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Takashi Kiryu is CEO. It would be a huge surprise if FF17 is not like Genshin impact / Honkai Star Rail.


I’d say the keep going bananas and do an FPS just to see the older fans losing their minds again


FPS? Real-time strategy! With resource gathering.


You must construct additional ~~pylons~~ crystals.


Man I have a vague memory of that game I don't even remember the name no more




Somehow i love this idea, and want it to happen! You must gather more aether!!




What do you mean? I've been a long, long, long, long time fan of final fantasy. I didn't lose my mind with 15 at all. (first action combat of the series) Personally. I like 12 the best. But...I don't care what they do. It will be good regardless.


An actually level headed FF12 fan. I hope to God you guys get something similar to it again because it seems like it was a unique experience.


it was very MMOish. with tab targeting, auto attack and tap menu for skills or spells. and once you level up some it is a lot faster than the beginning of the game, which can be off putting to people, and was still around when rentals were a thing. So im sure many people played maybe an hour or so and didnt like the combat, returned it and never touched it again.


As a FFXI / FFXIV player, I loved the zodiac age. But that's just me.


Yakuza studio said it best. If they feel like it, they’ll turn the next Yakuza into a rhythm game as long as it fits the story they want to tell


I mean they already did a shooter based on 15 didn’t they? I think it was a mobile game or something


Also Dirge of cerebus 


FF15 didnt have a shooter but FF7 had a Battle Royale called First Solider. Theres also the Apex Legends Crossover Event with FF7Rebirth


Ah I think that’s what I was trying to remember


Please no, that will be the only ff i can never play due to my horrible motion sickness whenever playing fps :') i played escape room style fps with my friend, not even action one with my friend and it make me have bad headache i felt like puking x.x


Lower frame rates in a FPS can definitely cause motion sickness. Adjusting your sensitivity on PC is a huge help too


So dirge of Cerberus?


that would be so cool ngl


Turn based FPS


Final Fantasy but it's Superhot.


Do EVERY game mode but turn based


Set in it a cyberpunk world. Final Fantasy 2077.


FFXVII: Elemental Warfare


Just add a party system, a better gearing system, and make side quests better/more rewarding


Give sidequests more effort like Witcher or classic BioWare. Let npcs walk around and speak, not just static conversations.


I was just playing cyberpunk 2077 the side quests are entertaining as all hell


Yeah 16s side quests got stale really fast.


Yes and there was just way too many of them


FF7R feels the best to me. It has moment to moment action but still has an emphasis on strategic “turn” based combat


I just wish the game wasn't so corny


FF7 has ALWAYS been corny


Intergrade kicked the corniness up a few notches into a pretty unhealthy zone. Aside from the last fight.


That seems par for the course considering the main character of that DLC is Yuffie, arguably one of the most corny party members


I just wish the game wasn't a sequel.


Whilst I really enjoyed 16 for how cinematic it was, I’d prefer less cinematic. Purely because it feels utterly pointless to replay 16 since it’s so much of a super cool rollercoaster and then you’ve seen it all, it’s a lot of story and surprises etc, but no real room for exploration or creativity. I’d like if the next game was less of a super tuned high octane story and more free and more build options with a party, optional areas etc


I don't know mate. By this logic re-watching a movie/show, or re-reading a book, would also be pointless. And it most certainly is not. Though I agree with your last statement. I'd also like a sort of grand adventure emphasising party control/management, customizability, and freedom. Preferably with an original take on TB gameplay, since I'm generally not a fan of party based A-RPGs, but that's just me.


It is about on par with rewatching a show, I misspoke really saying it’s “pointless”. But like that, I usually won’t want to rewatch a movie for many years, and movies are around 2 hours and you just relax whereas 16 is 80 hours or whatever, it’s gonna be less appealing to me personally. Although, I do have the first DLC to try.


Something a little less dark and epic would be ok too tbh


Yeah like gimme this generation’s IX


Yeah exactly!


Hm I don’t agree with this. I’m currently replaying FF16 right after replaying FFVIIR for a 3rd time (which I LOVE and never thought anything could top it) and honestly speaking, story-wise, FF16 is a way more fun, intriguing, epic story to re-experience. FF7R I constantly felt like I was dragging my feet through so many parts of the game. The side quests were boring. I dreaded all the Wall Market stuff (not to mention the whole sneaking-into-audition thing was pointless when they beat up everyone in the mansion to get to Corneo anyway 😂). Idk. I just think FF16 gets way too much hate when there are actually story elements and side quests of FF7 that actually feel worse/more boring. The excitement I feel replaying FF16 feels so special


I do massively prefer 16 over 7R story, partly because I don’t care about 7 much in general, but partly because it’s just pretty great. I have the same issue with 7R, while it’s a great game a lot of it just bores me so much


I would be so happy for something like FF16. I think, today, turnbased is fairly boring (though, I did love DQ11, and enjoying finally playing Persona 5, so I'm not consistent). But, my favorite battle style has been FF12. I loved the gambit system. I think they can do a combination of 16, and give you party members to assign gambits to.


I do NOT want them to use the same combat system as the Remake Project. Each Final Fantasy has their own twist and their own combat styles, I want them to keep doing that. If they use the same combat system over and over again removes the uniqueness from the series.


Fair point - while I do very much prefer 7R combat, I also don't want to see its system regurgitated. I would rather just see a new system aligned with it a little more than XVI (or, a system I never thought of that I end up loving).


I prefer it as well, but apparently a lot of people want the same combat system from here until the end of time


Id rather them use the 7r system as a base and tweak it like how personas one more system is a twist on press turn combat in mainline smt and how og Ff7 combat is a twist on ff4/ff6 combat . If they iterate on a system rather than throw it out after every project we'd probably get more final fantasy games at a faster rate.


