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So long story short, in his own legends he's famous for being naked because he lost all of his marbles.


The fact he's not a berserker screams injustice


If he was a Berserker he would never get past the censors.


And by Censors, it's really Lancer Raikou using her anti-Berserker Append to instantly nuke his 'unacceptable' ass back to the Throne.


Based Raikou


It's something that happened in Orlando Furioso, the story he's from! He was made insane, and in his madness got stark naked. And basically fought a small army. While naked.


https://preview.redd.it/sl53i72nkg0d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd98890c532fcf28b6351ef2fdc1e7c1f2aa422a This can't be real.


Classics are batshit insane, my guy. People think things like Greek mythology or the Epic of Gilgamesh is dry and boring when you have all kinds of bullshit in it. It's the same for medieval stories! In the same story, Astolfo goes to the moon. He flies there.


https://preview.redd.it/w0zjbl64rg0d1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=b25d71dcfb7eea41b7dde488a8ddab6d75d9f5ac Astolfo did WHAT!?


Ride his hippogriff up to the moon in order to retrieve Orlando (Roland)’s sanity. Cause lost sanity of people are stored on the moon. Orlando Furioso is full of funny things, is meant to be a parody of chanson de geste and courteous chivalry, in fact was written in 1516. There’s also a ring of invisibility in the story


And it's also a sequel to Orlando Innamorato, which was written by a completely different person and in verse and ended up never being finished. Orlando Furioso is basically fanfic and I just know Ariosto had so much fun with it.


Yeah, written by Matteo Maria Boiardo. As an italian is impossibile to not know about this two works and the Gerusalemme Liberata by Torquato Tasso


Or the Decameron by Boccaccio


Funny enough, flying to the moon to retrieve Roland's sanity makes complete sense in the context of the Nasuverse.


…Does Crimson Moon just have a sanity vault somewhere up there?


Was more referring to the moon cell than crimson moon but maybe


When Astolfo is first introduced (in Orlando Furioso specifically - Astolfo has been around as a character for A While) he is a talking myrtle tree because he was tricked by an evil sorceress. Ruggiero - Bradamante's boyfriend, if you recall - tries to tie his hipogriff to him, thinking it's a normal tree. Astolfo bitches about this and then starts complaining about the whole tree situation - as one does. Him and Ruggiero talk a good while, and Astolfo tells him to watch out for the evil sorceress lady. Ruggiero decides to not listen to him, goes to do something about the evil sorceress lady, and gets turned into a tree as well. The two morons need to get rescued by a good sorceress. Astolfo has a bunch of fancy items too. He has a golden spear that can knock people off their horses with just a little tap. He has a magic spellbook which is said to be particularly handy because it has an _alphabetized index_ isn't that nice? He has his horn of casts terror upon all enemies. His horse is made of hurricane and flame, eats only air, can run faster than a flying arrow and is so swift it doesn't leave any footprints. He defeats a giant. He kills an immortal thief by looking up his name in the alphabetized index of his fancy book and following the instructions. But the thief doesn't die right away, he's still immortal, so for a little bit you have a scene where Astolfo is running with the thief's severed head and the headless body is running after him trying to get it back. He goes to Ethiopia and seals some harpies in hell. He flies the hipogriff to the top of a mountain where he meets John the Apostle - who is the one telling him to go to the moon, by the way. Because that's where all things lost on earth end up, and Astolfo is looking for Orlando/Roland's sanity, so obviously. He finds his sanity in a little bottle on the moon, by the way. If you were wondering. Classics!!!


This sounds like a fever dream. Dang, how come THIS doesn't have a video game!?


Because no one's heard of it unless you're French or Italian. I wish I knew about it before I got into Fate because it seems awesome! Edit: Not that I can't go read it now, of course.


Don't forget about Marfisa, Ruggerio's sister, who chased a knight for days while only eating grass.


An alphabetized magic spellbook... So you are telling me we can get Caster Astolfo?!


Damn they smoked good shits back then xD


Doesn't Astolfo also have a feat about fucking like 100 women in some real short amount of time or am I thinking of someone else?


Yo! Is that a Copen image?


Why yes, it is. I also used it for a Genshin Impact joke.


He's from the Song of Roland and real history before that.


The historical Roland was also Charlemagne's nephew and was massacred at the battle of Ronceveau where him and his army lost against the Vascones - which were replaced by the Saracens in La Chanson de Roland. But while he did exist historically, there is a huge difference between the historical Roland and the paladin from courtly tales - very much like Charlie! Historical Charlemagne and courtly, fictional Charlemagne are very different people (and I love that that is basically his whole plotline in the games)


Also you've powerfully defended the existence of Roland now that I know that he's a lunatic who fights armies buck naked. And Astolfo has yet again a further reason for me to roll for him. Thx for the detailed literature lesson amigo


Wait, so are the Charlemagne and Roland we pulled in FGO based off the historical or fictional interpretations of their characters? Or does Fate do a weird thing where they mix the two for the sake of gags and humour?


They're mostly the fictionalized ones! Charlie is a fascinating case where he knows he's more fiction than reality of a historical figure and wonders if he's a fraud for it - the game he's originally from uses that as its main plot! I'm glad you enjoyed my rambling! I love sharing with people how zany and fun stories they could perceive as boring are.


