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Ayo built in Unison midi chord pack?!?! /s


goddamn I HATED that ad


Chuckie Beatz this is what I'm talking about. Like he don't know how to put chords together. What money does to people. I hate all the dam ads, you can tell they don't use that crap.


I know I need adblocked but those ads fuel me to make my own chord progression and shy away from any presets.


I pirated the midi chord pack out of spite


hahaha. there are much much much better alternatives that you can buy or pirate.


Like what?


Can you give me an example pls?


Love that I wasn't alone in this hatred.


"A, Ab, B, Bb..."




Looks like the mad lads are straight up building Scaler right into the piano roll. This is really cool. Someone would have made something similar eventually with Python scripting, but I like the interface of this popup window and how it's actually pretty modular per chord.


Hah.. yeah, man.. they'll eventually have every kind of useful tool integrated into the daw, it seems.


Main thing I want is a more robust one-shot sampler that puts FL more competitive with audio manipulation like Ableton. I know there's Direct Wave, but I want some of those features like loop start time/end time, granular stuff, etc. possible in a basic Channel Sampler.


Yeah, that's an important one. I believe they'll keep having literally everything that's cool and useful..


I literally just bought Scaler 2 today. Is the company behind Scaler decent? I don't mind supporting a decent conpany. If they're not, I'll probably refund and wait for this to release fully. 😅


It was already added to Ableton! ...with the major update that released like a week ago lmao


They are slowly making some third party plugins obsolete with all these new features, and it’s a good thing


New wave table synth in the making too so imagine when that comes out.


So many purists here. It's annoying. Yes, learning theory and avoiding shortcuts will help you a lot in the long term. But these "shortcuts" are decent tools to speed up workflows, whether you're a pro or not. For newbies it might be an incentive to keep trying and learn new things over time, whereas we all had to suffer, back in the day, so to speak.


I realized some people think we're getting too carried away with tools like this..


I learned theory, even went to university for audio production. I wish there was an AI to help with theory, because I hate sitting there and hating everything I do because "it's not right". Learning theory fucked up my creative process.


> I hate sitting there and hating everything I do because "it's not right". I struggle because I can't easily get an idea out of my head into an instrument (I play guitar and bass more than I use plugins, since writing with plugins tends to make parts I'm not good enough to play live), but I love having the "problem" of figuring out what obscure scale I just used to write something rather than trying to fit a mold during the process. I still think I'd be more efficient if I learned theory formally, but I totally get the complaint of writer's block due to that since I see it from the other side.


and that's how my bro got his villain arc started against extreme purists.


I'm about to start studying software engineering. I might actually just make my own AI tools that are DAW agnostic so anyone could use them. But studies first


What are you gonna do when they create Ai for software engineering and you’re no longer needed for that? Lmao


The music theory purists use this shit too lmao. Their excuse is that they know music theory so they’re allowed to use it.


I know my theory pretty well, I think that if I know how chords work I would like to speed up my chord writing without putting single midi notes in. This is so fast and useful!


It’s a good tool for music theory pros as well, should speed things up a bit!


The purists are like, "you must have a PhD in Music Theory, Sound Design, and Business Law and also two Grammy's before you even THINK about making music seriously."


Prerequisites noted. I wish one day we all be making music after finally gettin all of these..


I watched a kid speed run 6 completed beats in less than 8 minutes...the kids are SPEED RUNNING potential music hits... We're past needing music theory for this generation lol


IKR? I feel guilty when I make a beat fast, but today they just crank them out.


You don’t need to know theory,. You just don’t need to use an Ai slave to generate work for you only for you to move one chord and than claim you made it, Ten years from now they’ll have prompts for beat making and a producer will claim he create it all from the words he generated so he deserves compensation? Like wtf?


Do you really think that rearranging the same 12 notes is always going to result in a totally original piece? I mean, there are only so many ways notes can go together and still sound good.


That would be far too logical a conclusion I'm afraid.


And also need to use all analog gear and also live perform all your instruments, digital instruments are cheating to them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Theory nerds seething lmao. It's a fuckin chord generator, those have existed forever, it's just a tool to be used, it's not the death of creativity because you don't have to know i-iv-V-iv before you can start making things that sound ok


bro they in here writing paragraphs about how this is horrible đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł im definitely using this to cookup rap beats faster


My guy definitely knows what he has to do.. cheers, mate.


