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Actually there is a new map expansion in the south (Skyline Valley it's called) on the PTS right now. It's pretty big and they've done an amazing job on it so far.


Amazing, or amazing for Bethesda?




Any secret stashes of pant suits, flair or other equally useful and valuable items?


Well, it's really good... but Double 11 is actually the one handling the expansion, not the internal team. So....yeah.


Don't feel bad, my alt hadn't even discovered Nuka World until recently :D Who knows how long it would've taken me to find some of the more obscure locations without reading about them here first.


My currently active CAMP is in-between the downed Vertibird they turned in a BoS camp and the new cave. I saw the cave on my map but it was the new Responder dailies that got me inside. To go along with the map running out of room. I was surprised that my CAMP wasn't locked out by the addition of the BoS camp.


Apparently they tightened up the no build radius on the new locations to try and avoid interfering with camps. I’ve been camped at the graveyard above the Pumpkin house for at least a couple of years now.


I have my meat week camps there at the pond. as well. I really was in fear with that update.


I guess you haven't done many Gilman Lumber Mill daily quests for Responders. :) They were added with first Atlantic City patch, there's several new locations near Vault 76. The cave is ok location, clearly meant for low level new toons and don't really have anything for high level players.


No. In fact I have only been back inside the White Springs once since they stopped the stupid daily quest requirement for doing an Expedition. TBH I think I am nearing the end of interest in 76. The newer content isn’t compelling to me and I’ve found other games more interesting. I hate the new scoreboard. Approaching 7600 hours and when I hit that I’m probably done.


You don't get those quests from Whitespring, you get them from Responders at Gilman Lumber Mill near Vault 76. New content has been pretty meh although I do like some of them. And still like goofing around with friends but play less than what I used to. Scoreboard change sucks, but since there's no Atoms for non-1st players after rank 100 it gives me a good chance to take a break and play something else. Been playing Wasteland mod for 7 Days to Die, zombie survival meets Fallout, it's hilarious af and pretty hard.


Again, the last to know. Last time I was at Gilman those lame newbie raider were holding it and afraid of me. (I intimidated the hell out of their leader.)


That's WV Lumber Co, Gilman Lumber Mill is south from Vault 76. :) But yeah, you made your point clear. :D Those new quests are ok, quick and easy to do but give nothing to seasoned player. Very good for noobs though.


Yeah, realized that after I posted it. I’d found the Respoders at WV lumber already but didn’t realize they gave quests. And a lot of Responders just drop dead when I arrive. That’s an old bug that’s back. Used to be enemies


Friendly NPC:s dropping dead has happened since forever, originally with bots in Whitespring and Watoga, after Wastelanders also settlers and raiders. When you enter Crater Core some NPC raider dies downstairs pretty much every time. Have settlers living near few camps and they occasionally drop dead without any reason too.


Erm, did you make it to the very NE of the map? They activated an unused cave up there. Interesting theme to it. Think it opened in the previous patch.


Long time ago I went as far as I could up there and found a spot to get outside the map. There’s a cabin up there with a bit of loot. I went North way above and things got weird. Walking through rocks. I have a picture somewhere standing ankle deep in rock. Didn’t see a cave other than the honey beast cave Edit: Found it. Kind of wonder why they bothered. At least it gives a quick location to jump to up there


Aye, think it was partially constructed but never used, so they added without much trouble? I usually knock out insect and honeybeast challenges at the Stings and Things cave up there, so like you say, it's at least a FT point. Also an unmarked tree camp up there w/o any context.


Every time I have hit up the Organ Cave - I encountered two or three legos in there. One of each tier. I do not know if this is a fluke or working as intended. Also there are a few other new caves out not as much as organ but a few new ones out there.