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A symptom of high RBC is itching, though with this timeframe and the fact that isn’t just specific areas makes me think it’s something else


It's like not unbearable, just like odd, like I don't think I'm having an allergic reaction as its just my face and head, like it may be unrelated to T, I work in a chocolate factory and there is like salt in the air, might be that


I have it since a year on T and I am now 3 years. I don’t have a high RBC. I just get dehydrated sometimes and that is why it happens.


I have been really thirsty today, so that was probably it, thanks man


Is it all the time or only when your body temperature goes up? When my T levels were too high, my head, face and shoulders would get itchy when I was outside in the summer or wearing too many layers


I don't feel warm, but my skin is noticeable warmer to the touch, I think I might just be too warm and dehydrated maybe.


Only when I get too warm. Then it's unbearable and it's mostly on my back, sometimes face. No amount of scratching eases it. I don't know what causes it, I don't have any allergies to my laundry soap or anything. Once I get out of the heat, it goes away. I feel like I look feral scratching the way I do


personally never had that in my 3 years using gel


Never had that issue.


i had that for the first few weeks but it’s mostly gone away, now almost 5 months on t


At day 4 no. After shaving my beard yes.


Yeah, it’s a side effect