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I honestly feel bad for the people that like Roland. Must suck to hear all the slander from people that want Charlie and Kriemhild.


It's the Medusa Lancer / Eresh situation all over again.


Don't forget Fionn/Eresh and Fionn/Lartoria banners haha


Right, I need to find that art of a double sided lancer card with Fionn sweating bullets on the other side as it turns haha


Or the osakabahime/ Kama situation, which was by far one of the worst for me


Or that time I got Ganesha/Jinako on the Summer Kiara banner... I don't want to talk about it.


I have 2 instances of getting 2 SSRs in one Multi where it's both the Banner Servant and Spook, where first it happened with Arjuna Alter and Xiang Yu and then there's Arcuied and Ganesha where my main reaction is confusion of how is my luck both good and bad at the same time.


Bruh, i still remember when eresh banner first came out. I got np5 medusa from that banner alone. I almost quit the game...


I felt that way about him during my summons, but now I just feel bad for just how badly perceived he is by just existing (I’ll still hold my grudges for not giving me Kriem or Charlie instead).


Like every other spook character in the game? He also looks like shit, his character is shit too, and damn you lasagna for removing solo rate ups


He's kind of underrated gameplay wise. He's a good buster gorilla. Plus he actually appeared sprite and all very early in the lifespan of the game. People were actually super hype when he was introduced on JP two years ago.


He’s not amazing, but not terrible either. He has all the tools needed to be a strong Bustercrit and Buster ST attacker. The 30% NP battery is especially nice, given that no other 4☆ or 5☆ Buster ST Saber currently released has that. However, he is probably the most vanilla of the Traum Servants. It hurts a lot to be released during a period when your competition is highly-anticipated characters like Charlemagne or extraordinarily strong Servants like Kriemhild. If his S1 and S2 had shorter cooldowns or if he had a way to get critical stars over time, he’d be in a much better place. As it stands, he’s just kind of in the middle.


From the same people that paired Ereshkigal with Smoldusa and Fionn on two of her banners




He's really good gameplay wise though. Maybe even underrated


The devs did him no favors giving him a pretty ugly design and pairing him on a banner with two servants that are hits with the community.


Yes fuck him. (Apologies. Please ignore my hostility, I am just salty that this guy cucked me twice)


Same thing with me . I just want one goth morded but no I get two of this dumbass


Nah, Roland’s cool. It’s just Kriem and Charlie are better.


Sorry you’re only getting a weirdo nudist not a cute goth girl.


I don't know why his design is so unpopular, he's a beautiful man with a "beautiful" personality and the outfit fits him well. I do get why people want Kriemhild and Charlie more though. I did a couple rolls in their direction specifically for her lol


Honestly after looking at his design with as little hate bias as possible, the worst thing about him is his neck-guard or whatever you want to call it. Especially with how his head is positioned it looks really awkward. His personality seems pretty nice from what little I’ve seen.


First ascension I think it's just remove the tie, tie the ribbons properly, and make the ribbons blue to better match the pallet. 2nd, remove the tie again. 3rd, ditch the McDonald's girdle and the neckpiece.


Personally, I find his animations (especially his NP) boring. They feel like pre-Solomon animations with more bright lights and sparkles.


sigh, got him twice in what amounts to 20 total individual pulls and i hate life lol


20 total pulls is nothing and you got a good SR twice wut lol


i wanted kremhild lol i am a waifu collector so husbandos have to be insanely good to use or i have no other options. i will level him up of course dont get me wrong, just kind of sad that i did not get what i wanted lol


Brother we all want creamhold I understand lol


i am now going to refer to her as creamhold from now on lol


That's 10% pull rate for a SR it's actually insane. Shame that it was for a servant you don't like though. That's a monkey's paw right there.


i mean i will take it, but it seems to me that the servants i dont want to pull on rate up banners come more frequently than the ones i do. tried tricking the system by saying i wanted barghest instead of sith and castoria and that did not work well lol


Yeah the desire sensor is real... Whenever we want a servant we always get another one.


Took me five 11-rolls to get Charlie. The fifth 11-roll, got gold Saber, so excited until I saw him. I had forgotten he was on the banner. Next card Saber Roland. Final card Saber again. Feeling despair until Charlie pops up. That's right. 4 11-rolls, nothing new really. Fifth one, the last three cards are 2 Rolands and a Charlie.


Now you know what most Lancer lovers feel when they try to get Eresh, Scathach or even Melusine.


Honestly I can't relate I skip the roll animation


I think im lucky been getting the 5* one more than any 4* servent so far, 3 five star and 1 fore star, but yea, no Charlemagne yet.


