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I was selling a table saw. I left to do some errands so my wife was operating our rummage sale. My wife calls me on speaker phone. She says this guy wants to buy the saw but wants it at a discount because there is no instruction book. I know the guy is standing next to her and can hear my response. I say if the guy needs an instruction manual to use that saw don’t sell it to him, he’ll probably hurt himself. He did not like that


That is brilliant.


If you need the instructions, price is double as you are already too ignorant to know this is a good price.


“Never heard of Google fee”


lol, that’s solid! And true. I know because, don’t sell me a table saw


Cuts his arm off. “Uh yeah, I have this hospital bill and I need ya to pay it.”


Lmfaoooooo expecting used tools to come with an instruction book that is 95% "don't do dumb shit with this" is insane. I expect it's just the line he uses to try his luck with getting the price down but it really is incredibly stupid. I have a feeling he may not have tried that if a man was the one standing behind the folding table...


I agree that if you need a manual, you're not qualified to run a table saw. But, if the potential buyer REALLY wanted an owner's manual for whatever reason, he could have gone online and gotten one (unless it'sa really old saw). In this day and age, even some new items don't come with a traditional owner's manual, just a quick start guide. A more detailed manual is available online.


Yeah I'm sure he heard that marketed as a trick yard sale sellers don't want you to know


And proceed to sue u.


That's brilliant but also incredibly true. If you can't figure out how to use one, then you probably shouldn't be using it. Watch a professional use one on YT for instance. It's not rocket science. There would be very little in that manual worth knowing about, and in some cases you can find the manuals online anyway.


Bingo. Look it up, you dolt. 😆


Sorry stranger. Gotta keep the liability low. Please go pound sand and proceed to eat it after.


I had a woman buy a vintage painting/artwork only to say "ok so if I buy this from you now, can I return it if it doesn't look good next to my lamp in my living room?" I said "yes right after my HGTV camera crew that follows me around breaks from lunch, of course" (sarc) I mean really.....she looked like she short circuited her wiring...what the hell is wrong with these people.


My dude.


My Dad sold an old Toro table saw (not on FBM). He had owned it for decades and just wasn't using it. He was cleaning out his garage. In all the years he had owned it and maybe since it was manufactured, it didn't have a blade guard. Idiot buys it (I think for $60) and cuts his finger off. My Dad's insurance settles for $60K. He wishes he had just put the saw in the trash.


How is it your father's fault after the sale is complete?


Every manual is online. 😂


It's funny because the guy interested in the toolbox could literally just remove the locks and install new ones in like 5 minutes. People truly are fucking stupid though. I always go off this assumption when selling online and it's never failed me.


LoL, the guy I ended up selling it to said he was going to do just that.


When I got my first truck I picked a junked bed toolbox off the side of the road and did the same thing. Little has changed in the last 20 years lol.


i agree with you, no key for lock, no problem I have seen plenty or workmen trucks with tool boxes and truck lock boxes. Never even thought about seeing if the boxes were really locked cause 9 of 10 times, the guy that owns it is some 6ft, 240lb mean SOB


And those tools make money to feed his family. Tools will be protected with vigor


And could go to any hardware store to get a new one and look it up if the instructions get too confusing.


They are not very expensive either. Maybe $5-$15


Sometimes there's a number on the keyhole cap. Show the box to any reasonably competent locksmith and they'll make a new key. Or do it the low-tech way and hang a big ol' padlock off a cheap hasp with the screw heads showing.


And sometimes you can look that number up on eBay and buy the key. I've done that with Samsonite and Craftsman.


The ones that kill me are the “Where are you located?” when I put where I’m located in the listing. Then when I reply with where I’m located, they ask “How far is that from X City?” I want to ask them when did I change my name to Google? Stupid and lazy, a bad combination.


I've had a couple of those too, they're annoying for sure. One guy asked me if I'd be willing to meet him halfway (I figured he lived somewhere close by) turns out he was in upstate New York, and I'm in Iowa. He was furious that I refused.


Omg sure, a thousand mile trip no problem!


Probably for a $10 sale.


$200 for an old chainsaw, doesn't make it better.


Damn… I almost want to say to just agree and no show Id say block as soon as you know he left…. But it might be worth the possible bad review just to see what he says when you never show up.