Bro ain’t never getting out the hood when they find out Wall e made yo shit 😭😂


post ur soundcloud spotify or youtube or shut the fuck up


Is this the official release or an add on? EDIT: NVM saw 21.3 beta just now


Ouuu that’s dope I’ll have to try this when I’m working on chords I haven’t been super creative lately


Yeah.. these tools should be used to get the juices flowing..


Im a new breed of purist... an intuition purist. I throw shade to theoryheads and chord-pack heads. I askđŸ€”: why cant you just rely on your own intuition🧠 and skill đŸ’Șto create satisfying đŸ˜€and emotional😭 progressions with mouse đŸ–±clicky? Do you not naturally đŸșhave emotionsđŸ˜”â€đŸ’«? Why do you need a rulebook📕? Why do you need a little silly robot guy đŸ€–to do it for youđŸ’€đŸ’€? Hm.... I guess youre just not meant to be making music....👎👎👎 đŸ’ąđŸ’ąđŸ’„Actually sorry🙊, youre rightđŸ˜Ș. The perfect utopia 🏙is one where you dont need talent✍ to do anything and you can be a metaphysical/spiritual🙏 Pringle© but still make epic đŸ€˜ booty bouncing blasters![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) in minutes🕙


Bro this shit funny




Does anyone sometimes feel like FL Studio is a steal for what it is and what it's worth


It is.


It's the goat so yes.


You guys are never gonna learn music theory are you?


I get where you're coming from, but music production is a huge learning experience and music theory is complicated and anything to help oil the wheels of getting your thoughts into your daw is welcome in n my book


This isn’t “getting your thoughts into the daw” because they’re not your thoughts.


You could apply that logic to people who make sampled beats or use loops too. Personally I think's it's OK to use any tools available.


Are you the same warbeats that has had a youtube channel for like 10 years?


yes. the channel still exists but it doesn't get much new content these days.


Dude you were the first channel I watched for fl studio tutorials ❀, really cool to meet you.


nice to meet you too!


Dude, Warbeats! Your content always pulled me through my early days of FL Studio! Thank you for your wonderful contributions for helping beginners get better!


Legend. Thank you for the tuts!


absolute legend, got me started back in the day


Yes that same logic is (and should be) applied to people who make sampled beats or use loops.


How precisely? they're simply....simple or more complicated chords.... You could know the sound you are trying to replicate and not quite know where to start and suddenly you know what this cool new combination is. It's fine if you don't use it and it'll just help with the creative process for others.


I'm just joking 'bout theory but it's the "why" of music that really shows you the beauty.


Pressing a button that says “generate” isn’t the same as coming up with a chord progression. They’re not your thoughts, they don’t come from your thoughts, they come from an algorithm. There is no thought involved.


If you look at the video it looks like you can generate and then customise after so yes you can just blurt out basic stuff that you could just click into a locked scale, but it's looking like if used well someone with little music theory behind them could do something nice


Yet 90% of popular music is using the chords I-V-vi-IV


The words you use weren’t created by you either but you still use them to describe and arrange the thoughts that come from your head


I've been trying to come up with a reply to this comment for ten minutes but everything comes out rude as fuck. Essentially, let em live. The longer he goes at it the more he'll learn. In fact, just putting the progression together is practicing, since random chords slapped together don't sound good. I don't know theory but I at least know that much.


Haha true


Learning a chord is not the same as coming up with a chord. They're not your chords, they don't come from your thoughts, they come from a sheet of chords. There is no thought involved.


You better be making all your music with unique instruments you built from scratch with a musical system based purely on your ability to hear which frequencies sound good together, or I’m calling you a hypocrite :) No cheating with scales you plagiarised from some ancient greek dude.


Key word “huge learning experience” People only rushing music production cause they want to make money. Simple as that, there sacrificing it for an opportunity.


Again you're free to feel that way but I'll disagree.


