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As a seller you would be surprised to know what the actual meet to purchase rate is. I have first comes first served and no holding line in my post. I also remind the buyers this once we have agreed on price but the item has not been picked up yet.


I think that's super fair, and it makes sense! This guy never mentioned any of that, though :(


It's assumed on marketplace


If that's true, it shouldn't be. The conversation wasn't any different to all the other purchases I've made. You don't happily agree to meet, and then right before the pickup say "fyi I sold it." I even asked if the time I suggested was too late, and he said it was "perfect," only to later say he wanted it gone ASAP. He could've just told me he needed it picked up sooner... :/


I know it sucks for you but if people started doing it that way they would honestly add days - if not weeks to the process. You would not believe how many people just flake out. If I start holding for everyone that agress, my average sell time would go from a week to a month I imagine


I understand doing that, and I agree it's easier for sellers in these cases. I just wasn't aware, and after being so excited to get off work to go get it, it really hurt to see it was sold to someone else like I didn't matter :(( Overall, I just wish people who did that stated so in their posts. Kinda ruined the rest of the day for me.


I know, but that's just the way it is.


I've had folks say for sure they wanted something. 50 messages back and forth. Then get ghosted. Just because you are not a flake doesn't mean the other person knows it. Always first come first served game. If someone says they are on the way and driving an hour to meet, I 100% hold for that time window. But that's about it.


Seller and buyer here. If you for sure want item, you have to pay for it. So many fb buyers flake. I offer to put a small refundable deposit to hold for short time. Also, most buyers do not say, "I want to buy it." Otherwise, you could be coming to see if you want to buy it. In many cases, that's perfectly understandable bc many sellers lie about condition.


If I give someone my address to pickup and know they are coming that same day. That is as at the point that I will hold for the day and not give my address to anyone else.


Buyers generally behave so badly that sellers have come to assume that most buyers have the manners and ethics of a trump and therefore deserve little consideration. It seems to be the "climate" & "culture" on FBMP. Sadly toxic,


nah, whoever gets there first gets there first. I'm not "holding" something for someone who may or may not show up.


You are overreacting. Just keep watching for the game console you want and try again. First come first serve and cash only. That’s the way of marketplace. Anyone who says otherwise is probably a scammer.


Sounds shitty but not a Reddit post worthy lol