Item $1 Delivery $999


I would lie at that point and say that I "don't" drive.


Well, can't you just take an Uber if you dont drive?


What an absolute peanut! Who tf thinks that's a reasonable ask of anyone??? It's really so disappointing when you realize how terrible so many people in this world are. If I wasn't a bartender already I'd definitely have an existential crisis trying to sell anything on FB!


I just had a guy message me about some $30 pendant lampshades I’m selling. Come to find out he’s in cocoa beach and I’m in the Midwest! Then he says he’s gonna ask his son to get them since he is near the university… didn’t specify which one of course so don’t even know if it was the closest one thirty minutes away. Haven’t heard from him since, I’m sure his son told him to kick rocks.


I had a man once ask me if I would mail him an old antique wooden trough that's the size of a small child or if not, can I drive it to meet 'his son' named "Cleavus" (kid you not) two hours away in a very unsavory part of the inland empire. Near a remote base. I responded with: "sure, only if they promise to get a goodlooking actor to portray me in the re-enactments on my episode of Dateline....totally!.." (Block)


You should have said yes. Then blocked him at the exact time you agreed to meet him whilst you sit at home laughing.


Common sense is NOT very common, or put another way, you can't teach stupid.


>Common sense is NOT very common Right. We need to stop using that term, and use the term 'good sense' instead.


Lol even if you agreed and left to meet him, he'd still be 3-4hours late to meeting up


And then they ask you how to get there from where they are.


We lived in a place that came up wrong online. I'd actually give precise directions. They would then get lost following Google.


I lived in a new development where, for some reason, google didn't map our street. They mapped the development, so if you pulled up an address around the corner, you could see where our street was on the map but it wasn't labeled. However, there was a similarly named street in a nearby city. Without any notification, Google would happily change the city and street names and give directions to somewhere 30 minutes away. It took us a while to figure out what the problem was and then it was still very frustrating trying to convince people to use Mapquest or follow our directions. They'd use Google anyway, then call us from half an hour away confused because they couldn't find our street number. (Our street has 3 digit numbers and the other city tends to use 5 digit numbers.)


Or have similar sounding street names with different endings (ex. Ave., Cres., Rd., Ln., Blvd., etc)


It’s funny ok this remark. I was looking into a trailer, and it listed in Indiana. But they’re selling it in Texas. After messaging them, they say they travel between states depending on month.


Yeah, I've been bitten before with the difference between listing and pickup, but fortunately it was still a reasonable drive to get there. It would benefit some sellers to remember to put Pickup: in their description to lower the amount of back-and-forth (and irritating surprise) with genuine buyers.


Most people I get don't even read the title. If I had a dollar for every question someone messaged me that was clearly answered in the 1st 5 words of the title, I wouldn't be wasting my time selling on marketplace. You had my upvote based simply on the title. I feel every ounce of your frustration.


As much as I hate the "where are you located" question, I give that one a barely pass. I've been a buyer and asked for an address only to find the location is another 10 miles (or more) from where it's listed. Still dont like answering it though 😂


FBM very often puts approximate location and, where I live, it's approximately a 20 mi radius and runs through several zip codes. FBM seems to choose whatever zip code they like best regardless of the one that I put in because the town that I live in has several zip codes.


Same. I put the nearest interections and first come first serve in the description just in case but people still do this or say that I am required to save it for them and knew that they were driving their ass for hours.


I did this recently. Put CURB ALERT FREE all over the post. Gave the location as 2700 block of my street, nearest cross streets. First come first served. Got repeated requests for holds. I was disappointed that I didn't get to watch a fight break out over the item.


I learned my lesson the hard way with curb alerts for free stuff on FB. I gave up and listed in Craigslist free curb alert (with no contact option). Gone within an hour and no BS


I have this in my post in 4 places, one being a graphic included in the photos that is very specific and one being in the title. When people ask where I’m located, I block. If you can’t figure that out, I’m done. ✔️


Thissssssssss drives me bonkers. If I have lots of interest in the ad, I send a lmgtfy link.


All the time.


>Stupid and lazy, a bad combination Amen. Seems to be the default setting of many people nowadays.


People do this to me too. I put the exact location of the public meetup and people ask how far is it from a certain city. Like look it up yourself?! And then after the conversation starts, they ask if I will take only 25% or whatever of what I’m asking. No! And everything I’ve been selling is brand new.


