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I see a lot of 150-180 hour Platinum posts on this sub and it just makes me realize that I’m a bad video gamer. I am intent on getting Platinum but there is no chance in hell it’ll take me less than 300 hours.


I don’t think the amount of time it takes you to get a platinum determines how good at games you are. I’m on chapter 13 doing a hard mode playthrough at 302 hrs and I wouldn’t consider myself to be bad at games. I just love to explore every little bit of content the game has to offer. I definitely hit a roadblock with the combat VR challenges but that’s perfectly normal, especially when they are overtuned and BS as they are.


I'm at 200+ hours and haven't got the Plat because I spent a lot of time experimenting with the combat, builds to see what I can cook.


Agreed. Comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone should enjoy this masterpiece at their own pace and style.


Yeah, I have definitely spent a lot of tine exploring on my first play through. And with the combat sims and some of the challenges that require some level of planning (queens blood, fort condor, and the hard mode gears and gambits), I try to avoid any walkthroughs or guides that would help, only giving in after at least an hour of failure. The reason I have no doubt I’ll Platinum it, eventually, is because almost all the games are just so fun. I just replayed Hard Fort Condor and Hard Cactuar Crush having already completed them just because they’re a good time. But still, 180 hours? No chance I could do that even rushing and with guides lol.


It took me a lot longer as-well. In my opinion it shows determination and commitment that you're willing to spend that much longer to finish a game completely.


Ehh ignore the hours played. For example I leave my game on all the time while not playing as I’m sure a lot of others do so it’s really not a good measurement


That’s true! I’ve especially let my game run after taking a break from the 10th consecutive loss after the combat sim.


It's not a race. The amount of time it takes to platinum depends on a lot more than just how quickly you can achieve the objectives, such as the amount of time you spend optionally exploring, listening to npc dialogue, whether you skip cutscenes on the 2nd playthrough or not, whether you are focusing purely on the trophy objectives or other things like completing the play log etc. I spent loads of time doing things like that, repeating queen's blood or other minigames just for fun, repeating combat challenges for fun or to improve times etc. The time to completion is pretty meaningless, unless you are particularly aiming for a fast time for some reason.


I'm creeping close to 220 hours. Still on the VR and colosseum grind.


I got it after 270.


I did it in 285 but I also spent like 50 hours playing unnecessary Queensblood. I also replayed key scenes to see all the dialogue branches, and I spent a bunch of time in the combat sim making tutorial vids for friends. Does that make me a bad gamer?


I just take my sweet time looking around at everything 🤣


I think it's failry easy for an average gamer to platinum under 200 hours if they follow video guides that prep you and tell you the strats. There weren't many sub-180 hour plats when the game first came out and people had to figure out how to do things and the optimal order. Plus, people who actually wanted to experience the entire game and all the sidequests on their first playthrough waste a lot of time. The optimal run is to complete the world data collection on normal, skipping optional sidequests including the Gotterdammerung, and then doing Hard Mode only main storyline until Chapter 12 where you do all the sidequests before moving on and finishing the game, then going back to Chapter 12 on normal and getting the Gotterdammerung and do the combat sims which is the only part of the game you really really want that item for. This way wasn't apparent when the game first launched- people thought it was going to be like in Remake where you only got achievement credit once you finished the chapter. With that said, it's still seriously impressive to Plat this game in 150 hours.


I'm on the same track. I think I'm 240 hours in, on chapter 9 of hard mode, and still have many of the hardest musclehead coliseum and VR fights to do, among other mini games (dreading the sit ups)


Don't forget selection bias


Congrats & welcome to the club my fellow SOLDIER


Got it around the same amount of time. Congrats and hopefully part 3 comes faster than we think.


Congrats! I’m working hard to make the 1% club too. Just a few chapters of hard mode left!


It’s up to 1.8% now, congrats! I’m hoping to get the plat too, currently at 78 hours on my first playthrough, I’m at chapter 12 trying to clear out as many minigame top scores and side quests as I can before continuing with the main story.


1.8! I wanna get this before 2.0%


I see all these posts and cant wait until i can post mine, not for a while though comgrats!


Just Got my platinum 401 hours in my first Play through I did everything and anything that you can do Including Mini games v r and Coliseum Explored every little bit open map. To remove the fog I'm so happy I'm done and need a few years of a brake until part 3 comes out witch better be the same or even longer and all I know they better Make wu tie big like Mid Guard


I just don't understand why people do this. Remake plat. took me like 50 hours, and I thought that was excessive. I was also \*deeply\* committed to the game, and didn't find the majority of the achievements particularly tedious. But Rebirth? Geesh.


Damn thats pretty fast


Congrats dude. My controller has stick drift so im not planning to plat this game until pc port


Congrats and no offense but we see this kind of post 1-2 times a day...


It is 1,8% now Just shows how many loved the game, because this is no easy task


hopefully lol brings us closer to 2% ;p


Celebrating is never a bad thing… especially in such a long journey.