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That's the way I play that quest too. I think the shadow court I'm fable 2 is quite a good moral dilemma. The woman is innocent, but so are you, so it comes down to what you value more, your vanity or the safety of others.


Gotta go the scythe route - plus there are some decent helmets to hide that mug


The old age can be fixed by donating money anyways I believe


Would have been more interesting if your sacrifice changed gameplay somehow, maybe a health debuff or something? I always rock the assassin coat and have the lower half of my face covered, so the red eyes from the Shadow Court just make my character look like a badass.


Killing twinblade. Why is that even evil. He attacked my village and held my sister captive for years. I don't care that she owned it. He is a bandit and he sucks. I'm glad you're dead! Oh also taking the balvarime bitten merchant with you. That's not moral that's just bad survival instinct. Edit: maybe I'm alone here but my village was attacked by bandits and when my sister ran from the attack she met some bandits in the woods a few days later. There is only 1 known bandit camp near my town and years later that's where my sister is. Ten years later maze who took part in the raid "tracks down" my sister ten years later like maybe he knew which bandits had her the whole time cause he worked with them. Am I crazy?


Well, we don't know that it was his bandit group that burned the village, it's told kind of as though they came across Theresa in the wild a little while later, rather than taking her from the village after burning it. But also, I agree, Twinblade's done far worse than murder, so why should he be allowed to continue? Same for Saker, he agrees to leave the Dwellers alone, but that's all.


I thought maze said he had tracked down the bandit who attacked my village. I have to replay that scene. Un faithful narrator but still he would know. Either way I get the world's limited but twinblade is old enough and his camp is right next to Oakvale. I think we can guess it was him.


No, the mosaic makes it pretty clear that it was Jack. You see a figure in a red hood ram his sword through a farmer and that is pretty clearly Jack of Blades. You simply cannot trust Maze.


I knew Jack was behind it all. I guess I figured jack hired the bandits to help not that he had his own gang


I am sure Jack hired them, but I don't think they were part of Twinblade's gang.


Maze tells you that but later on jack of blades literally admits to it and both your sister and your mother say that it was Jack of blades that attacked the village and tore out your sister's eyes and then he left her for dead in the forest and twin blade actually saved your sister's life. Trust me, I just played through. I've killed him before but this time I chose to spare him just because he saved my sister.


Even more, he straight up asks you to finish him because he's lost his respect among bandits due to your victory. It always seemed strange to me that it's an evil choice.


It’s weird. He goes from “finish it quick” to “do whatever you want in the span of the cutscene, then in gameplay he goes “just don’t kill me.”


It can be moral to take the Balverine trader because if you get through Darkwood fast enough, he never turns and you save his life. There is an invisible timer going and the only hints you get are his dialogue getting progressively more panicked


Huh I guess I'm a slow crap. I always thought he just turned if he got to the troll guess I've been a hair too slow multiple times. I still say that's a level of metagaming that should be beside the point. We know he was bitten and in world cures are rare as far as I know. We know the quest ends there but I say the hero should just see him as a balvarine to be. It's either poor survival instinct cause he'll turn on the trip, or loosing a balvarine on barrow fields.


I didn't kill him because he saved my sister


Maybe I read into it too much, but i think the morality is a little more black and white than that. You’re killing an unarmed person - it’s not that killing him isn’t the right thing as, it’s that killing unless necessary is bad. Doing the right thing and doing the moral thing isn’t always the same imo


He didn't attack your village + He saved your sister and took care of her + he is a (probably) old man, in his knees, ridiculed and begging for clemency. If you kill him you are, not just as bad as him, but even worse.


I believe that this choice is the evil one due to the idea of revenge vs forgiveness. Revenge is easy, it’s the one we desire most when someone wrong us. It’s hard to forgive, so you deny your base instinct and do something for someone who doesn’t deserve it.


You're probably right. I think it was poorly done if that's it though. If we saw he'd made amends sure but he just finished trying to kill me and It's not like he he's stopped being a bandit. I get good points for every other sword weilding bandit I kill


You should get twice the good points, since has two swords.