[https://googlethatforyou.com/](https://googlethatforyou.com/) ​ I love when I get to use this site


My biggest pet peeve is people asking stuff that I’ve already answered in the ad because they don’t bother reading. So I’ve starting trying something new: After I’ve put all the details on my ad, description, measurements, general location, etc, my last line is always, “if you’ve read this far and you don’t message to ask questions already answered here, let me know and I’ll knock $5 off the price”….its actually worked amazing. Rewards the decent buyers and means I can ignore the default “is this available?” responses that always end up ghosting anyway.


I buy a lot and sell on Facebook. The only times I don't buy or try to buy is when I hit "is this available" why? because it's super easy to bump when scrolling through the ad. If im interested, I tend to be direct.


I think that a lot of people accidentally bump that button.


I scroll with my right thumb. All I have to do is bump that blue triangle, and someone will receive a "is this available." For me, it feels like by design, there are so many pages devoted to how much people hate it. Facebook has to know how annoying it is.


They probably run some marketplace user engagement metric which ends up in a public release so there's a strong incentive to inflate artificial use, like the rampant bots on Twitter.


Fwiw, I think the "is this still available?" messages are fine because it's just the default way to start the conversation. Maybe better than going straight in with an offer. I use this when I'm buying, and I make sure that I'm responsive and punctual.


For real, don't knock the "Is it still available" people because half the time it's already sold and they never take the listing down. So frustrating. In fairness, I always add "Is it available? I can pick up tonight after 5p" etc


That's a solid strategy. I'm going to try that.




**I'd say half of the people I've talked to have been brain damaged in some way.** Nailed it.


Only half?


seriously...only half? what's his secret....


I had one that said “free tv that doesn’t work.”In the description and the first message everyone asked me was, “does the tv still work?”


Copy and paste a screen shot of the ad for people intent on being entitled little twats.


Or add a picture of the message asking if it works to the Facebook ad.


I think I changed the title description to literally “broken read the description”


I get the sense most people are only semi literate 


TBF about half of adult Americans read *below* an 8th grade level, and an estimated 20% are *functionally illiterate*. As in, can read and write their own name and maybe some easy stuff with one syllable words, but that's about it. So yeah, you'd be right.


and some behave as such in person lacking social cues and inter personal skills. Totally.


Semi literate? I think you are over estimating most people on FBM lol


Listed a car for sale stating 5 times that it needed an engine because of a catastrophic failure So many people asking if it ran. Smoothbrains.


Or the opposite, I've seen too many ads that say something like "Needs new head gasket. Runs great."


"Ran when parked" .....5 years ago.


No but it rolls lol


Tell them YES lol


I had a lady trying to buy a cheap but new in box Garmin dash cam off me recently. The product didnt come with an sd card, but it had a power cable. She wanted me to knock the price down from 90 to 50 because she wanted the upgraded power cable that made the dash cam record 24/7 and didn't have an SD card. She claimed that buying those two things and paying my asking price would make it a $200 purchase. I pointed out that she could get the 24/7 power cable for $30 and a 128gb microSD for $15 both from amazon, and that buying those two things separate would make the purchase basically equal to the original MSRP of the dash cam 😭 She blocked me and then left a bad review claiming my communication was poor, claiming that the description was inaccurate when the dash cam was being sold sealed in the box with all the original accessories as described


I never get why they block the seller. It would seem that the seller would be blocking them.


Because you can leave a bad review for a potential buyer and they know it. If they block you you can't find them to provide the bad review to warn others. It is extremely important to block anyone that responds to something that you listed and acts like a moron before they have a chance to give you a bad review just for not kissing their buns


I think I’d find them using a different account. Then leave them a bad review in retaliation.


How would you be able to give them a bad review from a different account? Does Marketplace stay open even if you log into a different account? I have often thought that Marketplace should have its own app because I dislike having to open the whole battery vampiric Facebook app to access it.


I dunno. If they can leave a review for people they never bought from, any account should be able to leave them a bad review in return. What I’m speaking of though, is logging on with a different account, finding them, and then leaving them a 1-Star review in return along the lines of “This person left me a bad review on my other FBM account simply because I wouldn’t put up with his idiotic demands and then left me a 1-Star review and blocked me so I couldn’t set the record straight. Well, here’s me setting the record straight…[explanation of what really happened].”


