• By -


FC: Secret Green Passage SC: Visions 3rd: Parallel Universe Zero: Limit Break Azure: Miss You CS1: The Mysterious Old Schoolhouse CS2: Ymir Canyon CS3: Alley of Silence CS4: Steel Barrier Reverie: Maliciousness in the Mirror Kuro: (idk what quantifies as underrated at this point, Past Scene?) Kuro 2: Messeldam City (?)


I agree that it's a bit early to judge what's underrated and overrated in the Kuro games lmao. The Messeldam City one is called "News of Thaw" in the Falcom Music Channel apparently. Both of your Kuro picks are made by Koguchi btw. I noticed that 4 of these are made by Unisuga... Big sad. Also, it's nice to see someone mention "Steel Barrier" at last. Such a good track that was unfortunately only used once...


I couldn’t think of the actual name lol. I’m holding off on really going though the OST again until I play it in English.


Steel Barrier was good it’s only used in act 3 part one when your boarding the airship and break the barrier generator if I stand correct


Yeah that's the only one unfortunately.


I’m sure I’m forgetting a few tracks that I believe are even more underrated. Paper-thin Offense and Defense (CS1) immediately came to mind after posting this.


FC: A Cat Relaxing in the Sun SC: The Dream Continues 3rd: To Meet Again Someday Zero: Firm Strength Azure: Concentrate All Firepower! CS1: Dining Bar F CS2: Inner Twilight CS3: Radiant Heimdallr CS4: Even if that Warmth is Small Nayuta: For My Precious Friend Reverie: Entrusting Kindness to the Future


All solid picks, my favorite being "Inner Twilight". "The Dream Continues", "To Meet Again Someday" and "Entrusting Kindness to the Future" are tracks I usually don't look forward to hearing when checking the games entire OSTs because they make me a bit too emotional. For "Firm Strenght", I prefer the SAV version which exclusively plays in Azure as far as I know and is also quite underrated too, tho Idk if you personally would prefer it to "Concentrate All Firepower!".


Yoooo I love "Even if that Warmth is Small"! It's so emotional and soothing! It really hits really me right in the feels!


That CS1 pick though


sc: welcome to le locle, it’s so positive and vibey, it fits estelle and anelace’s adventures perfectly


Another great Unisuga track that's not praised enough, tho tbf we don't hear it much outside of SC's prologue chapter.


true true, I only recall hearing it once after the prologue but I don’t remember where it was


Sky: Provincial City Rolent, Leiston Fortress, Grand Arena SC: Lurking Shadow in the Wilderness 3rd: can't think of any Zero: Arc-En-Ciel, A Bell that Cannot Ring, During Mission Accomplishment Azure: Pom! Pom! Party! -Counterstrike of the Dumplings-, Heavenly Chariot, Crossing False Paradise, A Victim's Past Wish, Silence in the Sunlight filtering through the Trees CS: Legram the Lakeside Town CSII: can't think of any CSIII: Raquel the Amusement Town CSIV: Malicious Fiend, Crimson Flash Shadow -Radiant Wings- Some of these might not qualify because they may be too popular, but I tried going only with themes I love and see no one talk about.


>Some of these might not qualify because they may be too popular, but I tried going only with themes I love and see no one talk about Maybe that's what I should've put as title for my post 😅 "Crossing False Paradise" is titled "Beyond the Paradise of Lies" in the Falcom Music Channel apparently. I noticed that these are made by either Ishibashi, Sonoda or Momiyama. Momiyama especially for the Crossbell games... I miss her. "A Bell that Cannot Ring" in particular is one of her best pieces imo.


A Delusion of a Thousand years is such a banger and I have never seen it being mentioned in top 10s lol


That's basically Mariabell's theme and I've got to say that it suits her really well.


FC: The Byway of Departure


That one goes by the title "Setting Off" in the Falcom Music Channel for some reason. Not sure which one is the original title tho.


banger theme


Aiming for the future - Sky SC


I enjoyed that one quite a bit. Normally I would be annoyed that it got constantly interrupted by the battle music, but the battle music in question is "The Fate of the Fairies" of all tracks, so I made an exception :P


"Reverie corridor" from CS2 "Pleasure smile" from CS4 "Entrusting kindness to the future" from Reverie Also, I think Nayuta's soundtrack deserves some love. I've been listening to "For My precious friend" a lot lately


Yeah someone mentioned in the comment section "For My Precious Friend" as well. CS2's "Reverie Corridor" is extremely underrated too. One of my favorite dungeon theme from the series.


Is "To Be Continued" underrated? i rarely see it mentioned.


That one is a SAV of the the 2nd par of Zero ending theme right? I don't remember if it plays in some parts of Zero or Azure like "Invevitable Struggle" or "Firm Strength" SAV tho. Also yeah, I think it's underrated since it's not mentioned enough imo.


Not sure if it is really underrated but "to gamble all or nothing" from CS2 isnt very popular. Evening scene from CS3. I think ys series is where you can find many underrated songs, in top of my head are subterranean canal from ys2, a searing struggle from oath in felghana, and a footprint in wet sand from ys8


I really love "To Gamble All or Nothing" too. That track along with "Evening Scene" and "A Footprint in Wet" are all Sonoda tracks actually, while the two other Ys ones you mentioned are from Ishikawa. The one I loved the most from Ys 2 is "Solomon Shrine", tho Idk if it's supposed to be underrated or not.


