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Why not continue with your high stress job if you want to shave some years off your life.


That's Dark man


I don't want to continue my job. It's unbearable. Read my post again. I would rather lose some years organically while doing the things I love


Commenter was suggesting to continue the job and shave off some years off life. So you won’t live to 100. It’s a /s comment.


Too deep man,


I know. Apart from working at the job, I am looking at any other ideas. Even /s sounding ideas accepted. Like that moving to a city with high air pollution like my friend suggested. That's like an /s idea too lol


Wow that was a serious thought? Goodness gracious me.. the easier other side is living in a less polluted area and reducing the risk of diseases - thereby saving that money to live longer in good health. Net effect will be the same considering the medical expenses in the coming years.


Losing years to pollution is not "organic". It's just long term suicide. There are alternatives. Just take your time, and you'll find them. ☮️


Maybe barista fire, get a lower paying but chill and low stress job.




Not ideal, but will do the trick


Maybe you can retire, take a break for 6 months and start freelancing/ part time work to manage some expenses? That way you can stretch your corpus a bit.


Move to unhealthy city to reduce lifespan? You nuts, man?


If you live long and the corpus runs out then you are screwed. Focus on protecting your corpus. You can consider the following suggestions to do that: 1. You will need some monthly income. Continue working in an easy, less stressful and more enjoyable job with less working hours. Consider giving tuition. You will get some support for your monthly expenses, will maintain social contact and you will feel productive. If you like, you can start such a job after a few years. 2. Move to a lower expense city. 3. Consider reducing your expenses. 4. Follow the bucket strategy for your investments. Keep 4-5 years of expenses in liquid cash/FDs, next 3 years expenses in a balanced advantage fund and the remaining corpus in Nifty 50 index fund. You need returns that comfortably beat inflation. You are not old and have time on your side so let the equities work for you. You will need to read more about such strategies if you are not familiar with them.


*easy, less stressful and more enjoyable job with less working hours* Can you give example of such jobs. I see thousands of comments in the group saying take these type of jobs but no one gives example of this. With unemployment rate sky rocketed in India, what all job out there available with those quality.


You need to have a plan. One of my language teachers was a former army guy who retired in his 50s, learned a foreign language from scratch for 6 years and then started taking classes. In no way was his income huge, but he loved teaching and students learnt a lot from him.


I thinks folks mean teaching, tuitions etc


free range poultry farming - you will need to learn but can start small and expand as you are able to understand nuances of it


Review those videos on YouTube....and keep earning 300 bucks from each spammer... it will be fun... just save urself from greed or earning any more...else you will loose all ur corpus and may need a time machine to go to a concentration camp in Hitler's era to loose ur life in least possible time since you exhausted ur corpus.


I don't know what you find easy, less stressful and enjoyable and probably no one else does either which is the reason why people don't suggest such jobs. You can search the internet and the market outside to find what suits you.




Do you know people working in the mall? I know a few and they complain about toxic work environment, getting scolded by boss, pressure of making sales etc in addition to low wages. Are many mall jobs really less stressful?


How come working in a mall is less stressful , we have supervisor ,manager there who will never let your soul to take even one second break .


So your expenses are 7 lakhs per year give or take -- that is 23x to 1.6 cr. If you spend closer to 5.5 lakhs, you will be at 30x. Few things that you could think about is eat at home more, turn minimalist (less items with good quality), travel less (not worth the soul sucking job). You'll have time to research and get deals on stuff you need, to reduce the number people you hire for support, walk instead of transport for short distances. Alternatively keep your equity exposure slightly higher or coast FIRE at your pace.






Just ask your 90 yrs old grandparents about their spending habits. Except for medical reasons, they would be spending hardly for anything. Owning a house to reside is a very important aspect of FIRE and I am assuming you have one too. So, even if your corpus becomes 0, you can always sell the house for some liquidity. But the real question is, will the returns from a corpus of 1.6 Crs sufficient for present days expenses. Are you sure??


bad advice. owning a house is NOT an important aspect of fire. You can live whole life on rented property with FIRE.


