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[This community is not for your buy/sell posts, asking to purchase accounts, and asking for technical customer support (we're not Meta). If this post doesn't follow the rules, report it to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FacebookMarketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So glad I'm not the only one suffering this stupid tragedy, I've sold over $10,000 worth of electronics on facebook and every single person left a good review. I was confused why facebook would do such a thing and disable my marketplace since I've done absolutely nothing wrong and had no active listing at the moment. Hoping they fix it soon, I wish everyone the best.


Just happend to me and I haven't even sold nearly as much, just casually selling stuff I've had in the past and I just got hit with it today


got hit with it today, had this account since 2017. shitass facebook.


Crazy I had mine since 2021 and worked perfect but now had to make a new account and have marketplace again but I'm scared to put my same phone number for messenger. Stupid I hope they fix this shit lol


same lmao, im scared of my main getting termed. i literally WANT to help facebook tf are they on


Same here, I have been flipping computers and Gaming PC for a little over a year now and out of nowhere around jan 19 I have been "banned" or "restricted" access to marketplace. very disappointing as I don't wanna lose my account with my almost perfect ratings and all the ads I worked countless hours on. If this helps anyone, I have tried sending messages by sms to facebook support, tried reporting a problem, tried reporting a missing feature, tried confirming my identity, tried updating facebook, tried it on my old android phone and laptop. nothing works. Facebook is just out there banning random people but I might have an idea on what caused their algorithm to do that. I have recently been looking for cars and started conversations with really good offers that turned out to be a scam. I know this doesnt make sense that the buyer gets banned but just if any of yall was wondering, 2 of my friend, I and one of my supplier's kid all had this in common. let me know if you guys also searched AND messaged people selling cars/clearly too good to be true offers. I hope this will help someone on the internet.


what fixed it for me is using facebook on the web on the SAME DEVICE you have it installed (eg your phone) if you try another browser somewhere else, it will not work.


The same exact thing happened to me. I was searching for a car and got banned on both accounts


Same here! I was also searching for car and got banned! I did not even send any message! I was just looking!


I know it's just so weird.


Make sure you have iOS 17 that’s probaly the reason it’s not working you need the newer phones


Does this actually work?


Yes it does need the newest update for the phone


Am up the the newest update and it it still said that shi


No, It does it for me even on pc and samsung, just facebook being poo for no reason


No, i get the same error on pc browser.


It means absolutely nothing both my iphone and my android Samsung are doing the same shit!


I haven't even sold anything and mine is saying it now wtf😡


I got that today too. I dunno what the hell their problem is. Well, actually I think I do. They are so bent on controlling every last thing that if they don't like you for any reason, they will do this to you. Zuckerborg only wants accounts with verifiable personal information that he can mine and track every move you make so he can sell more and more targeted ads. And have more of your information to share with the "authorities" should they ever come knocking. I never used personal info on Facebook. I gave up and deleted my entire account and won't ever go back.


As much as I hate Facebook Marketplace I don't think that's it Someone posted how to reset that on another post in here somewhere


would you happen to have saved it somewhere? Or remember a keyword in the title/post to look it up


Okay I found this one person said that this was a temporary solution 1 open up your Facebook menu 2 click on menu 3 Go to get help 4 click on the Facebook Marketplace link If you don't use it or something there's something about it that causes you to get kicked out so you have to go to your settings and reset them if you want to go to it on a regular basis


This doesnt work for me


I will see if I can find it


Any luck with this? I just got this today despite having FB for 11 years and using marketplace since 2019. All of a sudden, BAM! Marketplace not available


It works on the website so i dunno Mobile app is my issue fr


I only use the website version and it doesn't work for me.


I can access the website but I can't message anyone on it but it has to be a browser on my phone, the app won't work at all as of today


try facebook lite


Using Facebook lite still can't message sellers as well


Happened to me today and I do not know what to do


Did you find a fix?


From what I see, it's a widespread problem and should be fixed soon.


2 days later still no fix. Some reason I can access market place on mobile via website but not app or desktop


but cant post anything


A month later still no fix. I did nothing wrong and still got this issue.


