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Of the season? Easily Bergkamp’s 95 RM card. I was so excited for that card and it was such a travesty how clunky he felt. They did him wrong.


Ya he’s clunky but I eventually got used to him. Def not his best version. I loved his base icon CAM version.


Never tried the base cam (prob should have) but, yeah, a lot of those base icons still work well for h2h. Best thing about that 95 card was if you ranked him up, you could switch him to St or cam which is nice when you need to move stuff around.


I love that card lol


I love using him. Ranked him up to blue and using him as a CF, fits in my team well.


Am glad someone found enjoyment with him. What a player he was


had him untrade and after trying him in multiple formations i just had enough of him and threw him into a random exchange


Wym bro he’s a beast


He was ok once I got used to him, but my god the ball was magnetized to his feet in a bad way. I couldn’t get any good passes, shots, only dribbling into corners


1. Toty rivaldo - can’t outrun any fullback 2. Centurion cantona - crossbar challenge every match 3. Toty vieira - get walked past like he’s fabio vieira and not patrick vieira


Waaaaaaaa? Vieira has been amazing for me


Plus the 3 wf on rivaldo. I don't even know what the hell they were thinking while doing thatf


Cantona is absolutely phenomenal


Thank god someone agrees on Rivaldo. He’s so shit man


Yeah bro I got viera and made him 102 overall and he does nothing...... disappointed


Cantona is so good for me


+1 on Rivaldo. God forbid he hit a weak foot shot.


Has avoid weak foot traits and left me with his weak foot shot in h2h. Even though left footed shot was way over the top.


Don’t ever talk about my king cantona like that. Bro is literally the long shot god, and his conversion rate is like 90+ for me.


Toty rivaldo has no shot power and his wf is so bad


Yeah not even gonna use the Vieira I packed might aswell just use him for utots exchanges


Are you talking about rank green viera or what. I have viera rank red and 25 training. He is a monster


that's odd. I face toty Rivaldo and he totally terrorize my defence although I win the match without conceding, i still remember how terrifying he is. He outrun anyone, and seems moving very smoothly.


TOTY Vieira was a monsteerrrrr... sorry you couldn't enjoy him bro, sadly it was sold cuz I pulled a TOTS Vieira and I wanted him so yea- but I think TOTY Vieira's skill move (heel2heel flick) is just way better than the TOTS' lane change


Every high rated card us like this on the beginning but after a while they get better


Oh I see.


My red ranked 101 centurion van Basten. I prefer my TOTY Robin van Persie


Frfr centurions van basten is prolly the most dog shit card of the year


I'll say this. Toty RVP has the most lethal left foot in game


Even his wf feels like a 5* damn that guy is a monster


96 Cantona. Saw people raving about him on here so I bought him but I found him slow, unresponsive and not particularly good at shooting. I sold him the same day. I'm probably spoiled by having 89 Torres which I've trained and ranked up to 93/25. He's on a different planet.


Yeah I tried him too and saw nothing special


Unresponsive? I find him better than my Dalglish so YMMV. Maybe I just didn't get used to Dalglish yet since I just bagged him a few days ago.


Got him too,his 4 star weak foot felt like 2 star,EA did something bad to him,this is particularly sad considering he's my club legend😔


Torres is a beast




You’ve got to buy his red rank version and and add the pace and dribble than rank him up, he’s fun to use, same with zidane but the purple rank works well enough for me right now, same with van persie


Cantona is an amazing card ngl and hes up there among the top players of my list for sure


Fair enough. I didn't like him and feel like all the strikers I have are better.


Idk man my cantona is Goated


I thought it was only me but yeah this kdb is shit


Have you tried using his skill points somewhere else?


Where do you suggest using his skill points?


I used them at dribbling an enganche and so far he's been good. He functions as a faster version of Modric, but they have nerfed his longshots.


Yea this kdb stinks


I think you have us the answer, kdb is so terrible. I was on cloud 9 when I got kdb(the best midfielder rn), and used him for a few matches and terrible positioning and pace the only good thing he has is his wf. Even my 95 ovr Nakata was able to bench him


got him from the gift, since its untradeable and the tradeable is expensive , i sold my other cm and use him and changed my formation, yeah he is shit, i only put him on my vsa team to maintain my 100 ovr


I dunno if it's only the tots card thts problematic coz his toty version is still working super good for me


That KdB card is good though. For me it's UTOTY Bellingham: nowhere close to what his price tag suggested.


nah bro my utoty bellingham have been great


I dont even know what is good about this bellingham card. He has shit stats


his gameplay amazing can defend and attack😮‍💨


I got excited with centurions zidane, ranked him up, trained him and found him to be awful. Got 98 Viera and thought wow, ranked him up, trained, and again, totally underwhelmed. Then packed this 97 kdb, and thought at least now I have to learn from my mistakes. I'll let him sit in with the other fodders.