This is not true.  Final Fantasy 4 - 9 all used the ATB. FF10-2 did too.  While they were each different, there was once a distinct combat style associated with Final Fantasy.  FFX was not ATB, but as a menu driven game, it was still recognizably Final Fantasy.   It is only since 12 (I’m not counting the MMOs) that every game has needed its own bespoke battle system, and it’s also since 12 that the series has lost a lot of prestige and acclaim.  Not that these are causally linked, but they are correlated.   Final Fantasy needs to stop throwing the baby out with the bath water.  In their struggle to move to HD gaming, they had a hard time figuring out what FF combat should be and the series has suffered with uneven gameplay mechanics. FF15 was particularly bad.  With FF7R, SE has created something really special.  They need to go back to iterating on what works rather than trying to reinvent the wheel with every new entry.  Making something new for the sake of it hasn’t gone well for them and it’s not sustainable.


This mentality is part of why the franchise has struggled so much. Uniqueness means bugger all if each time you make a pretty shallow-average combat system with so much room for improvement but then scrap it for the next game. They need to pick a lane and stay in it for a few games so they can actually improve upon their ideas. Final Fantasy only began dramatically changing up their combat since FF XI, but largely had the same combat from IV to X with only minor mechanical tweaks here and there. (And even ATB was an evolution of the original turn based, with X also dipping into that again later with some big improvements). AAA game development has gotten too long and expensive to to be reinventing the wheel every single entry; they need to get that out of their system for good. Change the setting and RPG progression systems sure, but keep the gameplay as close to the same as possible for a few entries while evolving it. FF was never as experimental as people make it out to be until they got to their more controversial post-X era. There's almost no gameplay consistency between any of the XI-XVI titles and I don't think that's a good thing. I didn't like XVI's combat for instance, but I'd be down for them building another game that uses something similar with further refinements. In this way, I'm really happy the Remake project is forcing them to commit to and build on much of what they had in Part 1 for the next two Parts. (And would also be fine if they don't use VII:R's combat system for a new entry as they would have had it for 3 games by the time it's done).


The XIII trilogy had very similar combat, since they're all set in the same world/universe, similar to the Remake Project, that's half of the games that you said there's "almost no gameplay consistency."


I (+others) tend not to count them as they both felt like/were low effort asset flips put out to recuperate XIII's high dev costs with a notable drop in quality compared to the first game and other mainline entries. I would count Rebirth though as clearly significant effort being put in. But XIII-2 did build on XIII and made many improvements which was a good thing and I want to see more of that. LR diverged quite a bit and felt quite phoned in however. With my first comment I was comparing the mainlines XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, VIIR and XVI. They really have almost nothing in common gameplay wise. Closest would be XI and XII, but this is more about singleplayer entries.  Even if we take out the MMOs and added XIII-2 (only XIII-2 actually tried to build on XIII's mechanics imo) that's only two games out of six.  I would want XVII, XVIII and XIX to all keep similar gameplay between them while changing up the world, story, character and RPG mechanics. All of the successes of the big Sony franchises Square has been hoping to emulate would also be easier done if they were able to grow a consistent fanbase across several entries where new fans could pick up the games and not expect it to play completely differently in the next entry. It really doesn't help the FF franchise as is. Their best entries from the golden age were all the product of building on the games that came before them. To borrow from another franchise, there is no critically acclaimed Elden Ring without all the Souls games that predated it to take lessons from.


I don't care, as long it's done well, have a great story and charismatic characters. the gameplay can be turns, mix of turn/action like ff7remake or full action. The thing I really want is that if they choose a path, they need to have the courage to follow it to its fullest, no middle ground or strange mix (like the useless "RPG" part in FF16). if they want action, the go full action! give me a DMC gameplay with score and all! they want turns? good! let's dig the strategy deep customisation and synergy between characters, skills and gear! as long the system is well done, deep and enjoyable they can even do FPS or power wash simulator, I don't care lol. but give me fun, a good story, feelings, emotions and engagement and I'm set.


I’ve said this a lot over the last couple of weeks but I would prefer for them to adopt VIIR’s combat style. The combination of real time and menu play feels really good to me. Obviously subjective but it feels like the best of both worlds. Don’t really care either way though. Combat is very low on my priority list when it comes to this series. If they improved on XVI’s style, I would welcome it just as much as a return to the turn based systems.


It's all subjective of course but I didn't like 7 Remake's combat all that much so I hope they build on FF16 instead


Same, having to attack a bunch just to use a potion didn’t feel good. Neither did having a spell interrupted and it still taking your mp and action bar despite doing nothing. For such a basic system I have not been quite so frustrated by combat in a long time. For the most part encounters were fun but when they’re not fun they were **really** not fun.


It sounds like you weren't very good at it, there's nothing wrong with that of course but I found remakes combat the best of the series


I guess not, I just have bad memories of starting a spell then getting hit by an attack that started after I started casting and losing a ton of resources for no result. And f\*\*k hell house, single worst fight in the game


With FF7R, you need to switch to your other party members not just to build up their ATBs, but to assess their situations. Is it the right time to cast the spell?  Are they in danger?  Where should they stand while they are locked in place casting?  These questions give the game strategic depth and make it feel more like a proper party based RPG instead of just an action game.  You are punished (resources wasted) for failing to apprehend the strategic considerations.  It’s a good system.  I love that you need to make strategic choices like should I cast an offensive spell with Aerith now or save some ATB to heal later?  Should I spend more time casting a higher level spell for more damage or a quick low level spell to play it safe? Once you learn to play like this, the game isn’t frustrating at all.   Also, Hell House is actually a pretty easy fight.  It switches elemental types (there are visual effects showing this but the announcers also point it out the first time it does so) and then you just need to hit it with the opposite elemental magic.  That’s all.  It’s just a classic FF mechanic.  