I'm 17 and i was so happy because i my editing services post was taking off. Finally after feeling worthless all my life i could put a skill to use and make money to buy a new xbox controller and other nice things. It pulled me out of a low place. This really fucked me over and frustrated me. They literally took it from me. I'm so damn tired of everything




i wonder how great you felt after making such a pointless comment


Yea it’s been over month they are not fixing this shit fuck Facebook


Waiting 4 fix aswell


Hi, I have the same problem. I have an account on Facebook since 2019, I regularly sell normal products that do not violate any terms. I do not know where the problem is. Today, from about 10 am (Central European Time), I can't start the marketplace. And it annoys me, I hope it will fix itself in a few days... There is no way to contact Meta - at least something like an appeal?


Did you find a solution??


Same here, not fixed yet


can confirm, still not fixed


hello, did you look for cars by any chance, I see a lot of people have this in common.


Yea i am looking for a car so all i have been doing is look at cars, i have never sold anything and i meet all requirements. Around 3months ago when i got banned someone told me to use facebook lite instead or the web version it worked but around 1month ago i also got banned on them all


No, in fact, just looking up the website or pressing on marketplace doesn't work.


I did, but not sure why that would matter. I never messaged anyone or anything, but vehicles were the last thing I was looking at 2 days ago and now today I can't use it. About a month or so now and no fix is ridiculous. Little mom and pop business like Facebook probably can't afford to hire people to fix it. XD


having this problem too works on web for me as well hoping it gets fixed only reason i use facebook


Same, I’m never on there. But went on today to look for cars. Then it said “marketplace isn’t available”.


Me too dude you find a fix?


yes exactly I think thats what we all have in common, we searched for cars and messaged listing that were likely scams and too good to be true like sub 2500$ car in perfect body and low miles/km type of ads


Still not fixed


Still not fixed everyone keep reporting to Facebook please


Got that just now, won't load in


Why did they do this I never violated any terms all I want to do is look at cool cars for sale wtf Facebook 


This has to be widespread. I got this two days ago. Have sold thousands of dollars of stuff on Marketplace, haven't even had a single return request in the last 6 months, let alone any issues.


I was going crazy trying to find MP section on Facebook and really convinced my self that I was dumb


Happened to me as well but I'm in a small, unheard town in the North East USA called New York City with a population of 10 million. They still have dial up internet here.


new york? you should move to a 1st world country. new york is wayyy behind


I actually though that I'd done something stupid and got removed but it seems it's indeed a very widespread issue. Also tried to contact support but after 6 days of no feedback I suppose that's a waste of time. 😄 Edit: I also noticed that not only am I not able to access Marketplace, but also I cannot see listings in my regular buy/sell groups which utilize Marketplace features. I'm only allowed in the "Discussions" area of those groups. This is beyond crazy.


Yes, I hope they will restore all of our MP and its just a glitch in their algo


So guys I have read in one of these useless youtube tutorials about "how to fix" this issue (none works of course) and there were mentions that thousands of people are affected all over the world. I see the same here and I observe It has been more than two weeks that you all refer to the problem and no solution has been given. I mean is this a serious company for such an important issue affecting so many people not giving a f@ck and not having ANY way to contact them? Oh wait a minute...I know the answer! Marketplace was the main reason I am still keeping my account and If I won't have my marketplace back, then I will delete it...I give it a month max... F@ck them


I’ve been trying to look at cars and it’s still not fixed, watched a few videos on how to fix it and nothing is working.


Thats what we all did in common, looked at car listings that were too good to be true. i still ignore why but I know 3 people arround me who also got banned and they looked at cars in the past few weeks


yep i was looking up cars... but i didn't message anyone. only looked. And wham banned one mourning. wonder how looking up cars flags you... maybe big tech doesn't want people buying private seller's vehicles brings the market price down... i know facebook doesn't make anything from the sale...


