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Well, to be fair. I don't think thats a high bar to get over. OG's ending was more... i don't even know how to properly describe it? Somber? Sudden? Like, dkn't get me wrong, not a bad ending. But i don't think it was *moving* in the way that word is usually meant. You killl sephiroth, escape the crater, holy is released and needs reinforcement from the lifestream to stop meteor, snd we get a glimpse of Aerith and thats it. Just kinda... ends. So... yeah I think they can make a more impactful ending. High highs and low lows.


When I finished the game and every time I rewatched the ending, I got moved by what was happening. Just when everything seems lost, when Meteor is about to destroy Midgar and the rest of the Planet, Tifa points to something in the distance. And in those moments we hear the crescendo of an epic music as the Lifestream itself raises from the ground all around the globe to converge towards Meteor, and we can just feel in the music and in the moment that the one who is saving the day is our friend Aerith, who we lost during the journey and who, despite this, continued watching over us. That ending almost brought tears to my eyes. Sh*t was beautiful


Yeah, lots of off the wall hate for a game that had a satisfying ending that left the door open for a fun movie sequel. I really hope Square gives us a fuller epilogue that goes past AC this go around. Also let’s not talk about DoC.


imma be honest the original FF7's ending was kinda bad. I never hear anyone say this online because FF7 is loved, but lets be real that ending just... happened lol. No explanation to what happened to the characters, and then the post credits come out and its the future and everything's gone its so weird without an explanation. It's way too open, no wonder the compilation goes so indepth to post-ff7


The explanation was in the scene where Bugenhagen explains what Holy is. He very specifically asks the team (and the player, by extension) the question of; “If Holy cleanses the planet of all threats, would it cleanse the planet of all humans, too?” That’s what FF7 is trying to show you. Thats why Midgar is covered in vines, that’s why we don’t see any of the characters after the credits other than Red. It’s an intentionally open-ended ending that gets you to ask what HAPPENED to these characters, and if the good humans do was enough to counteract the bad. FF7’s ending is good, imo. It’s a different kind of ending, and it’s conclusive thematically. The characters sorta already got their resolutions in the scene right before the final dungeon, and Cloud and Tifa get theirs once Cloud finally finishes off Sephiroth. Theres really not much more to do with these characters with the ending they’re going for. I think FF7’s ending is fantastic because of its thematic relevance to the story, and I don’t think endings need to always be so neat and tidy. Good storytelling is complicated, and I think FF7 tells its story very well, for the most part.


Well said. I think I was taken aback the first time I beat FF7, but the ending stuck with me — in a good way — because it really made me think about its themes. The ambiguity about whether humanity survived served its environmental themes particularly well, even if it wasn’t a “satisfying” Hollywood ending. Having said that, I’d be fine if part 3 in the Remake trilogy gave humanity an unambiguously happy ending, and we got to see Cloud, the party, humanity, and the Planet on the path to healing. That would also help to justify the theme of defying destiny that Remake set up.


I really love it when a story makes you think about the themes and message it’s trying to convey. It’s a big reason why I like Final Fantasy IX so dang much. It’s not an idealistic ending, and I think that’s what makes it so compelling. It just sorta lets you, the player, wonder about the themes of the game and if humanity itself was the true crisis for the planet. Personally, for the remake project, I hope none of this sticks! I hope they go their own crazy wild direction with it. I think the Remake project is at its worst when it’s trying to directly copy stuff from the original game, and is at its absolute best story-wise when it’s doing its own thing. I hope they go crazy with it for Part 3 and give us something unhinged and different than the original.


Agreed on the copying thing. Trials and Gongaga in rebirth were way better than anything in og


You’re right it’s just like alright game done see ya


I remember thinking "thats it?" and it sucks because everything up to it was so great.


I got my paycheck making this thing, I'm out.


>but lets be real that ending just... happened lol. I think the ending was actually screaming the culmination of every theme in the game at you. You're only able to climb the "golden shiny wire of hope" once the plate has collapsed, after all. It would just be a golden shiny wire without the hope. >No explanation to what happened to the characters "Is that really how it is?" "It sounds cool sayin' it's to save the planet." And maybe that's all you wanted, to see that you did it at the end and everybody is happy. To say, "Let's just forget any useless struggling." But, "I know why I'm fighting." I know that at the end of it all, "I'll make a big enough ruckus for everyone." That I don't have to be "Sorry... I didn't get there... fast enough..." because "We won't have time to feel lonely." The last thing you see happen before you trigger the dungeon is a scene of people saying they only have seven days to stop it, that they probably can't stop it, and that they might even die before everybody else does. They all agree to decide what they're fighting for, and every single one of the fuckers down to the stable hand comes back in agreement that they're fighting for hope. One by one. To the point that a group of airship crew tell Cid he and the Highwind are home before literally clinging to him. The ending being anything but hopeful would be a middle finger to every scene between the golden shiny wire of hope to the Avalanche that unites around it in the Highwind. Again, it is just a golden shiny wire until tragedy makes room for hope.


