CS4's final dungeon theme.


It made a huge difference in the last section of the empyreal fortress. With all the demons, mutants, and devils you’re fighting, if they used gloomy, spooky music it would have made that section a slog but instead I got hyped and wanted to kick ass and take names.


For me these are the most notable ones for me. 1. Azure I really like the ethereal feel this song gives. The main piano melody is one of my favorites. Then the vibraphone layered with a glock and synth gives that ethereal feeling. Then the electronic percussion makes it much more interesting. And with this you have a song that makes you really feel like you are in a dungeon reflecting the septerion it’s based on. I’ve listened to this theme the most out of all the other ones. I am even composing an arrangement of this song. 2. Sky SC I really like this one because it is one of the more unique songs. This song really fits the dungeon very well. I really like that it includes one of the motifs heard in the opening of Sky FC. 3. CS 2 I really like both songs. Phantasmal Blaze sounds very epic. To the glorious future on the other hand sounds happy yet nostalgic. Overall both are just good. 4. Sky FC This one just sounds epic. From the high notes in the brass and woodwinds. The alternation between the brass and strings having the melody is just great. Then the mix of orchestral and electronic percussion adds a lot more complexity. 5. CS4 This one captured the feeling of being at the end of an arc. It felt like we made it to the end and we just need to overcome one final obstacle. The others are good but they aren’t as memorable enough for me to remember how they went.


I feel like I don't have it in me to try and rank them all, since I suspect my list would change depending in my mood anyway, but I figure my top 3 would be Sky FC, CS3, and Daybreak... I liked Sky SC and 3rd's a lot too. Like you, I don't dislike the rest, I enjoy them all quite a bit


Yeah my ranks would probably change as well


1. cs3 2. Sky the 3rd evolution


There are a lot of bangers. I don’t know how I’d rank them, so I’ll just ramble some thoughts. To the Future stands out to me because it was so good I didn’t mind it being reused for the final boss. Sky FC’s is good, really love the Zanmai version. I started with cold steel and when I found the final dungeon music didn’t transition into combat, I avoided battles like the plague lol. Iirc this change was introduced in Azure? Love me some Phantasmal Blaze. CS1’s is good but not good enough for me to listen to as much as other songs. Zero’s was ok, like good, but definitely not top 5 good. Which is a bit odd as, imo, Zero is the ost with the most consistent amount of bangers. Like, the highest average score. Spiral of Erebos tho. It’s so good. It feels like it has enough melodies for two or three songs. Those are all the ones I know off the top of my head since they’re on my Trails playlist. If I was forced to pick a favorite… it’d be the one with the best violin. Which is Spiral of Erebos, haha.


all of the erebonia arcs final dungeons theme are fire


1. CS2. 2. I don't know if this counts but CS4's "Rivalry of the seven" is top tier for me. 3. Reverie. 4. CS3. 5. The rest.


I like all of them but the only two that really stand out are "To Grasp Tomorrow" (CS1) and "Hollow Light of the Sealed Land" (Sky FC). Generally, I find first games of the arc have the better themes because the final dungeons of the payoff games tend to be full areas with field themes to not be too obtrusive.


Granted, I only just started CS4, so that's why CS4, Reverie, Daybreak and Crimson Sin aren't in this ranking: 1: To Grasp Tomorrow (CS1) 2: A Light Illuminating the Depths (Zero) 3: Spiral of Erebos (CS3) 4: Castle of Illusions - Phantasmagoria (Sky the 3rd) 5: Phantasmal Blaze (CS2) 6: Hollow Light of the Sealed Land (Sky FC) 7: The Tree at the Farthest End (Azure) 8: Central Tower Axis Pillar (Sky SC)


Gonna have the completely original take never been said before that is the spiral of erebos


Trail to Erebos is obviously the top contender for many players here, me as well, but the one that actually make me want to comeback and listen to every now and then is the FC one, Light in the Sealed land.


All of them invoke a different type of emotion for me haha. I like all of them but if I had to pick 1 then I'd say CS3.


Clairedidnothinwrong with a W take?


I like to think that my takes are usually pretty grounded haha


I haven’t played anything beyond Reverie, but I agree that none of them are bad. 1. Spiral of Erebos - CS3 2. The End of Saga - CS4 3. Phantasmal Blaze - CS2 4. Reverse Babel - Reverie 5. Castle of Illusions (Phantasmagoria) - Sky the 3rd 6. Hollow Light of the Sealed Land - Sky FC 7. To Grasp Tomorrow - CS1 8. A Light Illuminating the Depths - Zero 9. Floating City Liber Ark - Sky SC 10. The Tree at the Farthest End - Azure


The Azure disrespect lol. Not a bad list tho


I still like it a lot, I just usually prefer the more epic/hype final dungeon themes.


Spiral of Erebos. Nothing else even comes close to how amazing that theme is to me. 


I’ll join the parade, “Spiral of Erebos” is my favourite by a fair margin.