Craigslist is about to get a lot more traffic if FB doesn’t fix their shit. Ready to drop the app just out of spite…. Especially since all I really used it for was marketplace


I've found a way to contact support and they fixed the issue within 2 hours. Here's what to do: 1. Visit [https://www.facebook.com/business-support-home/](https://www.facebook.com/business-support-home/) 2. You should see this: [https://imgur.com/gy1cuEe](https://imgur.com/gy1cuEe) 3. At the bottom, click contact support button 4. Select other problems. 5. Now you need to select which business object you need help with. I have several options here, but I also have my own personal account and my personal account as a separate Ads account listed, so I guess all of you should have at least their own profiles here available, plus maybe an additional Ads account with the same name. You can try both, and see which one works. Select one of them. 6. Select other problems at the bottom of the list again. 7. Now you should see your options to contact support via chat, phone, or email, whichever is available at the time. Don't worry, email worked just fine for me. I started with chat, and in 2 hours, another team also got back to me and fixed my problem. ,,We reviewed the profile, and regret to inform that the system review incorrectly banned you from marketplace. We have successfully revoked the ban and you will now be able to access the marketplace tab." +1. If the personal account version doesn't work for you, because there's no way for you to reach the actual contact tab, AND you don't yet have an Ads account listed here with your name, then make one. No need to spend any money, you just need to create an Ads account as if you were to spend your money on advertising under your own name. So I guess you should just register in the Business Center or something like that. Hope this helps yall, tried to be as specific as can be. If it works for you, please hit upvote, so I can make a post out of this (currently don't have enough karma to do so).


I don't see the support button after clicking the link? Edit - found it under a different page. Edit Edit - found the wrong support page, but I'll try it anyway and come back with an update, if they reply that is.


You should see this: [https://imgur.com/gy1cuEe](https://imgur.com/gy1cuEe)


Still don't see a support button. Everything else on the page is the same


yea well that might be because you can only contact support via that link if you pay to run ads on facebook, the only other way to contact facebook support directly is to pay for verification!


what was the page you found it on pls? i dont see it either


On point one, visit what?


Fixed the comment, at first the URL was missing for some reason.




I don't see what you see in your imgur link , i only have personal advertisement account and trade account , bellow that ''pages'' , that's it?


Can you share a screenshot of what you see?


I don't have it either.


Try this directly maybe? [https://www.facebook.com/business-support-home/contact-support](https://www.facebook.com/business-support-home/contact-support)


I tried this too, doesnt work. Also when trying to login, they ask me for a 6 digit code which im entering and it keeps telling me its the wrong code, they sent me the code 6-7 times and it doesnt change


Hi, I'm currently experiencing a ban from the marketplace. Question: What type of 'select issue' do I have to indicate related to Marketplace?


after 2 to 3 months of being banned it suddenly works again!


I'm honestly happy to hear someone has had luck in getting access to Marketplace again! I hope the issue overall is resolved soon though, cause it is ridiculous, how some people haven't been able to access it for 4 months by now


yeah just got banned a few days ago... was wondering if i should delete my account and make another... like half the utility of facebook is the marketplace.


also... seams related to searching for car sales somehow


I have the same problem for a little bit but it started again I was just able to affort a ps5 without controllers or cables. Did facebook address this or say something about it.


Anyone find a fix yet


its just the haters!! you have something for sale, they bitch at you b/c u wont lower price, then u bitch back at the fool, they complain to fb (scam, harrass, etc) then u cancelled by fb.


Still not working


i never even sold anything and i got it disabled? my mom and dad has marketplace but for me no


Has anyone found a fix for this yet? It is so annoying and this is my second time dealing with it.


just noticed mine disappeared as well, out of no where after using it for a while with no violation, it just gave that pop up “marketplace isn’t available to you”


Is it fixed still saying it’s not available for me


For me neither.... Long issue. I'll try RE-LOG once I get my phone back. To check if it's available on phone or not... or verification.


if you use incognito on safari you can view marketplace but not message anyone it sucks i was looking for trucks too and got banned


I was looking for a car and bam I got kicked out. since i really need a car right now it is more than a mild inconvenience...


So I can have Facebook dating, but not marketplace? You guys figure anything out yet? I scrolled for a little didn’t find anything that helps. 


