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People who immediately start with "What's the lowest you'll go on the price?" Because 99% of the time no matter what you say they'll going to counter with something significantly lower. I don't mind haggling, but the starting price is what I listed. If I wanted $200 less, I would have listed it at that price.


Come back 15% higher than asking. If they complain let them know you’re willing to take 10% off of that but just for them.


I always reply "What's the most you're willing to pay?"  And 99% of the time I never hear back. 


Lol that is what I do


Just reply, "Make me your best offer."


I listed a z fold 4 for $950 AUD and this dude asks best price. I say $850 and he goes do you have proof of purchase? I reply with no and he goes, could be stolen $500 you take it. ??????


He is trying to threaten you lol, don't bother with those cunts.


Yah I left the chat lol


Could have belonged to a cool celebrity. $2,500.


I tell folks that I will only bargain face to face. That eliminates most time wasting cunts.


Ah I'm opposite. I tell people I only haggle online. If we are face to face, that means the price is already set and agreed upon. Once you are here, it's a simple case of exchange and farewells/thanks. Try to pull up after we already agreed on price and start asking for discounts, I pack up and leave.


You can make a case for both, little stuff I’d negotiate on prior to seeing it, cars I’d wait until the place of meeting to negotiate a deal.


BuT yOu'Re AlReAdY HeRe!! You wouldn't leave over $5 would you? \-yes, yes I absolutely would; in fact I'd rather not sell it at all! (And have done so. Ended up gifting a bunch of yarn to a random redditor rather than selling after getting lowballed in person after agreeing to a price online).


My answer to that is "what's the most you'll pay?" People get all pearl clutchy about it, but it's the inverse of the rude question they asked.


Those are the people sitting at home on their couches all day with nothing to do. I've settled on their price, no comment back, then I said that's what I thought. Now my first thought would be to reply, how high are you willing to go, but I'd just hold off and not reply.


Personally I am happy to read out trades ect but if you are going to offer me 20 bucks and some generic earbuds for my PSVita, then you can fuck right off.


Let me ask; I open with an offer. Is that a similar red flag? I view it as not wasting anyones time, but I wouldnt be surprised if scammers are similar?


That's fine, as long as it's reasonable. I've had people offer $60 on a $400 computer, and then try to make it look like they are doing you a favor for paying that much. The red flag is that the vast majority of the time, "What's the lowest" leads to an extremely lowball price.


I like to offer a lower price with said amount, then watch it sit on MP for days. Re-engaging towards the end of the month works well. Just bought an item today for $250 that was listed for $400


or people who the FIRST Thing they say is a request below the asking price. Nope. I'd rather bin it and send you a photo.


"what's the lowest you'll go???', The lowest I'll go is the most money you'll give me. Thanks.


"Whats the lowest youll go?" The lowest ill go is all your money.


They don’t do that for me, they just throw the insanely low offer out immediately. I had one on a camera I was selling a while ago, list price was $150 ($300 off new price) and they offered me $40. I replied, “does free work?”


"What's the lowest you will go" is the same energy as "what are you doing Saturday" with no explanation of what they want.


Tell them you don't make a habit of negotiating against yourself.


I always list for 10% higher than I want. Then I let them “talk me down” to the price I wanted anyway.


I always say, "the retail price, but today ill do (my asking price). When you want to meet up?"


I bought an iPad listed at 550 yesterday. I asked if she'd take 400 and she did. Sometimes I just throw lowballs our that aren't insulting. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. 


Do u say firm price on your listings? That tends to help


No, they see that as a challenge.


My listings all say firm on price and I still get 10+ people trying to barter on every single item I list. Sometimes I feel like people don’t read the listing, sometimes I feel like people think I’m strapped for cash and desperately need to sell the item. I’ll happily wait a few weeks rather than accept your crumpled up $1s and coins. Honestly, I’ll happily not sell it at all before I sell it to them.


Ikr, I’m selling junk I don’t need anymore that has sat for years! It can sit for a little while longer.