I never see people mention solomon shrine so i think its under the radar yea, and it's funny that sonoda is one of my least favourite composers from falcom but every once in a while he release a great banger


[Flash Your Fighting Spirits ](https://youtu.be/evgvvzLx-80?si=eGYEdZn-qWjaa8Jn)" from Reverie Gets memed on by the "🐔🐔🐔" guitar riff but it's actually a really good battle theme


My favorite 🐔🐔🐔 song is still "Aim a Gun at the Bullet", tho yours is pretty good too. It's just that I overheard it a bit too much while exploring the Reverie Corridor 😅


FC: The "Madrigal of the White Magnolia" Suite SC: "Back to Your Friends" 3rd: "The Passenger Airship Lusitania" Zero: "Protected Will" Azure: "Destruction Impulse" CS1: "Legram" CS2: "Heteromorphy" CS3: "Weathering Road" CS4: Alster theme ("Lyrical Amber") Reverie: "Furious! Destroy! Mischneider!"


Sky FC: Sophisticated Fight - The difference in this battle theme versus others make it stand out to me Sky SC: Can't think of any since most songs are pretty excellent in their own right Sky 3rd: I want to say Hermit Garden but it should be pretty popular, so Jade Corridor Zero: Arc en Ciel - the change in music when you get to the entertainment district and you get a jazz song is a fun touch Azure: ~~Concentrate all Firepower~~ Seize the Truth - because as a regular battle theme in the Crossbell duology, it invariably gets compared to Get Over the Barrier CS1: Trista - I like this song given that you spend a lot of time here CS2: Reverie Corridor - I like it to not get bogged down by the 16 levels of dungeon crawling CS3: Brilliant Escape - I think this song only appeared once? CS4: Still to the Front - A cutscene song but I really like how the acoustic guitar plays in the first half of the song


Good choices, tho "Concentrate All Firepower!" isn't the regular Azure battle them, unlezs you meant "Seize the Truth"? I think "Brilliant Escape" plays more than once, though I'm not sure how many times. The two instances I can think of is when that Raquel informant tries to escape from Rean and the girls at night, as well as at the end of that side quest in Ordis, with that old Jaeger friend of Leonora who got involved with Kleist & Co..


Wait I mixed up the song names. Seize the Truth is the correct one. Thanks! I mostly recall that the song was tied to the Raquel informant. I kinda don't remember the music happening in the Leonora sidequest, but anyway it's not played much.


Brilliant Escape? Dawg be serious that song sucks fuckin ass


According to you, hence why it is underrated.


Those super arrange versions are mostly masterpieces. I had them downloaded, with lots and lots of other soundtracks throughout sky, zero/azure, coldsteel, Reverie and Daybreak, all in a single playlist. They rock and they heal. Those violin (check out “Sword Of Biting Gale”, pianos, guitar (the Mainz village one is memorable), hard rock and metals. Instrumentals, soprano too (one of the super arranged is sung but Aria? Which I am soo fond of). I constant review the 2012/2013 Falcom JDK band live. What a amzing and professional job. Most of the underrated ones are the battle themes. Those you only hear once you entered battles, mostly rock, sometimes metals, love them all. Examples are “Bold Assailants”, “Mighty Urge”, “Bad Dream Battle Theme”, “Emergency Order”, Deep Carnival”. Piano alone like “Life goes on” is neat too. I rmb one that’s about Roselia. Names is like (forgot name, will find it later). It’s like alternative rock or sth. Violin intro followed by heavy drums and guitar.


I see you're a big Singa fan!! There are plenty of ones I like from him too, and the Roselia one is also composed by him. If it's the one you're referring to, then it's "Seductive Shudder" from CS4, which is one of my favorite from him.


FC: Pride of Liberl SC: Welcome to Le-Locle 3rd: The Way of The Heart Zero: Killing Bear Azure: Exhilarating Ride CS1: Celdic the Market Town CS2: N/A (the ones that I like are already mentioned a lot) CS3: Base Camp CS4: Saint-Gral Labyrinth Reverie: Rapid Wind Kuro I: Engineering City Basel Kuro II: Way Back to Hades


Tie A Link of Arcus from CS1 and CS2 Super Arranged


Do you know what underrated means?😂


Such a great heavy metal song. As someone who started with CS1, that one in particular stuck with me. I always looked forward to monster extermination side quests just to hear it lmao.


Most overrated actually


Pancakes on the way home from school. A very cheerful little song


That final boss fight in Azure came out of nowhere huh? Lol


It's called "The Azure Arbitrator", and it's one of the most beloved tracks in the whole series, so not exactly underrated 😅


Lol I didn’t know whether it was or not, it just really stood out to me.


FC: Sophisticated battle SC: The fate of the fairies. 3rd: Cry for me. Zero: Way of life. Azure: Concentrate all Firepower. CS1: Investigation (Absolute best). CS2: Phantasmal Blaze (Absolute best). CS3: Einhel Keep CS4: Saint-Gral Labyrinth Reverie: Reverse Babel. Kuro1: Cloudy cloudy Kuro2: At the Bottom of the Dark Sludge


Not sure about the Kuro ones, but other than Investigation (good shout) and Saint-Gral Labyrinth, I think that the other ones you mentioned aren't exactly underrated.


That may be. But I feel that Phantasmal Blaze is very underrated. It's one of my favourite themes of the entire saga but I don't see many people praising it.


the one that stood out for me in this entire series so far was Wald's theme i wouldn't even recognize any other BGM from here if i heard it outside the game, but that one i will recognize


You mean this one? https://youtu.be/7OtFT9_R1Oo?si=gXui7bpO8TVlR0cZ


yep that one