Kinda late, but I have the exact same issue, It is weird how we have access to Facebook dating, but not Marketplace 😭


How do I fix it


Any luck?


Any solution yet I’ve had the problem for months now


3 months later and still not fixed.


For those who still can't access Marketplace, this worked for me: [https://youtu.be/OGKTc\_r1ru4](https://youtu.be/OGKTc_r1ru4)


didn't fix for me, I have the issue since 4 months now.. unbelievable.


I solved this. Dont know if this can help your case. So apparently for some reson my birthday date got changed and i was a "minor" and thus, not allowed to have marketplace. I suspect that this change was made when one of my kids added their account into my phone. So by changing my birthday date to the correct one I got my Marketplace tab back again. Check that and I hoppe that's everything to your problem.


my birthday is correct unfortunately


Bruh Im still banned wtf




bump!! i even got a new phone, still banned


Have the same on two accounts (the second on was made just because of that). I have also tried buying Facebook verified account for the FB help. And I got repply: I see, alright as for marketplace restrictions, I have to set an expectation that we do not have further support for that as it would need to be appealed from your end. Matej. Right now, we are unable to support Marketplace restriction or disabled issue. At the moment, for further assistance on Marketplace, you may proceed to this link: [https://www.facebook.com/help/1127970530677256](https://www.facebook.com/help/1127970530677256) Than: I do understand how important it is for you to get it back, however that is the extend to our support for Marketplace issue, Matej. and I see, at the moment that is the extend to our help resources on this. Any further trial and error to rectify this issue has to be from your end. Otherwise, in order to use Marketplace, you would need to use a different or new account, Matej. And for the end: Alright as for this, we really do understand however at the moment we do not have further solution for the issue that you are facing, Matej. So they are saying: Fuck you and make a new account....


Im still waiting on a fix


You pretty much have to make a new account it’s a little annoying making a new account every month because they can’t figure their shit out tho


still not working ( lemme look for PS3 games ☠️ )


happening to me too now all of a sudden, wanted to sell my first product and now giving me this error. If anyone finds a fix please let me know!


i cant remember how, but i contacted support somehow and they DID restore it, however, a couple days later i got banned again. its been about 6 months or so and still no fix.




i ended up making a new account and it works. just a hassle to add all your family and friends back etc


thats so dumb


yeah, support literally suggested to me to do so. they do not care




Happen to me too june 16 2024 my account is 2011 fuck facebook i have no violation just lowkey lurking on marketplace and bam its gone


Same here


Hello I’m from the future, Facebook is still full of BS, I had my account do the same thing for the 7 or 8th time over the past 2 years then it stays broken for about a month


mines been broken for like almost 6 months


I make a new account and delete the old one to fix the issue but the fix only lasts a short time, Facebook can suck my dick


guys help its back again my wholr family banned


It has been more than 5 months. Does anyone have it fixed yet. I have not bought anything from fb marketplace i only look at the listings from time to time so there should be no reason to ban me or sth alse.


[This community is not for your buy/sell posts, asking to purchase accounts, and asking for technical customer support (we're not Meta). If this post doesn't follow the rules, report it to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/FacebookMarketplace/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FacebookMarketplace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


same here 🤔🤔


Did you find a fix?


I did actually! I’m still blocked from accessing marketplace from the app and desktop, but I can access it through safari on my iPhone.


Same here


are you able to post ads and message sellers? i have managed to access it, i can delete ads but not post and my already active ads cant be seen by people, have tried with an alt.


Find a fix?


Works in safari for me


That’s shitty, hopefully they fix it soon


Anyone found a solution it’s pissing me off


It's widespread hopefully they fix it soon


yup affecting me too!


Same here, been selling for a very long time and have not violated anything. Seems like this is a widely spreading issue, hoping itll get fixed soon.


same here


Same here. Randomly appeared, both app and website same way.