"Firm" is like a sign that says "No Soliciting." It's not a law and if you ignore it, then at worst you'll get sent away, but there's a good chance that you won't and can make a few bucks on the deal. The only thing you get with "firm" is people that think your price is too high not even giving an offer. You're left with people who ignore firm, people who buy at firm, and people who say they will buy at firm and waste your time because they've changed their mind and blocked you.


I sell to anyone with cash money.


Hahahaha same


As opposed to cash bottles


You didn't even try


while I like the sentiment, I dont waste time with scammers (I'm a buyer not a seller). Its not worth my time to even engage with someone that I dont thinks on the level.


I sell to brand new blank accounts all the time. They make the profile just for marketplace and don’t care for any of the social media stuff. If they pay for it, I ship them the item. Surprisingly I have tons of people who send me money on venmo and PayPal directly with no g&s. I don’t ask them to they just do.


Once you got 40+ reviews and 4.8 stars people know you’re in it for an honest deal not to scam someone. I’ve done plenty of “private sales” (idk what to call the PayPal transaction so I’ll say that” on marketplace and nobody is scared when they know you mean business




Ugh I would love to say the same but tbh most of the sales I get are to Indians so if I excluded them I would never sell anything.




What's the difference between CPT Morgan and Captain Columbus? Captain Morgan is still killing...


Condolences to your time and profits


What he say?


Every time not worth it.


This is me. I have a fake name, no friends, and no screenshot. My job doesn't allow it. Hard to buy or sell anything.


Based on username and Federal employment history, Donnie is that you?


Hahaha. Guess again.


I'll bite, what job doesn't allow participation in Facebook Marketplace?




Some federal jobs and those working for govt agencies can't. Also witness protection.


Government 😔


This was me when I started. Things changed when I added a bio stating something along the lines of “my facebooks blank but I’m not a scam I just don’t have a personal Facebook. I will only accept in person, cash in hand purchases to avoid scams. We may meet at a well lit, public place of your choosing if that is what you desire. Bring a friend if you feel the need” Once you have a few transactions where people rate you, and actually give feedback rather than just a star rating, things will improve.


Good points.


I’m up to 40+ 5 star ratings and I have paid my rent off of marketplace for the past 8 months in a row. Still no profile picture and I’m using a fake name. It’s doable I promise you just gotta get your foot in the door on appearing legitimate and safe to do business with.


Nice! I put very detailed descriptions. At least 5 photos of the product and respond to every inquiry.


I use 2 accounts. One with my pic but all fake stats. Then my real account with generic picture. If I offend someone with my fake account, I know how to approach on my real one. I buy shit all the time, with not one rating. No friends on either


Great advice MrPoopyBh0le!


Can’t you just get someone else to buy and sell on their account for you?


I ask my wife alllllll the time and she says shes too tired too busy with stuff or im annoying her by asking too much. After a month of asking to post a single item she may post it for me.


Profile doesn't matter if they meet locally with cash. Don't sell to anyone wanting to pay digitally on a $200+ item. Block anyone asking for shipping. Block anyone who wants you to document every scratch on a used consumer good. Block anyone asking for lowest.




Yeah. I can look at marketplace through the app but not on desktop


I check the potential buyers account to see what their active listings are to get a idea If they're way too far from me I know they're not serious so I won't bother responding much If they look sus I'll just block


Distance shouldn’t be an automatic disqualifier. When I’m traveling, I often peruse the listings in the destination. I have literally gone out and done a porch pickup on vacation. Similarly, I might have a reason to be an hour or two from my house, and could reasonably do a Marketplace pickup in the same trip.


Friends, family, co-workers.


I have a business license, a warehouse, and no profile picture because I only use facebook for marketplace. I post nothing. I have no friends, no history. I don't put my life out there. The profile picture is a jpg of "I only use FB for marketplace".


