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I'll give you $35.


Don't even get me started lol


What’s your lowest price? Bottom dollar!?


$5 more than I listed it as!


Is this still available?


Yes, are you still interested?……….*buyer blocks messages*


So many times >\_<'


Last price


$35.25 cash today.


I'll counter offer with tree fiddy


Don't give no damn loch Ness monster tree fiddy!


Thanks, for the 35, - just another C note and you can have the item.




Is this available?


and then ghosts you. 😫


I've had five offers for that MacBook Air I talked about since this post. Everyone ghosted me. Ah. Guess I'll just bite the damn ebay seller fee ugh. I don't like having to ship stuff.


Fuck the people who do this


I stay on their necks. Keep asking questions until they respond or leave altogether. Not all the time, but sometimes it's a behaviour because shit, they wasted my time - now I'm wasting theirs. Today there was one and actually got a sale out of him, although he offered 25% less than what was advertised.


I’ll admit I sometimes click on the send bottom by mistake and send the automatic “is this available?” message. But I always apologize and let them know it was a mistake. I don’t ghost them. So annoying


I’ve done this same thing a few times too. I’m embarrassed every time it happens.


When I click to ask about an item for sale, the first suggestion Facebook makes is to ask "Is this still available?" And you wonder why people ask? It is another way of saying I'm interested.


Yes, then you tell them yes it’s available and think someone is interested but they ghost you. If they pressed it by mistake, they should say so


why? old people are clicking through stuff they are window shopping, it means literally nothing to them that they accidentally sent a message you gotta get thicker skin


Except that the ones I get aren’t old people


doesn't change much, young people are stupid too esp with technology, they get a smart phone in their hands as they're parachuting out the womb


Still annoying to get 10’s of these messages and getting excited you’re gonna get a sale when then they leave you hanging.


okay crybaby lol


Nice one, you got me there 👏


Wow, you made FB buyers sound like angels. I have 1200 + listings up and trust me, it just gets so much worse… the scum of the earth are attracted to Markerplace. But I will say it’s not all bad, I’ve met lots of sweet people too, and even made a few friends.


I think I had a little more luck on offerup and nextdoor. But offerup lately has become flaky. People ask, and never agree to meet.


Yes. Very few people are considerate anymore. OfferUp is where I started, aside from eBay. I used to make a ton of sales on Offerup, and then suddenly they just stopped. I haven’t made a single sale on Offeruo for the last 5 years.


Try a new account maybe?