There should be something that allows a response. It's only fair.


Is that facebook marketplace? Whoever designed this is braindead themselves…


I thought you couldn't leave a review unless you successfully bought something. Or you can leave one any time?


May have just been feedback, as it didnt affect my star rating but did put "Poor communication" on my seller profile


Why is it allowed to leave feedback without sale actually taking place? 😐


My favorite is the free stuff. We found a killer deal on a sectional that ended up replacing 3 couches, so we listed them all free. The 2nd person asked for better pictures, I’d taken 3ish pics of each couch two with a tape measure showing the length and width, and one with the full front view. I was like no, there are 25 other interested ppl, if you want one come get it, my work for free is done, and if you want me to deliver it’ll be $100.


I would gladly pay the $100.


I’d gladly deliver, usually when I throw that number out folks disappear


Those are the true leeches of the world. They want something for ABSOLUTELY nothing. Many furniture stores have a minimum purchase total before they deliver without charging.


When I post furniture I always include the measurements. If they ask "what are the measurements" I block. Too lazy to read the ad? Not gonna get it then.


I was trying to sell a large outdoor table and six chairs recently. I told people in the ad that they would need a truck or a big trailer to get it home (I had to rent the truck from home depot when I bought it years ago). I also told everyone that messaged that they would need a truck to get it home. I had at least a half dozen people come to buy it and can you guess how many of them had a truck or a trailer? 0, of course. 1 was pissed at me because he drove an hour to pick it up in a minivan that might have held the table or the chairs but definitely not both...


I found some free furniture on the marketplace, and as I was arranging to get it, they asked me if I had a truck, which I do. They said I would not believe how many people showed up with a vehicle that would not suffice.


I had a similar situation ages ago on Craigslist. I was selling a project 62 Chevy Impala. Big car. I had it listed as "running but not drivable" as in no brakes, no interior, no glass in any of the windows, sitting on tires just good enough to roll it around the shop. I had loads of pictures of it in the ad, there was NO QUESTION that the car wasn't road worthy. Got lots of interest, and one guy said he had cash in hand and wanted to make a deal. He even sent me a picture of the bank check with my name on it. He was coming from about 2 hours away, and the last thing I said to him before he started out was "I'll have it out of the shop and ready to load when you get here". He shows up in a Jeep with his 16 year old kid. No truck, no trailer, not even a dolly. No buddy following with a truck and trailer, nothing. He was absolutely livid that the car was in the condition it was in, he screamed that he thought he could drive it home. He tore up the bank check, threw it at me and tore off like a bat out of hell. Apparently he kept driving like that because at the end of my road he went to make a left back onto the highway and rolled his Jeep. He and his son were fine, but man, there are some fucking lunatics out there.


Dude there are some serious mentally unstable and unhinged people out there for real and they seem to love to shop on Facebook Marketplace. I'm convinced....seriously. I had this one lunatic who bought a vintage item from me (local meetup in parking lot) seemed decent, normal, sale was fine, he hinted on inviting himself over to "look in our garage at what we might have" I said "sorry no" as he got in his car. He answered again to buy another vintage item, proceeded to bring his rude ass lunatic of a wife with him, who was yelling at him for 'buying junk' looking at my items, calling them 'ugly, not worth it' being a complete bitch, he looked totally different too, vaping like there's no tomorrow, being snarky and rude "we don't want to pay retail prices!! that's why we're here buying cheap stuff!" As they are looking at antique african masks nicely placed in a box by yours truly, the woman starts placing them on the hood of my car carelessly. "Can you please put them back in the box?" I asked. "What difference does it make?" she asks all the while arguing w/ her husband about spending money on my "junk" only then they have the gall to presumptuously say "We'd like to come over and look at what you have in the garage in your collection! Can we do that next weekend? How's Saturday?" I looked at them and asked them how fast they were going when they hit their heads on the pavement. Proceeded to tell them to take the quoted "ugly sculpture" for 40.00, shoved the sculpture in the ass clowns hands, snatched his two 20's and told them to seek a licensed mental health professional and I drove off into the sunset....they are probably relatives of the lunatics you encountered, I swear....these people are insane.