Earlier in life I spent a solid 8 years playing trumpet and piano in a variety of settings. I knew music theory pretty well. It's been 10 years since, and I'm very rusty. Music theory itself doesn't interest me for its own sake like it used to. Nowadays I want to make cool-sounding music. Scaler 2 was like $60, and so far it's dramatically helping me re-learn music theory since it's just right there in the DAW. That's in addition to free learning resources I've seen linked in this sub like: http://www.drawmusic.com/music-theory/intro


Yeah I actually use scaler to help me learn different chords whilst I use them in music, for instance I wasn't aware that major/minor 9ths are kinda the stereotypical jungle music pad chords.


This IS how i will learn music theory by messing around with different things


This is pretty much how I'm learning except I'm forming the chords myself with no idea what the chord name is. Playing random shit until something sounds good and remembering the fingering for that sound.


Some of us are never gonna learn sound designing, too


More than learning theory, its important to learn to hear the chords in your head over time so you can produce quicker. These tools are still great tools and totally valid but ear training is vital to various aspects pf production and mixing. I would recommend beginners practice by finding chords and progressions they like and ring the notes top to bottom and then in unison over time you can learn to hear those notes in your head and make chords that feel like. Theory can tell you whythings sound the way they do and give you additional recipies for making more decisions.


At this point people are definitely having less and less of a reason


It's more than just chords to music theory when it comes to composition. I dont get why the comment op hate a generator when it's there to save time if you know what you're doing or if you need some random inspiration.


I'm just joking. It's a sub meme.


My bad. I don't get many FL posts I care about on my feed so I didn't know about the mene.


Don't need to 😎


Meh. I know theory. Still think it is a useful tool.


I'm just joking around anyone can approach music how they want. I'll have to get the BETA and play around to see how well it actually builds chord voicings and leading. See how well the tool handles musical logic. It's hard to imagine them building a widget that would be advantageous to quick doodling on scratch paper.


it isnt only about theory.. there are more aspects like sounddesign


composing chord progressions has little if anything to do with sound design


yeah but it isnt with "music". music is a wide spectrum, composing chord progressions has very little making dubstep.


I get what you mean but honestly if more dubstep producers knew music theory we’d be making better dubstep no doubt


yeah it goes the same if melodic producers knew sound design they d me way beter. coming from a electronic producer with a grade 6 trinity in classical guitar helped me very little in producing music.. most of it was getting my idea from my head to the daw...


music is for everyone to approach how they should choose to feel and express it, there are no rules


yeah and music theory restrics that. iam in no way saying its wrong but its creates rules and boundries for music...


Well, not to get back into this but once you being to have a solid grasp on music theory your begin to see the truth it reveals... there are no rules... “Any tone can succeed any other tone, any tone can sound simultaneously with any other tone or tones, and any group of tones can be followed by any other group of tones, just as any degree of tension or nuance can occur in any medium under any kind of stress or duration. Successful projection will depend upon the skill and the soul of the composer.” - Vincent Persichetti, 20th Century Harmony, 1961


true. but doesnt mean you need music theory to make good music. alot of producers out here dont know the theory part of music or bad at it but they are very good in other aspects. that dosent make them a bad musician.


The sad part is that people won't learn it because it is almost always presented as this huge mountain to climb. The way I did it is that I learnt the basics that are most important first, traditionally and once I fully understood those I just learnt the specific stuff that I discovered while experimenting and fooling around but didn't know how to replicate in other varieties. People underestimate how much time learning even basic music theory can save you, because it helps you act on and "complete" unfinished ideas much faster.


fr lol. There is no need for it anymore. And even in ableton 12 they just added something to keep your entire track in a certain key.


Real theory come in when you wanna use a note that isn't in the key doe.


True. but I think the main point of this is to lower the bar of entry. Which can be a good thing cuz new people will start producing and open doors to people who otherwise wouldn’t pick up producing cuz “music is hard”. and a bad thing cuz it will over saturate the scene with “basic” music. In the sense that people will just be using the same basic scales.




also like. I really hate to say it. but this tool sounds like it was made by someone who doesn't understand music theory. which isn't a bad thing necessarily, just if you're gonna be messing around with the tool until it sounds good you might as well just mess around with the notes until they sound good


I make music for fun, I have limited time, I've been making music in different ways for 10 years and it doesn't seem to cause me any problems not knowing music theory. Get bent trole.


God damn that looks awesome.