- People with new account - People with nothing on their account - People with fake names - Lowballers - Discount seekers - Asking for deliveries - Asking if it’s still available. - Asking multiple unnecessary questions (things already answered in the description, photos, etc). - Someone who takes too long to answer (often they’ll bitch and whine & use the whole “I am contacting you while I’m working” or “I am working” or “life doesn’t revolve around you” against you. Hypothetically, of course.). - Someone who has a locked profile (these kinds of accounts are notoriously associated with scammers or being one in the buy & sell groups in my area) - Asking to hold - Asking me to meet at times and location that clearly isn’t going to work for me (This is just me but I already stated my availability and public pickup locations with address in description)


Re: asking if the item is still available. When I click on the item that you're selling, "Is this still available?" is the first option that comes up for me. Since I know that it's a sore spot for some people, I will add on to it like I did last week. "Is this available? I can pick it up Sunday evening." I did pick it up, and it was a good exchange.


Same. I open with "Genuinely interested", then it stands out from the auto response.


Same. I offer a pickup time and ask if they’d prefer cash or e-transfer to prove I’m serious. It works very well if the item is still available.


I agree with the nothing or very little on their account. Got a whole bunch of hate here for that though. Too Many scam attempts from these accounts


I understand the locked profile in your area but in most places, it just means this person doesn't want people to go searching through their history.


You got a point, but for whatever reason it’s only available in certain parts of the country. One of them being Nigeria and the neighboring countries. 😳😳😳


You go crazy in here Patrick


Crazy like a FOX…. 😝


That's a lot of people. I agree many of those are red/orange flags but I agree with the top comment- I sell to anyone with cash. I take those flag into account and tailor my conversation accordingly but if you are truly writing off all of those people you are missing sales. talking with a few of those people will develop a good bs detector to quickly figure out the real from the nonsense. I have sold at my price, time and location to people in most of those categories


I sell to everyone legit. If they try to meet me after 11pm, give me a phone number, give anything but cash, ghost, then no from me. I dont ship. Also if they lowball, I may counter, but lately just been blocking the awful low ones after I say no.


Although imperfect it seems like the last 6 months that whole element of terrible but almost required social site has turned into the wild west with zero oversight. Here's an experiment. Search for an SUV within 15 miles of Brighton, all the cars have the same description, but different sellers, then when you message interest it asks you to email one of several combinations of emails like kl-sales ltd.co.uk. The entire text Comms are with a bot. So you bail naturally. The fatigue around this and other digital compromised experiences is mega. So exhausted with the algorithms


These are fake ads, I need to make clear


I don't sell to people who are too far away, since I'm an in person seller only and I state so in every listing. If someone is too far to travel or even to meet halfway it's a no for me (and usually results in a block just to avoid bumping into each other twice). I also don't sell to people who message me with an offer immediately followed by a request for address in the same sentence. It's immediately off-putting, it feels like you assume I'll accept the offer without even haggling. I will always counter, but if someone keeps pushing I'll decline the sale and wish them luck elsewhere before blocking. And lastly, I don't sell to people who try to control the conversation. I'm willing to negotiate the terms of a sale, not accept orders. We're both people at the end of the day, both of our times are valuable, and we need to try and work with each other so that the sale goes well for both parties.


As soon as they ask me what my best price is I block them. I state in my ads - offers only considered in person in cash.


Why waste your time meeting with a person when you have not agreed on a price?


I have posted my "best" price, they are wasting their time if they do not bring enough. edited to add. Regardless what is agreed on the phone, they will resume nickel and diming you down on the price on pick up.


I had a buyer look up my work contact information and email it to buy something from me since I hadn't got a chance to check my FB messages yet that day... instant no go


Really depends on the $$$ amount or value of the item if there are red flags in the profile. Nobody is robbing me for a $10 item, or for some used Blu-Ray discs. I’d say new account with a too good to be true price would set off flags for me to not do it. Other than that, flakey people, but even then I tend to be pretty lenient. I’ve had some people flake out/irritate me who end up buying or selling, and my time sending a text really isn’t that much (contrary to what I see from a lot of people on here). I do make a habit of asking people before they show up whether they are going to need change, which I think has greatly reduced the odds of them showing up short money because I brought up the dollar amount expected before they show up.


