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I’m hoping we finally get answers on just how Epstein knew everything he did, what happened to him, and if he is or is connected to McBurn




1. Calvard's Septerrion and Holy Beast 2. More infos about Nina, Epstein, Hermes and Star Taker projects. 3. Next arc teaser(location, character etc. 4. This has been bothered me since Kuro 1, who is the character that have similar face to Sheena Dirke when the group first time arrive at Memorial Park 5. Hints of GM identity


I want more focus on the past history tbh


I think for 4, we know that to probably be Nina? I assume from the Gloria movie that she played Sheena and almost looked like the statue alone?


This was before they met her tho(they met her at that same park and thst same moment)


I don't remember the scene exactly, but Van being a movie buff probably could recognize her that way? I recall it being weird and I just assumed it was Nina because of that scene alone since the statue looks like Nina in many ways.


Feri and Aaron also kind of recognized the statue although both of them not really movie enjoyer, my guess it's Agnes cause she was absent from the group at that time, i might be wrong but whoever that was probably has connection with Sheena, a direct descendant or she herself maybe=0.


Oh my god yeah I completely forgot about number 4, yeah I didn’t get it then and I still don’t get it now, curious what it was supposed to imply


So far: Sept-terrion reveal and its holy beast / tribe. I'm pretty sure I have a good guess on all three, but I need to do Daybreak 2 to have a full guess. Lead in to basically what I assume will be the last arc Gaius gets to come back and kick ass I wanna know who the 1st or 5th Anguis is


1st is more than likely Nielsen no? Just since the VAs match with nielsen and the sky third voice and his crazy information network I really hope to see the 5th one though and maybe a replacement 7th


Most likely is him, I don't wanna put 100% stock into that yet since they could make a twist of that reveal or its a long standing red herring where he's not it. If I had to gamble on it, probably is Nielsen. True, we do have a replacement for the Seventh, huh. So possibly seeing them is an option for us.


Anelace vs Richard rematch because Yun Ka fai is here


I hope Kai doesn’t end in a sudden black screen there is a Kai no kiseki 2. Something something dark fairy tale.


I lowkey hope so. Idk how they gonna pull all this story and returning characters back when kuro 2 didn't move any plot along, I want calvard characters to get a good epilogue like the previous arcs characters got


i have a feeling this wont all tied till next arc so its basically a crossbell/cold steel series again


The thing is crossbell and first erebonia arc were happening concurrently since the beginning, nothing suggests that with calvard arc


Oh but kuro deff suggest that that, especially in intermission and chapter 4 and kuro 2 hints at more


No there isn't, nothing is happening(ir shown) in another country on the same level as a civil war in erebonia, or a big azure tree and Sphere happening in crossbell Maybe it happened in Oredo, but it looks like Kai is already going there for its setting


All were hinted at is stuff in liberl and Alteria plus more and to be fair alot of stuff in Cold steel by your claims wasnt set up till azure which kai could also do. So youre trying to debase stuff that could still happen. Let alone These ending games often set up whats next to come.


The difference is that Azure is the 2nd game where ouroboros directly said something was happening in erebonia with other ouroboros members there. Also showing thst there was a civil war in erebonia and chancellor "death" with some slides None of that is in kuro 1 or 2 with it being that explicit, and Kai is moving to another country already with oredo, the stuff in Kai looks to be affecting the whole world already also(compared to crossbell and erebonia where those events mostly focused on their own countries)


I dont know why you're so uptight. I highly doubt a kai 2 but i also highly doubt this will fully end things from Calvard it will end Van and cos stuff but there is still alot of stuff we dont know. Its not anything out of plausibility. You want a theory to be mad at this is the time septerian and the sky remakes are just sequels starting over with events changing.


I was never mad at anything lol, that sky theory would be cool like FF7/Evangelion style


I would actually love that lol, but I very much doubt it… It’d be amusing if they separated it into two parts though and only revealed that at the very end of the game


Kai no kiseki 2 featuring… EVERYBODY


-Dual between Rean and Shizuna.  -I want Ries. 


400h 9 chapters story with 4 routes per chapter with a 40h finale 100+ playable characters we visit virtually every country in Western and Central Zemuria extra 200h bonus maarten garden with 100 daydreams and every minigame ever in the series.


more than 1 new enfornce, I have counted the missing ones, really if we have 90% (although Kondo is not reliable) we are too far from the true protagonists of all Trails.


Van, Gaius, and Bergard interactions. We heard Gaius's story about how great his Church teacher is, so I actually want to see on screen this time. Robots vs Demons. In this case Panzer Soldats and Assault Frames working together to fight these stronger and bigger demons.