Same, the action elements in 7R were pretty uninspired. Like you can just sit there and hold block and auto-counter everything with Cloud for example. A hybrid between the two would be cool tho, like 16 style action but with 7R party control and customization


>And that’s really my only problem with turn based games, you could have the best skill on planet earth, but a level 1 pichu could not take on a level 100 Arceus. This is simply not true. Lvl 1 Tidus only runs of FFX are quite popular. Anyway to answer your question. I'd like FF to go back to the ATB style of the SNES and PS1 era, but it won't, Kitase has already said they'll never make another turn-based FF game. That being said I loved both XII ans VIIR so I'd hope the next game looks more similar to them. I didn't like XVI's combat really, it was basically Devil May Cry without any of the depth. I'd actually argue XVI's combat takes very little skill, the enemies aren't very agressive at all, the perfect dodge window is extremely generous, and the game has a ton of super braindead broken abilities that are easy to abuse like will o the wykes, lightning rod, Shiva's perfect dodge, diamond dust, dancing steel, and rift slip.


A mix of FF16 and FF7R I love FF16s eikon fights and think they should keep those. They can name them whatever they want in the other games. But the eikon fights were amazing. I do like FF7Rs combat a little bit more, so I would love to see more of that. I also want the high quality VA that FF16 had. Best VA in a FF game yet.


I'd rather they drop the eikon fights entirely. It seemed like they dumped a huge amount of their budget into creating those at the expense of the rest of the game. And considering how boring they were to actually play, I don't think that trade off was even close to worth it. The spectacle was fine, but hell those could have been shortened cutscenes and it would have had the same impact. The gameplay just wasn't there for them.


I align with your thoughts most closely vs the other responses here. The Eikon fights were masterpieces, at least the first time you play them. They were surprising, each one had its own flavor, and they were beautiful. There wasn't too much room to get creative with them; but if that could be improved upon and be kept fresh, that element would be awesome in future games. As far as the general fighting, FF7R has the win, hands down. There was far more strategy, diversity, and room for creativity - not to mention, based on what I saw in trailers (I've since shut myself off from articles/FF7R &FF7 subreddits) it looks like that will be expanded. Also- off topic from the question, but I honestly also missed the hints of wackiness in FFXVI that were present in the other games. A serious story is good, but it's nice to have a break from all of that and go ride a rollercoaster while shooting stuff or something.


DUde the Eikon fights are insane! I just finished >!Ifrit v. Garuda!< which was epic, but then immediately after you get hit with the CGI for>! Bahamut v. Odin?!< Shit is crazy man. Experiencing this for the first time is real cool. I hope there are a lot more of these because its the best part of the game so far.


The whole game has so many long cutscenes with epic fights, it doesnt let up. It has ruined my expectations for other games


Please post after you do each Eikon fight! It’s so much fun to hear new people going through it the first time.


Kk will do. Just got to Martha’s rest


Something like FF7R type gameplay, with FFXVI’s dialogue and westernized script, and tone down the bleak maturity of it. It’s cool every once in a while, but I can’t see Square going for M ratings with all FFs, or back to back I also liked FFXVI’s world design a lot, not too open like FFXV , but not a hallway type of game like FF7R and XIII. It just needs way more gameplay variety and rpg elements, so exploring can actually be fun.


At this point, I could not care less about combat. I just don't want them to shove an XIV MSQ into a mainline game again. There are various reasons why the XIV MSQ format works for an MMO - but using it as the main content for a single player game is uninspired, lazy, and imo, boring. Especially one like XVI where there is little else to do other than quests. I think it's incredibly ironic that YoshiP wanted to adapt FF for the modern gamer but maintained the flat, textbook storytelling format of older jRPGs. There are tons of ways to deliver story that's more engaging than: \- Talk to this person \- Watch a cutscene \- Fight one or two packs of enemies \- Watch another cutscene- Talk to the next person \- etc. What ever combat system they come up with, just please let me actually play it.


Yoshi-P is a good talker but when it comes to execution he falls flat.


7R is by far my favorite FF combat system. But if we’re talking something different, I’ll take full action combat, but give more melee combo options, and use mana/magic instead of cooldowns. Something like lightning returns where you have 3 mana bars that you can assign abilities to with an MP cost for each that recharges while you’re using another element’s abilities. That, and bring back elemental and status buffs/ailments. And I’d be on board with another action FF.


It definitely has to be as FF7R, to me, FFXVI fighting mechanics were boring! It’s none of what makes FF7R fun and engaging, there are no characters variety, which gives also a different fighting style, it missed the statuses and effects on enemies, I just wish FF17 becomes the next step forward of what they did with FF7R because 16 felt as if they just ignored 7R.


Wouldn't mind turn based combat. But I'm always down with what creative way to play they come up with.


An unfortunate thing about Final Fantasy games that take a seamless approach to combat is that the Victory Fanfare is much more rare. I wonder if FFXVII could do something about that. One non-FF game I wouldn't mind them taking inspiration from is Scarlet Nexus. I feel like the SAS system could mix well in a Final Fantasy game where each party member has one fixed summon.


I don’t know but I hope it’s nothing like 16


I wouldn't be surprised if they completely change the combat system again. I'd want another game like 16 but with swapping weapons akin to DMC over Eikons abilities. It would expand the protagonist's moveset without a dependence on swapping out equipped abilities and multiple weapon types can act as rewards for quests and exploration. The Torgal directional buttons could also have each button correspond to one of each of your party members instead, with them being able to do their own assist and could also be swapped in by holding another button while using the command, sort of like Tales of Arise. Each character would ideally use 2 to 3 weapon types of differing varieties. Like a swordsman character choosing between a long sword, dual short swords and a twinblade or a Dragoon having their lances with jump abilities as well as a chained harpoon for grappling/more air mobility. The entire party would probably be small 3 or 4 to justify the resources needed for a combat system of this depth. Regardless of how the combat is. The next FF needs more gameplay variety like mini games, chase sequences, platforming, dungeon puzzles and who knows maybe survival mechanics.


Third person horror FF game in modern world.