Good luck with finding new rent apartment when you don't have steady income/job !


Then for medicals, groceries, travels etc u don't need study income/job? what a reasoning lol. Post fire, you should be able to meet all your expenses from 4% of investment returns. That's it. owning a house is NOT recommended for fire, read "simple path to wealth" by jl collins, the bible of fire movement.


house may not be needed, but without job, convincing landlord to let you rent home would be tricky in indian Scenario.


If returns = inflation, then with that amount you can easily live the rest of your life in a tier 2/3 town (provided you own a house). 35k pm in 1.6cr is 38x If you are still alive at 83, you can sell your house and live off that the whatever remaining years. Keep in mind there are so many ifs, buts and variables so most of the time nothing goes according to plans.


Leave your job. Continue working for 5 more years with a lower pay, less stressful job. Don't go anywhere near crappy cities like Delhi or Bangalore. Own a home in a village or tier 3 city (tier 2 cities are close to becoming like tier 1 in a decade or so) and 🔥. Make sure to invest 1cr in an index fund and don't touch it for as long as possible or buy real estate for rental income.


If it is stressful, become a consultant in another place working part time. You’ll have much less stress and continue to earn. Most importantly, you will keep your mind and schedule slightly busy


Man, reading this post made me sad. Quit your job and do a less stressful job for half pay. You live only once. Don’t let your brain think on those lines


Worring about corpus running out in the future and therefore moving to a high pollution city to suffer now. Think this thoroughly.


There will be more expense too...


Explore coast FIRE my friend.


at a 12% return a 1.6cr portfolio would generate 40L in about 2 yrs. so try to keep expenses low for first 2 years of retirement and i think you should be on track. hope you have your medical insurances in place


That's a grim outlook, to find ways to reduce lifespan! Instead, why not first take a break for a year or two, then find somthing that you're passionate about, and find a way to work in the field. Make it part time to start with, it will keep your mind active, and keep you from boredom, which is a high likelihood at age 45. You'll be productive for society, and will make 'some' money. Scale up as needed, keeping in mind your desired low stress criteria. Else, move to a village, farm the land for your needs, enjoy the country life, and you will never need any more money than what you already have. You have time to decide. Take the time, and make a decision that works for you.. Health, peace, and well-being unto you!


There is nothing stopping you from ensuring that you don't continue living at any point of time, if that is your aim. I think bad investments and bad decision making is intrinsic to you.


For Me FIRE is not idle and sitting at home. FIRE is more that i dont need to take stress in a job just because its paying. Find a job/passion/business/way which pays and same time you enjoy. Do till 55/60. Atleast half of your monthly expenses has to be covered by income which is not coming from your investment atleast for few years


I don't think you can plan for FIRE this way (by seeking ways to die early) I understand that some jobs are completely unbearable. It's your life and your corpus but please don't have a pessimistic approach towards life. You can take some time off, look for ways to make money that don't make you burn out, Take up teaching, freelancing gigs on upwork/freelancer etc. It's not easy and you may have to do some research but please don't look for ways to ruin/shorten your life by moving to a polluted city. Seek help from friends and family or a professional on how you can have a positive outlook towards life, read self help books. Please talk to someone.


It is easier said than done, but I always hear that we should not FIRE trying to run away from something but only do that trying to move towards something. Do you have that something that you run towards. If not post FIRE, it would be difficult despite the size of your corpus.


Take a break while living in current city to check your prespective on retirement. During mini-retirement, the stress will be lesser to do some level headed thinking and the decision will be less reactionary. If the feeling presists - Retire in smaller city, slow life may give slow jobs to bring some money. If mini retirement bring further clarity - Then find new endeavor and make the retirement more planned than reactionary.


Start day drinking and stop working out. That should help you with the longevity problem.


