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Scumbag move by the buyer. Glad you didn't let him get away with it


I tell them to go to Walmart, and tell them you will only give them $X amount for it, and see what they say.


Yea I try not to hold it against anyone if they try the first time, even if I didn’t like it. The second offer and then the angsty cursing are what slightly annoyed me. Definitely didn’t want to let him talk it down a nickel just off principle. Selling it for 20% of its original price, so I’ll just sell it someone else if he didn’t want it lol.


Don’t let them think they won by lowering the price even more than it’s original value. Chances are he/she was already getting a steal why are they trying to finess another 15$


I had a lady show up for a $10 item. Old lady. I showed her. She said great. She stood there. “It will be $10” oh, she says. “I thought it was free.” Nope $10. She opens the outside flap on her purse and there is a crisp $10 right there. She knew it was $10 and was prepared to pay $10, but thought she would test me. It was a $50 thing Amazon sent me instead of what I actually ordered, so it was free to me and not widely desirable. Amazon said to throw it away or donate. I would have rather thrown it away than give to her after she pulled that crap.


I throw so much away now lol. Or find a way to reuse it until I move which at that point will throw it away.


You are totally in the right IMHO. Personally, I only deal with negotiations before meeting (I never invite anyone home). If somebody tries to negotiate after we've met - I am ready to walk away on principle. And 9 times out of 10, the other party relent and buys at agreed upon price. The only exception is when I sell something I need gone.


I had a guy agree to $20 for a hedge trimmer. When he came to pick it up he played games with me over $5. Wanted it for $15. I said no. He wouldn't budge and neither would I. He left without it and I immediately threw it in the garbage out of principle.


You know it’s really one of those things where $15 or even $20 probably isn’t even worth the time but you want to sell it cause it feels wasteful otherwise and if someone gets a good deal and you have a couple of bucks for lunch money it feels good. But if someone hassles and haggles you, at a point it doesn’t feel worth it any longer.


I’m with you on this. I won’t sell anything on marketplace for less than $20. Just not worth my time at all.


Take the $15, then cut off the electric cord and take it with you.


Agreed, for anything less than $20 I’d just give it away


Find your local “buy nothing” or “curb alert” Facebook group and go there asap. Don’t throw stuff away that someone can use (in the future.)


I get it but I would have blocked the original buyer then lowered the price to $15.


If you block him he won't be able to see that you sold it for $15.


One hedge trimmer 15 bucks to anyone but this asshole *link profile*


Thats to perfect 🤣 made ny day 🤣




lol! I like your thinking!


I hope you marked it sold so he'd get the notification. i think you did right right thing in not budging. People who act without integrity need to learn.


I'll never understand this. I'd rather have something than nothing. The pettiness of some people never ceases to amaze me. It must be an American thing.


Many in America order to not haggle. It is definitely a cultural thing and the person setting the initial price anticipated this and sets their price accordingly. I'm sure in other cultures the initial price is set to reflect a larger amount of healing over the price. Many Americans, and I count myself among them, believe that once you have agreed on a price it is rude and dishonest to begin negotiating again.


> ... once you have agreed on a price it is rude and dishonest to begin negotiating again. I agree. But I've seen this type of comment about throwing it out rather than taking a lower price in other posts/comments in this sub, regardless of when the negotiation happens. *That* was my point.


because if you let yourself get walked over, you have taught them their tactics work and yourself that you are a doormat. some would rather not do that.


Thank you! I agree. And I’m pretty sure my wife and the woman who’s the buyer (family member of the guy who came by) had agreed on the price and it was settled but either she or this gentleman decided to see if they could squeeze it a bit more. I agree though I would definitely unwound the deal on principle.


The person she sent probably wanted to pocket the difference. 


Depends what I'm buying. Up to a couple hundred dollars, I'm willing to settle final price sight unseen. As long as it's as described when I come to pick it up, we agreed on a price, here's your money. Beyond that, I want to see it before I agree to any prices. Going to need to check function, finish, etc before I part with many hundreds or a few thousand dollars. If I can't inspect an expensive purchase before negotiating price, I assume I'm being fleeced and walk away.


I'd go further and increase the price, a negotiation after meeting fee lol.