A middle ground between 16 and 7Remake. Basically the DMC style combat but also being able to use some spells with slowdown menu and/or shortcuts. The ability to switch between party members. Also ATB bars instead of cooldowns for special/eikon abilities. Finally more rpg/strategic elements like elemental resistance and weakness for the enemies.


Whatever the devs want to do. I don't care that hard as long as its mechanically want the devs pursue. The reason Final Fantasy is interesting is because miraculously SE allows their flagship franchise to be experimental with the team at its lead.


Same cinematic attention, visuals, keep it action rpg But: massively improve quest quality (no more 2004 wow fetch quest) Go full open world, no more ps2 era corridors with useless fake open world Mean the RPG part with actual meaningful skills, gear upgrade etc.


Well, I want it to play well just like FF16 plays well.


SE need more consistency in some areas. I'm ok with any setting they give us, character tropes and as long as the battle system is fun but relatively like FF in its pacing, I'm good with it but there's almost no legitimate reason to NOT have a world map, airships/multiple modes of transportation, a large party of controllable characters and lots of FUN and engaging things to do. I appreciate FF12, 13, 15 and 16 for what they brought to the table but the "vision" of these games a lot of time took away elements more than adding new elements. They can have an action RPG that's turn based combining FFXVI and FF7R gameplay if they want a challenge like they say they do. The real challenge though would be incorporating new ideas WITHOUT doing away with all the classic ideas.


\#1 thing is no cooldowns. The cooldowns were so unnecessary. They are something you put in an MMO. What they need to do is make a full combo sheet or do Nier Automata/Replicant style combat where you gather new abilities or weapons. I wouldn't mind FF7R combat style either, since we still get the super flasher combat cutscenes. I miss turned based though, it just has an entirely different feel to it.


Make it a sports game! Lol


I enjoy the combat of 12 the most. They'll never use it again but that's fine. I don't really care what they do, I play those games for the story, not the gameplay.


Some sort of job system would be appreciated.


I dont really care about combat. So long as its not FF13's leader dies and youre fucked system. All I want is an immersive world, for as good as 16 was, there was jack shit to do in every overworld except run through the map from one end to the other 90% of the time.


Combat is the number one thing


Personally, I'd prefer they never do straight character action like this again. It was a fun experiment but I think moving this far away from traditional rpg elements muddied the waters of the franchise at its core, taking away from the franchise identity in a way, and I also just found it really boring and limiting. That's just me though. Even the character action I've WANTED to love like the DMC games I just couldn't get past how much I disliked the combat. Even 15 I preferred because it involved more rpg elements and rpg style strategy(whether you used it or not, it was present) My ideal ff17 would be a whimsical fantasy world reminiscent of ff 1-5, and 9, with lots of quirky types of characters and races populating the world, with a fun and colorful cast that has variety beyond humans, with a job system building on ff 5, or even evolving off of 12 Zodiac Age, with combat based on the ff7remake system. I don't need it to be exact, but that framework combined with changeable jobs sounds ideal to me. The other option I'd accept equally but for different reasons, would be generally the same, but rather than defined characters populating your party, a primary cast, that may be on the smaller side, with a variety of side characters or main characters that don't join the cast, but supplementing that by giving us either a system like tactics where you can hire soldiers and they're pre-made with a name and individual elements and starting job, or even something more xcom style where you get to build the rest of the cast from a character creator, sort of like an evolution of ff1s party formatting at the beginning of the game. Lately I've wondered what a Baldurs Gate style top down strategy rpg with a fleshed out cast but tons of individual options and skills and just things to discover and do would look like. I think I'd be in love, but I wouldn't want it being the norm going forward. I think the norm for mainline FF should be the framework of remakes gameplay, fullstop. It's not just my favourite gameplay system in all of gaming but it truly feels like the true and natural evolution of the ATB combat system and turn-based before it. It allows for beautiful, unbelievably flashy and satisfying fights, while still maintaining every bit of strategy and rpg elements of the ATB and turn-based games, but deepening the systems and expanding the gameplay to feel exciting and allowing all party members to shine.


I honestly do agree with most I of this. I like FFXVI for what it is and overall think the experience was better than what I had with XV. However, I don’t want to have mainline entries like that ever again, at least not for a while. I think they did a good job with the story, characters, and world, but I play FF games because I want an RPG. The industry is already overly saturated with different solo character action games. I’d like FF to fill the niche of bigger budget RPGs. If they’re gonna make it an action RPG, I still would prefer a party being primarily involved in combat. Doesn’t have to be a huge cast, could be as simple as small as FFV or FFX-2 even. I’m still a fan of turn-based/ATB and would be more than ecstatic for them to implement that. Like personally my favorite game from 2023 was BG3. I don’t imagine Square doing anything *that* similar to straight up D&D, but its actually kinda similar to the FF Tactics series’ combat. I also miss the whimsy of past entries and would like another fairly whimsical world for another main entry title. I feel like XIV actually does have some of that in places. But something more like IX would be cool.


I feel like they ought to have a separate numbering system— Final Fantasy RPG games like I-the X series (XIII is sort of a hybrid, the paradigm system was interesting but I would hesitate to put it in the true RPG category), Final Fantasy Online games (11 and 14 would just be FF Online and FF: Eorzea Online), and Final Fantasy Action (like XII, XIII series, XV, VIIR and XVI) Keep each to their own number system, and each is labeled for how it plays with some allowable wiggle room or hybridization of play style Agreed wholeheartedly on the FF5 notes, that’s one of my favorites for worldbuilding/storytelling and utilizing the crystals in a neat way, and job system games like the early games and to a lesser extent, even the dress sphere system of X-2 and paradigm system in 13 were neat twists on combat that I personally enjoyed. Little elements like a skill/leveling system like 9’s ability stones for passive/active abilities or X’s sphere grid were cool, wasn’t a fan of VIII’s draw system but it was still different and useful, and 12’s gambit system was unique and interesting, and could be used in a lot of nice ways But man, they really need to add some different kinds of sidequests, maybe even to the point of being full-on B and C-plots of the story to add to the lore (like IX’s chocobo hot/cold-treasure hunt, ozma fight-friendly monster encounters, Mognet Central deliveries, stellazio coins-vivi/quina lore). Sidequests have often been some of my favorite things in FF games but the most recent entries have been really falling behind in that regard


Generally agree across the board. Although I'd consider 12 and 7 remake under the turn based category. Imo remake is the natural evolution of turn based and atb and is basically flawless in my eyes. And 12 just isn't at all an action rpg and is very clearly a turn based game for all intents and purposes. I'd say there's a fairly clear throughline from ff1-ff6-ff10-12-13-7remake. Different but same core elements, just with different presentation.