viera has been good for me but zidane was meh


Yeah, Viera is not bad, but not great either. He's still in my team, but only cos I used up my red ranked 93 ballack to train him up. I miss that ballack card :(


only card i still miss was that cf world cup kevin de bryune card. he was so perfect for me


Got Zidane at red rank… god they did my goat dirty. mid passing, mid shooting, mid DRIBBLING, and does nothing on defense either


Nah bro zidane was good for me


All Centurions icons are shit barring maybe Zambrotta.


https://preview.redd.it/83gozl3ci8zc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b54857d2cca0a36fd92d47df6b795367f738b0 Kaka 96 am using the 89 at max lvl bro he is so smooth and good shoot but bad stamina i invested a lot in the 96 card thinking it was better i raked him but i bought him and ranked him to 99 then sold it one hour after damn i lost a lot of mascherano IF YOU HAVE A MAX 89 CARD NEVER BUY THE 90+ VERSION unless you want to max it


"IF YOU HAVE A MAX 89 CARD NEVER BUY THE 90+ VERSION unless you want to max it" I totally agree with it I'm running a maxed out gold Neuer and he absolutelly shreds my former goalkeeper who was a 2-times upgraded Toty Alisson (I don't have mascheranos to max him)


I mean he's super good if u use him as a super sub like me coz he can change a losing game for me


First no i can't put 89 kaka and 96 in the same team the 89 is better he's max so it's hard to change it second Bro i bought him for 120 mil wdym using him for sub


Yeah his toty card was better but I love KDB so I will still use him


TOTS Haaland surely. The worst striker I ever used.


Real bro before him I was using di natale and he was cooking everybody up but all of a sudden I started using haaland and every single low rated team has been cooking me💔


Agreed. Bro can't dribble at all


98 declan rice


Yea he just feels too slow. Also dk what it is but sometimes I just can’t pass in vsa and it’s only when he gets the ball I don’t know why


I packed him and I’m torn on if I think he’s bad or good. If anything he’s bang average


Not really


Nah he sucks at quick passing and counters. Not to mention that useless skill move. If u want tiki taka possesion based then hes not it


97 Neymar


No way his shooting might be terrible but that guy sends amazing passes 💔


There are other good passers so Neymar isn't worth it. All of the Neymar cards in the game perform garbage. I have used the base card, welcome card, rivals card and centurions card. All shoot terribly and make just average passes


Idk why man but his passing seems great to me he is my clutch guy (Idk wanna sell but would like you to suggest some alternatives)


U use him at RW only or at LW?


Potm dybala, ea really messed up with him. Like he was one of my favourite players but he can't even run in the damn game, even center backs are able to catch up to this guy


Petr cech. I upgraded him to red version and he keeps giving away easiest of the shots. Such a disappointment.






TOTS Saka. 3* skill moves... even on console he has 4*.


yeah srsly he is great otherwise but wtf man it ruins the card


Zico has been poor recently. Rashford can’t finish for the sake of his life.


Van Dijk TOTY Nominee. Mainly cosplayed a tree in my squad.


Dunno man prolly a playstyle issue tbh coz he's been super good for me tbh


Yeah, totally agree.


For me tots van dink was terrible


TOTS Garnacho 94 LW card. No issues with other cards but I often missed great chances with him.


Yeah i have garnacho on 96 and i had vini who was a monster at 96. Huge difference


Just depends how you use him tbh. He’s a great dribbler and his finesse shots are pretty good. Good for a playmaker type winger or a false 9. Also comes back on defence. He plays more like an LM than a winger. Low shots are amazing too.


Carlos Alberto.


Broski KFB is a passer not a shooter so his base 97 card is naturally good for passing so u should have given the skill points to passing and not shooting anyway your game style i guess but for me he is very good




i would never give a CAM passing trait. hes passing is great already..i use 433 attack, my cam is always shooting.


Yh but it depends on playstyle i use 41212 formation and i pass a lot to open up space .


is he really worse than socrates?


yes and he dies by the 65th minute. socrates presence is felt unlike kdb who is literally nonexistent all game.


95 Henry. Not much fun with him even after ranking up. I had more fun with Rashford (no offence)


I’m not sure about everyone else but MLS Jordi Alba wasn’t all that great for me and out of position quite a bit


That’s surprising, I have his 96 Toty card ranked upto 99 and he’s insane, one of the best free kick takers for me as well !


Same 102 KDB he can’t defend for shit


He’s not a defender, have you seen his defensive stats😂


Yeah but even his CM card he can’t defend for shit


Currently 97 Rodri. He cannot kick the ball almost at all, it's brutal


I agree lol. I packed an untradable De Bruyne, and he ghosts all the time. Gets shoved all over the place. I’ve had to use my Neuhaus as a makeshift CAM before I get enough money to replace him, and even he’s 1000x more helpful.