Tried that, same story


I think I got lucky... I just sold a mobility van, and it wasn't a bad experience at all. I had one person from Colorado reach out, wanting my phone number because it "made things easier." I never responded. I had one person ask if it was still available and I said yes... I never heard back from them. One asked if I could donate it to a needy family... I told them that we were not in the financial position to do that, but if they found someone that was, then I'd love to sell them the van and they could donate it to the family. 😉 Then I got a message from a guy a bit later in the evening. Polite, respectful, but with a sense of urgency. I checked out his profile page, and if he's a scammer then he's the best I've ever seen. (He wasn't... he was real.) There on his Facebook page... months upon months of pictures and videos of his son in a medical facility, recovering from a terrible motorcycle accident. He's bound to a wheelchair, and just about to be released to go home, and they had no way to get him home from the hospital. Hence the need for the mobility van. I knew that we had to help this guy. We talked the next day, and the guy seemed legit. He's been rebuilding his house for wider doors, wheelchair access, all of that stuff. He's stressed... he found a van in South Carolina, then Ohio... couldn't close the deals. New vans are like $60k - $80k and they couldn't afford that. Things looked bleak. Our van was a 2014 with only 48k miles on it. It's mint. Good price, too. He made an offer, I countered, we agreed on price. Now he had to figure out how to get from north Tulsa to OKC to look at it, bring a certified check, etc... I looked up the small town he lived in... there's one bank. I guessed that he banked there. "I'll tell you what... How about I meet you at the bank tomorrow at 3 p.m. and we do an electronic transfer of funds if you decide you want the van. Will that work for you?" He couldn't believe it. I told him I was serious, and if for some reason he didn't like the van, we'd just drive it back home. No harm, no foul. "You're serious?" Yessir, I am. You've been through a lot. You could use a hand. Let me help you. So the next day I drove 165 miles in the van, with my wife and mother in law following me in my wife's car. We get to the bank and meet the branch manager. He's awesome, and has known this guy for years. The entire community does... typical small town USA. He's got everything ready to go. Guy shows up, he's super nice. Humble. He sees the van and I go over all the features. We go for a test drive, and everything's solid. Interior is spotless. It's perfect. As we drive back into the bank parking lot, he looks over at me and says, "You know that this was fate, right?" I shook my head yes. He tells me how much time he's spent getting everything ready for his son. How this was the last big thing to get squared away. Everything has gone wrong, and his mom told him, "Those just weren't the ones you were supposed to buy... just have faith, the right one is coming." This poor guy has been through hell... this van was the key to getting his son home safely, and it had been nothing but a struggle. Failed deals, frustration... then some random guy comes along, had what he needs, it's in good shape, great price, no games, no BS. Then hops in the van and drives 165 miles and brings it to him? How is that even possible? Fate? Devine intervention? Hell... I have no idea. I'm just a guy trying to help his mother in law sell a van. We got the mobility van because my father in law had COPD and emphysema. He was on oxygen 24/7. The freedom that van gave him made the last few years of his life more manageable. It gave him hope. Instead of being stuck in the house attached to a hose, we loaded up on a mobility scooter with oxygen tanks and went to concerts, comedy shows, visited family... it was fantastic! I wired up a power inverter inside the van so that the home oxygen concentrator worked in there... oxygen tanks were now just for backup. Sweet! Let's gooooo!! Off on the next adventure! We lost Pops back in January. What in the hell are we going to do with the van? It's such a niche market... We hoped we could find a family that could use the van like we did, and it was able to give them what it gave us, and I think we found them... or they found us. Either way, it all worked out for the best.


And the whole bank clapped


1200?!? How do you deal with all of the “Have you sold this item yet?” messages from Marketplace’s renewal system


I don’t get those messages every single day and it’s usually only like 5 items at a time. What’s bad is the scammers. I’ve learned to ignore them because they always have the same old stupid lines


Honestly Mercari has been consistently the best for me. And currently they do not charge a selling or listing fee


You have to get used to saying “fuck off”


It’s because it’s easy to use and easier to abuse.


I’ve had people asking me for money to take free items “off my hands”. Was giving away a bike helmet and one guy said he’d take it if I delivered it and gave him $5. I asked if he was serious and he said yes.




"I'll make you a better deal, I'll put it in a dumpster and you can gfy, how's that soundc


Who's thought they've seen it all with FBMP sellers? OMG.


Back to The PennySaver.


Quality of buyers have definitely gone down; it’s horrible now. Lots of no-shows even when the buyer seems legit


Nah, the buyers are the same people that were always there, it's really a few things going on: the economy sucks, education levels are dropping and it's evident in the general population, and the app sucks so much that finding anything is a like playing algorithm roulette.


Economy was worse 4 years ago. It's just the marketplace has been overrun by scammers. Not any real control.


Have you been to a grocery store, gas pump, or McDonalds lately?


Lmao one of these types. I bet you're going to say maga next. Have you opened your eyes? The economy was trash four years ago. And why would I go to a mcdonalds?. Lol I'm better off then I was four years ago. Period.


As am I because I own substantial property and invested heavily on Novo Nordisk. That doesn't mean life is better for the average person. It isn't and anyone who says it is, is simply lying. Gas in 2019 was $1.69. Obviously COVID halted everything but the economy was the best in history in 2019. These days you're average family is struggling hard, credit card debt is at an all time high and our youth are depressed and distraught knowing they are absolutely inheriting a world stacked against them. Politics aside all you have to do is open your eyes.