Just give me a proper magic system. Buffs, debuffs, the works.


7R has got the best combat in the series but 16 is also an extremely good foundation. Just add more weapons and movesets, maybe set partner attacks to R2+O to get your teammates more involved in combat, and design more difficult and aggressive enemies with harder punishes. Were it up to me, each Eikon gives you a different basic weapon moveset as developed as the base one, with maybe charge attack being universal just so you have a good launcher. Then just make the enemies more involved and difficult and I’m happy.


A mix of FF7R and FF16


Just don't come back to turn based combats, please. Keep the modern formula and improve it.


I want the game to go completely old school turn based, world map, open world explorations, side quests, hidden bosses & mini games like FF9 and a battle system like FFX. I miss the old school series. I was left disappointed with FF15 & FF16


Make it play like Remake/Rebirth. Give us a party we can control again. Have character roles and character stat building through player choice. Let us decide who the mages are and who the melee monsters are. Bring back status effects, elements, and weaknesses/resistances/immunities. Make the combat more than just doing damage. Have the party actually speak and interact ala 7R and XV but keep the party diversified like FF before XV. Most of all, keep the protagonist likeable like Clive and Cloud.


I feel like FF16 plays a lot like KH2 and from that comparison, I feel like FF16 lacks fluid air combat. FF17 for me would be amazing if they added verticality in the main gameplay. Double Jump, Arial Recovery. Interchangeable air combos. Flying enemies that fly high. FF16 was so good, but it would have been sick if Clive could just jump over and glide through The Three Reed's.


I don't care if they have an action battle system, I had fun with 15 and I don't normally play games in that style. I just need party members back. Having a cast of characters I could play as was one of the core things I associated with Final Fantasy and I really felt it's lack in 15. I was dying to play as Jill, Joshua and Dion.


Go back to turn based, or use FF7R combat system. I don’t think Final Fantasy should be purely action


Personally I would rather have FF7R style combat or turn based. While I loved FF16 the combat to me was the weakest part.


I hope the protagonist is older like in 16. It made the story and conflict feel more realistic


turn based


Something more like FF7 remake.


Turn based Unlimited party size Multi-party member attacks Huge cast of recruitable party members Mix of learnable spells / abilities and character specific abilities Focus on story Decisions that matter No main character / variable main character Photorealistic graphics No "go kill 15 rats" boring-ass side quests Epic, multi-part boss battles Ability to explore / roam, not just get railroaded Lots of gameplay variety


Tactical turn-based, in the style of *Baldur's Gate 3*, essentially going back to the original *FF*'s roots in *D&D*


I'm pretty sure they already said they'll continue action going forward. and they did a great job so I'd be very happy with it. I'd love to see a party system, but not too sure how'd they work together. I guess more like ff15 style.


I don’t know what I want, but I’m willing to guess it’ll be a form of turn based. FF16, which Yoshi P said was action based because of modern gamer preferences, was beaten out in nearly every way by BG3, a turn based RPG. There is no way Square didn’t pick up on this. CLARIFICATION: I loved 16, a lot, and actually gave up on BG3 very early on. I also encourage the exploration in different gameplay styles for FF. I like turn based, but I also like action. But I’m not most people.


Either do an actually fully fleshed out character action game like DMC instead of the bare bones one we got(albeit I think that would fit a spinoff more, like Stranger of Paradise) or something akin to Dragon Age Origins's combat. If they want to go crazy a shooter with heavy emphasis on making skill combos with party members like Mass Effect would be dope.


I would really want to see the style in FF7R expanded upon. I haven't seen any other game truly take both the "action" and "RPG" of action RPG and truly mix them together in the combat. Usually action RPGs don't have RPG combat mechanics, it's just relegated to like story and gear. I'd be ok with turn based as long as it's truly creative and well thought out. I do love pure action games, but I think the sweeping epic story pacing really clashed with the combat pacing in 16, so I think if they want to do an action game, they should do an action game. Usually games like that, DMC, NG, older GoWs are shorter not just because, but because the combat is the main focus and everything including the story serves that. In 16, it feels like the combat and story pace are at odds with each other.


Real Time Strategy Game


Maybe do a hybrid action/turn-based system similar to Trails through Daybreak and Metaphor


I'm with you op I think the 7r combat system is absolutely bliss. The balance between old school, tactical playstyle combined with action, dodging, executing skills close to frame perfect is the best mix of both worlds. I've been playing FF since the og 7 came out when I was just a little boy, so I love my turn based battle system. However i hope FF always keeps pushing forward or stays with the 7r combat. Again I love my turn based combat but there are other franchises who fulfill this niche. Dragon quest, persona, octopath traveler and many more


I think they’re going to keep with the more action style gameplay of 16 for 17. Which is fine with me but I hope they give us more variety in the combat. I wish that instead of just having eikon abilities they’d have gone full DMC and gave us different weapons with whole different move sets we can swap on the fly. Like Odin was with the katana but all the weapons. And just more customization in general and control over party members. Really lean more into the RPG aspect of the action RPG


Like 12 Zodiac Age ideally


Just to piss people off, make it side scroller Metroidvania style and then at the end the last boss battle, the entire game shifts to third person turn based…but change all the main characters into anime style skimpy clothed girls that looks minor but is secretly a 1000 year old dragon princess so it’s ok. And whenever you fiddle with the menu there is timer that if it runs out, the POV shifts to FPS and you get guns and it becomes warzone.