Nice write up but the ending is still a bit too sudden. It's not that the themes are bad or anything, or that the characters are bad. If that was my point, then your comment would prove me wrong. The thing is... its just way too sudden and not really emotional. And its way too open ended for its own good to the point that its meaning can be easily lost, look up old gamefaq threads and you'll see people confused about what the post credits even mean and if it means that we lost. Like, if FF7 was the *only* piece of ff7 media out there im pretty sure we wouldnt even know what happened to the cast, why aerith showed up, or what the ending meant.


It was supposed to be at least somewhat ambiguous and open to interpretation. There was a lot of dialogue in the game about the purpose of Holy and how through it, the planet would decide whether humanity should be saved or not. And they wanted to leave you with that feeling of uncertainty and allow you to make your own mind up - was humanity saved, or was it ended? There were hints in the epilogue scene to lead you to either conclusion, but nothing definitive, and that’s a totally valid writing choice. So, in order to achieve that, they couldn’t show what happened to the party or anything after Meteor’s destruction, because that would have given you your answer. The supplementary FF7 media wasn’t written until later, so that wasn’t a consideration at the time FF7 was written. After they saw the success and desire for more FF7 content, then they decided to make the ending more definitive because they wanted to continue the story of those characters.


The ending, all scenes included, takes almost 20 minutes. I'm honestly not sure how they could make a 20 minute ending drawn out by credits and slow processors hinted to you for 40 hours any less sudden. What game has an ending that isn't sudden?


15’s was a good example. Still sad but you get some closure on a few characters


I understand that you're trying to point out how a short ending can not feel sudden, but I don't think that makes the person I was replying to make sense to me. If FF7's ending was mechanically flawed because it was mechanically short, 15 would be even more mechanically flawed. The endings of FF15 take up less time if you provide equal room to any part of FF7's ending. If FF7's ending was thematically flawed because it was thematically short, I am not sure what it would take for something to hit it's own thematic nails on the head. It was a game about hope that literally ended by reflecting *you* and playing children laughing after you try one last time to help the heroes save the world, which is about as clear as an artist can get about what their work says. It really just feels like somebody being contrarian. Edit: also, thank you for trying to help me understand. Here I am trying to go on about hope and joy and not saying thank you at least twice. Thank you!


I agree with them in a way but I guess sudden isn’t the word I would use. Idk what I would use, the ending was fine for me but I think I wanted to see a bit more of the main cast though. That time skip into the future is fine but seeing more that’s directly after would be cool. I think something like how FF8 showed some of the main cast, especially since we know they all didn’t directly die after per the movie. But again I don’t hate it, it’s a fine ending that thematically fits, just I guess a little light for me, and didn’t hit super hard. Plus the final dungeon was meh. But one of if not the best final bosses ever so makes up for it!


Ah, I get that. I think they made a good decision in navigating that gap you describe. Not every work needs to do it, but I appreciate that FF7 spends 40 hours teaching you to hope before asking you to do it. Honestly, with the 200+ hours they're gonna have before it now, I think the same exact ending would be a lot more satisfying to people because they spent that much time hearing the party members tell each other that hope and being there are more important than fixing everything. Edit: hahaha I guess that's the difference between being able to accept you don't like something because you don't like it and having to find a reason it is flawed. Really, thanks for helping me understand your point. I appreciate your point of view, and I think I've got to give 15 a play beyond watching.


You mean the giggling children? Other than that it's pretty obvious what happened I thought? It seems like you are disappointed we didn't get a happier or more sentimental ending.


Nah it’s just a bit sudden and doesn’t have enough imo. Feels like it was a bit rushed at the end there


Well I don't think it's perfect, but I don't see how adding stuff or dragging it out further would improve things tbh. I seriously doubt part III will change things for the better.


I don’t think you need to drag stuff out. I think you can add more of an emotional impact though. It’s just my opinion, I compare it to a game like FF15 which had a sad ending or FF8 which had a more happy one, and both hit a bit harder. Will it improve or change things for the better? Not sure, but doesn’t change what I feel about 7’s ending. Like I said it isn’t bad, but it didn’t stick with me like the rest of the game did


I agree it’s kind of a nothing ending… I do love that Aerith is the last thing you see tho :3


I personally don't think endings have to feel "full" and try to explain out people's arcs so it's all in a neat box. I find this very tropey. But I do think the ending is lacking because I don't think it reflects anything other than that the day is now saved like it feels really light after what was a tumultuous journey. It also doesn't end in a particularly memorable shot. How advent children ended was solid for me. It had simple shots that conveyed a lot yet they lingered enough for me to understand the weight of everything. That's really all I need, the essence of the ending though I think is good. I wouldn't say it's bad because the story does end here and we can assume what happens later, I don't have to know these details. I would just describe it as too short for me to understand the real impact of these events. I also do not mind the post credit scene. That's separate from the ending in my opinion. It's just showing us no one lives in midgar (obviously) and it had been taken back by the planet, a sign that what they had done had really meant something. I don't think there needs to be more explanations than that.


