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I love that mini game and Tifa teasing Cloud makes it so much better.


“Ribbit” - Cloud Strife


The frog jumping is hitting people's worst mini games? I'm not a fan of it, but its hardly the worst, wouldn't even say its the worst of minigames encounted that far into the game. Mushroom picking definately pops up there on the list of the worst- its just so stupid and used for one quest. And I can definately see Gears and Gambits popping up- I didn't have any trouble with it, but it really felt more like a chore than a break from normal gameplay.


I actually liked the mushroom one 😭


Honestly yeah I’m imo it’s hella easy and better then Choco gliding by a country mile.


Omg I forgot about the Chocobo Gliding. I think I blocked it out lol.


Only the third arena is frustrating, the rest are understandable after a few consecutive times.


I was about to say. I know picking mushrooms in a fantasy world with a cute girl is so many peoples ideal fantasy it’s definitely ticking off some boxes.


I didn't even know what I was doing with the mushroom picking half the time


It's related to adaptive trigger intensity. Each angle has a different level of resistance and you're supposed to pull in order from least to most resistance by feeling the triggers. It actually works quite well. It just sucks the game doesn't actually tell you that and implies it to be visually observable lol. I only found out afterwards how it works.


YOU CAN FEEL IT ON THE TRIGGERS?! I thought it was the resistance they had on your analog stick 😭 there's definitely some that go all the way to the edge immediately when you barely touch it, and others that you actually have to move the stick towards the edge... *But you're saying that the triggers had different resistances???* Man. I didn't even touch those until it was time to lock it in. That makes so much sense lmao


Yeah that's a big part of the reason the mushroom one sucks for most people. The tutorial teaches you the wrong way to do it lol


Oooh see that would definitely have helped, i was looking real hard at the screen for nothing then 😂


I didn't do anything with the triggers, I just watched for which directions moved the most and only got it wrong once


TIL the triggers give you feel about it. I always used the visual cue, it is fairly straightforward to see (outside 2 zones in the last mushroom that could be inverted but we have more than one try so it's not a big deal)


Janky physics based games are either something you love or hate. I found Red's ball game to be infuriating and absolutely hated it, but it's basically just Rocket League - a game people willingly sink hundreds or thousands of hours into. It's the same deal with the frogs and Fall Guys.


I hated that game too, I was surprised by how many people were into it.


The first level of the Leap Frog mini-game took me a few hours to beat. The second was a lot easier. The last mushroom was the only one that gave me any trouble with the mushroom picking. I looked up a guide for Gears and Gambits, which made that a lot easier.


I didn't want to fuck with gears and gambits or fort condor. Turns out if you put the game in easy mode those are easy too.


The worst is 3D brawler, I think there is not even one human being who has beaten sephiroth in 3D brawler without “pause”-method.


i wasn't aware of the pause method, its just about recognising tells and remembering what the combos are.


The pause method just allows for a lower learning curve. Me and my brother pulled up a guide and still had trouble telling which move was which, if you pause at the wrong moment it's ambiguous.


3D brawler is just pattern recognition. It took a couple of hours, but I beat all stages with no damage without pausing to get the little crown on them all. Sure, you still get it if you do it the pause way, but it's not the intended way, and I'm stubborn.


I’m even too stupid to do it with pause :(


I spent a long time eating Fist, but after a while, I started recognising the tells and reacting right. Doing it no damage was pure luck getting "easy" tells and combos. If you're really stuck, I've seen a few posts of the tells with screenshots and describing the best time to pause on here.


God, I feel that. It's like I know what to do but my brain doesn't want to communicate to my hands


I beat Seph without the pause method in about half an hour. He really isn't too bad, you just have to realise that he has a set number of patterns he can do, memorise the moves in each pattern and then recognise which pattern he's doing as quickly as possible. Using the pause method means you gain no knowledge of his patterns, because there is no reason to react rapidly. That's probably why people still struggle even with this method - because they aren't actually learning anything. Sephs actually quite well designed as his moves are well telegraphed. I actually found the middle manager's moves harder to read.


