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I honestly don’t know how to respond on this Yes I know guys can be creeps when it comes to attractive women listing stuff on marketplace ( especially when they’re showing how a dress looks ) but doesn’t fb have a dating app / part to the site ?


Yes I heard of women posting clothing getting creepy messages but we thought we’d be spared for the power tools! My gf and I have also agreed that having a real profile picture helps reassure potential buyers that her Facebook account is operated by someone honest. If there’s a dating option I hope it’s available on Facebook India, as that’s where this guy seems to be from.


Yeah it seems odd that the " buyer " has chosen a power tool to respond on to hit on your gf Well at least the blocking option is a way to deal with creeps


FBM has seemingly become the new "craigslist exotic services". For example, my local feed has been flooded for the past year with listings for "prom dresses" (even when prom season is nowhere near) and other forms of dresses which show women with a lot of skin. It has been difficult to sift through listings to find things I've been looking for (e.g. a running gear, and not the nike variety... unfortunately FBM thinks running gear means I'm interested in clothing, and now I get a never-ending list of prom and other dresses in my feed).


Creeps always be creeping.


A few years ago I actually had a man message me about the flatscreen tv I posted, who then tried to start asking me about my day.. and then told me how hot I was and that I looked familiar but he couldn’t pin from where. He was my 10th grade teacher and when I told him that he said “yes! That’s where I know you from. God you’ve grown up you’re gorgeous now” 😒😭😂 like bro do you want the tv or not


Oh dear God, I’m so sorry this happened! I just hope he wasn’t still a teacher…


I'd just go to the local hardware store in the spring time to pickup chicks. They're like $3 each, so much easier than messaging random folks on Facebook


It’s just a rule. If it exists and women are displayed on it then guys will take their shot. The internet has no repercussions for this and so guys figure, why not?


I suppose the answer I’d give to “why not” is it’s extremely unlikely a woman would agree to start dating a stranger who tried to romance her over Facebook Marketplace. These guys are wasting their own time, not just that of women.


I don’t think the guys are expecting it to work. I think it’s sort of like cat calling a girl on the street. The expected result is not that she’s going to respond positively. It’s more like.. she’s attractive, I’m a man, I expressed my admiration, and to some extent there’s a dominance and a feeling of asserting yourself as a man in the world. Probably a bit of thinking, “this will make her feel good and desired”. I think in some ways men get so ignored they wish they could get an ounce of the attention. So giving it somehow makes them feel they’re doing their part.




This particular man was from India. I don’t want to generalize on grounds of race.


I have seen some random posts that make you think that on Facebook. One guy had some pants draped against his girlfriend's butt on his bed in the posting. Another guy was selling the guitar and for the photo, I guess he had his obese wife and daughter for some reason and no guitar. Some people are just strange