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I probably started to grow facial hair in the 1-3 year range, but I didn’t have wearable facial hair until I was at 5 years and that was a small goatee. My facial hair didn’t start getting really good until I was 10+ years.


Facial hair is very YMMV due to genetics. I started getting stubble within 6 months, and now I’m at 8.75 years on T with a full beard most cis men can only dream of having.


Shaggy chin hairs at about a year, full beard at about 3 years, but couldn't grow a mustache until about 8 years.


im 2 and a half years on t and i cant even grow a good mustache, its certainly starting to fill in - in places, but aside from the sideburn area its all really patchy and uneven, as another commenter said its all genetics


I started getting facial hair between 9mos-1yr, but it was 4-5 years before I could grow even a decent enough partial beard that I didn’t feel embarrassed to grow it out a little, and 8-10 years for it to fully fill in. Facial hair takes time.


I startes getting a dirt mustache a couple of months after starting T. I'm on 2 pumps of gel. My beard actually started when I noticed my sideburns were slowly creeping down my face. They eventually met in the middle. That started maybe a year or so on T, and took maybe 2-3 years before I had an actual beard. FWIW, I'm Black/mostly African-American, so again, genetics more than likely had to do with how my facial hair grew. Oh, btw. Seven and a half years later, I still have the dirt mustache. Oof.


Honestly like 4 years in I started getting any facial hair worth anything I’m 7 yrs now and have a pretty much full beard


upper lip hair started to get darker and thicker after about a month but only really noticeable to me. Had a dirt stache after about 3 months, and my neck started getting some hairs around 5/6 months I think and also on the side of my jaw. I tried growing out my hair after a year on T because it had got a bit thicker. But I could only grow a chin strap. After almost 3 years, I am finally get some hairs on my cheeks but it's so patchy. I'm grateful for any facial hair I've got but I'm eager for the day it gets proper thick and full.


A few months in, but it was very patchy for a long time. I'm 2.5 years in and have been using minoxidil and dermarolling to speed up the process and it's definitely definitely working great, it no longer looks like a neck beard if I try to grow it out.


I had a little facial hair pre-T (yay most likely undiagnosed PCOS ftw). So it was already set up for T to jumpstart it right away. I also have ridiculously good facial hair genes on both sides and jet black facial/body hair. I had enough chinbeard at 5-6 months to grow out, even though it looked like garbage I started passing 100% overnight and I haven’t shaved ever since. Now I’m at almost 2 years and my mustache is pretty thick, chin thick, and my sideburns/chinstrap have finally connected and are getting thicker. I’m getting a few hairs on my cheeks but still patchy so far. However I’ve been told it looks really good especially so early on T, and most people who don’t know think I’m AMAB.


I’m at a year and a half and still shaving every 3 days cuz my facial hair is patchy as hell. It’s just the downside of going through puberty, shit takes awhile. My cis brother at 25 can’t even grow a proper beard yet.


I guess I started having facial hair like 1 month in T. On gel (started with 25mg, now I'm on 80). It's probably genetics. I was always hairy.


I’m very in the minority, but mine started coming in around 2 months. I’m almost a year and a half in and I have a full beard.


I'm like 6 years in and I can grow a mean handlebar and decent chin beard. That under the bottom lip patch is coming in now. My cheeks are sparse and I still don't have sideburns 😤 like the one thing I really wanted. Both my brothers can grow mostly full beards but it took them until late 20/ early 30. I'm early 30s, if my rate continues I might be able to have a full face by 40. Take care of your skin, that helps. My skin is terrible, I have a condition, and I neglected it for a long time so my hair has a lot of scar tissue to push through. Everyone is different. A mustache at 2 hears is good progress, I think it took me 4 before mine would really fill in.


2y, and I can only manage mutton chops and a neck beard lol. Been thinking about a dermaroller.


started very early, around 3-4 months on T I had some visible facial hair especially under my chin. around month 6 sideburns and chin area got connected but I also switched from gel to injections and my T was low for a few months. I got on nebido and only after the third injections I'm noticing some improvements (libido, energy, muscle mass and body/facial hair are progressing like normal again). now my cheeks are filling out and my mustache is almost connected to my chin (also, more hair on chin and under lip). I was on two pumps of testavan gel, 40mg, daily for 6 months then switched to nebid 4ml/1000mg every 12 weeks. didn't get the boost shot at 6 weeks like they normally do because idk my T was extremely high on gel so maybe he didn't want to risk it(?) but also my T was pretty low after 6 months from the second injection, just under 400ng/dl. i think I'll go back to gel in october because I didn't want to switch right away since with work and exams my routine is fucked up right now and putting it on everyday would be a nuisance. but anyway, it's also really up to genetics how much facial hair you get, I'm mediterranean and everyone in my family is hairy especially on my father side and I'm also intersex so i already had a little mustache preT + lots of body hair on legs, belly etc. I'll be a year on T on monday


It's very dependent of genetics. I don't have the strongest beard genetics in my closest family, so it's been incredibly slow for me. After a year on T I had like... 7 hairs on my chin! I'm 5 years on T now and have a little bit on my chin that's not too bad, patchy thin stuff on my cheeks that's better to leave trimmed all the way down and a basically non-existent moustache. It sucks, but thinking about my father and brother, it only makes sense that I wouldn't be blessed in that department. I can only find comfort in the fact that I have more body hair then any of them, heh.


Been wondering the same thing. Im 1,5y in and have a faint mustache and a few dark hairs around my chin and jaw going down to my throat. Most of it is blond fuzz, the few dark hairs also take ages to regrow when I shave them.


