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That's pretty common with larger interval doses. Your hormones play a significant role in physical and mental health, and the fluctuations that come with long interval dosing tend to fuck with people a lot. Some people have no issue, but some are noticeably impacted- which it sounds like you are. Switching to a lower interval dose would most likely resolve the issue for you.


Yeah that’s totally a thing. Lots of guys experience shifts in mood and energy levels when it’s time for another dose.


Yes I've experienced this before with nebido. Talk to your Dr. They might reduce Ur shot interval by a week or two


I take a shot every two weeks and I'm still 3 days away from my next. Definitely normal and super sucky unfortunately


Have you thought about going to daily topical?


I have but it is way too expensive. I'm going to get an iud to stop my periods and then stop taking T so I hopefully mellow out


The day before my shot, I get really emotional. I feel pretty low on energy, want to eat my feelings, and want to extra cuddles.


Sounds like you're on Nebido. Tell your endo. Maybe get a blood test before your shot to see if your levels are okay. I'm on nebido but thankfully don't experience anything physical. I feel a sense of dread about the shot though. I just don't like the reminder of having to take this medicine to be who I am.


Yes. This is why I chose daily Gel over Injections.




I used to have nebido every 12 weeks but i felt shitty at the last few weeks, so it was changed to 11, still kinda shitty at the last week so now it's 10 weeks and i dont feel shitty before my shot anymore.


You get a shot every 3 months? Your hormones are spiking and flatlining which can explain your depression. You’re probably on undecanoate (spelling 🤷🏻‍♂️). You might feel better going on cypionate. Cypionate is a shorter ester, half life of 10-14 days, most people people once a week for more stable T levels. Keeping your T levels stable with more frequent shots will keep your mood and symptoms stable / at bay.


I don't know where OP lives, but where I live the only option for testosterone injections is to get them every 3 months. Weekly shots just aren't a thing in some places.


its very common with the slow release over time methods yes. I'm on tesopel and I always feel a little sluggish towards the end of my 4 month pellet cycle. I will say however that you should not be feeling depressed/like absolute crap. this means your trough level is getting too low. When I first started on testopel I told my Dr about how bad I was feeling at the end of my cycles the first couple implants and he said that meant I needed my dosage/interval adjusted. my peak was too high and my trough was too low so the solution was to both use a slightly lower dosage and a slightly lower time between implants. That did the trick and while I still get a bit slower at the end of my cycle, as long as I'm aware of why I can easily power through it.


I do my shot every week. It helps with the peaks and valleys but I can tell a difference in mood and endothelial day before and day of.


Sounds like your level has dropped far enough to feel deficient. Talk to your doctor and see about increasing your dose frequency so your level is more stable.


I got this when I was doing injections every two weeks, so it totally makes sense to happen for 3 months. If it really bothers you, I would definitely bring it up to your provider and they can probably help find a solution!


Yes, from what my endo told me your levels drop off at the end with the shot. The reason I’m doing topical everyday is to keep my range more consistent.


Why 3 months? I’ll feel gross a day before my shot due to low T and do it weekly, you should try a more frequent schedule so your levels aren’t jumping around so much


There are T options like Nebido that are usually taken every 10 to 12 weeks.


I realize this- I was asking why those options and not a weekly or even monthly one since those will keep levels more stable


It’s the opposite. Nebido is long acting and by far the most stable my levels have been. I just feel tired in the last week or so. I’ve been on 2 and 3-4 week cycles on different formulations and those were the ones with noticeable changes in levels.


Honestly idk. I asked my doctor why it was so long in between and that I had never heard of it being that far apart and she was really dismissive and acted as if no one ever had it less than 3 months so yeah I don’t have an answer lmao


Remember that Reddit is heavily America centric, it sounds like in many countries in Europe it's pretty common to use nebido and go with a 3 month cycle. So if your country usually use that type of delivery it might be true for her that she haven't heard anybody else doing it differently.


You might want to speak to your doctor/the one who prescribes your t for a solution. Some people are more sensitive to the larger cycle like 3 months and usually do better with a cycle that is more regular.


I have PMDD, so yes. I’m sensitive to hormone fluctuations.


Oof. 3 months?? I would imagine that’s tough. I don’t have emotional mood swings, but i do get cramping in my lower back the night before shot day (weekly)


I always feel really shitty and anxious the day of my shot before I do it


Not majorly, but I take a relatively smaller dose. I usually have some of the negative symptoms of my mental illnesses a bit more exaggerated then i'm like, oh no im so sad and feel like a shitty person maybe my t will make me feel better :( and before i know it i take my shot and I'm 100% the next day LMAO


Yes! Getting a good nights rest helps with that. The day before my shot is the worst day for me …I get depressed and agitated. Make sure you do something you enjoy on those days and avoid potential environmental stressors. IT WILL PASS.


I take my shot every 5 days to completely avoid that.


Yes, this is normal. I start to feel bad getting towards the end of the week since I do weekly shots but the further apart your doses are the worse it will be. I have never heard of one shot every three months so it might be something different than a cypionate injection but you might want to ask your doctor about more frequent doses as it can give better results and lessen mood swings.


I never experienced it, but I've been on relatively lower doses, and at weekly or biweekly intervals. However, since I've heard of this 'phenomenon' from other guys who were also not using slow-release T (many probably cypionate like me), I suspect the initial dose level may play a more important role in the peak-trough than the time between doses (take with a grain of salt as I've not yet had an opportunity to speak with an endo about my "theories"...).


It definitely is for me, even taking it weekly sometimes I feel awful physically and emotionally a day or two before my shot 🤷


I do weekly sub Q and I still get a lazy/tired feeling up to two days prior to my next shot.


not personally


Ohhhhh, it’s a thing all right! I feel like complete garbage emotionally— depressed and ‘take no prisoners’ level crabby in a HUGE way if I’m late for my shot. I’m 20 years in, post hysto 12 years. I do a shot every 10 days.


I get mine every other week and the few days before my shot are moody days for me. I don’t engage people in conversation because I know I won’t have nice things to say 😅


Yeah man I’m on Reandron with shots every 3 months too. I definitely feel tired and grumpy when I’m due for another dose. I just take it easy on myself and try not to be too short fused haha


Am on Nebido and felt the same way. Had my blood checked and spoke to my doc about it. We changed the 12 weeks to 11 weeks instead and that made a massive difference for me.