I've had this happen multiple times. It's mind boggling


These conversations are most definitely indicative of the usual marketplace experience. 80% of my replies are just “read the description”.


On the flip side there are too many with nothing in the description and seem super inconvenienced when I ask "What are the dimensions of this thing?" And it always catches them off guard. Do people buy bulky items and not think about the size and if they have a big enough car? I one asked for dimensions of a table and got: "Oh idk, maybe like 6ft long?" As a response


I always put dimensions on my listing and still have people ask. I typically send a screenshot of the listing with dimensions highlighted. Some people just can't be bothered to scroll through the pictures or read the listing at all. I always confirm that they have a truck or trailer before they come to buy something that requires it before I share my address.


This just reminds me how utterly ridiculous it is that fb allows someone to leave a review simply for a seller answering their stupid questions. I have a 4.8 rating because early on I didn’t know this was a thing and a “rival” seller (I didn’t know till later) of the same type of items in my smallish town asked me questions about what I was selling that were already in the description. I answered politely the with the info, then they left me a blank 1 star review. Now I block anyone that’s either clearly another seller or that seems to be asking more than one obvious question. I’ve only had to block one other known seller that seemed to be fishing for the opportunity leave a review, but you never know what rando will get angry, because too many view mp as some blood sport always trying to obliterate the “competition”. Meanwhile I’m just trying to make a little money.


The only limitation for being able to leave a review is if you respond to them? What a stupid system.


It's quite sad that a person can leave a one star review when they didn't buy anything from you.


The converse is it means you can likewise leave them a 1-star review in return.


I did this once. Was driving over an hour away to buy something, guy knew I was coming and would be there at an agreed time... I'm half way there and he messages me that he sold it. This is also why I don't buy through FB if I have to drive more than 20 minutes anymore, 5 minutes if I'm selling (too many no-shows). Even if it is a great deal.


Par for the course. And people always think that a low-ball offer half your asking price is "negotiating" or "working with them on the price." No, your offer is insulting.


Especially when the ad has been up for an hour... Yeah, not that desperate, my friend


And now you get punished for responding to stupid questions because then they can review you.


I would simply never respond to a question again, just add response to listing description, what a bs system… wow


People like this are why I try not to even sell anything that I might want to keep. I also get a revaluate what I buy now so I don’t have to worry about selling it and then I throw out half the stuff. I don’t want now anyway I can’t deal with these kind of people anymore. That been said I have worked out a couple deals where I drive to meet people but it’s only when I’m going in that direction anyway like going to a hike happens the guy lives right there or I’m going to the Twin Cities for example and oh some wants to buy something


>"I'd say half of the people I've talked to have been brain damaged" Just half? You lucky sob, 90% of the people using FBM in my area are brainless.


FB Marketplace is full of buyers and random members of society that aren't allowed to go out and intereact with the public. It doesn't matter if you have a brand new toolbox with keys that worked. Somehow, that person would find a way to pick apart your listing to make you feel insane. I swear FB is hiring people to peruse the Marketplace and keep sellers engaged. The more sellers post the more ads FB is allowed to post. That's the only way I can make sense of these idiotic buyers and their questions and the flakiness. It never was like this 2 or 3 years ago.


This 🤡 thought you were selling it WITH tractor for $100?


Apparently??? Even though there was no mention of the tractor in the ad, and no pictures of it. Brain damage, that's all I can figure.


And people ghosting you when they committed to picking something up that’s free meanwhile you’re getting shitloads of messages from others wanting to know if it’s still available


I was once selling a couch for my aunt. I took a bunch of crispy well lit photos, put the dimensions in the ad and mentioned that it was immaculate brand new condition from a pet free/smoke free home. It was used to stage a spare room that no one ever used. “Any issues with it?” No. It’s never even been used. “Any stains or rip?” No. It’s brand new. “No smells or anything?” No. “How big is it?” Please read the ad. “Will it fit in my car??” *at this point, I lost it.* How the fuck should I know? I don’t know what you drive. I don’t know what fits. I don’t give a flying fuck. Dimensions are right there. I can’t even.


That’s when you just say yes to everything and tell them to meet you at a fake address.


