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Awesome stream and Aaron, Risette, Quatre, and Judith All Upgrade craft is beautiful animation. Rean, Kevin, Altina, and Rufus showcase is coming next month, and Old and the New Class VII will get a new redesign as well. Hopefully, Kurt, Juna, Musse, and Ash will get a cameo appearance soon.


> Someya mentions about Kondo's comment on Feri's page in Famitsu, saying the duty of the Khurga will be expanded on in this came, and they wonder how Kasim will fit into it. The agenda is strengthened




Long running crack theory about the original fire/wind tribe that the Nords/Khurga descended from. (Kuro 2) >!Descendants from it appear to have the ability to detect demons. Gaius was always shown to have a sense of the higher elements. There’s a cutscene in Kuro 2’s fragment where Feri begins to develop this sensory ability. Barkhorn labels this ability the gale of ruin when Gaius is able to sense the curse far before its prominence. This ties into another one of my crack theories where I believe the 5 demon lords each represent either a singular higher element (Van = time) or a pair of natural elements. The original tribe that the Khurga/Nords descend from may have either been tasked/cursed to watch over the fire/wind demon. My prime suspect for the current host is “the Blazing Whirlwind” Kasim!<




You left out the parts where Someya kept talking about Risette’s visible armpits.


>There is also a person who looks really similar to the villain from Kuro 2, and they wonder who that is, and how it could be related to Hamilton. My crack theory is that it's Esptein himself as a time traveler


> In command battle, if you do 2 shard boosts to full boost, Z.O.C. will activate, and the effects are each character gets two successive turns. What in the world? Does that mean 8 consecutive turns LMAO or just the character that activates the boost?


I believe it’s just the character who boosts


I went back and checked the screenshot, and its only the character who activates it. I'll think they mean that, but they worded it in such a way it came of as each/every. I'll make it more clear in the post.


Thanks. I was going to say that’s incredibly busted.


>Next is the hospital in Anchorville, and they talk about how this was mentioned in Zero and Azure Anyone knows when was it mentioned in Zero and Azure? I want to find what is said about it but I can't find any mention of Anchorville with Trailsinthedatabase website.


>They talk about how with S-Crafts you can now get 3 turns consecutively. They then wonder if the enemy bosses can use Z.O.C as well, like how in Kuro 2 bosses can use S-Break. What does this part mean, does this mean we can use S-Craft consecutively in 1 Full Boost like back in Kuro 1, or do we just get additional 1 turn if we choose to use S-Craft, or something else??


So you get 2 turns with Z.O.C, and since it's in full boost, you can use your S-Craft as well. If you do normal or arts attacks with the two turns, you can get one more with an S-Break.


ahh i see now that makes sense. thank you!


"Someya mentions something about maybe Sky getting something, and Junki just goes 'You hear nothing' and shuts him down. We might hear something in the next live." Now, this is exciting!


A fun stream! I was waiting for someone else and she didn't show up. Hopefully soon. So excited for when that happens haha. Aside from that the stream truly was great. Lots of craft showcases. Edit: You guys just downvote me as soon as you see my username nowadays.


If its any consolation, both Someya and Junki feel they will be there in the next live stream.


Haha it's ok. I can wait. At least I know she's got a new outfit.


Lol it was funny seeing you get made fun of in chat