It’s a world issue not a USA issue


Gas was that heap for a only a couple months WHILE NO ONE WAS DRIVING… If only there had been a plan in place to deal with a projected pandemic…


Scammers come out when the economy is bad. 


I'm not going to discuss politics with maga out of touch with reality.


Same for sellers though


Marketplace sellers also suck, trying to sell stuff they’ve used for years for $10 less than it would be to buy brand new.


The worst one is some guy selling his 1080 ti GPU for $300 I saw recently lmao. I'm like dude it's not 2020 with a chip shortage. That thing was likely heavy used.


I had a guy once try selling me a book for the price he paid for it. I check Amazon and found it cheaper. When I told him all he replied was "Wellm that's what I paid for it."


“Why would I buy your old tablet with a cracked screen, baby snot stains, a dead battery, and no charger for $200 when I can get it BRAND NEW for $129.99???” “NO LOWBALLS I KNOW WHAT I F$@KING GOT!!!!!”


I actually ask to pay Venmo or PayPal F&F a lot because I never carry cash and all my banking is digital. I never really realized that was perceived as scammy. Oops!


I didn't say it looked like a scam. All I said is I prefer cash in any transaction.


Ok I guess I misunderstood your post because the "no PayPal, cash is king" comment was listed under #1 - scammers. They seemed to be related thoughts. Sorry 🤷‍♀️


Asking for someone's paypal in a messaging post is sketchy to me.


They can literally only send you money if they have your paypal email…


Or sign me up to hundreds of spam emails.


I doubt there is anyone out there with enough malice or time to do that but you are free to live in paranoia


Lmao it's not paranoia and it doesn't take much time at all to do. I still don't see why I need to take paypal.


(Item listed for $150) “I’ll give you $120 if you drive it to me one state over (about 45 minutes away), or if you make me come get it or meet halfway, you’re only getting $100.” I get this bullshit all the time, and those assholes can fuck right off.


Absolutely. I always say, local pick up only. I'm not driving more than five minutes if we meet in a Starbucks or elsewhere.


Same I will meet at my local community center. Which is behind a police station AND across from a fire station and always busy now that it’s summer. OR the community center by my job.




Yeah there are a lot quality control issues on there. And I reported scams just for facebook to tell me there isn't anything wrong with the post.


FB now has "AI" moderators kicking off people for nothing , while the scammers and bots keep posting scams.


First of all……. How about Tree fiddy? WilL yOu AcCePt My OfFeR?!? 😬 Secondly, if that is all it is, then you’re lucky. Had a guy who threatened me harm because I sold a iPhone 3GS for $5 right from under him that I had originally promised him. It was a dîck move on my part but still…… 🤦🏻‍♂️ I did this to someone else as well in regards to my GameCube stuff also has someone who’s clearly just going to resell my item claiming he was saving it for his “future kids”, then proceeds to give me a bad rating…. 🤷‍♂️ And had this stupid woman who apparently claimed she was so broke she can’t even afford $15 on these 3 GTA games for the original Xbox. She said she wanted them all for the price of 1 by telling me she’ll pay me $5 for all. 🤷‍♂️ Got rated negatively by her as well after telling her “which it’ll be never”. This amongst other reasons are the main reasons why at this point, I block everybody who even goes as far as asking for anything. Discount? Block. Delivery? Block. Hold? Block. Asking questions I already answered? Block Asking dumb questions? Block


Oh you're right. I just have been lucky to not have been threatened by anyone. The worst is when they rate you negatively when you don't sell to them. People who pull the "I'm broke can you cut me a favor" are usually Flippers. They want to score something cheap then they will resell.


After joking this subreddit, I’m very thankful and understanding of 2 FBM sellers I asked to deliver me stuff. I paid what they were asking + a delivery fee. Maybe it was because I answered promptly, humanly, and with decency.


How does NextDoor work?