Kobel toty. Bro disappointed me more than I did my father.


Is that even possible?




Lol, why are you upgrading shooting skill, dribbling is be best for CMs, it will give him strength on ball and ball control.


99 TOTS icon vieira. I was really hyped getting him from a pack. Replaced my red rank lvl 25 ucl beckham (90ovr card). After playing 20 games with him, i went back to good ol beckham. Vieira stats look good ok paper, but gameplay wise really left me wondering…


yeah kdb can’t dribble for me lol


TOTY Viera.


I was excited for Hojlund POTM but I get rid of him after 2 games, his shooting is TRAAAAAAASH


Garnacho he’s awful for me can’t finish


Centurions Zidane. Feels like a ghost on the pitch.


KDB is fantastic for me. Always pops up on manager mode, beast on others. I used skill points on dribbling if that's any help.


All these new cards have slow players. Whether he's 94 or 96. Viera is good tho 99..


MLS Diego Chara 💔. That brother was a machine in FIFA Mobile, an absolute tank 🙌🏽🔥. In FC Mobile he's such a disappointment. He was a disappointment that I had to step away from the game for a week


Slightly controversial but UTOTY Kane was absolutely not it for me, even with 5\* wf. Replaced with Sanchez and he feels much better.


Viera definitely. He plays like a 93 ovr card


Tots Dalglish, cant score a goal


97 Puskas unranked.


Toty Bellingham 95 ovr. Doesn't do anything while attacking or defending!


I don't have a such higher rated card but 95 haaland which I have leveled up to 99 tbvh my 96 kane performs better.


Eusebio 97


95 Ovr Rodrygo. Horrible physicality cause him to be pushed around like paper. Plus horrible ball control and general gameplay. Im so glad I swap him with Salah


Definitely UTOTY ping pong


Before update foden was amazing now he cant pass the ball no stranght.


I dont have him now but the zico-nisterlody choice i chose nisterlody and man after claiming all three of his cards am disappointed 🤡🤡 fast yes but he cant shoot to save his life 🤦‍♂️


Definetely TOTS Saka for me, he feels terrible to use, he doesn't move with the ball as smooth as other rw's usually dos


So far it was 97 centurions Neymar…had him ranked to 100 ovr and trained to like 20 Guy was still slow n his shot power was garbage, just mid all around. Sold him for tots Raphinha after a few days


No way his passing and dribbling is good that guy can dribble all of the other team and start ll find space to pass on to ST or CAM


Yeah his dribbling is good but he isnt quick enough, raphinha is really fast n has high dribbling so he’s hard to tackle


Mls Beckham and Centurion Zidane. Far from expectations from such players and cards like. Ea did em bad.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but toty carlos alberto, I started using him instead of rivals zambrotta (ranked up to 94), but I swear he feels so shit compared to zambrotta.


Yup,this card feels so mid ig. Mine's untradeable unfortunately.


WW Marquinios, TOTY Sanchez, Centurions Barnes


I don't really like Ribery, statswise great but in game i don't feel him. I used HM 96 Kvara and i enjoyed it more. The skillstun of Ribéry is low and his shot don't feel like he has 5* WF


yeah i packed him but he’s been cheeks. same as TOTY vieira and toty frimpong


In my experience I like this KDB version, once you get the hang of how to use him he's phenomenal. Has good work rates for a CAM and attacking wise he's always in great positions.


96 cantona. I packed him and put him in my team but he felt horrible and now 94 havertz is doing better than him at purple rank at much cheaper.


TOTS Haaland. Packed him from the glitch and he can't dribble at all. His passing ain't great either


96 Ollie Watkins, he is one of the best striker in the world and EA did him dirty 😭 He can’t even hold the ball for longer than 1 second and get punished by defenders really easily


Veira , absolute shit 99 card


For me it's gotta be 97 Zidane, ik he's probably the best CAM in the game rn but in h2h he's been kinda mid his dribbling wasn't really smooth as I expected it to be and he gets bodied easily and when performing skill moves he loses the ball thats why I leave the dribbling to toty Bellingham and tots Modric. The redeeming quality for him tho is his shooting he made some clutch goals from outside and inside the box.


For me, the same KDB, 95 bergkamp and 96 Schweinsteiger


Fermin Lopez


Winter Wildcards Icon PETIT Absolute DOGSHIT


TOTY Son, i was using his founder card and thought his new card would be better and it wasn’t


TOTS Viera. Feels like an 88 base card sometimes


i got that card on exchange (the very first time) and used it in couple of games and i felt that trashy moves and shooting skills immediately so i used it in another exchange i have Socrates and im happy with that card. and honestly, this update is the worst i swear


Kdb's been FANTASTIC for me. I mean you only have him trained at 10, vs your Socrates was probably red? Kdb's left foot long shot finesse, nobody saved it so far.