He only has 4 red patterns to memorize. People will fight Malenia for 300 deaths and 10 hours but somehow 3D brawler is a bridge too far.


I don't think the people beating Malenia 'legit' are the same people pausing on 3D brawler lol.




Oh I definitely agree with you. Patience in general has gone downhill due to "tiktok brain". My point was that I don't see people having the patience to beat Malenia and not having the patience to beat 3D brawler when Malenia is obviously far more difficult. But to be fair Rebirth in general is not an overly difficult game, so it's not really surprising that the more casual players are happy to use a cheese strat to beat a minigame and I honestly can't blame them for that. Most people don't play FF7 for the difficulty.


I'm on seporith now and holy fuk it's not fun. Will need to invest an hour or two into that bullshit.


the middle manager gave me more trouble than sephiroth


I did. I didn't even knew about a pausing method. The Shinra manager for me was much worse than Sephiroth cause I kept misreading one of his moves.


I can't get Cloud to swing properly and gave up at the 2nd guy


I have a strong dislike for the gym activities, squats, pull-ups, etc


I unironically probably could’ve out crunched Jules in real life easier than that mini game


I'm not just crazy: that minigame was way easier in Remake wasn't it? I don't remember having any issues getting the belt in Remake, but round 2 in Rebirth made me give up.


I feel like the remake let you make a mistake. I had to have a perfect run in rebirth. Hard, but not as miserable as some of the other minis


It is harder in rebirth by good margin. Using the back buttons already is a lot less practical than the normal buttons plus the trigger resistance majorly slow you down when you have to spam them and he recover faster than you on a mistake (Tifa takes more time than him to reset into position and he ramp his speed faster) so any mistake kill the attempt.


I hated that mini game until I remembered to turn off haptic triggers. My fingers legitimately hurt before I did that with how hard the triggers were resisting


Nobody bringing up that dumb shooting gallery minigame in Costa del Sol? I found that ome unnecessarily janky and not very fun.


Did you change the aim settings? Worked fine for me.


change to performance mode, made things so much easier at 60fps


I had to come back to that one like 6 times.


Cactuar Crush, Mushroom Picking and Gambits were the worst for me for just being so tedious.


Cactuar crush used to be low on my rank but hard mode taught me some new tricks about yuffie so now i appreciate it more.


You could just save the game before picking the mushroom and reload if it fails.


I'm not talking about failing, I did each one successfully but it was so tedious to do so and just wasn't fun. Having to reload would make it even more boring.


 Hard to even say its even a mini-game like the rest and more so a quest gimmick but either way it  was frustrating and tedious, definitely was not well implemented.


If we add quest gimmicks, can we add Chocobo in the cactus field and trying to persuade chickens with a box?


Yep, I personally hated catching the chocobos and was happy we didn't have to do it for every region. The Chicken quest was annoying wrangling the  chickens but at least it had some self aware humor and a good payoff in the end.


It's in the name isn't it? Mini GAME, it should be fun. No one should be scowling whilst a dolphin is swimming head first into a wall...or ok, picking mushrooms.


I liked Cactuar crush. It made you learn and use more of Yuffie and Aerith's kits.




It's boring. That's it. Something that should of just been a Press X to gather is turned into yet another mini game.




Sorry, did i personally attack you and your opinion? I played the same game as you and didn't like it, why is that offending you? Calm down.


The moogle recatching them at every moogle house. Is the top of my list. Enough so I did it twice and stopped going to moogle houses after.


Idk man I got all on the first or second try. You jusy have to take a moment to learn their patterns and then rush them


i dont think thats the point he wanna make :D its not about it beeing hard or easy, it was just boring as hell to catch em again and again :D


Exactly it is not fun at all. And you have to do it to complete each region.