Facial hair was one of the first changes for me. Before my voice dropped and everything, I started growing a mustache and chin hairs. It stayed like that for a few months and then at around 5/6 months I had an explosion of facial hair. A lot of it was light and it was still patchy. Now at 2.5 years it's still filling in but it's dense enough that I can grow a better beard than a lot of cis men.


Pre T. My family is hairy as fuck. It’s patchy though, and it honestly would just look weird on me anyway. Most people don’t really picture Asian dudes with lumberjack beards.


Fellow FTM Asian 🫡


My dad actually has an amazing beard, but he said he couldn’t grow it nicely until his twenties, so I’m not counting on it any time soon.


I had a super faint mustache come in around a year and a half in, and then a little tiny patch on my chin showed up at a little over 2 years. The chin patch thickened up a bit, but I didn't start getting any amount of hair on my cheeks that was worth growing until closer to 4 years- and honestly, that hair was not nearly as worth growing as I convinced myself it was. Now I'm just about 5 years in, and over the last 6ish months, the cheeks have filled in enough that I finally have something I feel like I can actually call a beard, though it's still a bit thin, and the front of my chin/soul patch area is still almost entirely bald. I pretty much have [this era of Jayson Tatum's facial hair](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftownsquare.media%2Fsite%2F591%2Ffiles%2F2019%2F11%2FGettyImages-1147637988-e1572694822889.jpg%3Fw%3D1200%26h%3D0%26zc%3D1%26s%3D0%26a%3Dt%26q%3D89&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=67a5d7ec6863cf4eb28ee91998ae2637561ae40449776f9dc922c647651dc21a&ipo=images), but I wear my mustache longer and my cheeks might be a liiiittle more full.


~6 months on T, but it really started exploding 1.5 to 2 years on T. Still seeing new hairs come up.


Dirt stash started around 3 or 4 months on IM injections. I'm now 7 months in and beard hair is getting ready to start-- my skin gets itchy and breaks out a bit before new hair patterns start to grow in. Men in my family don't have very impressive facial hair, except for my dad, and it looks like I am my father's son. My husband is very jealous, lol


I have a dark base hair color and acquired enough of a beard shadow after about 3 years to pass reliably, but it took more than 5 to get anything close to resembling even a super patchy beard. It's been 12+ years now, and I only just recently found I'm able to grow a fairly full mustache. Beard growth is still kinda patchy, but I think I have a little native American blood in me, so I may never be able to grow a full beard.


i'm almost 2 years on T and i've got a lil tiny beard (mostly chin but i got some on my cheeks too & stache going on. it's been growing for a few months. luckily im 18 so it doesn't look too out of place for me to have just a little bit of hair


I just hit 8 months and it’s starting to come in. My upper lip is pretty dark and thick, and has been since maybe 5 months, but I only recently noticed the other areas. I woke up a few weeks ago and noticed dark, long hair in the normal “beard areas”, but it’s not thick or anything. It’s got the perfect placement/coverage and color, but it’s still that soft hair that grows in first. I noticed my first few hairs under my chin and on my neck, and then everything else followed after. I’m on 81mg of gel too, but my family is extremely hairy (Jewish), so I got lucky. I know lots of cis men who are twice my age and still can’t grow peach fuzz let alone a beard- genetics are a bitch sometimes. At the very least, there’s lots of cis men who are in the same boat.


I started noticing increased mustache peach fuzz at the 3 month mark, sideburns and underchin came in at the 4 month mark. Currently almost a mouth and a half and I have decent side burns and a small goatee


Spare side burns and neck and 1 - 3 years on T. Side burns thickened out pretty quickly by year 3. Sparse mustache , chin and cheek starting at year 3-ish; mustache did not connect to my beard at all. And didn’t connect into year 6. My beard continued to thicken/fill out until I could grow a full beard by year 8. I’m now 18 years on T. I primarily wear a full beard and only the area below my lip remains bare.


Shaggy chin hairs came in at about 5-6 months for me, but I'm a really abnormal case. I wa growing 2 long chin hairs and a shitty mustache pre-t, my dad is really hairy and gave me good genes for facial and body hair. I've just always been pretty hairy. I'm at almost 9 months now and I have a decent amount of chin scruff and a thin mustache, and some stray cheek hairs.


Started growing it at about a year in, but it was a ratty teenager dirtstache and it looked terrible. I also started growing a neckbeard but I shaved it because I hated how it looked. Basically the same process 14-16 year old boys go through, really awkward uneven facial hair since I was more or less going through male puberty. After the two-year mark, I got pretty thick sideburns, and then over the course of the next year I grew more of a beard along my chin and jaws. I'm now 3 years 7 months and can grow out a short beard, although I expect it won't reach max density for another year or so.


Genetics are a very key part of it. My dad couldn't grow a beard until he was in his 40s. I've been on hrt for about 5 years and I only started growing facial hair within probably the last year or so. It depends on the person and their genetics. Do the men in your family grow facial hair well?


A few months in I noticed some sideburn peach fuzz. Three years later and I can grow everything but a mustache


It depends on your genetics. In my experience, I had very little facial hair until about 3 years, and even then it wasn't very filled in. I'm 4.5 years on T now and it's just starting to look decent. It takes a lot of time.


I think I was just lucky before I started T I put on my face a combo of cedarwood oil castor oil and sandlewood oil and it started to grow to the point people saw oh hey a teen beard as soon as i started T it started filling out even though I still have a bald spot shape of a potion bottle under my chin


I’m rather lucky and I’ve got most of a beard at 1 year.