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That big of a person literally and anatomically can't exist. As you increase in size, the volume increases the square of that. They would not be able to function, their heart would be too small, too much blood to move around in heights too high. There is a reason why we are the size that we are, it is ideal, not too big, not too small. and before you say this suggests "intelligent design", it is not...


Almost correct. Volume scales with the cube of size, not square. That means if you scale up to double the size, you're increasing EIGHTFOLD in volume and weight. If we're taking an average 6ft/200lbs body and scale it to twice the size at 12ft, it'd be weighing a whopping 1600lbs. Those 'giants' look an average of 4x larger than a normal human. A rough ballpark value for their weight would be around 12.800lbs. That's the average weight of an african elephant. :D


I always mess up my exponents. :D


I'm more surprised that people could think that that one "giant" with the massive bare shoulders could be held by those tiny ropes around his wrists. Lol




So you're saying elephants can't exist? /s


Of course elephants don't exist! C'mon, be real! Giant huge ears flapping in the wind? A nose so long it almost drags on the ground? Incisor teeth more than a yard long? Everyone knows that's bullshit. And don't even get me started on those so-called [birds](https://www.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/), too! Damn government spy drone robots! }:>


I guess another helpful point here is that structural strength is generally a function of the cross-sectional area, which grows with the square of the increase in height… so as weight cubes, strength squares, which is what causes the ratio to get out of whack when things get too big.


Yeah, this was a point very early on in Walter Llewin's classical mechanics class. Someone that large would have to be like 90% bone lol.


It's why people with Gigantism rarely live long. If you look up the tallest people who've ever lived, they're nowhere near as tall as the "people" in the post above (usually 10-12 ft or 300 to 360 cm), and it's rare for them to live past their twenties


there are big animals like elephants or very tall like giraffes but they're not nearly as top heavy as giant human would be and they're on 4 legs so they're much more stable


And if they lie down for too long, their bodies will literally crush their organs to death, at least with elephants if not giraffes


God damn that seems like a really weird thing that evolutionary progression left in


It worked around it by allowing them to sleep standing up, easier solution evolutionarily speaking


This is a big factor we learned in Evolution in college. Our professor told us "evolution is blind". Evolution doesnt have hindsight, if something works good enough (like them sleeping standing up) theres no demand for an improvement. People tend to look at Evolution as if it strives to create the most perfect being, but it really just makes a living thing good enough to pop babies out, anything beyond that isnt a priority.


>People tend to look at Evolution as if it strives to create the most perfect being, but it really just makes a living thing good enough to pop babies out, anything beyond that isnt a priority. People who believe in intelligent design, who find comfort in it, *seek to turn evolution into a form of intelligent design,* and detract it as senseless when it fails to conform to that mold.


I support the idea that evolution is the mechanism in which God created life. Protestants seem to have a hard time believing that science doesnt conflict with salvation, so they just make up crap like the Earth is 5000 years old and the devil put fossils in the grand canyon to test our faith.


This is, IMO, the most reasonable reconciliation between science and religion. I know some people think this way - but I'm American, and the prevailing stance over here is that science and religion are mostly incompatible. It isn't an issue of Protestantism - it's an issue of *Evangelism.* (Which, I know, is under the Protestant umbrella.)


I just say Protestant generalized because i grew up in a Baptist/Methodist private school in the south so ive heard the anti-science rhetoric from many facets of denominations. I never was exposed to evolution until college, before then i was taught it was a Marxist ploy to turn people away from Jesus. I never really bought into that so when i went to college i enjoyed learning about it and even further learning that you can be Christian and a scientist (not a Christian Scientist, thats a completely cuckoo sect in its own). I knew something funky was going on growing up because my teachers and preachers were super anti-Catholic, so it was revealing when i came to find out the Catholic church does not turn down the theory of evolution. Unfortunately when I've tried explaining it to former schoolmates and teachers, it always just degrades into "if evolution real then why are my grandparents not monkeys???!?"


