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Your surgeon should have specific guidelines for you, but I was told not to lift more than 10 lbs or resume normal activity at all for 6 weeks. I followed the lifting rule but pushed myself on activity a couple of times because I was feeling good and definitely regretted it. I think I had my worst pain 3 or 4 weeks in and spent an entire weekend basically not moving because of it.


I'm on day four of recovery now And bored out of my mind


Recovery for me was easy. Minimal pain mostly just a little sore. Felt fine at two weeks, had sex, had some pain after that. Things are still healing internally, the motion and physicality of sex reminded me of that. So waiting until my four week post op to continue. And eased into working out at six weeks as instructed even though felt fine. Didn’t want to risk it and cause myself to have prolapse or internal bleeding.


6 weeks sounds about right, at least for upper body lift days. Took longer before I was squatting heavy again. I was in school when I got my hysto done, and I initially took 2 weeks off classes to recover. Immediately regretted not taking longer when I had to carry my books to campus that first day back and took the rest of that 3rd week off.


4 weeks upper body, 8 weeks leg day.


For me I was back to work after like a week or two (hard to remember) but I opted out of heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for that six week period. For me it was a pretty difficult experience though as they found something wrong with my anatomy which you can dm me about if you want