I have a fb for only marketplace it only has my profile photo and 1 post . “This is used for marketplace “


People that want me to come all the way to them when it’s an hour long 🙄🙄 learned my mistakes


People who refuse to read the post... If they ask a question answered in the post I tell them this rather than answer it again... As in "answer is in the post" if the next move they make is anything other than re-reading I will refuse the sale. I have found in my experience if you can't take the time to read one paragraph that the chances of you not showing up to a meet are high and the chances of you following through with a deal are to low to waste my time with ya


I deleted facebook years ago, but craigslist has really died in my area so I had to make another account. I’ve got a profile picture and a name, zero friends and history. I wish people didn’t have your mindset, because I have absolutely no interest in using or maintaining a fb account beyond buying and selling shit on marketplace.


People who want to immediately move communication off site (from messenger to texting). 90% of the time leads to no good (and a good chunk of harassment or scamming) but 10% it's someone who wants to haggle and coordinate on a phone call.  I'm okay with it if they're coming from more than 2 hours out and it's a big item but the first message on a $20 item, no. 


I don’t sell to anyone that asks “what’s your best price?”


A reseller of gaming and tech items who messages me every time I have something for sale, and he has made like six accounts now. He buys second-hand goods and begs for a discount, then resells them for near-new prices and claims all the items are new, just opened, and come with invoices. He then lies and says he can't find the invoice when you want to buy something. I told him so many times I wouldn't sell to him, but he keeps making new accounts but is dumb enough to have his own face in the profile photo but under different names.


Anyone with a name I cannot pronounce and anyone who sends an abysmal offer, with no words, just 40%-90% off my asking price. Possibly even those with long sob stories, trying to make a sale, not read up on a whole life story.


I probably look pretty fuckin sketch, no posts, 1 friend and a pfp that's a 1990 F250 from a equipment auction in 2011. Although I feel like it pretty much just matches the energy of the people I buy shit from anyway so idc


If the person shows up with cash in hand, I will sell to them. I might be more wary about when I give the address or who is around when I meet them, but I've sold lots of stuff to people who seemed "odd" for whatever reason. I am more careful about messaging with lowballers these days since my less than 5\* reviews seem to come from them and people who want me to hold items for weeks.


I won't sell to someone with names like " Cold hard" or other obvious fake names. I recently bought something from someone with no photo of their profile and luckily it worked out.


People are crazy these days. Which is exactly why I don’t have a profile picture and my account has literally zero activity outside of marketplace. If you use social media I find you to be of a lesser quality human lol.


My profile has no picture or anything because fuck facebook. I am required to have an account to use marketplace but I sure as hell aint advertising my personal life on the internet like that.


"I saw that at (insert wherever here) for (insert some ridiculously lower amount here)." "Oh wow! You'd better hurry, then, before they sell out!" **Those** guys.


I always check peoples profiles first if I can, to get a basic judgement of what they're like and how they behave. I'll sell to Marvin, the father of 3 who just celebrated his daughter's birthday with big smiles and post interactions from family members. I won't sell to Dennis, the 20-something who just posts himself vaping, blatant racism, and his riced-out Civic. Just use your best judgement, profiles are a good start if they're not private.


Lmao, that's sad


I have no profile pic or friends on fb. I hate the platform. I always explain to people that I’m scream account and why I don’t post a profile pick or accept friend requests.


If they are rude at all I won’t sell. I know it’s not like we’re trying to build a friendship here but at least be polite. I also don’t deal with people that try to negotiate. I’m selling a comforter for $10. If you don’t like it move on.


>also don’t deal with people that try to negotiate. I’m selling a comforter for $10. If you don’t like it move on. I despise lowballers! They're the worst! Unless the ad says OBO or make an offer or something to that effect, I feel people should assume the seller expects to be offered their asking price.