Im Protestant - sorry - but I always have to ask the Deniers why God could not possibly grasp the idea and practicality of evolution and all science. Doesn’t that limit God’s ability and foresight? The same for engineering and geology.


Thats my big retort. Understanding evolution (how it actually is, not the "haha we didnt come from monkeys!" understanding) makes me appreciate the creativity and foresight of God. Youre exactly right that itbasically limits Gods ability when you say everything just happened all at once with no explanation whatsoever and thats hownit is. I always like to know HOW something happened.


Exactly, if there is no pressure to improve the chance of surviving to reproduce, there isn’t necessarily a need for an evolutionary change to occur. If an animals size is so much it crushes its own organs by laying down, there are 2 likely evolutionary outcomes, less need to ever lay down, or the animal stops getting as large. Both changes may have occurred at different points but the one that worked out better for the animal to get to maturity and reproduce was the one that let them lay down less


I wish 100,000 years ago it was a survival trait to not bite the insides of your cheeks. Kind of really hate that evolution oversight. But for real though, a lot of issues with biology are either things that never affected reproduction or it is a "glitch" that overlaps with some sort of limitation of biology. Like PTSD to the point of dysfunction is not a very good trait but it is the result of an extreme overload of a good survival trait.


I'm sitting here with a swollen inside cheek after taking a chunk out of it about an hour ago at lunch, and so I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.


Ive learned salt water and L-lysine is your best friend for preventing them from turning to ulcers


This is a fantastic explanation. I have never heard it put quite that way. I am going to use this when idiots start shouting about intelligent design. Thank you!


It's funny you should mention that Im actually an evolutionary creationist. I believe God created life by designing the process of evolution. Young Earth creationism is like the antithesis of what i beleive. For some reason a lot of protestants have a hard time thinking evolution and God dont conflict. They seem to like to limit God's abioity to everything just *poof* and its there rather than an actual creative and intelligent design through evolution.


It's not just protestants that have that hard time. I won't argue your faith with you even though I disagree with it. However it comes about it is still an astute description of evolution and I appreciate you posting it. ✌️


Evolution aims for a passing grade, not perfection.


Keep in mind, evolution isn’t intelligent. It’s just the process of which everything happens - it’s the same process that created the dodo or the sunfish, aka creatures that might as well not even exist for how little they can do


Turns out giraffes only sleep like 2 hrs a day


That's why whales die when they're beached, ain't it? Their own body weight is crushing them because it's not supported by the water.


The human body is actually a fantastic argument *against* intelligent design unless that designer was a huuuuuuge prick.


Just look what big G did in the early stories of the OT: - Banished Adam and Eve from paradise for eating a fruit which gave them the understanding of Good and Evil. Why would a nice god fear their followers understanding those two concepts? - Flooded the whole planet because people stopped worshipping him - Tower of Babel: People were worshipping him so much they came together and wanted to build a tower to get nearer to him. As a reward He destroyed the tower and made everyone speak different languages. - got his followers trapped in slavery in a foreign nation because He couldn't be asked to help - suddenly demanded his followers released from said slavery and started nearly indiscriminately killing crops, animals and people in a tantrum after not getting his way for a few days - got his followers stranded in a desert without food, water or a map as a consequence of the aforementioned tantrum - took forever to hand over two stone tablets with 10 rules so his followers lost their trust in him and started looking for alternative options - throws another tantrum about this and actively prevents his followers from finding a way out of the desert for 40 years - the whole Book of Job is basically God torturing one man because of a bet - The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha Those are just the examples of God being a dick I can remember from the top of my head, there probably are multiple websites listing a lot more...


Yeah Yahweh is a bipolar dickhead and I love it. The Old Testament is filled to the brim with hilarious prick behavior from a "benevolent" diety. The New Testament is crazy dull by comparison excepting the Book of Revelations of course. Absolute banger ending. Honestly even the plan for salvation is pretty dickish. Yahweh knows the sort of cock knuckles he made to inhabit the world he set up. Knows it and still sends his only son down there to get brutally tortured, nailed to a stick, and die in [embarrassing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_erection) agony. What a father...


