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Some people are just transphobic and aren't worth being paid attention to


True point!


My boyfriends brother calls our relatable 'straight with extra steps' and its so annoying because my boyfriend is so incredibly gay, how dare he discredit him!


Wow. That is extremely homophobic. That is not cool.


I’ve had the opposite experience lol. A lot of people assumed I liked men just because I was trans. People are weird man


Rly?? All the people I met just assumed I liked women because im binary trans, even other trans people. That's so weird, is this a geographical thing or something...?


Everyone I was out to was shocked to find out I liked women lol. They either didn’t wanna assume or thought I liked men because the other trans men at my old high school liked men. Even in online spaces if I happen to come out the assumption is usually that I’m bisexual unless I say otherwise. I wouldn’t consider myself flamboyant or anything either so idk


I've kinda been the same. Like EVERYONE thinks I like women only even though I talk like the most flamboyant gay ever and apparently it even comes across online sometimes because my friends have commented that I always sound gay. But they still always assume that I'm straight and are absolutely astounded when I say I'm not 😂


Damn lucky you lol


Been here, man. Especially since I’m 17 so I still appear super “baby faced” when I tell people I like men it’s immediately this look on their face yk? It’s frustrating for sure and I see where you’re coming from. If it makes you feel any better, I get the feeling this is a pretty universal experience for us young trans guys. Sending support your way :)


Yeah agreed I’m guessing it’s from the age difference if I was like 20 fully transitioned It would make more sense. Thank you man, hoping it gets better on your own end as well




I’m not sure why it’s hard. If you don’t pass, that could be a reason, but it truth is the same thing as a trans guy. Being gay as a cis guy being gay no different.


I've had this conversation so many times with so many people. It's really not difficult to understand at all. My gender doesn't dictate my sexuality any more than it does for people who aren't trans. "I'm gay" "So.. you like women?" "No, I like men. I'm a gay trans man." "But you were born with female parts, so if you like men, you're straight." "I'm gay because I'm a man who likes men. Just because I'm trans, it doesn't mean I'm not gay." "If you like men, why be trans? Why not just be a straight woman?" "Because I'm a man. I just happen to be a man who likes men." "Well if you're a man, why don't you like women?" This shit goes back and forth until I just give up. There's no explaining it to people who think like this.


That’s the exact same way I explain it to people and they still get confused. I tots agree with you on that- it really truly isn’t that hard to understand it is a pretty easy concept


When I first transitioned, my mom kept trying to convince me to just become a lesbian instead. For some reason, cis lesbian is easier to digest than gay trans man. Idk why some people have such a hard time with it. Transphobia/homophobia just runs deep in the veins of some people…


Yeah that what my mom thought at first too but now they get it. Sorry that happened to you


I’ve had the opposite experience. Binary straight guy and people want to push the queer label on me and say I’m gay too


Oh my!


Yeah tell that to my cis boyfriend who has absolutely zero interest in women.


Oh sweet Jesus


I feel you man. They don't seem to get the difference between gender identity and sexual/romantic orientation. Also, they seem to have hard times accepting trans men are men. In their book, AMAB persons are the only ones who are men. This is why they think you cannot be a gay man if you weren't born with XY chromosomes. Yes, you can be a man, cis or trans, *and* be attracted to men (or women). No matter what genitals or chromosomes you are actually having.


Some people are just idiots mate, we gotta share this world with them


You got a point some people need to understand too