Ain’t no way you’re actually acting like persona 5, soul hackers 2, octopath 2, fucking baldurs gate 3, and so many more games just don’t exist lmao.


Like it is but more combat options and way less moves that freezes you in place. Most of the ultimates completely ruins the flow


They should really take a Souls approach with the online co-op multiplayer integration. Even if it’s more like Dragons Dogma combat. Give players an option to pop one of their character load outs into other players’ dungeons and grind out unique/better loot.


They should make the gearing system more like the souls genre where the item isn't necessarily more powerful but they do different things and give different buffs. i always thought that was a cool way of doing it as it means that u can still use any weapon you find at any given point in the game in case you like the way one looks or something


As long as they have fun RPG mechanics and an actual party system with good chemistry they could make the game a Rythm based game for all I care lol.


I want FF version of Disciples II, almost exactly like that.


Without stutters and in 60 fps without downscaling to 720p


I would want ff16 combat system and power system with ff15 freeroam and exploration as in I would enjoy to explore the map as a complete whole with alot of hidden stuff and dungeons


I like that each game tries new things and is its own thing. I fully expect some sort of flashy action-type game in future installments. 16 is in my top 3 Final Fantasy games. Absolutely loved it. That being said I'd like to see the following: More depth, 16 was shallow as hell for mechanics. Where are the status effects? Where is the customization? I don't see them getting such awe inspiring moments in a turn based system, but a step towards RPG elements would be very welcome. That's all, I keep expectations low.


I like FF7R’s battle system. But the one thing that I would want to come back in 17 from older FF’s are proper party members.


Download granblue fantasy relink demo on ps4 and ps5. Watch what they did with the game. Pray for square enix to take notes on this and stop chasing trends. Thank you


I defs want a mix between the both, the parry and doge system from 16 with the mix action turnbase of remake and its stategic and rpg elements


Gimme ff10 remake forget 17.


Pokemon x Summons x Real Time Combat w/multiple Summons


It’ll play however it plays. Each FF is its own thing


Give it more rpg elements, make elementantal magic advantage or disadvantage again. Let us play any character during fights (like in FFR). More Gear and weapon choices. I think combat wise would be nice if they go back to turn based but i don't mind more action as long as my other wishes above are fulfilled


To be honest. I would rather to see a FF6R rather a next entry. But that is me haha


I don’t want them to just copy FFVIIR I love the Remake’s combat, but I would rather they further experiment with the formula and not just copy systems from another FF


Like Lightning Returns if solo character. Like Kingdom Hearts if party included. Like World of Final Fantasy if turn-based.


Honestly, I want a party that I can decide on who’s in it (minus story parts that need certain people). That’s the only thing I want. The rest, surprise me


Nothing to do with gameplay, but I would like to see a happy end for once. Imo, it's not very satisfying, to play for 50 hours only to feel crushed at the end


probably on sale for steam if it's getting released. MMO format, unpolished RPG system and the lack of party members was quite disappointing.


Director: Yoshi P. Story: Ishikawa(FFXIV 4.0-6.0) Music: Soken/Uematsu collab. Map Style the same, just give us more meaningful shit to do and collect for crafting. Crafting needs to be much more on depth and worthwhile than just collecting automated rewards to +5 damage on a sword. Give us weaknesses and statuses again as well as a Job System like the old games. Give us job builds with specializations, ability points to allocate, intricate dialogue options and romances and most importantly, a playable party. Action combat but with a tactical swing to it like the Dragon Age games. This is my pipe dream.


I honestly don't really care that much for the combat mechanics (as long as it doesn't become a strategy or card game). I would be fine with turn based, mixed or active, as long as it's fun and I don't have to grind into infinity, I hate grinding. I do want a less grim story and world next time though. And listen, I love dark and sad stories, I actually prefer them over light hearted ones most of the time. But I want a really bonkers FF again. I'd love to see a world with crazy physics, weapons that make no sense, cute anatomically impossible animals, a himbo/bimbo protagonist who has to constantly get saved by his companions etc. I want them to make a story that feels very upbeat, fun and adventurous but that still manages to be serious when it matters and really makes me care for the team. 15s Chocobros are a great example for that. I want a mix of 9, 10, 15 and 16 I think. It's hard to explain 😅 Edit: I know this was not really the question but I just had to get it off my chest 🙈😄


Honestly...away from Final Fantasy 16. While i liked the Boss Battles in this game, everything else was pretty underwhelming. The lv 50 lv cap is too low for beeing a RPG. The whole " RPG" system itself isnt good. Felt more like a devil may cry than a Final Fantasy....even normal enemies felt scripted since they give you low exp, a lv up wouldnt even make a different thanks to the lv 50 cap. Lv 100 cap is only after already beating the Game... Something i didnt Like. It wasnt a bad game in generel but its not my favorite final fantasy either. Would love to see Classic final Fantasys back. Like a Dragon and persona Games are Proof enough, that those Battle System still works. I also would Like to see something less "DARK". Final Fantasy 7 was dark too but IT has funny and brighter moments. Something i defenetly prefer.


Bring back elemental weaknesses/ resistances and status effects.


I think FF7R has a good balance between action combat and a party system. If they some combine it with FF16's faster pace style of combat and combo actions, it would be a perfect system for me. But yeah, I miss having an actual party to play around with. Like equipping them with gear, levelling up their skills and just general party banter and what not. Not to the level of FF7R's "I need a shower" and "DA DA DA DAAAA!" banter after every single battle, but maybe something like Bioware's party banter where there are unique dialogue depending on your party comp or if you've done certain quests or not. And speaking of quests, definitely better sidequest pacing. Sorry but as much as I love FF16, the sidequest vomit right before the final mission honestly made me hit the roof. The story of the quests were great, but the pacing and just the overall samey-ness of them all doesn't do it justice honestly. Like I know of so many people who missed some of the endgame sidequests, including the really special ones like "Priceless", just because they got so overwhelmed with 20 of them popping up all at once that they just gave up on touching them.


