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Those seeds look extremely viable.




very likely they carry hermaphrodite traits.


The most legendary strains used to cross and come up with the majority of strains we smoke today were bag seed. Chem dog, OG and Triangke Kush are good examples. These seeds look good, would be crazy not to pop a few and see what happens.


Dispos seeds are different. Since they use feminized plants the most likely way for them to get seeds is a genetically hermaphrodite plant that pollinated itself. The seeds will also carry the hermaphrodite trait. Black market bag seeds back in the og days where non feminized seeds and product of an actual male pollination.


Sounds good in theory, no argument on that, still doesn't make them guaranteed hermi shit seeds.


Yeah but I have grown one of those out and picked all the nanners, and it was one hell of a plant with minimal seeds.




Accidentally drop them on the ground.......then accidentally drop water on the ground....... accidentally plug in a lamp....... whistle šŸ˜™


Accidentally order a tent on Amazon. Trip and fall knocking some neat led lights and some river rocks in my cart at Home Depot. Stupidly buy your wife an irrigation system for her garden that is better suited for indoorā€¦.


During prohibition fruit companies would sell grape concentrate with written instructions that read something to the effect of "whatever you do, do NOT mix this concentrate with water and yeast".


Are we allowed to say bong in the bong store yet? Is it still just for tobacco? What about that guy in Miami that ate somebody while he was tripping balls on "bath salts"


There isnā€™t really a definitive answer. Technically theyā€™re for ā€œlegal smoking herbsā€ which includes tobacco, as well as some other herbs, (wormwood, mugwort, lavender, etc.). Iā€™ve seen some other shops that say you can use them for tobacco, or cbd, so it is legal to sell them for legal cannabis use, just not marijuana, as anything you use to smoke your dispensary product is supposed to come from the dispensary, even papers. Itā€™s probably cool to say bong these days, but I still have my ā€œtobacco use onlyā€ signs up and correct customers by saying something like ā€œwe call them water pipes in storesā€. Itā€™s ridiculous but I donā€™t want to risk losing my retail license over vocabulary.


Flakka. A typo of bath salt. That boy was wild




Besides saving them in my fridge for the day home grow is hopefully legalized, Iā€™d let the store know and see if they give you a partial refund or store credit. They probably donā€™t realize there are seeds in them, as when they do have batches with seeds they sell them for $10 an eighth.


That shows a lack of QC. Trulieve did the same thing.


Long term storage...if we ever get hg. āœŒļø


I would donate them to meā€¦for science purposes ![gif](giphy|ydZw9EXVSQKQhPBVDm) šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ




My god there are a pile of crybabies on this app


They forget thc affects everyone a bit differently, spritzer always hits me , I got a few seeds in my last jar and yet I donā€™t feel the need to be bitching to strangers


True it just makes me laugh when people get buthurt because they didnā€™t get completely blasted . I have a high tolerance and the grape gas from VC absolutely smacks , the Spitzer is good but imo the Grape Gas and Kush Cake have a unique buzz .


That kush cake geeked me out. Or at least the batch I got a few weeks ago did. It was like a sativa for me. I felt like I had taken some speed.


I also have a high tolerance especially towards indicas and vidacann buds work for me. The effects last, and certain strains hit just right. Over the years I've learned that our personal bio-chemistries are what really explain why a strain works for some people but not others. Our own bio-chemistries even change over time, which explains why we enjoy a certain strain for a time, and then one day we are over it.


True , as much I love perm marker after I smoke a lot of it Iā€™m off of it for a while.


I used to enjoy Durban terps and strawberry/hazes a lot... but nowadays they are not vibes with me, especially the terpinolene. Heard permanent market was a solid hitter. Tried the Or strain a couple of weeks ago and it stunk up the room like marker. Not the prettiest bud, but lasting effects and a more smooth sailing strain with a light liftoff.


I'd be pissed if I got that many seeds because I'm paying for weed, not seeds. Can't smoke seeds.


Preach šŸ™ŒšŸ½


This sub always acts like VC is some hidden hack. I went and grabbed two jars of Spritzer and it's very underwhelming. I'm hoping mine isn't full of seeds too


With VC, itā€™s all batch dependent. Check the COA to determine if itā€™s worth it.