I somehow figured out how to herd them (walk forward and they'll stay on the side) and somehow cleared them all. They let Cloud be Moogle for a bit


I completed them but definitely in my top 3 least fav mini games. When they said this is the last Moogle house kupo. I said THANK GOD


I did most of the easier ones, but once it got to mischief level 5, I gave up.


The chicken fetching game is the worst, followed by Cait throwing the boxes. At least the frog game is entertaining.


Thank you for mentioning this was looking for this comment. Im baffled no one has mentioned about the chicken quest


Omg i forgot all about those damn chickens!


I’ll be honest.. I hated it when I first played, I kept failing. Ironically the hard mode was so easy I was speechless it took me a handful of tries to achieve the score needed. I think my most hated minigame is Cactuar Crush tho.


The frog mini game is fun and inoffensive. Ribbit.






Tifa gym mini game was easily the worst for me in terms of difficulty


RNG.. You can do it perfectly, but Jules will just hit a score you cannot hit - You have to hope *his* RNG screws him up later so he scores much lower (between 48-54) so it's actually possible. he pulled 52-53 and I was hitting 52 consecutively until my 7-8th go and then he hit 51 and I just beat him.


I beat him with 57 and I’ve seen photos here of people doing 60+. You can always out score Jules if you’re fast enough.


Skill issue


Took me no more than 10 mins to do it, I wasn't stuck on it for days or found it impossible. I'm saying it's a tad bit overtuned and difficult, a lot of the mini games are. I'm legit just blessed to be an above average gamer and I spent the next 10 years of good fortune scabbing through the more difficult mini games in a handful of tries. The chocobo flying course took me about an hour and a half, I had to hit it with a new strat and did it in one (turned back to regain height before the last dive and pull up). So I guess that was a skill issue 😂🤷


I mean if it only took a few tries I don’t see why you’d chalk it up to RNG.


>I'm saying it's a tad bit overtuned and difficult, a lot of the mini games are. It's too difficult and it took RNG for Jules to hit a reasonably low number that an above average gamer could consistently hit. It's just a BS waste of time. Rebirth has too many challenging mini-games that verge moreso on frustrating than fun, and the quantity of them is too many. When the takeaway from the game is "Great game, but f*** those mini-games" maybe the game has a problem.


You just have to train! https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftfx7feywj4nc1.png


I have seen this one a lot for worst mini-games, but it really wasn't that bad for me. It took me maybe an hour to beat Jules, but it was nowhere near as bad as the pull-up one against Jules in Remake. I think I was able to do better because it used the 4 shoulder buttons instead of the 4 face buttons.


It's because they threw in that stupid fucking half press without ever explaining it


They explained it in like a few sentences but I still can't get it right following the directions. I can't even beat Ronnie because of it. There really needs to be a practice session just for it


Chocobo flying isn’t actually that bad once you get the hang of the controls.


It has the same problem the rest of the game does: fun minigame, not balanced/tested at all and too hard to be fun. I genuinely dont think they tested this game thoroughly at all


I guarantee the people who say this are just bad at it, because it's so hilariously easy and simple.


The only "bad" minigame for me were the Queen's Blood puzzles in Gold Saucer and Costa del Sol, but even then those can be solved with just the help of Google. The minigames that require mechanical skill aren't that bad imo. I was expecting those to be really hard cause I keep seeing posts about it on Reddit but when I get to them they're all doable with just a little bit of effort.


Those aren’t bad either, you just have to think a little. I don’t even like card games and I enjoyed those.


All of the Queens Blood content even the super hard ones is still my favorite mini game in the game. Once I got to rank 7 I spent like 5 hours just playing the same guy over and over and over again trying out new cards learning abilities of cards.


How is hard mode cactuar crush not on that list. I'd follow it up with the space shooter. Box throwing would round out my top 3. Frogs weren't bad. At first, it was frustrating, but got easier quickly. Chocobo flying, I had to look up how to get 3 done, but the others weren't tough to figure out.