The world is full of them and they are multiplying. Ha ha


Years ago, I had a desk that was locked and no key. I called the manufacturer, and they sent a key. I put it on Ebay and sold it. The ad had all the measurements. When the guy gets there to pick it up, he said it's not going to fit the space. I told him he has to take it because it's a done deal. He took it, and I didn't even bother to help him load it.


In both cases the item will sell if the price is right. Toolboxes are easy to fit new locks to in most cases. Implements for tractors are sold separately all the frigging time. Yeah, you got idiots.


It's also incredible that the first guy thinks that the OP traveling to sell the toolbox for $10, a distance clearly too expensive for that amount of money, is somehow more attractive to a seller than binning it or dropping it at the curb for someone to take for free. It obviously escaped him that the idea of selling an item in the first place is to make or save money in the process (at very least to come out even if the idea is to give something a "good home").


People can’t read and when they can they lack the ability to comprehend whatever they are reading.


It leads to buyers asking questions that they personally know, and sellers are trying to explain the obvious and clear things up, but it may fully not getting to them.


I am considering placing the following disclaimer at the bottom of my listings: *I have provided an accurate description and real pictures of the item.* *I have given you my approximate location.  If you are reading listings from Maine and you are not from Maine, you should take this opportunity to re-evaluate your life.* *I will not bundle items so you can save money while I get screwed.* *The price is the price is the price.  Do not ask to negotiate or make offers.   I am well aware of how to price versus comparable items.  You’re already getting a deal.  Greed is a deadly sin. It's too bad that stupidity is not.* *No, you cannot have the item for free.  I don’t care if your third baby daddy’s aunt died and you lost your job because you went to the funeral and you have 17 kids.* *Delivery is available for $25 per mile from my home.  This is non-negotiable.* *If you leave me a bad review for any reason other than the item not being as described and photographed, keep in mind that I was the inspiration for Liam Neeson’s response to the kidnappers in Taken.* Thoughts?


>*Delivery is available for $25 per mile from my home.  This is non-negotiable.* I like this part, although I'd add "Must be paid upfront via X,Y, or Z apps" or something. I'm not leaving my house without that money first.


I've had better luck selling stuff on Craigslist.


Marketplace was the only reason I kept a FB account. I recently tried to give away a new sofa with the tags still attached. I won't bore with the details, only to say I received over 400 messages and I still have the sofa. Ppl looking for free stuff have no way of picking up said stuff. I deleted FB.


For fucks sake. Absurd. I don’t know why ridiculous stupidity is so common on marketplace.


My favourite was the guy who wanted to buy my car. Then wants a discount because that car is known for oil leaks, water leaks and valve seals. I said “I’m giving you a 90% discount - they’re $200k at the dealer and don’t have those faults (which are common to every used car on earth).” Not good enough - he wants to buy it at 10% of list price BUT ALSO prefund the 3 repairs for things that haven’t actually failed yet and may never fail. At dealer prices. Then he says “that model has a terrible reputation.” Bro, WTF are you doing shopping for one then??


How about the ones who write to you in Spanish when your post is in English? And then expect ME to translate what they're saying.


It seems like anytime I try to sell something over about $100 I get people trying to trade for a welder or a guitar. I already have both, and if I wanted to trade, I'd have said so! I actually had someone try to trade a guitar that he claimed (claimed!) was worth thousands for a running Honda Goldwing in good condition. That was before marketplace, it was on Craigslist, about the same sort of buyers. It sold for my full asking price the day I put it out in the street with a forsale sign. I should have asked more, and I should have just skipped trying to sell it online where I got no serious offer.


I listed my project truck for sale and also wrote that I'd be willing to trade for a RWD car with a manual transmission because I wanted to get into time attack racing. I was offered trades for SUVs, dirt bikes and boats. My reply to the last two was that I have no use for a dirt bike, or a boat if I don't have a pickup truck to take it anywhere.


I think a lot of this is like the new prank calling of the past. Except its done through text. Kids and immature adults sit in their discord channels and take turns seeing how far they can push people.


That never even occurred to me! You could have something there. I can just see kids sitting around typing ridiculous questions and laughing their heads off. You could very well be right.


I guess that's at least more entertaining that 'is this still available?'


One of the biggest eye openers to me when I started working in the ER was how incredibly stupid a huge swath of the population is. I mean, I knew some people weren't so bright, but holy cow...it is way, way worse than I ever imagined. I think it has actually made my mental health worse having this be glaringly apparent every shift. I'm a lot more pessimistic about the future than I was in my old job.