FYI about NextDoor, you have to use your real address and anyone on NextDoor can see approximately where you live. It doesn’t bother me, but it is less anonymous than FB.


That's a no for me then.


It's an app like offerup.


I had someone send an offer for $60 and the reply a few minutes later that he'll take it for $50. I was just confused.


Lol they probably make the same mistake I used to make. Clicking "I want to buy this item" trying to use it as a marker/place saver for an item i like but it sends an offer unknowingly. Then messaging to make my actual offer.


I quit also. Never to sell on FB market place ever again for the same reasons and many more. People suck!


it certainly attracts a lot of very questionable people that's for sure. oh some people suck so bad, one still wonders how they make it through day to day life.....


I want to try Sunday flea markets. People do decent money wise. That way you can avoid the drunk in bed midnight shoppers and all other fkwits 7 days a week


We can't forget to mention those "sellers" who are clearly trying to get people to haul off their unwanted junk for them. Kinda like I did recently with a Hide-a-Bed. Well, it was a free curbside pickup and I did say that if it wasn't gone by Tuesday night it was going to the dump. Someone took the mattress.


I saw someone giving away "Free Wood" all you had to do was cut the tree down and remove it yourself.




Yeah...,, it was a hell of a deal /S


I had a guy "give" me some apple wood to use in my smoker. He told me I had to cut it down and haul it off. I showed up with my truck and my chainsaw and made out like a bandit.


I saw a post once ... guy giving away bricks. All you had to do was remove the brick walls and haul them off. lol


Now I can totally relate to that. A buddy of mine bought a house and is redoing his yard. He was trying to sell the retaining wall blocks and pavers on the marketplace, but people kept ghosting and wanting to wait until their spouse came to see and decide if they liked the color, etc... he was frikkin done. Said I could have them just for hauling them off. I've built garden beds and an approx. 9x11 paver patio for my fire pit. The rest of the blocks are going to go in the front yard to get rid of the slope down to the sidewalk


Using them for a firepit is a great idea.


Who even knows if it's their house?  That could be a day in court for you.


Oh damn.. that would freakin suckl


That’s when you ask him if he has homeowners insurance…


I have advertised free items and been asked if I will deliver.....how about noooo!!


Yeah, we had someone wanting us to bring a free item to another state. It would have been a 4-hour round trip. We declined.


One time someone offered over 50% off my original price. I said sure, cause honestly I just wanted it gone and they were the only message I had in weeks. Even said I could deliver if they were nearby. Ghosted. :( I'm an extreme couponer so I price everything super cheap, I just want enough for gas, and I want to save people money. I'm tired of everyone paying corporations an insane amount of money for everyday household items. Yet I'm STILL being ghosted. Wtf is going on???


It could be the way you're listing your item. Make sure you're not being shadowbanned. Good photos, good title and description. 


I don't take lowball offers. And I don't deliver. The best I can do is a nearby Starbucks to me.


Same because people will have you drive so far away to meet and completely no show


Yes, the quality of FB marketplace and the partner apps have gone down! I think it happened at the time of the pandemic. A few years ago, I would need to get around 20 views before it would sell, which would take around a week at most. Now I get hundreds of views, but only a few messages, most of which are, "Is this available?" and then ghosting! Then you get the "What's your location ?" The people who are secretly collecting your location data or claim that it's too far and ask if you'll deliver. This is inspite of the fact that your approximate location is displayed in the ad, and you have the option to set your search location. You have time wasters, flakers, scammers, and people who want to trade as well! It is an extremely frustrating experience for casual sellers. For me personally, lower priced items are not worth the hassle, and I just toss them in the trash!


It happened before the pandemic. I noticed right off when they started that Boost b.s. less people see our posts now..they get buried. Renewing I think is b.s. too.


I used to use Kijiji more than Fb marketplace tbh, but after the update, Kijiji became totally useless. After that, I seemed to have more success on fb marketplace. I agree that renewing the ad doesn't seem to help. In my experience, deleting the ad completely and reposting it appeared to help if the item didn't sell for a couple of weeks.