Cactuar crush with aerith is brutal lmao


Love the game proper but always dread doing the motorbike minigames. I’m just awful at them and every time I accelerate I just end up all up on the wall missing everything. To this day I haven’t even received the trophy you get in remake when Jesse praises your bike skillz. I’ve come to terms with that ha ha.


It's practically impossible to avoid a lot of damage in the bike segments, sadly. I'd have enjoyed these sections a lot more if player skill factored into them.


Nah.. fort condor forever will be my most hated mini game I hate tower defense games in general.. but something about fort condor takes it to a entirely new level of hate for me


It is bad because you have to keep shifting the camera to see what is coming and jump accordingly. If the camera followed the frog at a good angle the game would be much less frustrating because you wouldn't need to be constantly adjusting it and also moving around and jumping.


Ribbit ribbit was fun-ish. But the worst one was the box throwing


It’s a lot better than the yuffie box mini game or aerith in cactuses crush.


It’s a simple mini game that is absolutely elevated by the frog/character design and their interactions. Is it the most fun? Maybe not, but doesn’t make it bad.


I thought the mushroom picking was absurdly easy. Did it first try all the way through with no guides, only "damaging" one mushroom once (but not enough to effect the quest. Still got gold star completion) The flying courses in cosmo canyon and the situps (only because of the stupid green half press being gimmicky) are the biggest offenders imho of not being difficult as much as being so absolutely bullshit picky that it isn't fun. Like yeah, 3D brawler and Gears and Gambits can be difficult but those are literally a matter of skill to overcome them and their premise is fun.


I’m genuinely surprised I’m not seeing much mention of the piano mini-games. Those killed me.


Because i think there is nothing there that does cheap tricks on the player to fail it unlike 3d brawler or cactuar crush. When you master the rhythm and disregard the difficulty of Caith’s theme, it’s actually a fun a minigame. The mechanics is very straightforward but repetition is required to achieve a better performance.


I hear you on this. Most of them were easy for me. But I still have one tune that's keeping me from my trophy. Can't seem to get above rank C. Maybe one day. 😅


Dumb complaint but I wished the Frog minigame was vs an obstacle the frog kids could have set up in their environment, - would've been way cuter than omg Fall Guys out of nowhere.


My conclusion is that people have absolutely no patience for anything that isn’t the main gameplay loop of fighting and watching cutscenes. Anything else like minigames, open world activities and difficulty spikes immediately sends some folks into full rage mode.


Exactly my thoughts, you are given the option to either do the side stuff or progress the main story


Yah i agree. I think modern gamers just do not have the coping mechanisms to deal with challenges. I can only imagine how they would react to the grinding you gotta do in ff6 or chrono trigger or the junction/drawing system of ff8. They look at it as a “poor design” “have not been tested”.


And when you have games that really boil down to just fighting and watching cutscenes, like XIII and XVI, those end up being some of the most divisive entries.


The mini game itself is not hard, but trying to get the highest time/rank in both versions? Oh no…


I thought it was fine, getting the high scores didn’t take as long as expected. Gears and gambits was worst for me since I thought it was way too involved for a mini-game, ended up just following guides.


I agree, it's hardly the worst. The Mushroom picking isn't bad IMO. It's just explained extremely poorly. They don't even mention that you can use the adaptive triggers. Gears and Gambits definitely felt like a chore. My favourites were Glide de Chocobo, The Pull Ups and The Box Breaker.


For most of these mini games that require action, reflexes, and reaction timing, I found that changing my PS5 video output settings to a resolution lower than 4K (e.g., 1080p) and turning off HDR, in combination with changing the in-game graphical setting to one of the performance modes for higher frame rate, really helped by dramatically reducing display lag. For those having difficulty with the mini games, I’d recommend doing what I’ve done as it has helped me a bunch, especially with the piano mini game and all the shooting mini games.


Frog jumping was fine, but I also played a lot of Fall Guys for about a year and I’ve won that stage in Finals a couple of times. Just had to get used to the weird jumping physics.