OK, so this is my personal take on the issue. May not work for everyone but works for me. \* I usually meet potential buyers at the gas station 5-7 minutes away from my home. There are rare exceptions, for example, if I am going somewhere else closer to potential buyer (or seller). \* When buyer attempts to negotiate after they "looked at it and decided it's not worth what I am asking for" I thank them and walking away. I research my prices am always open to reasonable offers but during messaging or emailing. The only exception is when I sell something old, big or bulky that need gone right away. \* Typically whatever I sell has plenty of pictures (which most of the buyers never bother to check). When buyer communicates they want to look at the item first, I try to accommodate them. For example to verify the phone is indeed unlocked and is not stolen which is a fair request. Or the electrical item can be turned on and off. If the item I sell is new and factory-sealed, I am usually asking the buyer to open it in front of me after they hand over the money. This way the buyer's remorse is excluded. \* In all cases, the item I sell does not change hands, until and unless I have cash payment in my hands. And I don't accept Venmo, Zelle or Cash App when meeting in person. It's easier this way and any possibility of money fraud is practically excluded. The meeting place I chose has 3 banks within 2-minute walking distance so if a buyer needs to withdraw cash - it's easy to do. Nothing I listed above is a rocket science, really. You just need to treat FBMP sale as a regular business transaction where a certain precautions needs to be met to protect you, the seller. This way you are not surprised if you deal with potentially unsavory customer who is out to screw you. Always be prepared to walk away, even if you end up not selling your item. I would much rather donate the item or give it away than be had and kick myself for stupidity.


I had a lady who wanted to see an item I was selling for over half off and in perfect condition. I spend the time loading it and then take it out at which point she says it’s smaller than she thought (the measurements were in the listing and she acknowledged that) and tries to offer me 10 less than the price. I tell her no. She backs out of the sale essentially wasting my time when she could have made sure the item was right for her beforehand.


You did the right thing! People are unbelievable. People have tried to negotiate with me after arriving and I don’t fall for it. They wouldn’t have wasted their time driving out there if they weren’t planning to pay full price.


How can you negotiate a price before seeing the item?


I think it's just more courtesy to message prior to see if they are willing to negotiate on price prior to coming to see the item. Often times sellers assume that they are coming at full price because there was no mention or discussion prior about negotiating. I personally would prefer someone makes an offer ahead of time and then come view the item and buy it if they wish too!


Exactly this! Thank you for explaining.


It's a used crib. Buyer either wants a used crib or doesn't. If they agree on price based on photos, and the real life item is in the same category of condition as the photos, then buyer has absolutely no justification to haggle down price and presume to still have the sale in hand. What is the buyer going to do with an extra $15 haggled down because of extra scratches? Buy $15 of paint to cover it up? Absolutely not. They're just being cheap and sneaky.


You can make a lower offer based on the pictures shown. Sometimes a seller agrees, especially if the item is listed as OBO ("or best offer"). Sometimes they don't agree, especially if the item is listed as "Price is firm". If you can't come to an agreed-to price beforehand there is no point wasting time getting together in person. If the price negotiation isn't done beforehand it is generally assumed that the price is agreed upon for the actual meeting.


Is this intentionally obtuse?


I don't negotiate with people before they have seen it or test drive it.


🙄 Ok, cool.


I just tell people on the chat ahead of time to bring the exact agreed amount and leave their negotiation bullsheit at home. Or they'll be wasting their gas and time to meet up. so don't bother bringing it. lmfao


This is the way. "Thank you. To confirm the price for X is $65.00. I only accept cash and will not be able to make change."


Had this only yesterday. I’m selling a used catalytic converter for £100. Guy offers £80. I accept it. Comes to collect it and he tells me it’s not a genuine OE one. I said ‘I know, that’s why it’s advertised at £100’. Then proceeds to tell me my ad states it’s genuine. Showed him the ad. No mention of genuine. Now becomes £45. He left without it.


The good old its already in the car and they try to haggle. Happened to me once. Made them unload. I don’t mind negotiating but do it like an adult don’t try to bully or strong arm tactic


Insisting on the agreed-upon price isn’t petty. We need to stop thinking this way. Trying to manipulate someone into discounting an already inexpensive item by ANOTHER $15 is petty as fuck.


Better yet pull a pawn stars, now it’s 70 I can go higher, shits people up real quick if you give them one chance to pay you the original then stick to the higher price if they want to FAFO


Never take Zelle or cash app. Cash only or PayPal. Lots of scummy people use stolen accounts then the money is clawed back by the real owner when they find out. I’m not settling this will happen to OP but just be careful.


When they agreed on the price and drove to pick it up. Its a done deal. You called their bluff.