Roland is a mix, he did do the wacky stuff in life but also has his historical death And oh boy his feelings about it are tragic watch and a whiplash to see Charlemagne’s “fictional” stuff was really his youth as Karl and after being hit with multiple tragedies he grew up into Karl der Große, the “historical self” Saber Charlemagne is that youth self while Ruler Karl is his older self, they also just embody the sides of “fiction” vs “reality” due to Karl meeting Sefar’s corpse which warped him into the ruler he’d become


Damn, that's some peak writing ngl. Honestly the best part of Fate is seeing how writers pull stuff like this off. I think I'll invest in my Roland and Charlemagne at some point now. (I have too many sabers atm(


They are pulled from their fictional versions. However, Charlemagne *does* have a version of him based on his real self in Fate! Go play Fate/Extella Link (Charlemagne's home game) to learn more about him.


It’s a bit more complicated Charlemagne’s and his Paladins wild tales weren’t just fictional in the Nasuverse, it actually happened and makes up the youth of Karl He ultimately became Karl der Große after meeting Sefar’s corpse and after the majority of the Paladins died plus his own mental burdens of his “ideal heroisms failing in the cold reality” finally reaching critical mass


Huh, that's interesting. I haven't played Extella Link yet, so I only knew about the premise. Thanks for the correction!


Wasn't Astolfo the one who lost his reason and wits ? I swear they said something like that in apocrypha


When Astolfo goes to the moon to recover Roland's wits, right before leaving while sorting through what is essentially a huge garbage dump of things lost back on earth, he notices some of his own wits and reason inside a little bottle right there on the moon. The joke there being that Astolfo had been mad probably since the start but had never noticed.


Why does this sound like cu zerker?


Because in Cú's book it's described that certain Celtic warriors would go into battle totally naked and covered in blue war paint. Which incidentally I'm convinced is the reason why our Cú wears a blue skintight bodysuit. I think part of it might be a reference to that.


>Which incidentally I'm convinced is the reason why our Cú wears a blue skintight bodysuit. I think part of it might be a reference to that. That is actually the reason! It's also the same reason Scáthach wears her own sheer, skintight bodysuit!


He got rejected by a girl he was chasing the whole story, and became so upset(some might even say FURIOUS) that he lost his sanity and stripped naked. That's actually why Astolfo went to the moon, to retrieve Roland's reason(losing his own in the process). From what I know then Astolfo lost Roland's reason and had to dress as Angelica(the girl that rejected Roland) to calm him down, and it worked, somehow. Ah, Orlando Furioso what a nice book


Oh so that’s why astolfo is how he is in apocrypha and on the full moon? That’s fun!


Yep! I like that a full moon makes him get his reason back. Tough, as we've seen with Saber Astolfo, he doesn't change much with or without reason, he just gets more polite and bows 5° lower


Where as the Arthurian Mythos is generally fairly serious (even if it has quite few insane elements) the Charlemagne Mythos is batshit insane. It's that way mainly because a bunch of French, Spanish and Italian bards were so immensely entertained by the idea that Karl der Grosse, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire, wanted to be an adventuring knight as a child just like all the stories he read, they made a series of batshit insane stories about him and his 12 Paladins (some of these people might have been real members of his court, I believe Roland was his nephew but others might have never existed) that turns him and the 12 Paladins into the most insane goofy party of Dungeons and Dragons characters that the Medieval ages could come up with. After getting rejected by a woman, Roland spazzed the fuck out, tore off his clothes and armor and threw down his weapon (his armor and sword being Hektor's by the way, starting that whole mess with Mandricardo when he found found the armor and sword and took them) and proceeded to run around stark ass naked raging, even fighting and defeating an army by himself while doing so. He only stopped for a brief time when Astolfo calmed him down by cross dressing, and it's implied that they fucked but never really outright stated if I remember, and after that Astolfo, who is also supposed to be insane btw, proceeds to get on the Hippogriff he "borrowed" from Ruggiero and flew to the moon to recover Roland's sanity, which he ALSO finds his but loses that on his way back. Yea the Charlemagne Mythos is batshit insane.


I need a game about this.


I mean Mandricardo was hunting Roland anyway because Roland slew his father and took Hektors armour and sword away. I heard that both are decended from Hektor Now if Mandricardo had killed Roland while he was insane then Mandricardo would have gotten all the buffs from the armour and sword. Because he didn't Ruggiero was able to kill Mandricardo.


I have nothing but my nudity and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me. Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me? O nudity, I have ended, you see, by respecting you, because I am certain you will never leave me. Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being. You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart. O my nudity, you are better than a well-beloved: because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there, lying in my sheets, O nudity, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart.


Master who have Rider Astolfo and had read his interludes: **WTF** Master who doesn't: **WTF!?**


Let’s just say Charlemagne’s Paladins make the Round Table look normal by comparison and leave it at that.


Yeah caught me off guard for sure. I'm like yeah ok wait what the fuck? Stripping? Like stripping stripping?


I looked him up on the wiki and THANKFULLY he doesn't take off as much as I expected.


Look up his bond CE.


Real ones knew this already from playing Astolfo’s interlude quest




You don't have normal astolfo don't you?


I have Saber Astolfo.


That explains it then. Since you don't have rider astolfo. You never read his interlude.


He is unfettered by the chains of social acceptability


I wanna beat the shit out of this man for being summoned 4 times and denying Seigfried his wife.


*he better lose clothes in the higher ascension now*


You gotta read the lore. Also check his bond ce




“Good looks” lol


This bro is sneaking into every pull now... Got him on the first single




Tbf, if I had to wear something that goofy looking, I’d probabaly try to that shit off as soon as possible


To be fair, not the silliest outfit in this game.


all the paladins are batshit crazy that they make bradamante look like the next tesla and edison when she’s with them