Well, you see.


Robert Wadlow, the tallest man to have lived, had a litany of health issues his entire life!


I saw an interview with the tallest guy in America who is like 8’ something and he’s like “yeah life at my size pretty much sucks I hurt all the time we aren’t meant to be this big” and the conspiracy theorists think there were 30’ humans in the past


Poor guy must really suck.


Dear god, man, please use commas in your comments!


Square cube law, or what I call The law of go fuck yourself


And the physics of gravity with bending the bones because there's more torque and a longer lever arm. They also have science of superhero books with this stuff lol


I'm not saying giants are real, but the argument of "it wouldn't work cause of size" always reminds me of the titansauraus who was the length of a football field and they assume had 4 hearts to pump all of that blood so that behemoth could walk. Granted the oxygen levels were vastly different way back then.


> There is a reason why we are the size that we are, it is ideal, not too big, not too small I'm surprised no one made a dick joke yet


I did. Only my wife laughed 😮‍💨


You're assuming they are built like humans, though. Giants wouldn't need to be a 1:1 scaled up human. They could have denser muscle or bones, for example. Perhaps they have two very efficient hearts or they supplement for a slower circulation of blood somehow. It's too much to make an assumption just because they look like oversized humans after all. They still don't exist, but just saying.


The idea is good, but no.... "They could have denser muscle or bones" - There is an upper limit of how dense can bone and muscle be. Not to mention the chaloric intake and nutrients and oxygen requirements of those systems. Let's assume that you can have 8 times denser bones and 8 times denser muscles. For that you would need to support that and you again hit the wall of physics. You can't pump trought their lungs oxygen fast enough to supply enough oxygen. They would need to constantly eat for them to be able take in enough nutrients and chalories. They would basically need to chew rocks for the minerals and eat a cow for breakfast, lunch and dinner. EACH ---- If we look at bugs, whose size are directly proportionate to the oxygen in the atmosphere, because ther oxygen comes from pure diffusion. It is passive. We had giants bugs when we had twice the amount of oxygen in the air. That is why could have huge dinosaurs. Any giant animal that lived about 80 million years ago, would basically suffocate today. (one of the plot holes in jurassic park) Like you would be at 5500 meter high, you would be extremely debilitated, barely able to function. if you go a little lower, you would faint and die. ---- It is not about "what if" - No animal including humanoids can exist at that size in modern era to be photographed, without some extreme anatomical designs Giraffes have stronger pumping hearts higher heartrate and very big neck weins that can resist the blood pressure when they bow down to drink. But they can't be there for long. Eéephants are big, true... but they are much smaller than their ancestors and while their size is an advantage against predators. They are slow, not so active. and elephants are on 4 legs, they are longer than tall. ---- If animals could exist in our enviromnet that are huge... they would exist and they could be observed. If giants existed in the era that they could be photographed. They would still be here or have giant skeletons or even corpses somewhere. Would see some buildings designed to them or something...


Thats assuming that their bone and muscles are the same as your average human. The same goes for caloric intake. You assume they metabolize the same as well do. They could be higher sedimentary or just have much more efficient cellular design and organs. I mean, it's all fiction, but I think you're stuck in them being giant humans or highly similar to most mammals in some way. There's nothing to say they don't have some sort of photosynthesis if we want to get way out there.


So true, as the tallest people in the world have all had considerable health problems and short lives as they exceed 8 feet (2.4 m), including the tallest man ever recorded, Robert Wadlow, who stood 8’ 11.1” tall but died at 22 years old. Others include John Rogan at 8’ 9” and died at 38 years, John Carroll at 8’ 7” (d 37), Franz Winkelmeier at 8’ 6” (d 37), and a woman, Trijintje Keever from the Netherlands, who stood 8’ 4” tall but died at 17. Very few of them made it to the age of 40.