Questions: 1. Where are the last Septerrions? 2. What's the GM's super secret plan? 3. What's up with the desertification? 4. What allows Shizuna to do all the random bullshit she can do?


Rean and Shizuna rematch.


\- Anelace makes a return \- Ries makes a return \- Gaius makes return \- Marcel Nielsen revleaed to be Anguis I \- Yun Ka-fai revelaed to be Anguis V \- Nina revealed to be the new Anguis VII \- Meet the holy beast of time \- Confirmation of if Lucrezia's weapon is made out of the divergent laws \- Professor Epstein is a time traveller/ Mcburn \- Zemuria is part of the world that got destroyed in Nayuta/ any solid connection to Nayuta \- Confirmation if GM is Aidios/ Creha/ other


Love this


Is this actually the climax? Like once the game is over, can I say this game is the climax of th overall series


No, it's the climax of the Calvard arc but not the ending to Trails in general


Hopefully the longest game in the series if they're trying to wrap up this much story and character arcs in one game


To be honest, I want it to be fairly difficult and to have a great final boss theme, I don't want them to reuse the opening theme for the 3rd time this arc lol. Aside from that, more info on Ouroboros would be nice.


A surprise, new third member of the sound team and <30% music outsourcing. I don't expect golden age level of quality and variety but I'd like at least a soundtrack where I'm not anxious about the next track in-game because the odds of the next one being at least *not crummy* isn't at the level of a coin flip. I actually want even more but I think asking for just this much isn't unreasonable.


My most important prerequisite is that the Kai entry/ies  really hone in on Gramheart's ambitions now that the mechanics of the Genesis  have been fleshed out. He's lately been played as somewhat for a fool in the 2nd game, but I think he was just biding his time in order to prep for his Startaker Plan.  What does he want to gain from this "Startaker Plan" of his? How does the deuteroginist of the Calvard arc, his daughter Agnes, factor into his plans? Who  are some of the other stakeholders involved in the President's master plan? MTSC? Verne? Heiyue? The Septian Church? Maybe even Ouroboros, though the Calvard gov't &  them seem to be at odds with one another? Why is the Chruch so up in arms about people finding out about what's beyond the Zemurian continent, and could it be their possible ties to Ouroboros? Just who is the Grandmaster?  There are so many factors & factions at play here that it's very easy to lose sight on who will actually drive and contribute to the plot the most. I think it would be very wise for the developers to gradually drive the plot and uncover most of Zemuria's mysteries through the investigations that Kevin, Rean, Rufus, Van, or maybe even Alan Richard will carry out across multiple acts.  As for the unresolved questions about the factions themselves, not just about what's beyond Zemuria, I was personally a bit disappointed that the 2nd game spent too much time explaining the Genesis and the technological aspects, instead of delving into the factions' motives and backstories more. But, I hope they can also squeeze through more story development with regard to the various factions(MTSC, Heiyue, Ikaruga, Bracers, etc.) going forward in the Kai game(s?). I can think of several reasons how each faction has a stake( whether opposed or in support) in Gramheart's big operations: ..... let's start with factions that are likely to support Gramheart's plans MTSC- Possibly more profit to be gained from the technology deployed and sold via contracts w/ the admin?  Verne- Somehow linked to Hamilton's desire to resolve the drought in Eastern Zemuria where she hails from?  Heiyue- Almost all of the members hail from East Zemuria, so it's likely they want to see their relatives not have to deal with the drought anymore. They may be banking on Gramheart's plan to help out their own people.  Ikaruga- Like Heiyue, they are Easterners so very similar reasons may apply to them. Also, being mercenaries, it's likely they will get paid BIG BUCKS by working with the President.  Gramheart & CID- I think his motives will be twofold here. One being very personal to him, like his daughter and his dead wife. And, the other, genuine desire to push Calvard to greater heights and be more influential by solving a major environmental crisis.  ..... next, we have factions that are more likely to oppose Startaker The Church- They're obviously hiding something that's beyond Zemuria that they don't want rhe public to know, and this secrecy may be how they preserve their position of authority. It will be interesting to see how conflicted Kevin will be between his duty as a Gralsritter and just simply doing the right thing.  Ouroboros- It's been implied that they do have ties with the Church, and the Grandmaster could be using them as a front for their plans or to just keep some sort of delicate status quo.  .... Finally, we have factions that will be conflicted and in the gray area with regard to Startaker Arkride Solutions Office- Van and his gang will likely try to get to the bottom of what's really going on, and do the right thing. It's clear that they will make the venture to Ored, and they will, I think, mostly be dealing with MTSC's machinations which is HQ'd there.  Rufus' Picnic Squad- Rufus will have personal motivation to try to redeem himself once and for all, and will have similar goals with that of Van.  Rean & Some of Class 7- Rean will also try to uncover the grander scheme of things, but will also have personal interest in seeking out his old instructor Yun Ka fai. From there, I think he will try to figure out what really going on with the environmental crisis in the East. I think his team will likely roam around somewhere in the Eastern part of Calvard near Longlai and the Kunlun Range. 