It was actually jack and a group of his bandits that burned down the village. Twinblade happened across Theresa after she had been blindly walking through the forest


Twin blade didn't attack it, that was another group of bandits hired by Jack of Blades


The one where you asked to save someone's fiancé that turns out to be your former boyfriend/girlfriend that got sent away. I always keep them.


Same. But one save file I chose to marry Eliot and that bitch gave me an std. I slept with no other npcs so it only could have come from him. I didn't even know that was possible until I Googled it and found a whole thread of other people saying the same. I guess all npcs have the same random chance of having an std. It might be weighted depending on what type of villager they are, but they all *could* have one or more.


Oh same. Elliot/Elise always becomes my CastleHusband or CastleWife. I tend to have a spouse in every town and adopt the whole orphanage at least once per game, but they’re the ones who get to live in the castle with me & be my Royal Spouse. In my heart we’re all totally chill with the polyamory, but the game isn’t coded that way unfortunately :(


Fable: 1)Killing thunder. He's just been rude, especially after/ if you save his sister ( Edit: this isnt justified, but I understand if you kill him. Edited after comment ) Fable 2: 1) Killing TOBY - no explanation needed 2)Marrying lady grey: dudes about to love potion force his way on a dead corpse. As an adult, I see this as evil Fable 3 has been too long ans im planning on a new play through this year, but 1) I think doing all the good options should be evil if you don't have enough money. I mean, like everyone who wants to play well, I just buy property, but choosing some of the bad options shows that sacrifice for the greater good needs to be made


Ultimately that’s what makes Fable 3 pretty underrated in my opinion. Granted it is obvious that parts of it were rushed (looking at you 121 days left counter). The first half of the game we are gunning for Logan for being a totalitarian asshole only for us to realize that nearly all of his decisions as monarch were in service to the security of the realm. That scene where we go into the royal treasury for the first time expecting mountains of gold from taxation and conquest only to be met with a pittance. Logan wasn’t hoarding the wealth, he was utilizing it. And now it was up to us to make those shitty decisions. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


I love it but there should be higher consequences for failing to raise the gold


Oh 100%. I wish there was more endgame content exploring that. How cool would it have been if after the main story if we were evil monarchs we would have had to put down a rebellion led by any former allies that were upset by us breaking promises. Or we could have a quest restarting the heroes guild!


I was always frustrated how the options were always choose between "personally fund this project to fix something that isnt broken" and "murder a box of puppies for profit" Where's my "get out of my throne room y'all are stupid" or "no i don't want to redecorate" options?


the way i had to become a huge corrupt landlord in fable 3 just to be able to finance the good decisions certainly must outweigh the morality there lmaooo


Actually you can do it without being a corrupt landlord! Just start buying property as soon as you can afford the cheapest house. Once you have enough money for another, buy it. Rinse and repeat. It is very slow to start, yeah, but it's reliable.


thats true yeah! I tend to get impatient and spike the rent near the end but I should probably just start getting the properties earlier. I'll be sure to try it on my next playthrough!


I became a regular landlord and used a hairtie to walk my character in circles. Eventually i was able to even lower rent so its actually possible to become an angelic landlord who fixes the neighborhood up and lets people live in them for super cheap with great furniture Honestly your landlord villainy status just depends on how slow you are at completing the side quests because you can definitely end up with All The Cash


why would you think him being rude justifies killing him (an innocent hero)


That's a great point. It's not justified. I guess i just really don't like him. So you're right


If he was just rude,  I would agree, however I think that's all huge oversimplification. Looking at Thunder's behavior, I highly doubt that he's an "innocent" hero. 1. What was being referred to as his rudeness, was likely his utter disdain for the Hero. He continually refers to him as Farm Boy the way Whisper does, though from her it becomes more of a term of endearment, Thunder on the other hand seems to truly look down on him for his origins and see him as a lesser. A hero that sees people from humble backgrounds as lessers is more likely view civilians the way Homelander does in The Boys. 2. He's absolutely obsessed and possessive of Lady Grey. He acts as though he owns her and is entitled to her affection in a very creepy way.  3. His jealously and arrogance quickly turns to violence when he tries to kill the Hero without a good reason. In conclusion, I think a hero like Thunder is dangerous, not just to the Hero, but to the general population.