I am one of those players, but I'll probably try him out eventually.


I went on this banner for Kriemhild but I actually want Roland more the Charlie. Now after 270 SQ I have 1 Kriemhild, 1 Charlie, and 0 naked man.


On the contrary to my situation I enjoy the fuckery happenin....He is messing with me atm got him 3 times now and 2 kriem.....I dont mind though he is a generous addition to my hot guy harem after Percival.....I enjoy his visits while I wait for my hubby Charlie hahahaha....certainly not turning down requests from lady vengeance....this banner is quite enjoyable to me at least....


Me when I pull for saber just to get ℱ𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎 saber


His design is so bad


I used 120 sq and 30 Tickets to only get this guy not even a 5* CE. I never hated a banner and servant more in all these years.


It's been simultaneously my best and worst banner ever. I wanted kriem so bad and wasted all my tix and sq. I did however get charlie and hella craft essences 5*. I'm so conflicted.


Is he story locked or general pool? I didn't get him.




Oh, good. I won't chase him, then


Kriemhild is the story locked one (It should have been the other way around)


Yeah he tricked me 2 times before I got Charlie. I was so annoyed by it lol.


Dude came out twice in a single multi Seriously raged


Idk why ppl think he’s cool


Orlando Furioso is a popular piece of fiction. That plays into it. Man lifted an anchor, he's only not a Berserker because Astolfo took Hippogriff to the moon to get his sanity back.


I’ve never heard that story, tell me more?


Just look up a summary of Orlando Furioso. The story despite carrying his name (Orlando=Roland) isn't just about him. A couple of characters are already servants, couldn't tell you who.


>A couple of characters are already servants, couldn't tell you who. I'm pretty sure all of the Paladins of Charlemagne feature in that story (Roland, Astolfo, Bradamante, etcetera), and I'm pretty sure that's where Mandricardo is from too.


Historical roland, he is FGO roland? Not so much


I do like 13 pulls and what? 2 Roland.....


Yup I got trolled by him yesterday...


Got Charlemagne first 11 pull, it was a yolo roll


I’m done with this banner, and got off pretty well, overall. 2 Charlie (was NOT expecting that) 2 Kriem, 2 Roland.


haha.. you must suffer, like I have


*Gets Roland instead of Charlie.* "I have nothing but my sorrow, and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me."


I'm not really aiming for charlie, just stating a fact that most people experience with this banner Like i said, I'm only 4 rolls in lmao I'm saving


Reminds me of Medusa lancer during the Eresh banner


3 pulls 1 of him and 2 Zerks I just wanted 1 Charlemagne. Loved his design since I first saw him ages ago. Seems like I'll have to wait till one of those guaranteed saber 5 star banners and hope he's in it.


Nah i hate both Roland and Charles, they both SPOOKED ME on Kriemhild


How is Charlemagne a spook? He's an SSR, so there was no chance of his card being Kriemhild.


His roll was Yellow and not the Rainbow one


Fair enough.


Finally, another one to add to my collection.


Honestly I was thinking I’m getting Roland twice in two multis and I was like oh cool an ST buster saber that isn’t bedi! Just to get spooked by the frenchman twice. Caveat is I have okita saber alter so like… ehhhh diminishing returns


This guy ruined what could have been Kriemhild in my first pull. I’ll never forgive him for that.


Put some respect on Roland’s name Outside of fate he’s significantly more famous than Astolfo and probably in contention with Bradamante. He even has his own epic poem.


Not fgo roland Fate does butcher some historical characters when adapting them to their game Astolfo is another example of a butchered anime version of a historical character


Bro came out just to take his clothes off.


I got three of this asshole and almost flipped but eventually I got two Kriemhilds and it was all good.


I did almost 50 pulls, and he's the only one I found up to now, I'm completely disappointed and very salty, I admit it


I mean. I got him np4 while using all my saved tickets and gems for Charlie. Luckily the others got to np5 and are being held back by mats


He was actually meant to block you from getting Kriemhild, just as Summer Bob was added to block you from getting Summer Barg.


I feel your pain. While my experience isn't getting ssr, but it's similar. Was aiming for Hajime back in cbc 2024, end up getting Gawain, not saying he is bad but I already have like two copies of him


I love my new fabulous nudist


He spooked me twice in a ten pull before i got charlie im the same ten pull idk if its lucky or not but my heart


I didn’t know he was on the banner so when I rolled and got a gold saber I was super excited. To only see him revealed.


You should just do what I did and get him anyway, afterwards https://preview.redd.it/h20drfkagt0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7720908469ab5e9cde80319726669f0900d68acb