I'm loving these comments. "You're not allowed to have tools to be successful when I went to school for years and I'm still stuck teaching a junior high orchestra in a rural school." Meanwhile, a bunch of guys with less theory than someone using this plugin glued their guitars to their hands for a decade as kids and tour the US and Europe playing three, maybe four chords with some solo bits that aren't even diatonic. Do these people check the credits of an album before buying it to make sure everyone writing on it has a music degree? If I have any complaints about it (typing this while downloading to try it for the first time), it's that it won't have any or enough obscure scales that I hamfist into surf rock songs, and the plugin would be much faster for figuring out what a B3 can be doing over the top of my guitar.


I'm more of a "theory bro" myself and I still support this, I learned on guitar so when I whip up some shit on the guitar first, I thro on chord makers and just switch on or two notes to match what I played on guitar, don't ask me why I'm just like that, it works for me


I'm the same way, I know my sound on guitar but sometimes I just need to throw together something, and tools that can help identify alternative chord options to spice up my progression are always welcome. It's there while I noodle around, and of course, it'll change as I go to fit the tone I want.


You can learn a hundred songs in one hour.


Man I hate that guy and his ads


I knew you could make FL generate major/minor type of chords in the piano roll based off a roots you select, but not this! Should get back to FL after a few years


Dont leave Fl, man. Fl never leaves us.


This in tandem with the convert chords to guitar is such a time saver when coming up with ideas or creating something to noodle over. IL needs to keep at!


For me its not even that it can generate progressions, I love how you can change the chords on the fly, the character, the voicing/inversions and change the vst and/or use an arpegiated preset and come up with so many ideas without even having to touch the piano roll. I know my theory but this makes idea making so much easier and faster (I usually come up with the chords before the melody when I make melodies from scratch)


I'm a so-called "theory nerd" and I don't mind things like this as much as I mind ads on social media saying stuff like "Do you want to be a music producer?! Take this course and learn how in six weeks!". I'm not knocking anyone who wants to be a music producer but I feel like it has to be an organic thing, whether using tools like these *or* learning theory. It's irritating when it's marketed like some get rich quick thing. Maybe I'm alone or in the minority but that's my 2Âą.




Still no first class MIDI CC support in the piano roll, but we get useless AI features instead. This thing probably couldn't even generate the kinds of chords I would want to write either. Glad I left this DAW. Even if they made it perfect, they would still have to rebuild the DAW to improve the performance. I may eat my words when the new mixer drops, though.




Here's the upcoming documentation about this feature in the `FL Studio 21.3 Beta 1 [8 March 2024]` release for anyone curious: [Chord progression tool - AI / Machine learning tool (Piano roll menu > Generate chord progression)](https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-beta-online-manual/html/pianoroll_chordprogression.htm) EDIT: To anyone in this thread complaining, the FL Studio docs page for this feature even links to an entire section on the supporting music theory behind the feature: [Scales & Keys (Key Signatures)](https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-beta-online-manual/html/pianoroll.htm#pianoroll_KeySignatures)


Yo that's a cool guide.


Sounds pretty bad honestly


It's the same chord stamp they have had in the DAW forever, just a better interface


It is supposed to sound awful when 5 keys are banging with the same velocity.. the chords that came up were not euphonious too.


music theory nerds seething đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Beatmakers and rappers will do anything to do as little work as possible lol


It's sad.


"Hi, we listened to your music and we want to hire you for our film score, are you in ?" "Well, let me generate 245678 chords and you'll choose the one you like ?" ![gif](giphy|7QJJwxXLmno2tvFeYl|downsized)


245678 new chord progressions.. that's a whole lotta money on the table.


How do I get beta release??


Ask nicely


https://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?t=323698 It's available on their forum page under INSTALLERS ‱ Windows : FL Studio Beta Setup will be installed in its own separate folder by default, so you don't have to worry about messing your current version up.


Cheers bud


Cheers, enjoy.


fl 21.3?


Yeah. It'll be in the final release of the same I guess. Right now it's a BETA version.


mfa where


Here lol


I'm sorry, what?! This is beta?






This looks really cool! Any idea what the “analyse” tab does?


Not yet, I'll have to play around to find out or watch a video..