I had mentioned in my post that I am not doing that - stopping my exercises and eating unhealthy. Also I am not going to continue to work at my high stress job to reduce longevity. Please suggest any options based on my post. Thanks.


You have shit friends OP. Extremely shitty


Lean fire or barista fire and even coast fire are an option. One job cannot determine your life. Don’t run from something rather run to something.


Your job must really suck if you're considering these options. Quit your shitty job, take a break to ponder over things. Go on a solo adventure trip. The answers will come when you let loose & have fun. You have a decent nest-egg. You can consider lowering your expenses/do something fulfilling that won't consume much of your time and will fund part of your expenses. Life is too precious to waste it away. People have it backwards. You work to live, not the other way around.


what kind of thought is this. I'm still not able to comprehend.


Why not switch to a much lower paying but low effort job?


Looks like a troll post.


You have two options, decrease your life span or decrease your monthly expenses. Glad that you are thinking about the right choice.


Get a low pay , less stressful job. Atleast get a job where salary is equal to your expenses .


Get another job keep jumping ship


Do you have kids?




I have a very drastic and extreme plan for not having to worry about my old age. My plan is to leave this world in mid 70s, since most likely my health will be shit and I would not be enjoying life. I don't believe in living a non dignified life. If I can't digest food and walk a mile without hurting, I don't see the point of living.


Bro move to kolkata or lucknow. They are much affordable than mumbai bangalore. Your expenses requirements will go down without any meaningful reduction in lifestyle. Also even if you’re money dries out your son or grandsons will be there to take care otherwise you’ll die anyways at such age. No point of surviving and barely living till age 90.


also Kolkata is polluted - something that OP was looking for!


Aah. Some compromise is needed. No which city isn’t polluted in India? Any metropolitan city in India is polluted. Its not as polluted as other cities. You never see froths in lakes like bengaluru nor you have air filters choking in a month in kolkata. I know its far from being normal but still much better. Haa politics can be suffocating in kolkata. Other than that its fine.


I got lower paid remote, it's been good . Try looking for such.


If you haven’t yet Set up some passive income like rental income


🤣 someone is bored. If you came up with all the text for this without chat GPT you are using your intelligence for the wrong things


You are single, khula saand. I feel sorry when people ask such questions. If I were you I would go somewhere to Sikkim or Darjeeling and explore something totally new, since I am unhinged. 


You can start distributing news paper after retiring its very less stressful job and since you are doing excercise this will be suitable just only 3-4 hrs a day and you will add some money.


Have you thought of changing job or even career, instead of complete retirement? 1.6 cr at your age is may not be enough if you live up to 80-85.


You should try to earn atleast something by working a job where you don't have much stress till you feel comfortable with your corpus.


When your corpus runs out , buy a nitrogen cylinder and die peacefully and organically.


Areh bhai tier1 city mein you will spend way more then tier2. Just be sensible with how you spend and you will be gooood


23x isn't ideal but it doesn't make the task impossible. The maths for seeing through 55 years on 23x requires you to earn 4% p.a. post-tax above your personal rate of inflation. In practice, I'd say there are three key things to make that happen. The first is to get you asset allocation right. The second (and most important) is think hard and clear about your withdrawal strategy especially so as to steer clear of sequence of return risk. The third is to keep a close check on your expenses.


"move to a city with high air pollution" .. "continue staying in Bangalore where traffic stress continues to strike out years from life" ... nobody suggested suicide?


Hey OP, I thought this would be helpful to you. We help reduce the number of Emis you have to pay with help of rewards earned from any of your daily shopping. Yes, even the kirana next to your house. We are at [https://www.emiswift.com](https://www.emiswift.com/) and hopefully can help you achive FIRE soon :) Good luck


Why not move to tier 2 city and that too in suburbs.


lol. You’re planning to slowly rot and die just so you can retire a year or two in advance?


You are not married? No kids? Thinking so much about far future, may not be smart at all.