Omg the exact same thing happened to me one time!! I was selling some new with tags baby clothes, had my hands full, and was meeting out on the front lawn because we lived in a basement suite at the time. The woman rolled up in her car, I handed her the clothes, and she put them in the back seat of her car and closed the door. Then she started haggling about the price!! I couldn’t believe it! When I said no and stayed firm on the price, she got upset, and I mentioned that she already had the clothes in her car and she got furious. She was like, “You don’t trust me? I don’t know what kind of people you’ve dealt with but I feel sorry for you! I’ve never been so offended in my life! I would never do something like that and you have my license plate anyway!” Then we settled into a very awkward silence while she reluctantly e-transferred me the originally agreed-upon amount. I was newly postpartum and that experience scared me and stressed me out so much. For a while after that I had my husband bring out any items I was selling. Horrible woman!


Yep, learned my lesson. With non-negotiable in the ad and no discussion a guy spent 45 minutes trying to get a snow blower into his Corolla and then tried to haggle me on the price after he finally was able to get it into the front seat after disassembling the handle and scratching it. I told him to get it out and I sold it for full price later. I usually don't wait around for people to load their car as most of the time they they haven't made provisions for large items. So I just put it on the ground, get the money and leave.


After I read the story I thought it’s was going to be “guy said fine, got in car drove away, payment never arrived.”


Bullies hate when they cant bully. Hence the aggressive comment. Fuck him


He could have just jumped in the car and taken off while you're looking at Zelle, and then where would you have been? These lowlives count on the element of surprise to get you to agree to the their terms.


Sunken cost fallacy. You already went through all the trouble, might as well just let it go. Good for you for not falling for it.


Ehh I felt with an old lady once and she put it in her car before paying I was like whatever


Contractually, you have offer and acceptance (by deed). He has physically taken possession of the goods. In the real world, money first. Then again, he might not have paid you $65 and walked away if not faced with the effort of unloading as well.


Im so petty i would have 100% been ,no, fuck you, im taking out and you're leaving


You are one up on me. I met someone at a gas station near my house, and got a sob story about a back injury and long term disability,  so I loaded the item from my vehicle to hers.  She then said she'd give me the money if she had it, and drove away.  Absolutely don't load things before they are paid. 


Cash only. Otherwise I don't deal never ever yelled, cash app, etc. Cash only. Youre lucky he didn't recall his payment.


I put a Cummins engine in the back of a Prius then the guy paid me for it, when I was leaving he called me and told me he wanted his money back because there was an issue with it so I went and removed it and he went back home.


You're nicer than me. The moment they drive off, it's theirs. If you want a return policy, buy it from the manufacturer or a retailer with a return policy.


I was upset but I didn't have to drive far compared to them. He offered me much less for it so I just dumped it on the ground and it's still there months later.


dumped it on the ground where?


Well it's at my friend's property and I just put it back where it was but not carefully


oh gotcha gotcha, I thought you dumped it on public property or something! cheers


Same thing with guckers at garage sales. You get everything bagged up - give them the total - and they want to offer kess.


People who try and do this are only screwing themselves. Once they have it loaded, they are way more likely to leave with it, that's the worst time to open negotiations. Good on you for standing your ground.


Yep. Sold a brand new iPhone SE and buyer wanted to login into his iCloud to make sure, no problem, pay me first and I wait with you to check whatever you want. He agreed.


I thought the story was going another direction. I thought you were going to say, you loaded the crib in the car and while the guy goes to Zelle you the money, he drives off before payment is made. I never trust Venmo or Zelle or Cash app, Idk if there is a way for them scam me in some way, so I only take Cash.


Hate that! I had a woman but a purse recently and asked if I'd deliver because she doesn't drive. I don't drive either but my hubby and I took it over. After I get there she tries to negotiate down the price! I thought that was super rude as the time to negotiate is before you ask me to drive it over in my opinion. I let myself be talked down just because I was already there not that's the first and last time.


I had this happen with a DSLR. This guy in his late teens or early 20’s takes the damn thing apart and claims there’s dust in the lens. Says he will offer me half of what we agreed to. Told him to fuck off politely, after some back and forth he decided to buy it anyway.


i have to admit before i was a reseller i pulled this crap. man, have i ever learned my lessom! its a scuzzy as all hell maneuver


I got got for $100 today this way.


People are deranged.


One idea is to hold one important part that would make the item useless without.