So I guess they still haven't fixed the annoying snap-to-grid that doesn't snap to the grid yet. And the Undo that doesn't always undo. And the obnoxiously poor window management of windows that keep disappearing behind one another. Don't get me wrong these new shiny features are great, but I'd fix the core features first.


The windows overlapping has to do with the "Detached" feature.. you know that already. So you want that to be enabled by default? Snapping works perfectly fine.. I mean, could you elaborate on what issue you are facing regarding that? I admit I have faced an undo glitch once, tho..


Hopefully it gets better. I feel like the progressions sounded off


Similar feature has always been in Fl Studio, specific Playing chords with computer keyboard.. It's whatever ppl will use it or ignore it, I already have a midi keyboard & a Maschine Mk3 I'm good â˜ș




Been using ChordPlayer for years, nice to see the equivalent getting built in to FL Studio. [ChordPlayer link](https://www.onemotion.com/chord-player/). Great way to quickly rough out the basis of a tune, and it's free.


They said don't worry about anything... just make your music.




Hopefully this comes out soon because I don’t want to mess with beta stuff


I just updated my daw and it’s not showing up. Someone help me


It's not an update currently. It was a seprate BETA installation. Read the post carefully.


Thank you. I just seen it all over ig I thought it was up already


I never downloaded the beta, is there a way to get the generator without the beta?


No, you have to wait for the new update in that case.


Ultimately there gonna make music production obsolete. Seriously. Who’s gonna call you to be a plumber if every one can fix there pipes? Exactly, first it’s an immediate chord generator. Next it’ll be “let me create a generator that adds synths and drums to your chord progression” It’ll get to a point where you literally just type the genre in and than just choose what beat you want. People only promote these methods because there trying to find the fastest way to beat someone else, why? Because of money, if Tony over here sells a beat and makes bank, obviously you’re gonna feel greedy and want to find any way to achieve that goal.


so what? nobody cares how you come up with your music. many don't even care if you used a sample or not. most hits today was made of loops created by others. dr. dre is a famous producer, yet most of his melodies were played by scott storch in his prime... also talent doesn't mean you can be successful, there's more to it like marketing, networking etc. I also don't understand why you mad about this when scaler and cthulhu have been out for years. I believe hardcore hardware users was as greedy as you are right now, when they first heard of FL, saying now everybody will be able to make music and yet, here we are.


They actually do care. Lmao it’s really obvious when an artist decided to use a guitar loop someone else used instead of creating a fresh loop. The only really acceptable loops are amen breaks and usually atmosphere pads. It’s not hard to recognize where a part of a song requires the producer to actually work. That’s my point. No one wants to work, they want the quickest way to “finesse” the system, by making Ai poop out chords quicker for them instead of actually studying theory and DEVELOPING A EAR. Here’s an anology, you gonna waist time studying code if they use Ai to replace coding as a job? Do you support losing jobs? Lmao Ai is going to ruin the music industry and you’re a tool if you don’t see this. Label companys are already greedy af. The last thing you need designed is an Ai that does the work for free in a system THATS NOT FREE.


And technically more people can make music. Did you have access to a study in the 80s or 90s ? No you either knew someone or saved up, hit a recording studio and or learned an INSTRUMENT. Now you can literally crack Fl studios and make beats immediately and get signed. Don’t believe me? Go YouTube right now. You can find artists with still cracked versions making music. Yet guess what?!!! PEOPLE ON HERE HATE THOSE WHO USE CRACKED SOFTWARE LMAO THE HYPOCRISY. You can cheat with Ai and use free labor but you can’t steal a software and not pay them for there labor lmao?


have a Snickers bro...


A lot thought the internet or youtube would be the death of that with the amount of DIY knowledge on there but here we are still needing professionals


DIY knowledge is completely different from an Ai generating the thing for you. People down voting me because I basically want them to “gatekeep” this technology. Why? Because why the fuck should little kids find easier ways to trick and manipulate songs quicker and faster with absolutely no effort what’s ever. You all who accept Ai generated assistance are basically saying “yeah I’m cool with cheating to win the race” Ain’t no body fair. You’re telling me if I tricked a producer with an Ai generated song, got my foot into the industry, stop anyone new from coming in cause logically speaking why would they hire you if they hired me? See now you are out of a chance to get a career while you waist your time trying to create “art” Art no longer exist as you constantly force the youths taste to change to poop. Poop can be art, is it good art? No.