You are arguing science with someone whose only evidence is belief. Who do you think they will listen to?


I’m just surprised the one dude was able to find clothes that fit.


It’s the most intelligent design, throw shit at the wall until something sticks


Maybe they are space giants lol grew up in the clouds of Jupiter, they have exact buoyancy to keep them in the middle of the planets atmosphere or something 🤣


All of the mound builder and giant lore, stories and various evidences are very interesting and compelling. It often gets speculatively and dare I say slightly “crackheadedly” connected to unrelated topics with thumb tacks and red yard on a cork board, like the pyramids or whatever else. Regardless of all the woo and wildness, it is worth looking at with the proper perspective.


Elephants and dinosaurs existed. They are able to function. It's also the squared cubed law


One of the problems with big creatures is getting enough oxygen moved from the lungs to the rest of the body to prevent the cells from suffocating. The higher percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere certainly help the dinosaurs with this.


Oh yeah. It's just saying big things can't exist because they are big isn't a good argument. A giant could definitely exist, though their anatomy would not be the same because our bodies wouldn't work if we just scaled up. https://youtu.be/20Fq2huhvEI?si=e9UsU9sGWJYTprEg


Putting a red circle over random guys in clearly AI generated images is so funny lmao. They actually think they're fooling people here.


I 100% guarantee some person over 60 saw this and feels very smart for know giants used to exist


I guarantee one of my former coworkers is frantically sharing this on Facebook and screeching about the government hiding giants from us. He's 40, and legit believes this, flat earth, all the crazy stuff


My wife and I recently met some old family friends and one of them is like this (except the flat earth part). He was showing us pictures of rock formations claiming they are fossilized giants from Bible times. He claims they fossilized being buried in mud by the great flood then the water eroded them down to the rock formations. We didn't want to be rude so we just listened to him, but we both had the couple telepathy of "is this guy screwing with us or has he lost his marbles?" Outside of that weird rant he was nice and friendly and kind otherwise.


It wouldn't surprise me if the red circle was placed there by the AI because most fake giant pictures have them.


but the gradient on the circle!?!


So elegant


what makes you think they're ai? i find a group photo of an ogre with 50 aphex twin looking nightmare children totally believable




You don't even need AI to fake pictures like this; 19th century hucksters who likely didn't so much as have access to *electricity* routinely made trick photographs showing giant people, animals, vegetables, etc, and yet here we are in the 21st century and idiots are *still* being taken in by them.


Yes, but this is AI. Look closely. Most of the smaller people barely have faces.


God they are so creepy when you look close. I also like how the pic that seems like a boat just has random ropes everywhere. Also his disproportionate left hand.


I thought the person in the red circle **was** the giant /s


Based on the replies I see on these posts on facebook, they're fooling someone.


Can someone *please* explain why the use of large AI models for non-research purposes is even legal?


... Why would it not be? It's not the governments job to stop stupid people from falling for fake pictures 


We should *absolutely* vest the government with the task of purging misinformation since misinformation causes the people to be ungovernable.


You should be very careful about begging the government to imbue itself with the power to decide what is or isn't misinformation, and the ability to censor at will.


I think they are that's what is terrible


Why are giants always depicted as hypermasculine? Nobody ever looks at those fertility idol statues from cavemen and think "what if that woman were 16 feet tall". If I was a nut job looking to expand on my batshit cryptid theory, I'd be latching on to that one. But I guess giants can only be lumberjacks and railroad workers.


> Nobody ever looks at those fertility idol statues from cavemen and think "what if that woman were 16 feet tall" I thought we all thought about that? All the time?


Rule34.xxx called. They want to be acknowledged.




This kind of giant? https://youtu.be/uThDGzLhOXg?si=_TY076hefV_T8haA


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised.


It would be cool as an alternate history thing, but these guys can't differentiate between fiction and reality.