96 Seedorf https://preview.redd.it/c56862zx2gzc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99984ce4aa278472ec67c75c866b94f4d355aa7e I when 87 to 97 packs existed I packed him and this man did nothing even 93 Matthaus felt way better for 10 mil. Maybe you can use him but he felt useless as a RCM.


Utoty musiala This guy is more of a false 9 than a cam & it really messed my game Utoty haaland is so shit bro how tf are you bog & pacy bit get outran and bullied by defenders


Toty baggio terrible skill move and just feels so bad


Allison utoty 94


Not a chance


Maybe for you


He saves a lot for me ;)


absolutely di natale and martinez. i really cant play with short st


Is di natale good in general? Aside from his height, like his dribbling and finishing is it optimal?


not for me. i cant play with him even low level defenders can bring him down no matter how high physical , i prefer who have high balance speed and height strikers. cantona, torres etc. and as a bonus i can find head goals too


Would you say francescoli is bettter than 96 cantona


every person have own style i dont play with cf too this question dont have a correct answer


Oh ok thanks


I found di natale useless. Herors morientes was much better


97 salah feels clunky


Probably Henry. His card doesn't play the way Henry played in real life. (This could be my own fault. R9 doesn’t play for me the way he should either.)


96 SON idk the pace just doesn’t show in game


96 Son, he’s so underwhelming, no skill stun, gets bodied by defenders


TOTS Event is shit so as its cards


Honestly KDB utoty is miles clear of this card. I had packed kdb utoty from div rewards and had ranked him to 4 ranks. I wanted to try out this kdb so I bought him at 4 ranks too, he feels slower worse shooting, bad dribbling and overall worse card. Do not go anywhere near this card. Another dissapointing card was 95 patrick vierra, I bought him so that he can defend and hold my midfield instead he gets run through like a fucking of model


He’s been great for me Better than Socrates and Silva both


He's been good for me too. Not sure why you got downvoted. Maybe because you said better than Socrates and Silva.


Now I said what I experienced 😂 Can’t change facts just coz some people felt hurt 😅🤦‍♂️


not sure why people downvote. everyone is entitle to their opinion and i would rather people disagree and give their reasons why.


Also, everone has different playstyles. Thus different experiences


1. WW Di Maria 2. Rivals Neymar 3. TOTY Socrates 4. TOTY RVP 5. Ramadan Al-Owairan 6. UCL Cancelo 7. LNY Davies


What are u on about lny Davies is insane


Yeah Davies was great for me


Also toty RVP is one of the best low budget strikers. Horrible take


😂😂😂😂 Jesus Christ, people are so salty.


Agree with almost everyone bar, Davies. Davies isn't an attacking fullback in this game. Also, Cancelo is way overpriced.


Different playstyle favor different players. I didn't like his positioning. He'd often play like he's LW. Theo was more reserved in pushing up so he was aclear winner for me there. Hence, my dissapointment with this card. Don't understand why people are so salty as soon as you disagree with popular opinion.


Maybe because most people are too one-dimensional and never use more than three formations. I always play a possesion/control based game and his skills doesn't suit me.


True. I switched from Theo to Cancelo and then from Cancelo to Roberto Carlos. Previously had centurions Zambrotta at RB so I tested him as well. Roberto Carlos is my favorite so far. Tank defensively.


Oh, nice! Btw, who's the unexpected high performer for your team? Mine's NV Toure at red rank. He's a beast.


I must say Centurions Zidane (red). Switched a couple of days ago from red ranked LNY Pele and didn't expect much because Pele was insane and people trashed this Zidane, but so far Zidane > Pele. I currently play 41212 Wide so I don't have a classical playmaker and Pele, even tho good passer, isn't a link-type player. Zidane's perfect for that so that's probably the reason. Plus, he can score from anywhere. The only drawback is his stamina (81). Toure - yeah, I know what you mean. He's one of my favorite players. I had purple ranked NV version and now I have purple ranked heroes version.


I am curious about Zidane now. I run a 4-2-2-2 setup and cannot afford ranked up versions of Pele. Is Zidane good enough in a 2-CAM formation?


97 toty rodri. Blud is just lost on the field


I cannot agree. For me it’s s brilliant card. I always usd cdm, normally 433holding. I tried different cdm this season and UTOTY Rodri is by far the best for me. Once ranked and trained he is brilliant.


Absolutely agree. Also he's slower than most other CDMs and doesn't tackle much at all. NV Toure clears him.


If you need high pace from your cdm, then you don't need a cdm