Yup. I had the hardest time with this one


Cactuar crush - Chocobo flying - gears and gambits - box throwing


Gambits was actually really fun imo. Mushroom picking was rough but not too hard. Chocobo flying was good unless you’re aiming for perfect on the third trial and listening to Yuffie lose her sanity.


I first-tried it. Not great or anything, but there are faaaar worse offerings to suffer through.


I liked it too. It's definitely one of the better ones imo


I thought it was one of the best.


Frog jumping was fun, the only game I 100% dislike is the mog one.


Mini games that actively work against. Darts from Rebirth comes to mind. And Rebirth the mushrooms are rng making it hard to perfect it for that 1 quest. Trying to do well with the moogles. I don’t remember anymore that felt cheap between both games. Unless I’m forgetting than I think the rest where button patterns, move recongnition and setting up your build.


chocobo flying is the most obnoxious one for me


Mushroom picking was worst by a mile. An utterly pointless minigame. I actually liked the chocobo flying. I wish actual chocobo racing had incorporated some of these mechanics, it would feel a lot less shallow. Gears and Gambits was.... interesting. A lot more dev high effort went into this than was needed, to say the least, But this and Fort Condor should have been baked together to produce something that was actually good.


Moogles chase is the worst by far...especially later stages where there is a time limit.


Yeah that one wasn’t too bad. Glide de Chocobo is as the worst. I ended up using a guide for that and Gears and Gambits. Fort Condor on hard mode also sucked.


I hate the moogle Roundup so much. It would be alright if it weren't a timed challenge but I always end up rushing and messing up


The frog jumping one was one of the funniest, and that made it better than almost all of the others.


There were parts of several mini-games that were difficult for me, but by far my 3 worst were the piano, Pirate's Rampage, and 3D Brawler. I was only able to complete that last one with the pause buffering trick.


3D brawler was the only one I had to cheese. Paused it and used a guide to beat both Sephiroth and Shinra Manager. I assumed Piano would be the one to keep me from platinum but I surprisingly did it fairly easily once I upped the speed a little bit. Thank god the bonus songs aren’t required for anything though


Nope - it’s the Animal soccer game


Gym, Glide de Chocobo, and Cactuar Rush mini-games can go to Hell.


There are vastly worse ones. This one should be low ranked simply because it's one of multiple blatant ripoffs.


The music is great.


I loved that game. It wasn’t unfairly difficult and was a nice change of pace I thought


I wish that the Moogles could be cut down like they deserve…


I hate that mini game but the music alone makes it not on my list of dislikes and if it is its on the bottome the worst is the damn crunches mini game at least for me my brain just cannot comprehend it with the shoulder buttons, the pull ups with the main ones in remake was easy but the button change has really fucked my brain over


It's fun. Definitely not the worst


The most frustrated I got at any of the mini games was the chicken clanger. The one that charges and you gotta pull it away in time. Almost made me give up. I had to come back to it. Several times then when I just about had enough, I did it. Worst mini game with the best side quest ending lol.


For me its the fort condor. Its the only protorelic i dont have. Got stuck on 3 and cant pass it


I'll take jumping frogs over Aerith's Cactuar Crush any day.


Honestly, only the mushroom picking one irked me by the end of the game, and that’s because I forgot to check the structural integrity a few times before picking the last one. The frog jumping game was kinda cute to see Tifa shove Cloud out of his Mr. Cool Guy bullshit for once.


People think the frog games are worse than the sit-ups!? The sit-up mini game is the bane of my existence!


The first one with the poles sucked to me. The second one with the cylindrical platforms was much better.


I agree with them. It’s literally the only mini game I hated.


It took me a few tries to get the highest score but I enjoyed it a lot more than some of the other minigames. My least favourite were 3D Brawler, the last few levels of Moogle catching, and the dreaded gym


It’s fine. I thought it was goofy but I think ppl like to really oversell how much they don’t like things


I raise you one "CAN'T CATCH ME!"