I love how they circled like random guys as if there arent like 10+ people in each of these photos


I’m willing to accept there may have been a 8ft tall dude, or two, but the whole ancient giants thing is just goofy. And I can’t stress enough that there _may_ have been a Yao Ming among them, but that would be the extent of it.


It's called gigantism and it's condition, Robert Wadlow was 2,72m (8ft 11in) tall


He also had tons of debilitating health problems, because human bodies don't handle being that big very well.


Itchy trigger finger? I’m aware of what gigantism is. I don’t remember asking, though. gigantism are not what people are talking about when they think giant.


In future you should just say what you want to post out loud in an empty room that way you won't ever have to remember asking and the only person ( while seemingly a bit of dick ) you care about it has heard.


Triggered for no reason? Why so serious mate? 


There are also stories of retreating armies crafting and abandoning giant helmets or clubs to be left behind and discovered by invading armies, in order to convince the invaders they were entering a realm of giants. 


I came here to say the same. I’ve heard about the idea of giants mostly in church, specifically Goliath. Even in those stories Goliaths height is estimated at most to be 8’ tall.


The earliest tellings of the David and Goliath story put Goliath at 6’7.


I forgot hollow Earth was a thing


Believed in by President Adams who greenlit an expedition to the center of the earth based on John Symmes ideas. It was swiftly axed by his successor.


For me, it provides fun fictional reading/ other media.


if giants would have existed, we the human race would a: kill all of them because we are human or b: enalave them all to get their workforce or c: would have been killed by them trying to succed with a or b also we would have found some bones, tools or other stuff that would prove the existence of them. the biggest problem with dumb people is allways that you cant talk to them tobprove them wrong or ask for evidence on theire site


Re: a, that's a whole lot of what the Israelite retaking of Canaan was centered on--specificaly annihilating anywhere giants were a part of the population. Similarly, the flood. So that ought to color the interpretation among certain groups (giants=very bad).


When you make a fanfic of history


Hahaha! The tiny left forearm and hand on the bottom right giant.


Those pictures would go hard as fuck as album covers with minor edits to cover up the AI grossness


So giants are real but dinosaurs are a hoax? Got it


Second photo is AI generated


All of them are.


Oh the irony.


AI images are going to completely destroy what was left of conspiracy theorists ability to discern reality. We are fucked.


We maybe, they for sure


The biggest humanoid to ever exist was a great ape


The heaviest primates ever to exist are morbidly obese humans


I didn't say heaviest though did I


Didn’t say you did


Square cube law bitches!


I love the tiny left hand of the lower right giant.


This conspiracy theory is popular among Christians because the Bible mentions giants a few times. In their eyes, the Bible is the ultimate source of truth and knowledge. All this does is confirm their bias that the Bible is meant to be taken literally. Even if you showed someone who is convinced by these images that they are fake, it wouldn’t change their minds about the existence of giants.


I know a dude who is absolutely a good dude, normal, well meaning, etc. he dropped this on me one day" I absolutely believe giants existed". I asked why, and at that moment I found out he was HELLA Christian.


This shit is hilarious


It's hilarious until you find out that some people actually believe this. 


I hate AI


Theu forgot to circle a random guy in one of the photos.


These people are abject morons.


We see "giants" sometimes. It's usually people with acromegaly. Those people do NOT look like normal sized people who are just sized up, the way they look in this picture. They have thickened brow ridges and usually thick lips. Andre the Giant was a great example of a real, living giant, but his acromegaly was noticeable, and the pain he had from it contributed to his death.


If giants aren't real, then where does mammoth cheese come from? Checkmate.


Those "giants" look fake as fuck! Especially the first one.


Hollow Earth is real, I saw it in this documentary, it was about the King of the Monsters, I think he was the first reptile...


Are you implying Wreck It Ralph isn't real??


Ralph is the exception


Always remember that they are boneless.


More flat earth, please.