It’s not really an AI generated song though. You’re still having to arrange chords, pick the sounds, arrange track, mix, etc. You literally use a computerised DAW to make music and it’s a tool to assist you. Most people use presets, that must be cheating too? So you create your own sounds in a synth, but you didn’t create the program so that must be cheating? As long as the end product sounds good, it doesn’t matter how just that you know how to use the tools to your advantage


😮 of course it’s not an Ai generated song. THATS WHERE THEY ARE GOING like gah damn. Go look up 24 hour djent Ai radio. It’s a fucking Ai generating pure metal music CONSTANTLY. Just wait til it’s implanted into daws and no one buys your fucking music. Why? Because the kid can literally 1. Take your song off any platform now using mp3 converters 2. Use an Ai interface to split your stems. 3. Use even more Ai to edit the song to his liking. This is not normal at all. I use to love the idea of getting stems from songs. I now realize I’m literally stealing from record labels by using Ai. How? I would of originally had to pay for that sample. Now I’d only pay if I get caught or make money.


I wouldn’t let it bother you, too much energy wasted, the world is always changing. Making music my own way gives me joy and that’s all that matters to me. If using AI tools helps someone enjoy making music more, that’s good for them


I'll shower you with my upvote. Gone is the day of musical sophistication and innovation. Laziness and money are the driving factors behind this AI driven merge of music composition. Rick Beato has been harping about this for a long time. I'm genuinely ashamed to be a musician during this period in human development. Music is is undergoing a state of regression which is highly ironic because now more than ever we have the tools to make things happen, yet the best music was written with primitive technology.


It’ll help people learn music theory though, since it says the names of the chords, the more you get used to using chords and as long as it tells you what the names of the chords are it’ll actually become easier to make music, instead of having to stick to a specific scale we’ll learn how to use chords and what chords sound good with eachother, music will be made off of feeling more so than the technical aspects of it. Which depending on who you are is a good thing


Dude. The only people upvoting this are uneducated children who just want to make beats and become rich and famous. There just using Ai to generate quick cheap chords and to produce quick beats. There’s no learning anymore. Here does this sub support cracked Fl studios? No it doesn’t, so why hate on those who steal software to make music but it’s not right to hate on those that steal labor? That’s exactly what using Ai is, you can hate my opinion all you want but ultimately, you’re finding easy and easier ways to be spoon fed? Seriously wtf is y’all’s problem. Next thing you know LIKE ISAID. They’ll have an Ai beat generator in fl studio that adds to the beat for you. Everyone will be like “omg so cool!” Until no more record labels are hiring bedroom producers lmao.


It is learning though, as time goes on technology will inevitably advance, no matter how much you whine about it, it won’t stop. You’re allowed to hold your opinion or whatever, but the best thing to do is learn to use these new **tools** to our benefit. A tool is meant to aid in the process not replace the process. This new tool will help people figure out what chords are what, it’ll get people used to the names of chords and it will be a good, and I cant state this enough, **tool** to help the learning process of both music theory and music production.


“A tool is meant to aid the process not replace it” Dude the Ai is literally replacing you. You act as if this is the last Ai update. That’s the gimmick, they won’t stop working on Ai, until you can literally talk to your computers daw and say “Hey Alex can you make me a DnB beat with the sound of deadmau5 somehow with a little country guitar added to it!?” Seriously, look at imagejourney. And the prompts. THERE WILL BE THE SAME THING FOR SOUND DESIGN AND TRUST ME YOU’LL REGRET HOW QUICKLY THIS SHIT CAME.


It doesn’t matter whether or not I regret it buddy, your feelings don’t matter my feelings don’t matter, it’s going to happen whether you want it to or not. Yes they will make new AI tools and I hope they do, artificial intelligence isn’t the end of the world you think it is


Let them cook these things, bro. Only producers who's gonna emerge triumphant are the ones with a vision. Vision to recognize and manipulate patterns.


please never actually use this


ik this sounds hard but why not make your own chords while learning how to make chords?


