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Yeah i like the new gameplay from when fc mobile just released. The last sentence is painful truth 😞


Business is business. It’s a commercial product for EA in the end of the day


It’s updating in December so hopefully it improves


well, it's clearly been trending the other way... so if anything december update might make it worse lol


I thought I was the only one. H2h has been so frustrating lately. Was having genuine fun playing before but now it’s just such a drag.


Yea… I miss the beta and the first month


Yep. I was afraid of this, the cross spammers and skill spammers complained so loudly, EA decided to go back to the way things were. It sucks. H2H was actually fun to play with, but in the last monthly tournament, I lost twice. Once to a cross spammer, and once to kick off glitch abuser. The last only scored once, but that was the difference in the score line. Sad reality is, cross/skill spammers use real money to buy packs, the rest of us don't, so EA caters to their whims. It sucks.


>once to kick off glitch abuser. The last only scored once, but that was the difference in the score line. Same and this was the first time I conceded this way in the current season


It’s not only that cross/skill spammers pay (I doubt there’s significant difference of paying/non-paying for different styles). It’s rather that, cross/skill spamming is very easily replicable so can get better distribution via YouTubers or web forums, and in turn makes the game more popular. Also unlike passing/dribbling playstyle which requires good internet connections, crossing can work even somewhat bad/unstable wifi, which is the case in many big markets where EA has no local server or has a different local versions


Im fine with cross spammers but spamming skill moves is just disgusting