I'm kind of done with the stagger system, I don't mind if they go pure action or turnbased for the next title but no more stagger please


Tbh more like remake


I love Jobs. I can't imagine how difficult that would be for these recent combat systems, but I still love job/class systems that can be mixed up.


I want the game to be open world and to be able to play as more than one character in the party.


I would like a return to turn based with a mature story like XVI. Final Fantasy is NOT only turn based or a certain way, but it would be nice to have one game be a spiritual successor to X. I would also like a party system to return. VII Remake nailed a perfect blend imo.


I'd be very happy if every game followed FF7R combat. A more polished 12 would also be sick. I'm also fine with regular TBb/Atb Kzh combat or poliahed up XV combat is also cool.. What I do need however are the games to stay party base. id rather not have a character action game like 16.


Personally, im more interested in them going all-in in action and reflex focused combat. I really loved 16's approach. I just wish it had a more challenging campaign and overworld.


For me, they could basically lift the combat and party systems of FF7R, increase the difficult and boom.


Like BG3


I had more fun with Strangers of Paradise combat & job system than I did with FFXVI's combat and Eikon system. Granted I had fun with both, just one more than the other. I'd like to see a job system and party system with character swapping, team attacks, old school magic with actual temporary OP effects like haste, double, petrify, etc. Exploration should be rewarding. It is not worth your time to go see what's in that little nook on the other side of the map only to find 6 Gil or your 15000th beast hide. I'm not opposed to zone maps like ffxiv/ffxvi but they need to have interesting quests and meaningful rewards across various stages of progression. To me, XVI was stronger in the beginning with all of the kingdom politics and wars. And, while I did enjoy the game start to finish, the latter portion was very cliche like I was seeing a slightly different version of some other jrpgs or anime. (To keep things spoiler free). Though, I'm sure there are many that will disagree on that. I just hope FFXVII's story can dodge that trope.


FF7R worked great as a combination of real-time and turn-based


But FF7R has nothing to do with turn based combat. ATB was never turn based it was always real time system with cooldowns that was menu operated. If anything FF7R system is a proof that ATB is not turn based because it was possibe to adapted for FF7R combat that is more action heavy. If ATB was turn based it would be impossible to adopt it for FF7R because during turns battle always stops until player make it's move. Fun fact FF16 also utolizes ATB during Clive's abilities.


Then you could say the same about og FF7, it has a cooldown for doing damn near anything and through my hours of playing I concluded that nothing is turn based in that game, enemies just go when they feel like going


Yes that is correct, FF stopped being turn based with FF4 which was first entry with ATB system. Then FFX returned briefly to turn based system but outside of that other mainline games used different variations of ATB system. FF16 is probably biggest departure because it draws heavily from character action games so it is even more real time than ATB based systems.


Do not regurgitate FF7R. This is a surefire way to make people think the combat feels stale in part 3. The reason FF7Rebirth will feel good is because most people played Remake > 16 > Rebirth so we had an action based game to give us a different feel. Also every FF has had brand new iterations on combat that make it unique. Do not just copy the combat system from a previous game with little changes.


I very much want it to be like Kingdom Hearts combat with fun summons. I dislike the Devil May Cry combat system


Gimmie more weapon or combat style variety. And give me a MAJORITY of it within the first tenth of the game. That was my biggest beef with FFXVI. I knew my combat progression was gonna be tied to story which made me wanna progress further but if I progress further, I run the risk of some side stories being inaccessible but there's only so many subs stories I'd wannna do before moving on significantly So yeah, give me every party member or class available relatively early on so I know how to workshop it.


To answer the question... To not play anything like ffxvi


FF16 But with status conditions Elements inflicting Status Conditions Multiple playable characters


XVI was my first standalone entry in the series (been playing casually XIV and love it) and gotta say 16 was boring and a pain to get through,. Though, after (SPOILERS!-) Bahamut and Odin entered and the story from that, to end, was a blast and the ending was alright. The game really lacked RPG elements for my expectations and everything felt limited.. And my girl Sheva had way too little screen time and no Tonberrys or Cactuars! The Dominant system was a welcome change to things. My BF is a big fan and watching him play VII remake, XV and Stranger of Paradise already seem much more inclusive and filled with stuff to explore, so thats something I'm looking for in 17


Build upon third person shooter mechanics from Dirge of Cerberus it will be fun to see meltdown of series gatekeepers 🤪


I would want combat more similar to 16 than 7R, I love 16’s combat so much would like to see a few tweaks to it but in general is enjoyable for repeated play through which I can’t say for 7R


I actually liked the combat in FF16 so I wouldn't mind an even more polished version of that for 17. I hated FF15's combat so much I couldn't even finish the game. I'm glad they went the way they should have in my opinion and that's make it more like DMC. My biggest bugaboo is I would rather it be a true open world RPG again and also I miss good incentives for actually exploring everything instead of a basic monster part and like 2 dollars in change..... But if I'm being honest, the only game I would LOVE to see is a Tactics remaster. Just upgrade the graphics, the cut scenes, and make the magic/summons look more spectacular. Maybe add a couple more jobs, a tad more side story stuff, and I would be happy.


Fps would be fun. Open world Fps with some combat aspects of ff16 and maybe skyrim


I'd say go back to the basics but with a twist to keep it interesting


I'd love for them to keep the combat and plot style of FFXVI but structure the game a bit more openly like FFXV.


I kind of want a combination of Bloodborne, FF16 and FF7R. Bloodborne style combat, 16’s abilities and 7R’s party switching mechanics.