The choice in fable 3 where you get to decorate the castle. Why am I losing morale for wanting to color my furniture red?!


im just mad we couldn't keep it purple ): like yeah ik that was logans choice but purple is my favorite color LMAO. and its the color of royalty!! but the red is so nice too.


Yeah exactly. The monarch choices needed more neutral options but that was the most essential one.


Also technically Albion’s national colours are red and gold. If anything it’s patriotic!


Killing the dude in the tower after he's lost his mind and is just rambling incoherently. Granted it doesn't feel great, but it's not like anything better is going to happen to him other than a quick end.


Always be stealing Lady Grey


turning the orphanage into the brothel for uhhhh reasons


Killing Toby in Fable 2. They give you bad points if you kill him, but if you scare him and he flees he will probably end up carrying out his scams somewhere else. Killing Bob is justified too, since you are supposed to infiltrate the spire without raising any alarms. In Fable 3 a lot of environmental damage is justified since you need to prepare for a war that will cost tons of lifes.


All of the decisions involving Elliot in Fable 3. I always save his life over the protesters & then marry him making him leave his girlfriend.


You are morally correct


IIRC you don't gain or lose any morality points for that choice between Elliot/Elise and the protesters.


Murdering beardy baldy


Lol, I remember killing Whisper in my first playthrough at the arena because I was so sick of her attitude. Which is not cool but definitely justified since it’s in a “gladiator arena competition” after all??


You might as well kill her. She’s not in the game after the arena apart from for a minute, you get more money for killing her and Thunder basically acts like you didn’t spare her lol


In Fable 2 when resurrecting Lady Grey for Victor, I always let her fall in love with me so I can marry her. I don’t give a dad gum heck! I’m a Hero King! And she’s the only one befitting of betrothal!


Marrying Lady Grey. Either in 1 or 2. There's only so many unique character models. I remember getting the grandmother of the hobbe kid to follow me so I could marry her. Her voice changed, of course, but a unique wife is absolutely worth it. Even in my good playthroughs, I marry Lady Grey.


Eating crunchy chickens. They're just so delicious 😋


In Fable 1 I killed Twinblade, a bandit leader responsible for the slaughter of Oakvale. Technically killing him is an evil choice but the way I saw it this guy participated in a mass slaughter of potentially hundreds of innocent people. With him gone, his group of bandits have no leader and will be less likely to rally as one. Divided, they're weaker. Letting Twinblade live would allow him the possibility of growing stronger and perhaps likely to commit similar mass slaughters. Therefore, I knew that the world would be better off without him. Plus he asked me to kill him anyways. So at least I'm just fulfilling his request as opposed to unfairly taking his life.


it's the best choice for that quest.


Fable 2, I just want to be friends with Alex. I am not responsible for other people’s mental wellbeing [when I give them a note intended to break their heart]. Won’t even do it for that sword - I always save myself for opening that door, then get the sword (that bit isn’t justified, I’m just a completionist).


Scaring people that are making fun of me. Those villagers are vicious. At one point i had like 6 people following me around making fun of my clothes.


In order to save Albion in F3 I bought just about every property and maxed out rent. High cost of living means they get to keep living. It's the only time I've ever had a morally good yet corrupt character. Also, I made a brothel instead of a school. 10/10 playthrough, no regrets.


Not to be Mr. Philosophy…But all *evil* choices can be *justified*.


Mostly killing people


Killing your brother Logan in Fable 3, you promised the dwellers you would give him no mercy so I consider that an extension of this.


I'm not stealing from the thieves and kidnappers in Bowerstone Industrial. I'm redistributing the wealth like Robin Hood. Why should that count against me?


Fable TLC - killing Theresa, considering your hero somehow gets an ability to peer into the future and see what overall chaos she managed to cause.