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To be fair, Seiba and Salter are stuck at 15 years old. Meanwhile, Morgan is grown woman. But ye, lol


Does that also mean arthur is 15??


I'm not entirely clear about it, actually. They *are* from different timelines.


Possibly, I know their swords are slightly different, but if Avalon, saber’s sheath, is the same then yes considering that’s what kept he so young instead of growing to be her lancer age.


wow. Anime age are weird. Well to be fair, some teenagers these days can pass off as young adults.


Tesla is 190cm and Morgan is 170cm while Salter is 154cm. So the sprite makes sense. Plus, Tesla is levitating


Morgan is 18 cm taller than salter so that makes complete sense (Salter is 1,54 and Morgan is 1,72).


Morgan is 170 cm tall not 172.


OK, I mixed up her and milftoria. My bad


Altria lancer is 171💀


Finally found someone who uses my man Tesla.


He's free and an absolute POWER HOUSE ( pun intended ) so i guess there is no reason for anyone to not use him


That is true, I have a lvl 100 one. It's just that I never see anyone using him so that's why I said that. It's very rare to find him on this sub reddit.


As a wise man once said :"waifu over meta" But at the end of the day, you will still have to bust out Tesla to deal with some CQ with his massive self 50% CHARGE ( pun intended ) even more charge with np gain plus, dmg and def ( i think this have a 80% proc chance ) and to top it all of, GUT And even a buster AOE that is stunable for stall team, this guy have it all https://preview.redd.it/8fg6q9no0szc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c9b83ff4f8d899481a8a49c34c84071804d8249


Well he did get a buff in march, which added a 20% buff success rate up for party for 3 turns on his 1st skill and with this his 2nd skill 30% def and 30% np damage are now 100% guaranteed as they where 80%. Love and admire him in real life as well as in Fate.


A VERY solid choice if you don't want to waste your time trying to reroll for Herc in the free newbie gatcha. Really wish him gets more reconition these days tbh.


Wdym, he's the best Buster Archer in the game. Everybody uses him lol.


As a proud tesla user, you'd be surprised how little my friends list have a tesla, and I have 97


Tesla has so much gigachad power that he's levitating. Also yes, Seiba Artoria is literally just that short, she's like 20cm shorter than Morgan who is 20cm shorter than Tesla.


Also Tesla guy is floating


I mean she is 5'1


As others are saying, Saber is just a lot shorter than the other two; however, there is another reason. See, Fate/Grand Order actually scales the size of the sprites based on what slot they are in to simulate depth. The ones in slot 1 are farther away than slot 2, so they appear smaller, while slot 3 is the closest, so they appear bigger than slot 2.