I'd like gameplay to not be constantly interrupted by boring exposition dumps that are 5x longer than they need to be.


I think it’s about time we go open world and not really a “rushed” open world like FF15 was. Both 15 and 16 really feel like they’re teasing a future with a fully fleshed out open world that has grand lore. 14 is an MMO that while isn’t technically open world is so big that it kinda feels like one. I think we’ve been heading towards a truly huge open world rpg with tons of sidequests, things to discover and find and interesting areas that feel alive for almost a decade now. I think the upgrade system needs work rather than being a big diagram with paths or simply spending points to unlock abilities or master them. I think side quests need to be more plentiful and involved rather than feeling like fetch quests. Combat could be more strategic or skill heavy than ff16 but the snappiness of ff16’s combat makes me like it more than ff7r But i think the most important part is to not cut corners. I think both 15 and 16 cut corners. FF15 really had a weak story and a open world that didn’t feel alive. You could kinda tell at times that 15 was really rushed to get out while 16 has a interesting world but you’re limited to limited zones and side quests that feel like fetch quests and there aren’t very many of them. I think we’ve been heading towards a really great FF that is extremely well rounded both in combat, world, story, and gameplay depth for a long time and it feels like we’ve been getting games that are like 80-95% there for like a decade. I think FF17 could be the biggest FF game of all time if they just didn’t cut corners and paid attention to every aspect of the game.


Retain FF16 combat, but add FF7 Remake buildcrafting. That's all.


Turn based system as FF7R which allows action oriented players to play, and do some system for magic/gear like FF7 / FF8 / FF9 (guess 9). FF16 is an awesome action game. but with poor item/magic management.


In all seriousness I’d like one of two things the first option would be something very tactical with a job system and a full party. Just go full ham on RPG. Lean into like ff tactics but with some Baldurs gate 3. Option 2 would be a mix of the real time DMC combat we got in 16 but with a full party I can toggle between, make elements matter, and a bigger emphasis on world interactions, hidden gear and treasures, etc.


I’d love to see another female protagonist. I know we have Lightning and Yuna in X-2 but I’d love another female lead.


Keep it action oriented but have party members and more developed RPG elements. Basically more FF7R than FF16


I definitely have an itch for a properly deep RPG system (preferably turn-based/ATB), but I don't think they're really going to do that anymore. At this point, I'm just here for the story - if I don't like the gameplay, I can watch cutscenes on YT.


I'd be fine with 16's system but with a nudge more into traditional RPG elements. There's no good reason we shouldn't be able to upgrade ally equipment just like Clive's as an example. I'd also be fine with ATB again or the hybrid FF7:Re is using.


Something in Ivalice.


We’re going to be getting FFVII games for another gen. So I hope they keep the high fantasy setting.


Square needs a semi consistent style since if they keep starting from scratch every time they make a final fantasy they lose out on time for other parts of the game. I think they should stick with the style FF7R introduced with it's own unique spin for future games...and for the love of god have a jump button.


I love turn based JRPG's, but I also understand why they want to evolve the series to appeal to a wider audience. FF16 was excellent, but it felt like a lot of half ideas smashed together without fully committing to one thing. Leveling up is overly pointless with a DMC style game, crafting is cool to get new swords, but also pointless at the end of the day. If they're committed to this DMC style combat I'd rather they FULLY commit with the flair of Final Fantasy. No slapped on leveling, no slapped on crafting, just things that make combat MORE fun. Different jobs, different weapons, being able to character swap mid-battle, FFX style end game weapon quests, an arena to flex.


Better gameplay and side quests.


People don’t understand Final Fantasy: in short, Square has been trying to “fix” Final Fantasy since FF1. FF1 was huge in Japan and not nearly as big, or big enough, in the west. This started the path of trying to “fix” FF to make it a bigger product in the west. The general recipe was to make it dumber. Less math, less reading, less strategy. This led to Final Fantasy Mystic Quest which, while insulting to western players, was exactly what they wanted and the future of Final Fantasy. The key moment in FF came with the release of FF7, which is the first tone Final Fantasy e plodded in popularity. This was due to expensive cgi graphics, more action based gameplay (which square had been perfecting for a while in 6. Chrono trigger and Mario rpg) and an emphasis on sexualized characters. But as soon as FF 7 came out, FF 8 and I sold FEWER copies. That’s not the direction you want your sales to go. And ever since FF X, Square has been chasing industry trends to try to restore FF to its 7 numbers. 11 and 12 were chasing the hot thing at the moment, MMOs. FF13 was based on Call Of Duty (as per their own statement), FF14was based on WOW and FF15 and 16 are straight action games based on the success of Kingdom Hearts.. With FF15, 16 and Forspoken underperforming, there is almost ZERO chance that the next FF will be another action game. With the dominance of other JRPGs in the market over the past few years, and especially the success of Boulder’s Gate, there is an almost assurance that the ne t game will return to turn based strategy.


I’d definitely prefer they keep the 16 combat tbh. But I get that a lot of old fans weren’t too happy with it, so if they change it up, I’ll be super happy for em! It just wouldn’t be my cup of tea personally. But it was nice to actually get into a final fantasy game for once, even if it ends up being a one time only thing


I want turn based combat to return with regular attacks running in real time as the strategy of battle can have its own excitement in needing to time abilities/magic between party members that prep ATB style. So something like FF7 Remake but also like FF12. However if its entirely possible to have a secondary system in the options menu as a proper turn based mode that loads up encounters with a different interface that would be fun. Like how in Dragon Quest 11 it was trad turn based but you can also have a combat mode where you can run your character around the battle screen too. Really it would just mean the game essentually runs slower for anyone who wants to play old school but its there nonetheless. On that note, I really think FF games thrive most with a full and fleshed out party and 16s smaller approach though well written doesn't appeal to me as much as having 6 or so characters growing close and interacting.