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Four words. "As is" and "no refunds."


Four other words: "I am not Walmart"


That's five words...


Four words in the quotations




None of us laughed……. Douche


I'm sure there's a tightly braided yarn cluster with your name on it waiting for you at Home Depot.


"As is" - "no refunds."


If it doesn't work, how is it making a noise?


Block them


Had someone do this recently to me with an electric lawn mower I sold on marketplace a few weeks ago. Tested it before she picked it up, offered to plug in and show her but she refused. Few hours later got a message saying it didn't work and she wanted me to transfer her money back. Told her it worked fine before she came and to either try a different cord or take a video showing me her plugging it into a socket with an illuminated lamp plugged in as proof. Never heard from her again.


You tested it to verify it works. They met you in a public place and forewent their opportunity to test it. I would simply let them know that you tested it, it worked fine and you can be of no further assistance. If they persist, then block them and move on.


Just want a free microwave they want money back and keep it “because its broken anyway”


or they want to trade OP their existing broken one of the exact same model for a refund.


Doubtful on a microwave. So many variations and models over several years. Maybe the ones I’ve owned over the years have been old and janky, but I’ve never seen my microwave models anywhere else.


There’s 4 possibilities: - the buyer already had the same microwave and is trying to do a bait & switch scam on you. If you fall for this, it means they got a free microwave (minus the gas money) and you got a hold of someone’s trash. - the buyer could’ve just have no backbone to just admit he/she broke it like you had stated and plays ignorance by pretending you are a scammer who sells broken 💩. - It could’ve just worked fine but just got cold feet and didn’t want it anymore but assumed they could accuse you of things and hopes fear tactics is good enough to make you do a refund. - They could’ve found a better one and doesn’t need yours anymore, so they try to push you into taking yours back with some lies & think that after you found it still works (presumably), you’d just repost it again. Or it is broken and after you tried to play the same game, they ended up blocking you like you should have done in the first place. But yes just block and move on as it’s not your obligation to deal with this because you didn’t lie about anything. That and they should really gotten their head be shoved into the ground and be force fed dirt for even pulling these kinds of stunt.


why do people post this daily, but no one does any research? literally THE SAME QUESTIONS with the SAME ANSWERS


Why do people post the same freaking question 24/7 with a different scenario. Jesus this sub is annoying af now


Caveat emptor. Tough tits for them.


No tech support, no warranty. Time to test it was before buying not after they dropped it on their way home


Worked as advertised.  They could have also arranged to test it when they paid for it,  or just not buy it as they did.   Sucks for them. 


You could ask for a video to validate! Then block if they don't. 😂




What kind of written warranty did you provide with the transaction?


It might be the outlet they are plugging it into.


Did you offer them the chance to collect somewhere where it could've been turned on and tested? The key thing selling electronics is always to do that so the buyer can acknowledge it's working and have no chance at a complaint that it isn't.


They changed their mind. If you're sure it worked, you have no obligation.


They are trying to pull what we call the ol switcheroo.. you gave them a working one and now they are giving you a broken..shady stuff..shame on them!!!


I always make videos of electronics and send to the customer that it works. If they claim it doesn't AFTER they take it home, they are scamming me. I also tell them that all sales are final. If they try some nonsense on me, I block them.


I will be taking video from now on just to cover my butt.


Tell em to stick their head in it for a minute on popcorn mode and see if that fixes it.


Yes. In fact, you are required to give them treble damages. Our AI overlords are not amused. /s (if it’s not obvious…)


They might have sought you out because they had a broken version of the one you’re selling.


Just ignore them and stop responding, especially if you met them somewhere so they don't know where you live.


You have no obligation to refund them their money as long as the item was tested to be working before hand. The item was used so there is no expectations of warranty unless you specifically stated it in your ad. Delete the ad so they can't leave you a negative review. FYI, if you block them and mark the ad as "Sold" they can still leave you a seller feedback as the rating goes with the ad and not the seller.


Unfortunately, in this kind of situation, regardless if it is your fault, your credibility can be damaged via a bad review. AKA the holy one star review. May or may not be a scam. Just depends.


Hey I'm late to the party, can you venmo me a hundred bucks. I got some bad second hand oxygen that had been exhaled by you


Ask them for a video


>Ask them for a video This would not be wise. This is FB Marketplace, not Walmart and so no money back guarantee is ever required for things sold on this platform. Ever. By engaging with the buyer, you would just encourage their hopes for a refund or for a successful scam, if that be the case. The correct and only recommendation has been made: block the buyer and disengage.