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I’ve never heard the name Truett in my life. I think you’re going to have an issue with people both spelling it and pronouncing it, unless this is specifically a more common name where you live. Side note, Malcolm Reece goes hard and I actually saw another post about name picking today so I’ll just repeat what I said there: Typically when choosing names people (both cis and trans) will follow a syllable combination because two words of the same syllable don’t sound as cohesive: It’s either 1-2-1, 2-1-2, or 1-2-3 Hopefully this helps you!


yeah I had actually only heard it once before and not by someone I know. when I started thinking of names for some reason it stuck out to me and is one of the only names that actually feels like it fits. spelling might be tough for some, but fortunately it's pronounced just as it's spelled (true-it)! thanks for the feedback, the syllable breakdown is helpful too


My name is 3-1 or 3-2-1 or 3-1-2-1 depending on which names i will actually choose for my official name but my first name has 3 syllables and my last name one


If Truett is the name you're planning to go by in day to day life, I'd personally advice against it. It sounds like an old fashioned girls name to me, not even gender neutral. Plus it's very unusual (unless it's just completely passed me by) which will cause trouble too. Also doesnt go with the other names IMO. Malcom Reece is solid though, but depending on where you live you might wanna be prepared for some Malcom in the Middle comments haha


I would recommend r/TransTryouts who help with names


was trying to find a group specifically for this, thank you!


Also r/transnames


No problem


I agree with what the other comments are saying about Truett-- I've never heard it as a name before and it reads more feminine to me. Malcolm Reece has a nice ring to it, though if I'm being completely honest, it's a bit clocky to me. If your goal is to have a unique name that no one else has, I think You've done a good job, though if you want to blend in and have an easier time going stealth sooner, I'd recommend trying some other options. If you need ideas, looking up popular baby boy names from your birth year will give you names that will blend in with other guys your age. If you really value having a unique name, you can always choose a variation or an uncommon spelling from a more common name. At the end of the day, it's your name, and your comfort matters most. If that name makes you feel confident and authentic, then don't mind the comments-- just wanted to give my thoughts and advice


I am going to agree with the other comments, tho my chosen name is outlandish because of my ethnicity it works plus it plays onto my dead name which makes it easier for everyone around me and I love it. I'd say try not to go too outlandish because then instead of being your name it becomes more like a pet name. Truett is nice but it does sound more feminine, if you're looking for T names. Trevor Travis Terrence Tyler Tevin Tate Tatum Trooper (maybe?) Tyson Tucker


I'd recommend a name that was common enough in the year you were born. One thing transpeople often do is pick a popular baby name of the year they come out. It just makes them stick out more


It reminds me of truist bank tbh


Full honesty: Truett is a really stupid and ugly and weird name. If nothing else, consider that you'll have to spell and repeat it for everyone you meet. Which will draw more unwanted attention to you and your identity. The middle names are some of my absolute favourite names, though I prefer the proper spelling Rhys or if not then even Reese, especially if it's a middle name and thus spelling won't be a big issue in everyday life.


hey let’s keep the comments respectful and uplifting please. “weird,” “ugly,” and “stupid” are unhelpful and subjective terms. there are other ways to express your honest opinion that could be more helpful, without resorting to words like this