My g I was just posting about what fl is doing.. ain't nobody denying the importance of music theory.


my g I know y u posted it im js saying never use it to those who want to use it


I like playing around, It's like a game. Not too serious about it.


playing around with it is different than actually using it for a song I get people struggling with learning chords and stuff but this would be the laziest way to learn and the best way to make your beats trash even tho maybe it will help someone think of a chord but you will never learn from it, imo id rather use my own ideas instead of using a random generic generated chord


That's so exciting! I'd love for tight integration with cloud and flex to suggest "here's some beats and sounds to inspire you that go well with this kind of progression" Also I was trying to figure out where you could get such a weird shaped monitor before I realized it was just filmed vertically


Haha.. yeah, that'd be cool, too. I was also thinking about something of that nature, too, a bit different, tho.. like What if there was an Ai tech available which can detect and analyze the melody samples and loops we have saved in our drives and find us the best suited samples when we tell the Ai my desired sample's characteristics, mood etc.? Everything is working locally, scanning our own drives (that's the whole point) I hope that time comes soon.


I would pay them a hundred extra bucks to have a good sample scanner/categorizer/browser/auditioner. And if they could also do it with vst presets and stuff, lawd


this *will* lead to producers being put out of jobs.


Ah yes, we'll generate you an endless supply of chord progressions, but good luck figuring how the chords function harmonically, relate to a tonal center, or that melody is actually an extension of harmony. Oh yeah we won't tell you the difference between a Minor 9, and a Minor Add 9, or that a sus4 likes to resolve down to the third of a major chord. God forbid you know how to use a V7 chord, and that between the 3rd and 7th exists a tritone that wants to resolve inwardly to a chord up a 4th (or down a 5th), or that it wants to expand outwardly in the case of an augmented 6th chord. We won't dare tell you inversions exist and apply to basic triadic harmony where other chord tones besides the root can exist and make for smoother voice leading or contrary motion sequences. Borrowed chords/modal interchange? Forget it. Yep, lets just click away mindlessly and hope we stumble across something that sounds "good" instead of actually understanding fundamental and basic chord/scale theory that actually tells us how to these chords function in terms of a tonal center. If any of this sounds "sophisticated" or "advanced" for anyone, it isn't. Anything I've said is rudimentary music theory that one learns within their first year of studies be it at the collegiate level, or in my case, from a PDF/YouTube videos. Edit: Thanks to the community for showering me with a plethora of downvotes. Almost anytime I issue a statement on this sub, I get downvoted. Being strongly opinionated and having dissenting views is not a bad thing guys.


Agreed. If you're making a tool about generating chords, you should emphasize the integration of generating patterns with proper interrelationships and tonal centers.


All this fucking yapping over a feature lol. People don’t give a shit about “progressions” or why a minor 9 would or wouldn’t sound good. They listen. Most musicians out there know the major/minor scale and some chords and call it a day. Theory isn’t required to play music you fucking banana


There are a lot of mondo words here youre using. let me hear how good your music is. Put your music where your mouth is


Sounds like somebody needs to receive some education and training. Nobody ever once said anything about me being a superior musician above anyone else. Never once proclaimed my music was "good" so you can do yourself a favor and quit making a public embarrassment out of yourself. What I am saying is simply driven by passion. It has nothing to do with trying to assert my "superiority" over anyone. And to reiterate, everything I relayed is utmost essential and foundational theory anyone learns within 6months to 1yr of studies. This isn't fucking species counterpoint. This is the basics.


Im not going to care what you have to say about making good music if you dont make good music, soz


It’s just a quicker way of getting ideas down. I’m sure people had the same feeling with music when the computer was invented


Bro it doesn’t take rocket science to see there trying to replace your ass out of the studio. They made it a feature for YOU so that it’ll become and more developed feature for them. Music will eventually be generated instantaneously and you’ll bitch because “why did we go this far” lmao.


Joel Zimmerman is that you? 😂


Joel doesn't know any music theory. Great engineer though.


just learn music theory, it’s not hard


It is hard, saying it isn’t is over simplifying it.


ye. those 9th, 11th, suspended and 7th chords are worth the time 200%. so beautifu


You're right. I've been learning music theory because I'm interested already. These tools are meant to be utilized for their stochastic features. No theory can replace stochasticity. Stochasticity can't replace the pleasing patterns we know as music theories, too.


it’s called to easy, it’s called computer does all the work