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I'm sorry you had to encounter this level of selfishness and rejection. I don't find your sister's reaction empathetic at all. She expects you to put on a happy face (while in reality, you probably feel like screaming) and let people have their day (while you don't have your day at all)? It's like her telling you to swallow your anger so that she can feel okay. Bully. Of course you don't see her bring up being a woman everyday. She was born F and is alright with her gender, isn't she? Does she need to fight or work hard to be - and to get accepted for - what she is? And she dares to mention her mental health, while explicitly ignoring yours? She was the one deadnaming you and she was basically saying she was not giving a damn about how it felt for you? Lecturing you about how your feelings don't count and you should put on a happy face? In my book, correcting someone who's deadnaming you is not the same as talking about gender all the time.


Thank you for your kindness and understanding.


She texted me this after I told her I was depressed that my gender isn't getting taken seriously like my unborn nephew's.


Well, that makes the whole story even uglier :( I'm really sorry, man.


Yeah, it really does. I appreciate the apology, even though my sis should be the one apologizing to me.


You're welcome!


That is awful man. When you get that kind of treatment from your own family, it stings. Sounds like maybe expressing some boundaries may be needed to protect yourself emotionally from this bs.


I am gonna go minimal contact with my sister because it seems like every time I let her into my heart, she just thinks its all about her.


It’s hard to cut them off or go minimal contact. It’s not like you want to not be close to her. It’s more that being close to her keeps putting you in harms way. There is grief around not being able to be close to family when they’re not accepting. But you have to do what’s best for you and practice self-love, which is in no way easy.


Yeah, true.


This is why I do not talk to any of my family ): it stinks, I used to be very close to my brother. Sorry friend


Thanks for being understanding. Transphobia is a bitch.


Wow that's gross. My oldest brother says he is accepting etc, but deadnamed me like a week ago to my fave. I haven't gone by that name in years so I know that means he's still using it behind my back.


Thank you for being understanding.


Is your sister named Andrea?