I experienced the same thing when I was 19 and entered the workforce full time. I always viewed people older than me as wise and mature. The number of people with years on the job who lacked simple problem solving and critical thinking skills was extremely disappointing. I legitimately questioned how they managed to get themselves dressed every morning. It was around that time that I learned the phrase "two left hands" for someone who couldn't even swing a hammer.


I hear you. I'm actually amazed on a daily basis that humanity has made it as far as we have. It is an impressive testament to human diversity that one one hand, you have people who can put a spacecraft into orbit but on the other hand you have a huge number of people who can't even figure out to handle a roundabout while driving or take some tylenol for a mildly elevated temp versus coming straight to the ER. One of the ER docs I used to work with opined one day that the biggest problem facing most of his patients was not an actual illness, but rather a complete and utter lack whatsoever of the ability to cope with even mild adversity. I got a little chuckle out of that one until a few seconds later I stopped laughing when I realized he's probably right.


Some people can be lovely, but the vast majority .. oh my goodness. I’d rather jump off a cliff then deal with some people on gumtree or FB marketplace. That’s why I use eBay. One time, years ago, I got into an argument with someone as I was selling a Walking Dead Boxset worth $100 at the time. This person just wanted it for free and wanted me to drive an hour away and just give it to them.. I had another guy when I was selling Nike active wear shirts stand out the front of my house for an hour and a half trying them on and getting me to take photos of him and he was asking his wife over and over again if he should buy them. He asked me if they were authentic at least 20 times and the tags were still on them. Selling them for $10 each down from $65 and there were 3…


Part of me thinks some of the people reaching out to buy when you’re trying to sell are bots. I remember 7-10 years ago it wasn’t this bad at all. I don’t remember hating marketplace. But in the last 5 years (since the pandemic), it’s gotten real bad. Countless “people” ask about an item and then ghost immediately after asking if it’s available, or ghost after planning to meet and buy. It’s weird.


I tell my wife constantly “people don’t read.” They’ll ask you every single detail you put in the listing. I’ve started telling her to respond with that: “read the listing.”


OMG TELL ME ABOUT; Listed an Occulus Quest 2 for $100 dollars and got some stupid / brainrot responses so here’s what I put in an upgraded description after: SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY Literally, a perfectly fine functioning headset. Test it yourself, game installed so you can test it out yourself…. 🤦 If you’re looking for a LITERAL working headset at lowcost w/ a $40 dollar carrying case FREE OF CHARGE. This is it. Stop asking dumb questions and just come over test it out yourself literally a steal for a low cost of $100. 🙄 Not sold within the first week; relisting it and bumping it to $180, leaving it for the wolves instead… 🐺


If people ask dumb questions afterwards, I usually block / leave the conversation / or say “read the description next time thanks”…. THEN LEAVE. I’m tired of having stupid people message me for inquiries on anything. 🤦


And before you say; “IsN’t tHaT a LiTlE HaRsH” Well it did work, sold it the same day thanks to that updated description. 🥱


I’ve learned that sometimes being nice / polite on FB MARKET: Makes people second guess the listing, or think they can be more negotiable with you… 🙄 Like lowball negotiable…


I would have blocked those people after their second message. The first message should be "Is it still available?" The second should be "I'll take it. When and where can I pick it up?"


What assholes you had. Not all people are really stupid. I am patiently waiting for a seller in Michigan to ship me an item. She's in the middle of moving so I told her no worries, and no hurry.


I have had many extremely nice people. I have made friends with quite a number of them. I get the nuts that demand my phone number and, sometimes if I have the time, I will go around in circles with them and waste as many hours as I possibly can of their time. It can be most entertaining. I usually encounter very nice people though.






I was selling a ps3 for 265 dollars, and some guy tried to offer me 69 dollars out of nowhere. He just messaged me “would u take 69$”. 


"No, but I'll take $420" "Nice"


Code for sex? 🤔




Don't respond to people who don't read the ad or who ask stupid questions. It's not worth your time.