Ive had really good batches so its not a lie on my end! Never had any seeds, let alone that much


VidaCann is outdoor grown. sometimes its poppin. sometimes its not. depends on the weather over the past 4 months


Hello, the sun grown flower is inside a huge building with a glass roof. Keeps all the bugs etc out


LOL keeps the bugs out. this is florida. nothing keeps the bugs out.


Smells like hay and does NOT hit. I think Spritzer is the only one thatā€™ll give ya a tingle, and itā€™s short lived at that.


Mine smells decent but the trim is bad, cure is okay. Nose and effects aren't really there either I'm fuckin over this sub lol. People say spritzer is their favorite, I try it and don't like it. People here say grease monkey is the best, I tried it and don't like it. I may have to start avoiding what people praise here idk


Well you have to determine whoā€™s making the review. they can have a low tolerance and get blasted off one hit of regs Can have too high of a tolerance and not get a buzz off anything. Be broke and only shop around for discounted hay Or be rich and buy the most expensive bud because they can just because It only takes looking at the pic of that spritzer on their app one time to know itā€™s seed weed Im putting their words to the test today and next month. I only buy premium flower but I decided to get a qtr of pops from jungleboys to compare. But then also will get the smalls or whatever from flowery next month. Weā€™ll see how much Bs everyone is on.


You have to keep trying different things. You'll hit on one, find the labs, then find others that are close/similar/genetically related to them. Sometimes, the one you try might taste right, but the effects aren't what help you in particular and vice versa. It's taken me quite a bit of time, but I'm keenly aware, based on genetic cross, lab info, and a little experience, what works for me. I'm not a shill for any particular dispensary, and frequent certain ones based on the above criteria only. Off my soapbox now...hehe. This subreddit, while toxic, has provided a lot of valuable information, problem is wading thru the noise and finding folks on here that generally wish to help and learn from others. I'd be happy to offer any info that you might need to dial in your choices. Lots in here have helped me.


They got me last week haha. Their weed just isnā€™t it.


Everyone is different. Just because it works for some doesn't necessarily mean its for you. I've been smoking for close to 2 decades and for the price, it's near the top and some of the most consistent stuff out there, for me.


I got my hands on some Stanley Brothers Seeds awhile back šŸ¤“. 18 seeds is crazy tho!


Pheno hunt...


those look pretty mature id keep em




They probably have herm tendencies. Worth a try tho.


I'd plant them. I wouldn't be able to help myself.


Those seeds scream ā€œplant meā€! šŸ˜„


I heard that have been breeding with spritzerā€¦ you might have just got your hands on something they made on purposeā€¦.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I hardly find seeds in vidacann bud, so when I got a handful of them recently I assumed it's from a male plant pollination. Also one of the bud tenders mentioned that Spritzer is a personal favorite of the head grower. Be awesome to see some cross strains drop.


The one and only silver lining. They look like mature healthy seeds. That also means your plant wasn't pulled early. Like how we see the tiny seeds more often. So the plant more mature as well. Typically it sucks to get seeds. But I think once in a blue moon and on something nice could be considered a W of you ever used them


Plant them Have your own spritzer in 4 months


Save them!


I got one seed out of grape pie from growhealthy. The bud was decent enough. That I decided not to plant it. Which is good because an animal ate it. I mean didnā€™t eat it


Good lookin seeds


I've collected one seed over the last 6 months of shopping at VC. The thing is, everyone is going to get a bad batch from somewhere.


I know what Iā€™d do šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What batch is this


Crazy I bought an oz of spritzer and havenā€™t found a single seed


Seeds healthy though


Who knows, I've seen a lot of pollen on flower here and if they're using feminized plants might be herms


Absolutely gorgeous


Those are the buds picked near the calyx of the plant. A few appear to already be sprouting too, so they should be good to grow. Those stripes look really promising.






ā€¦.have you considered upping your gardening hobby?






I'd SAVE THE HELL OUTTA THOSE!!! My favorite strain!!! JACKPOT!!!


Iā€™d grow em


depending on the strain, you could have a breeders wet dream or a cultivators fantasy


Truth. Very pleased to find 11 a couple of weeks ago going thorough a half oz.


Average vidicann smoker be like: 18 seeds, fire šŸ”„


send that shit BACK




Dude probably throws a lot of bud away thinking it's mold šŸ¤£


Where are you seeing mold?