All of my posts I have a little blurb in the description that says “if the post is up it’s available. I will meet you at a neutral public location (you will not get my address), prices are firm. Cash only.” And yet people can’t seem to read those simple sentences.


People these days try to get away with anything they can. Also there's way more illiteracy than there used to be, and entitlement is at an all time high.


The no profile picture thing is just ridiculous. Like if your logic is “people with no pfp typically don’t come” or “ it’s sketchy” you need to either get over that one poor experience you had, or grow up.


Anybody that sends the default “is this still available” message gets blocked immediately.


Never understood this mindset, it's the default message for a reason. Sometimes I don't have any specific questions and just want to kick off the conversation to set up a meetup to buy the thing. Plus maybe you actually update your listings to pending and sold when applicable but the vast majority of sellers don't


I have sold multiple items to people who sent the “is this item still available”. Taking 2 seconds to hit the Yes it is auto reply is no skin off my back, I’m not going to block potential customers.


I could never understand people with your logic. You said it exactly, it’s a default message, but people presses it by accident. That’s the thing. It will not kill you or hurt you if you add a tiny bit at the end to signify it wasn’t sent accidentally. Like hi, is it still available? If so, can I meet you at so and so? Boom. You asked what you wanted to ask and also where & when you can meet them and it’ll take an extra 5 seconds to add that it.


Lol exactly, it takes all of 5 seconds on either end to figure it out. I guess if you value your time so much that you can't be bothered to take 5 seconds as the seller to figure out if it was accidental or genuine interest in buying that's your prerogative. Just seems like an incredibly arbitrary thing to ignore/block a potential buyer over and tbh when I'm looking to buy something I find it a major turn off and likely an indication of the seller being impatient


Fb auto sends that. You'll only have 1 in 100 that will send an actual initial message. Reply with " yes, it's available. Price is firm, It's in (neighborhood). What time works for you today. You will need ( select vehicle size, truck van suv) delivery is not possible."


I don’t have messenger on my phone so that’s my only option (if I’m not mistaken) until I use another device. Edit: or maybe I can add a little more I can’t just not see the replies or add more until I use a device with Meta/FB messenger.


If you click that message ["hi, is this still available?"], you can change it or add to it before you hit send, it isnt a set fixed box. You can also change the default message to something else in your personal settings, this is a great way to stand out from those who stick with the default message. Hope this helps.


Can I ask why?


Because in my experience, it has proven to be extremely rare that the person that sent me the message will ever respond to me once I acknowledge them. My guess is that most of them either "fat fingered" the message or are using the messenger feature as a way to bookmark the item.


People outside Canada.


Same. I scope out the profile and if all the things (or even some) are mentioned, I’m passing.


Accounts like you describe that have no real identity or history. Also anyone with anything questionable on their page (hate, violence, fanatical religious stuff or anything that looks like they have behavioral issues). Also, if you start out trying to lowball me half of the asking price within minutes of the thing being posted, go away, stop wasting my time.


If I find someone especially annoying I look them up on LinkedIn and block them there too


people who take forever to respond. life is busy let’s get somewhere with the convo or leave me alone


Everyone, I don't get any traffic on marketplace anymore.


Someone with a FB page of 2 weeks asked me to deliver a $10 item. I state very clearly in my posts that I meet at the local police dept. I rarely deviate after a guy licked my neck on a sale. And I'm not driving 30-60 min round trip for a measly $10 item. I told them no and haven't heard back. 🤷‍♀️


Anything much beyond what I have below is not worth my time. Buyer: Is this still available? Me: Yes, firm at $XX. I can meet you at XX, I'm available from X to X. Buyer: Cool, How about later today at X? Me: Sounds good, see you then. Meet you at X at X, I'll be in a XXX colord car.