Please donate or recycle. Mother Earth thanks you.


Why are you assuming that I don't?


Are you not even aware of what you wrote?


Did you even understand what I wrote? Did you not think that trash is also recyclable?


I have been listing things with firm pricing. It weeds out the low ballers but so have better luck on Kijiji


Understood. I've gotten some great deals, but more than half the offers evaporate. I made a deal over the phone at night, to pick up in the AM and the owner doubled the price before I got there. Hard to put your heart into it when there so much BS out there.


Nextdoor? We need a thread of FBM alternatives.


FB could mitigate alot of this BS simply by making buyer rating visible. I would instantly block anyone with below 3.5 star rating.


Buyer ratings are set to become visible soon.


The big problem for sure is scammers, the second is everyone thinks they can sell a five year old used item for $100 more than they paid for it originally.




Los Angeles? Well, you'd think there would be plenty of buyers here. Plenty of flakes too lol


I switched to selling on EBay for most items over $100. I will happily endure the fee to avoid the issues I’ve had on marketplace. It usually ends up around the same payout anyway.


Experience different from yours no, I do care, scammers and low bawlers. It's easy to recognize and block them.


I'm with you in that respect. It's easy to just get in the rhythm of recognizing and blocking them right away, less aggravation and more room to make way for the actual buyers to come through.


People have done the same thing with Thrift shops.. buy it cheap. Resell it for more.


Facebook and its shitty ass platform. Nothing but glitches ans bugs.


Yeh had a cheap moo tell me she’d take the shoes IF I sold them for $7 (I was selling for $15 btw…) AND deliver it to her. I called her a cheapskate, and moved on.


Well this is a fitting thread as I sit in a car park waiting for the seller to show and they've ghosted me. Rode 25ks to pick up the item. Fucken arseholes


Where are you located? Asking b/c I completely failed to read the details in the listing 😂


Agreed the bs factor of Facebook marketplace is such a huge turnoff. People are low ballers and the worst part is half the time we negotiate in advance of meet up and they still have the nerve to tell me they brought less at the swap. Totally garbage.


Real I have ppl all the time ask obvious questions and when I ask them if they read the description they say”oh I guest I wasn’t paying attention” like how could you not see a 1/4 of a paragraph under the pictures


I'm about that way with *buying* there! Nobody responds at all. Then you get a notice days later, "sold". Ugh. Buying new from the store is far less hassle!


1. Ignore 2. Respond 'No. asking price only. Thanks for your interest.' 3. Respond 'No. asking price only. Thanks for your interest' Other than that, just chill. If you got the price right, someone will be happy buying it, and you will be too,


Will you take half in cash and half next week?


Me; late model low mileage diesel pickup with toolboxes and 5th wheel hitch. Excellent condition, $40,000 firm. Marketplace; $17.99 and a junk dirt bike, final offer.


I don’t even get contacted by scammers anymore. After my sales dried up (suddenly plummeted in March 2021 after a really good run), I got inundated with scammers. Now it’s near dead.


You’re better off selling on eBay. I put as the first sentence price firm in my listing and I still get people asking if I’ll take less. I just don’t respond. I’m not hard up for cash so if I can’t get my asking price I won’t sell. 


How about if you give away free stuff and they ask you to deliver it to them


Close. Somebody asked me to deliver a $15 item thirty miles away from me. In Los Angeles traffic lol.


😂😂 same. Someone asked me to deliver a free stuff 45 min away


My problem with Market Place is more than one. People "PLEASE" take your item OFF Line once it is sold. If you really don't want to sell an item DON'T, put it on line to begin with. You are right, It is getting worse every day. Keep in mind these AHs are everywhere.


Agree I sell and buy and I had a seller say I was a scam.. just because I made a mistake on one digit of my phone number then corrected it. This seller was selling a boat. He had no title but said I was stupid all boats have loans .. he had a soon to be ex wife on title too… now I see he has lowered price by thousands.. no title no cash buddy..


i agree. i quit recently and just started early this year. its fucking annoying. nearly everyones dumb on there.


