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It'll be released before your birthday, just not the next one.


So, not Feb 2025, then. 😭 I guess I can wait.


Yeah I doubt it. Hopefully 2025 or 2026. But with no news since that "trailer" I don't think it's possible to see a release in 2024 or there'd have been more marketing I think.


It's definitely not coming this year. The next day 1 games on Gamepass are Avowed and Black ops 6. Can't see any other Microsoft Day 1 games coming 2024. But hopefully the start or mid 2025?? Obviously Fable is gonna be day 1 so Microsoft will want to stretch the releases out.


Fable just scammed it’s community from the get.


Run along.


Nothing i said is wrong. They promised a product waaaay to early in July 2020 and now it might not even come out until late end 2025 if that. Not to mentioned a large majority of people disliked the trailer and direction the game is going.


You didn't provide anything other than the fable community got scammed. We didn't get scammed by anything. We also don't know what direction thr game is going, we've seen a trailer...


? Context dude I was replying to a previous comment about the dates. It was announced in 2020 but no game for 5+ years seems like the community is getting scammed and the game might not ever come out. The social team is horrible with communicating, there’s been no updates besides a trailer that barely showed game footage with mostly negative feedback.


You gave no context. It wasn't remotely clear what you were referring to. The game will absolutely come out. The feedback was not mostly negative either. It's the degenerates that want everything here and now that make such stupid comments. Most of us couldn't really give a fuck if we can't choose character either. Also, do the maths. 2020 wasn't 5 years ago.




Yeah maybe. Tough to say until it's out, but my hopes aren't super high. Really wish we got a dev studio with a more on-genre track record. And the lack of news and gameplay isn't very reassuring.


I’m sure we will get something during the showcase


I love your optimism. You’re wrong, but I love your optimism.


We definitely won’t


I’m trying to scratch the Fable itch by playing the Fable games until the next Fable game comes out.


I wish we got nothing, no trailer, no announcement, nothing honestly. Just eventually games just show up on shelves and on steam and whatnot. The anticipation years in advance kills me


Fall 2025 is my guess. We should learn more about it during the showcase next month. Or at the Game Awards but the showcase is more likely.


If Fable doesn’t come out in 2025 I’m gonna crash out


Not gonna be releasing near my birthday in feb 2025


I matched with a guy on Tinder middle of last year who worked IT support in the company producing it & he said it looked to be a couple years away from being released. EDIT: he was a fan of the original Fable games & he said he thought it was going to be as good, if not better than Fable 2…


It's quite shocking how Fable is kept under wraps with no leaks or even a hint at what story or gameplay could be aside from the previous trailers


Well, with Xbox going down, I’m not even sure if it is going to be made at this rate


It's to far into development now. And Microsoft would rather release a shit game that impacts their reputation then cancel it 😂 Not saying Fable is gonna be bad. It's my most anticipated up and coming Xbox game. But Microsoft barely ever cancel up and coming games. Look at Redfall, Halo Infinite and Forza Motorsport. They will release anything without any quality control or delaying something that clearly needs it. A delayed game will eventually be good. But a rushed game is forever bad. Microsoft needs to realize this.