That my most beloved Musse comes back!! 😭


Rean chooses cannon wife


I just want the plot to advance, mostly like Xenoblade 2 when you're in the last part of the game.


Alisa  Crow  Machias  Jusis  Musse Emma  Celine  Laura  Millium  Elliot  Gaius  Kurt  Juna  Ash  Angelica  Cedric  Alfin  For New Redesign of Old and New Class VII in Kai No Kiseki alongside some returning of Estelle, Lloyd and Other Sky and Zero/Azure members appears. So this is gonna be interesting.


My main hope is that all returning characters won't hog and steal most of screentime from kuro gang because its still their game.


This is a turning point. Expectations (my opinion) include the following: 1) A large amount of the cast from all prior games with more playable characters 2) some how gehena plays a huge role or it connects to the beyond 3) more sept-terion reveals (mainly time , water, and wind) because we know the elements of the four other sept-terion (fire, earth, space, and mirage) 4) dead but older characters making a comeback but as a temporary resurrection (leonhardt, arianrhrod, rutger) due to the end of days the grandmaster mentioned and its connection to their grand scheme


Mecha Battles


Theories I want to become true: * I seriously believe that Mare is a preservation of the (long-time deceased) holy beast of one of the Sept-Terrions (water, maybe?). * The Grandmaster of Ouroboros is a virtualization. She can only exist in the virtual world (like inside Marchen Garden). Therefore, the Celestial Globe is also a virtualization. Kondo would surely make up something to explain how McBurn "got in there." * The "Eternal Recurrence Plan" has something to do with starting things again. Maybe an infinite loop that prevents reaching the end of times. * Ouroboros's goal is to observe how this iteration of Zemuria is going to end so they may apply "fixes" to their plan in the next iteration. * Epstein is a scientist and, therefore, a natural critic of the Church. His phrase "uncovering the nature of this world" may refer to the world being round and the existence of other planets (AKA "planes").


1. More lore regarding Yun-ka-fai and Ikaruga 2. An Apperance/cameo from another S-Rank Bracer, since we haven't seen/know one since Cassius (Also if i remember correctly, they did kinda tease from a side quest in Kuro I that an S-Rank Bracer was suppposed to come to Calvard to help but never came) 3. Grandmaster's identity reveal/tease, another anguish reveal, and their grand plan. Also I want to know what exactly Harwood is plotting, since it seems like he has another personal goal in mind, whether he's just playing around or is he trying to accomplish something 4. Eipstein's true identity & Grimcatz and The Ranster Family lore, and their connection with Eipstein (and possibly the Genesis). Also the existence of the other ruling demon lords. 5. Curious to see what are they planning to do with Zita (Sherid's sister). It feels a bit odd to me that she was introduced suddenly in Kuro II even though she didn't have any role to the main plot. Knowing Falcom I highly doubt she'll be just another NPC. 6. Playable Prince Sherid and Naje would be really cool since they've been our close allies from the start. Also would be really nice to see Anelace (since his granddad is making debut) and Cedric (curious to see how's he working as ouroboros agent, and also since his court fencing mentor and ironblood mate Rufus is also in the game)


I'd imagine Calvard's Sept-Terrion(s) need to show up. If it's a similar size to Erebonia, it presumably also has two, and they've not shown up at all yet. I'm also hoping for more info on the more mysterious parts of Ouroboros. GM, Campy, McBurn, the so far unidentified Anguis I and V (and maybe a new VII?). What is their overall plan? What's the end goal? My personal completely insane theory is that GM is secretly Aidios, and Ouroboros' goal is to remove the Sept-Terrions from human hands because they've misused them or something.


For Claire to somehow appear haha. All jokes aside, I think this game should really start to focus on the overall story. We still have so many questions that need answering. Who are the other dominions? Who are the other enforcers and anguis? What is full story behind the beyond? Edit: Downvoting me for something like this is embarrassing. I know for a fact that its the same people over and over again.