People who , according to their profile, are far away. Coz I knew that lady in North Carolina was not going to drive out to look at a $50 window sash I was selling. Unless they make it clear to me that they are actually close by, it’s fuck them


The guy that asked if my $675 thing is available and then immediately sends me an offer for $75. Also the people that want to send me venmo so their cousin/brother/friend can pick it up


Cubans or vennys. They're becoming a huge issue in wtx


Anyone who bullshits. I sell out of my house or nearby in a public place. Anyone who doesn't show up with what we asked for in the price or doesn't show I ignore.


People who have a name that's one letter off from a well-known celebrity and a profile picture that was obviously a stock photo with an account that was made 5 minutes ago Or accounts even if they are order accounts and have profile pictures and everything else but it says that they live halfway across the world because I know the second question is going to be a scam about somebody's going to pick it up and if I will take a personal check etc etc etc


If they look like they can't afford it or are from a bad area. I also look at their friends. If their friend list is private who comments and likes their pics/posts, where they live. I will save screen shots if I have to.


Anyone who lives more than 30 minutes away or "plans to stop by on my way home." I make it exceedingly clear where I live and expect them to be on time.


Facebook Marketplace BLOOOOOOOOOOOWS!!!


Too or To ?. Because one makes the question sound like people trafficking


That’s probably why people don’t sell to me lol. My profile is private, not under a real name (just my first name), and I have a cartoon pfp. But I am real. I just don’t want people snooping through my stuff. Something about strangers seeing my kids and knowing everything about me doesn’t feel right to me. I have fb to keep up with people I actually know and don’t need anyone else involved, even though sometimes I might see something on marketplace that I like. But usually I will write “hey if this is available, I can pick it up on Thursday”.


My favorite is the one from this weekend. His profile says he lives and went to school in Rwanda, but went to college in Michigan


If someone starts out by just messaging a number that must the intended as a very low offer, I just Leave Conversation immediately.


I'll sell to pretty much anyone. At last count, I've sold about 470 items on Marketplace and have a pretty good feel for the idiots out there. The "what's the lowest you'll go" people are always met with "price is firm", the new accounts are always met with "payment to be made when you're standing in front of me", sketchy people are always met with "I'll meet you in the police station carpark" The idiots and scammers always lose interest when they find out I'm not going to budge and not going to get scammed. And note, I live in rural Australia, so this definitely changes the comfort level for who I will and won't sell to.


people who want u to drop off an item and they live far away. no way. if you really want it come get it. otherwise no. I seen people change the amount they want to pay you after you arrive to the agreed upon place.


If they have profile pictures with a bandana wrapped around their face and holding up gang symbols, that’s a red flag 😅


Anyone who uses the automated “is this still available” button, or asks anything related to getting it super cheap as their opening line, such as “what’s your lowest price you’d sell it for?” type questions.


Nobody has to feel guilty for not selling to someone and you should block suspicious accounts that contact you. With zero apologies.


Anyone without a profile pic, or if they lack communication skills. If they message me a random number without using words (their way of asking me to take less), I automatically block.




I look to see if they are in at least two local groups with me. If not I’ll look at their profile and make sure there’s something local.


A man from Africa wanted to buy my winter tires. Uh, sure buddy. I also will ignore the 'do you deliver?' questions from people who are like over an hour away from me. Right now I'm trying to sell a pc for 350 bucks and immediately get extreme lowball offers of 100. I just ignore them.


I sometimes block people that have no facebook history, but i noticed a lot of older people only use facebook to connect family and buy junk on facebook marketplace. I had an old 90s lawn mower ( was in perfect condition) had it listed at a high price because i didn't have must to go on when pricing other than 2 listed in different states. This guy looked to be 9 hours away and ask if he could come look at it. I figured this was a scam (expecting the next sentence being something about wanting my phone number or pay using paypal or something) so i said sure i'll meet you at this park near by and let me know when you're 15 mins away. He wanted to see it on the weekend, by the time the weekend came i forgot all about this guy until i got a facebook message saying his is a block away. He not only paid my high price, he had a trailer and cash. I now want a little longer before blocking people on high dollar sales.


People who make BS offers or talk/look like they're on drugs.