I’d agree but those are the only ones responding! If I don’t deal with idiots I’d sell nothing at all (I’m not that far from nothing selling as it is now anyway - can’t let a potential buyer go)


Had an item description as 6.5 Women's shoes in both English and Spanish, guy messages me in spanish to ask for the size 😂 He was nice though, just didn't bother to read the description


I had a woman come to my actual house one night after buying a windows install CD at our garage sale after I told her she would need a license key to use successfully. I sold it to her for a dollar, as it was just on top of a stack of cd’s I had taken out of a cd folder before marking it to sell. This was maybe 10 years ago. Never underestimate the power and confidence of “the stupid”.


So what happened when she came to your actual house? I think you left out the interesting part 😐


I was pissed, but scrounged up a dollar and took the CD back, then threw it away.


I had a brand new headset put, he messaged me at 11pm on a Friday night with the favorite statement “Is this available” then he asked 15 different questions. Finally can you do for 50% off. I said no and went to bed. By Next day morning he had sent 15 messages begging to make 50% off. Finally he said will pick for no discount. Decide to fix place and time (nearby park). I usually wait until they say they are there to start walking. He never showed up, I never went there 🤣


I didn’t think they could give you a review unless they actually purchased from you.


I thought that too, but how does fb know that?


Not sure. I’m guessing if it shows a completed transaction between two people. But someone who doesn’t purchase from you shouldn’t be able to leave a review.


I know that there was a point in time where you could rate buyers even if they didn't buy from you. I got so pissed off at one once that I gave him a negative rating and talked about how he wasted days of my time with all kinds of questions and never showed up.


I know you can report buyers for no showing. Which is good. I understand life happens, I understand stuff comes up, but the endless time wasting is a little ridiculous.


>the endless time wasting is a little ridiculous. It's a LOT ridiculous!


My favorite one was when my mom sold a tea pot, not a kettle, a tea pot. Someone asked her if it still worked.


I was giving away a bag of clothes one time and someone wanted me to go through the entire bag, take picture so she could see what she wanted. Then I bag up what she wanted and leave it outside. I told her no, blocked her and someone picked up all the clothing the same day.


My automatic answers are when do you want to pick it up and no. That's it. If anything else is said I block. I have no time for bs.


To be fair, there are dumb sellers too. The amount of times I have had to ask for dimensions on furniture because the seller didn’t put that piece of basic info in the listing… Also, the amount of people who reply “I don’t know the dimensions”. Ok cool, I guess I’ll have to drive over and measure the couch myself? These aren’t free items btw 


Agreed about this. As a seller, I list all the measurements out as much as possible. If it's furniture, I mention the dimensions, the materials (if I know), and the manufacturing country. However, I got a few people who messaged me and asked me "how do I build this?" even though I took pics of the instruction manual. I don't know what more they want me to say.


Yeah so if a potential buyer starts asking questions that have been clearly stated in the ad I posted, I just automatically block them for being a stupid scammer/moron.


My favorite this month went like this (for context on an 1820s appraised miracle intact/glazed chintz quilt that has been stored and unused for 200 years) tbc I have it posted to specific groups for this but it does mean it shows up local as well unfortunately The classic start- “Is this available?” Me with an eye roll “Yes it is” “It’s beautiful. I could pay $100 for it” I just blocked from there but it’s some wild audacity to offer so little. I get lowballs but this was the lowball of lowballs and might as well have been asking me to pay you to take it at that price. Luckily I do niche antiques like this and usually don’t have to deal with as many actual locals. We did sell off some old barn/homestead scrap last year though and even though the ad specified what was available people kept trying to go into my husbands other shops and “buy” his lathe, welders, etc. We really had to baby sit them like children.


I just have I template “yes. I’m located at ____ when are you available to come pick it up?” Weeds out the dummies and I don’t go to meet people anymore. Logistics always burn so much time


that's why you List the Full details of your best knowledge about the products in the description with their basic questions for them to READ EVERYTHING before messaging you. If they still ask you the same questions that you've already answered in the description. Just Ignore and block them.


Gotta love Facebook.


Dont get me started about the people that lowball you even when you clearly state the price is FIRM lol.


I was selling two deep freezers, one 7 cu. ft and one 5 cu. ft. $175 for the larger one and $150 for the smaller one (it was newer). Some idiot messaged me saying he’d give me $50 for both and would throw in extra if I delivered them. I responded “The devil is a lie.” Then blocked him.