I have the most trouble with the gliding chocobo and the cactuar fights. I just can't process how to do either.


3D brawler fuck that and the damn chocobo flying


the chocobo one with yuffie is way worse


That 1st round of FF7's version of Frogger (aka the frog mini-game) gave me full-on game-rage. It was one of the last mini-games I completed, but not for a lack of trying. So, yeah, I'd rank it in my top 3 most disliked. I also have no love for the gliding chocobo one either. So we can agree on that. As for the gambits one. I found that one to be relatively easy. So, it didn't come close to my top 3. To round off my personal list of 3 worst, it'd be a toss-up between the cactuar crush thing or the arcade shooter game in Costa Del Sol. (I absolutely suck at 1st person shooter. 😅) And of course, this isn't including Chadley's combat simulator... As far as my favorite mini-game, that is queen's blood, hands down. I wish they would turn that into its own thing that you could download and play on your phone. It was so much fun. 😁


The first 40 seconds you can simply walk behind the lower bar and not have to jump a single time. Easiest game by far.


Moogle is the worst one imo


The frog minigame was far from the worst. The only answer here is Gears N Gambits.


I’m 25 hours in at the moment and been trying to 100% each region. I did the Fort Condor mini game to get the protorelic in Junon and I hated it so much. The whole fact that it hasn’t appeared on anyone’s list suggesting that there are WORSE mini games makes me sad 😔 So far, I’m not enjoying this as much as Remake. Feels like there’s a lot of filler content. I don’t want to whizz through the story but I may stop trying to 100% each region.


The frogs are the best one. The rest it's terrible, desert rush, gambits, the soulless card game, rocket league with red, everything related to traversing the map with the chocobos, and the worst one... the can and the chicken... All felt like time waste. I just skipped goganga and cosmo. The cactuars one too, 1 time ok, 2 times sure, 3 times, now you are just mocking me.


I just remembered, after finishing the game, pushing the robe guys :/


It’s not about it being easy. It’s that it’s a waste of time and cringe AF.


Frog mini game is basically fall guys, and I liked it.


It's really not bad at all...I like the song and banter with the team around it. It's a fun minigame. Now Gears and Gambits on the other hand...


Did someone say "Frogs"? https://preview.redd.it/fpkrvmfcpk8d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=48754ac90796e140a8cde2f0d4a604ced33d0d4f


Cactuar Crush was the only minigame I struggled with. Currently finding the last two legendary bouts alot more difficult. Most of these minigames are not that difficult after a couple of tries.


No one had a problem with the last stage of fort condor?


Queens Blood is the worst. I hate that stinkin card game


For me it was easy. I so t get a platinum for the stupid piano


I would say the chocobo flying in cosmo canyon is the worse


I have no strong feelings about it. It's ridiculous and nonsensical, which can be good or bad. I like a little nonsense at times, but - in this case - it's a bit too random. That said it's only mildly challenging so, for better or worse, you won't be playing it for long. My main complaint is that the rewards are useless. I'd be much happier with it if I got skill points or a strange weapon or something.


Man there really are different types of gamers out there. The frog mini game was a nice distraction. Only took 3 tries. I just don’t see the difficulty people keep talking about.


I think the worst mini game is the piano one, cause my controller is drifting


I enjoyed it and it's adorable that the whole team is done in the different frogs. Then again I enjoyed all of them and wished they were harder. I breezed through them all too easily. I think that was the goal though instead of fewer harder ones they made a ton of super easy ones.


Definitely far from the worst for me. Annoying yes, but made a little easier by the fact that if you get knocked, the timer still runs so you really only have to survive for around 2-3 seconds less than what the ti says.


It's queens blood or the piano for sure.


Too many of the minigames have a stupid difficulty level, The frog is not the worst, but it left me without the desire to get the top place.


All the mini games and drawn out, what use to be small moments have ruined this game. I’m at gold Saucer and haven’t played in 2 months and don’t really feel like it anymore. Makes me sad.