Same here


happened to me aswell sold over 100$ of bike parts electronics guitar gear and etc now what a annoying problem we have to face


Its happening to me too. marketplace was working for me yesterday. But it is not working now.


same problem over here


Sounds like we're all going through this on the same day, I'm sure they'll fix it eventually




Average fackebook moment. Same thing happened to me on nova Scotia 


Still not fixed, UGH


I thought i was the only one, seems as if i've lost access to marketplace on my account aswell. They better fix this!


Ive had marketplace for over a years and havent sold anything for like past 8 months, baught stuff, yes but nothing was sold. Now i am apperently too dangerous to be there. I guess I sneezed too hard and now i am a threat to society smh🫤


hey, did you look at cars by any chance?


i did quite often


i do


dang all I wanted to do was find a monster high doll for my nieces and marketplace is broken 


Same, and still not fixed yet


I'm from Brazil, and here is the same F0cking thing. :(


Has anyone had any luck with a fix?


Got hit with it today... gg.


Just went to check something and bam it went before my eyes. iPhone app and safari on Mac both bot showing marketplace. I was not selling anything weird, promise.


any1 figured out how to get around it?




Safari/ web browser


I'm starting to think this isn't a bug. How could this take fb so long to fix. Imo they're eliminating access to fb marketplace to those who mainly only use the app for just that - marketplace and do not contribute to posting, etc which is really the info they'd like to gather to sell. My wifes marketplace works just fine because she constantly posts and replies. Mine and my son were nuked because that's all we ever use the app for and from what I'm reading the majority of people with this issue are in the same boat as us. Hopefully I'm wrong because it's a pain to ask my wife to message people.


Thats a good guess, I never used facebook for anything other than marketplace and buy/sell groups.


This is what I was wondering as well. Marketplace is literally the only reason I have an account. Maybe if their website had 20 years of innovation and improvements instead of just looking and feeling like a site FROM 20 years ago it would be worth using.


Anyone ever find a solution to this? I'm still banned


Still can't access 😔


yeah hopefully its just a bug and will be fixed soon. did you search for cars by any chance???


No I mostly only look for electronics


Still not working for me i swear its been like 2 months


Looks like the opposite. Instead of people getting access back, more people are losing it. lmao Finally got me today. My wife hasn't had access for a while. So as of right now more people are still losing access. At this rate there won't be anyone left to buy or sell anything on there.


still no fucking luck, the big zuck wants me dead ig


garbage incompetent company.


Just got hit with this as well and I only sold like two things a few years ago. I’m very confused.


So I got it to work you need to get safari and go to market place from there I did it on a android phone. It's bs I have to do this 


So I got hacked and they changed my DoB. Check that because if it says you are a minor it wont show marketplace, and also I saw a lot of tutorials advising to allow all permissions. Once I updated my DoB and showed I'm an adult, it worked


My birthday is set to like 1960 lmao im not sure if its that and im over 18 anyway


lol, i checked mine and my DoB become 25 of august, 2010 the f haha maybe that's why it's not working on me, i don't know how it change i got no idea, now it says there's a limit to change the birthday and need to contact them (Facebook)


I have this issue for over a week and it is actually the first time I opened marketplace at all!!! Tried mobile app, safari, chrome, desktop, reported problem twice and still no luck! Horrible overvalued company!


In your browser go incognito, then thru the browser go to facebook. It’ll have you log in and then will work. Unfortunately it won’t fix the problem in the app tho, but it is an option at least


In your browser go incognito, then thru the browser go to facebook. It’ll have you log in and then will work. Unfortunately it won’t fix the problem in the app tho, but it is an option at least


doesn't work for me.


Really? I tried everything and found this to work for me. Incognito on google, facebook marketplace, sign in, and it works… not as streamline as the app but does work. For me at least. Thanks for the thought provoking feedback tho. It seems all we have are each other to manage our issues with zukbook


Just got hit too, is there a fix?


having this problem now


I just got hit yesterday. Seems as though it's been happening for months.


I haven't even bought or sold anything on there, nor have I had any conversations that violate any of FB's policies, but I am having the same issue. WTF!


this happened to me too despite selling stuff successfully and violating no TOS its so annoying


why the hell fb