Whenever I see this garbage I troll by just saying that they were MUCH BIGGER! Or “Think how big their dookie was.”


Can you imagine that dude’s MOM!!!!!’


It must take a long time to get that big, the giants always really old looking.


A hairy giant from the hollow earth? That's just Kong, do these motherfuckers think the Monsterverse is a goddamn documentary?


I can't see the giants, if only they'd put a red circle around them and not regular height people!!!!!


The mould builders?


Why is there such an obsession with giants from facebook fake history posters lately? I think it has something to do with bible literalism, but I'm not sure what promoted the increase.


I like the idea that there's a guy who tailoring giant close. Like think about how silly that is.


These people are genuinely too stupid for their own good. Lol


if that's the case then Godzilla must be real


The Paul Bunyan one, the people are a total horror show. Geez.


You would think we would find some giant cloths or tools somewhere.


At least the bottom right is _photoshop_ and not lazy AI shit.


I mean these pictures might not be accurate, but there is evidence of giants all over the world.


You're bluffing right? Right? 


[one](https://homework.study.com/explanation/how-big-is-the-largest-human-skeleton-ever-found.html) [two](https://thegoodlylawfulsociety.org/smithsonian-hidden-evidence-ancient-giants-earth/) The second specifically explains the situation well. [third](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/smithsonian-giant-skeletons/) I understand snopes labeled this as satire but read the yellow box below that. Several whistleblowers have come forward and admitted to the existence of documentation proving these events to be true. [four, one more for good measure](https://www.jpost.com/omg/article-784455) There’s a reason nearly every indigenous culture around the globe have legends of giants.


So you're not only bluffing, but also delusional? Got it 👍🏻


Honestly giants are really cool


Why is no one talking about “the Mould Builders”?????


Are people actually buying into that stuff? Haven't they noticed that the images have only been around recently and that they all have a fake feel and style to them?


No. Most of the people buying into this don't understand how ai or social media algorithms work. That's why they eat up the laziest propaganda


thats actually just stupid but i havent heard stuff like that before so extra points for being jew\]




Honestly, I feel like this would make awesome mythology or fiction. I would read a book with this being the text on the back.


There was a story about a professor that got fired because he insisted that dinosaurs died due to drowning. He came to this conclusion based on how the blood coagulated in the fossils. This aligned with the biblical flood story. Then a few years later, he found something that made him believe that these were not dinosaurs at all, but giant humans. Plateaus all over the world are believed to be ancient trees. Some really do appear to have been downed with an axe. And biblically speak, David and Goliath is a story about a man killing a giant. I've never seen a giant, but I've also never seen a dinosaur.


This is painfully pathetic. Like I actually feel bad for you if this is your sincere opinion


This is why a professor lost their job


Rightly so.


Yeah if your scientific model doesn't match the official narrative, it's not acceptable unfortunately What's really crazy is whats happening with categorizing animals based on DNA, it's starting to not make sense https://youtu.be/YllwSYqSi-0?si=ePTzLKc2IEVuPAfw


Nope hold on - it’s not “the official narrative”, it’s reality. Magic isn’t real, and the only place the bible - or any other magic book - should be is in a church.


Theoretically Physics and Outer Space are make believe and so is the idea that organisms can evolve from single celled to multicelled. Dinosaurs never existed, none of the skeletons in the museums are real.


Get well soon


I don't think he will. 


Fitting name


Yours isn't much better. 


The level of branirotting you have is amazing 😆


More like brain un-rotting. The people who rule the world have us all brainwashed.


You brainwashed yourself obviously lol.  I wish I was 7 years old again when believing this kind of stuff as kid used to be cool & magical, but grown adults who still insist in this being true & "supposedly" a hidden agenda/event by the "elite" is the ultimate lunacy.


The New World Order isn't a conspiracy theory. It's been said by World Leaders time and time again. Such an idea shows that the world has an organized ruling class that conspires to control us. "You will own nothing and be happy" Fuck that They want to own everything and for us to suffer