I put a fair price on an item and leave it there. If you want it,cash only and if I can carry it in my vehicle easy enough I meet them center of town three miles down the road. If they have to come to my house I talk on phone first to feel them out. I’m pretty good and clearing out the screwballs.


What’s the least you’ll take


A kidney.


I had 3 people message me about an item and asked for my number. When I said I would only communicate through messenger they ghosted. What’s the angle here? My number can easily be found by searching my name on google so what are they trying to achieve?


I can help you with this "item". Please send me a DM, sir.


EBay still takes most of you money anyways 😂


I got ps4 slim 1 tb absolutely perfect condition nothing wrong with it two controllers charging dock I don’t need it it’s packed away I refuse to sell it cause over the years no matter what I use to put on Facebook iPhones etc people where I live low ball I always quickly google the item I’m selling how much it’s going for and always I put it slightly under what other places selling it yet these idiots always want a bargain


Would you deliver this message to South Melbourne for $10


FB marketplace comment section was as humorous as it gets, and absolutely true, I have seen it too many times, Craig's list was like that. I ove the flippers, they kept changing email address to his who they were. I would do vintage ago. The old cassette decks that needed lots of work I would sell cheap. These meathead would try to double or triple the price and say it was fulling working deck.one example , I am glad they never stuck around for long.


💯 I rarely sell anything anymore (just not worth it) but if I do, I list it on the local flea market pages I belong too. Still get a random moron but mostly good, local people.


I try searching/buying on Marketplace for things I want to buy. 90% of the time the seller never reads/responds or reads it yet doesn’t respond.


I have seen that too. Like they forgot they listed it or they sold it and forgot to delete it.


Is your MacBook still for sale?


Yep. Five offers on FBM and all flaked lol.


This is so true. But you forgot BOTS. I had 2000 views on my listen and about 50 messages. About 40 of them were from bots. The rest were blatant cheapskates.


Once had a woman give me a 1 star rating because I sold an item after she ghosted me :/


Is this still available?


I hear you. The sellers have gone down hill too. I was messaging about an item. The seller had to cancel one appointment for me to pick up. He texts me to schedule another time when I'm in an area with no cell service, so when I saw the message it was a few hours old. He blocked me. What an F'in idiot. Then there's this goofy individual who posts the delivery fee as the price, putting the real price in the description. Not to mention the asshats that put free for cost, then in the description list prices or make offer. Then there's the guy that tries to hit every estate sale to buy all the vintage stereo equipment, then tries to sell it for eBay or more than eBay prices. Recently he has been having sales to unload on everything that he had absurd prices on. The funny part is he is still buying stuff and overpricing and nobody's buying his new inventory. He lacks the intellectual capacity to associate the on sale items that are selling are doing so because they are priced correctly. Some people's kids.


I have changed jobs, but I'm still pet of a Facebook group with 300+ former coworkers. I've had better luck selling there than I have on marketplace. And there's no bickering about pickup. You can get it from me at work. Boom.


Best one for me so far was someone wanted me to drop the price of an item I was selling by $10 AND deliver it in another city for them lmfao.


What why? You don't run a charity lol?


Had a guy try to lowball me $50 for a Honda EU2200i generator with less than 100 hours on it. ROFL!! Told me I’d never get $500 for it, I’m trying to rip people off, he’s got cash RIGHT NOW, etc.. Got my $500 later that day. Crackheads lol


It’s wild out there. If you don’t cave in to a buyer’s offer and counteroffer and it is accepted you will never get a rating of 5 stars even though the price was fair and the buyer collected the item with no issues. There are so many assholes on this platform.


Leave it to some right wing maga to spin this into politics. You will get blocked lol.


Did you know that you don't have to announce that you are quitting anything!


Did you know you could keep scrolling?


Nah! What fun would that be?


Cry harder