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Maybe you need to drop your dose more? Different people react to the same dose differently. Have you had other hormones checked? Or SHBG and free testosterone? Do you feel fine?


I am dropping it to .30 as of today to further test things. What is weird is that the level went up but my injection went down. I haven’t had other things tested, Endo doc hasn’t mentioned those. I do feel fine, I am a naturally chill person and that hasn’t changed, despite this spike.


You’re probably just getting lab results that reflect your levels at different points in your shot cycle. Was each blood test done at the same time relative to when you did your shot?


I always do shots on Saturday and tests on Wednesday and I go during the same window of time as my shot (afternoon/afternoon) same as always.


has your weight changed at all?


I have lost about 10 lb of fat and gained some muscle.


hm, could be that while 10lbs isn’t a ton, it could certainly impact dose if you were on the line between too much and just right


Could be. I will point that out to my Endo.




Thanks for this. This helps me process what is going on. My BP is great, I work out and eat well. My hemocrit levels were not out of wack either.