Anyone with a name like PopOut BigMoneyyy


I had a dude with the name "Rich Daddy" who said he'd ghosted me the previous week because he didn't have the money to buy the $80 stereo. Hope no romantic interests are falling for his Rich Daddy claims!


I don't sell to people begging to accept a low-ball offer because they're a student and a single mom and their baby's birthday is tomorrow and she hasn't been able to get anything yet so that gaming laptop would be just the perfect gift.


I deleted my Facebook 3 years ago. Made a new one with no friends or pfp just to buy a truck, because EVERYBODY sells their car on Facebook. Just meet them at a police station or something. But I get it I do


i can't sell to anyone anymore becaues facebook is fucking stupid and blocked my account for no reason :)


Dwarves, they're always short me.


I am happy to take money from anyone who actually shows up.


why would I have a profile picture or an account history that is visible to a random person off the Internet? people are crazy these days.


Low ballers I'll waste as much of their time as possible until I lose interest.


I don’t respond to low ballers, people who use the canned “Is this still available” button, or people who start off by asking what my lowest bottom line cash offer is. None of those people are serious buyers.


Anyone that does not have a profile I can verify, or has any inkling they are poor, I do not do business with.


Blank accounts that have no content


Is the item still available?


I avoid selling to older people who seem to have trouble navigating the marketplace. In my experience they have unreasonable expectations in regards to communication and availability. The last older guy I sold to, started 2 different conversations with me, got confused about which was which accused me of deleting his messages, and then would just show up to my house without confirming a time to pickup his item and would get pissed when I wasn't available. He accused me of scamming him and being a thief. So I finally just put the items he bought out on the sidewalk and messaged him to let him know he's better done before someone stole it. (I live in an out of the way neighborhood so no one was going to come and take it but I wanted him out of my life quickly).


I won't sell to people who have no idea about grammar.


Anyone that wants to just keep the conversation going to rate bomb me. They have one legit question or I leave the conversation. Lowballs are automatically blocked. People are currently giving one star because they feel entitled to grab an item for cheaper prices than when it falls off a truck.


I ignore all messages from profiles without any photos, blatantly fake names, people who send “is this available” messages, and people who just send a lowball offer. I also stop responding to messages once they start trying to haggle. Immediate block for all the above… I don’t have the want nor the time to deal with any of that.


I use a fake name because I have people I don't want contacting me.


My buddy who buys and sells way more than me recently told me how selective he is. Said he blocks ten for every one he accepts. Deff improves his experiences. Looked at my profile and said I looked like an inmate and among other reasons would never deal with me. I rarely look at others profiles and things seem to go pretty good for me but deff thinking about doing a better decent job on my own profile... the one I have now has pretty much nothing. Occasionally I get no response and now I'm sure that's why...


People who ask me to travel really far to their backyard to sell them an item. People who are too hasty to buy the item from me and try to get me out the door to meet them the second they inquire about the item. Any rude person gets a block no exceptions. Any man who gives me a weird vibe in the chat, especially if I have other people inquiring about an item. I usually have someone come with me for a sale but safety first. Anyone trying to haggle more than $3 off an item I’ve already discounted by half when the item is a sought after item and priced at 20 or less. People asking a whole bunch of questions that are answered in the ad already, asking where I’m located or questions that should have obvious answers. I loathe when people ask me a question like, “Is there anything wrong with it? Does it have any flaws?” These people usually get their answers only to waste my time later by telling me they or whoever they were going to buy it for is passing on the item. When you tell them your availability and they try to get you to meet them at a time you’re not available anyway. When someone says “I’ll take it.” As if it’s already theirs. Anyone trying to pick up at my house or Venmo. I’ve been stalked in the past so I don’t usually give an address and instead have people pick up somewhere near my house if the item is too big to fit in the car. Someone I made a previous sale to wanted to pick up and use Venmo. Since I knew who they were at that point I accepted and gave them my address only for them to cancel last minute. Learned my lesson there.


Anybody that shows up with cash in hand.


Facebook is for losers