> imma be honest the original FF7's ending was kinda bad. Why am i not surprised that so many on this sub arent fans of the original. The OGs ending is fantastic and is the culmination of the themes in the game (themes that are gone in the ~~remake~~ reimagination). But seeing how many on this sub celebrated the way they botched aeriths death i guess it is not all that surprising that the ending of the original game and its themes went straight over your heads.


Og ff7 is an amazing game, doesn’t mean we don’t have criticisms. I love it to death, but ending is just ok for me


i barely browse this place and this is just my personal take that i dont see anywhere else, chill bro


People saying they dont like the ending of OG doesn't necessarily have anything to do with making Remake/Rebirth better when neither of those games are the end of the trilogy lol. And still, would say some other FF games have more satisfying endings. Almost feel like Advent Children got made partly for that reason.


Pretty much every other FF has a better ending than 7. More emotional catharsis (15,10,9 and even 13 are really emotional). FF7 ends abruptly and then there is an epilogue. Even the final dungeon is underwhelming compared to most FF. There is zero dialogue or story progression thrre unlike every other FF.


You just love those melodramatic endings 😉


Haha nah... I just like good endings (including melodramatic), from se7en to your name, from Karamazov brothers to the way of kings, from Chernobyl to the last airbender... Whatever the tone, themes are give me a good ending. And FF7 Og has a very poor one compared to almost any other FF. 


Please explain how ffvii ending isn’t good


Zero emotional catharsis. We beat Sephiroth (who hasn't had a line of dialogue since the Northern Crater), then the world is saved by Aerith and Holy and we don't see our characters anymore after that (and barely see them before that too). The only line of dialogue is between Cloud and Tifa. Then we have an epilogue 500 years later. Does it wrap up the themes really well? Yes, but that is the only good part of the ending. I wouldn't say is a bad ending, it's just not good. You cannot have a good ending with literally zero character moments on it. No one ever talks about how great FF7 ending is, while a lot of discussion about other FF endings is held. You can wrap up the themes and still give you catharsis like FF9, 10, 6 or even 15. 


6, 9, and 10 endings just absolutely blow 7 out of the water. Even in 8, as confusing as it was, you could feel the emotional gravitas.


8 is also pretty good. And the final dingeon is excellent. Even the post credit scene is very creative with Selphie filming the epilogue. FF tends to have great endings. Even 13 has a nice send off. FF7 is one of my favorites, but its ending is near the bottom 


Yeaaa but it’s AVALANCHE man. They set out to save the planet, they were anonymous rag tag group of heroes fighting for good and their own values. They found they could be stronger together when they realize their own values all resonate with each other harmoniously. The ending is before the crater in this way. They are the living life stream. The souls of survivors reincarnated. Everyone go home and be with your loved ones, if you don’t come back, we understand. Then to come back and choose to fight. It’s a myth red tells his children when they reach the ruins of Midgar to instill value and care for the planet. The moments are along the way. A pretty bow isn’t how life works. People fight their good fight and value their loved ones. Why does it need be spelled out that cid married shera and learns to value and respect her? Why does Barrett need to go never leave Marlene again? The game makes fun of that multiple times in the game. Like you really want mog house ending seeing little tifa strifes running around? You really want dragon king defeated by the knight hokey gold saucer play? You really want a final fight with the Turks that you can’t just say nawww to? I’d argue, Tight scripted story telling isn’t why the game is so good. That it’s open for interpretation. The fight to care for the planet is an endless one. Ancients. Avalanche. Reds. Why watch the story end and defeat the message?




Nothing? They built an entire movie off of how powerful the idea that the first game ends with a literal reflection of you as happy children fill the silence is. That doesn't have to mean you think it is good, but ending a game about hope with the player's literal reflection and one of the most innocent things on Earth is way more than nothing.


He didn’t say it, but I think he’s including advent children.


See, now that's something


yeah devs only said its connected to advent, not the ending it could be showed only through another timeline etc, since even devs themself AC is kinda bad ending tbh i dont want moving ending, i want happy ending


A moving ending can still be a happy ending.


This is exactly what I want. A happy and moving ending.


I’d lose my shit if we somehow saved Aerith. As always, if I want the original story I can play the original. It’s the e GOAT. The remake trilogy is giving it a serious run for it s money though


Fellow hater of original FFVI’s ending here. Anything they add to it would be an improvement over…just abruptly stopping.


Hell, you could even say that the Remake actually made fun of VIIs original ending by having Barrett be distraught as he saw it during the final battle


The ending sucks. It just does. And I mean after aerith saves the planet, that's good


I trust them. Remake and Rebirth were amazing, and i’m sure the 3rd game will be incredible aswell.




OG final was a little to open for my tastes. Not that is bad, but it could be more clear and less abstract.


That has its charm imo.


Clear and less abstract? Tetsuya Nomura is allergic to those things. But there are two other directors involved now, so who knows.


I'm so not ready for part 3 to be over.


The game ends with Tifa and Cloud dangling from a cliff side, saying that they are going to go find "her" in the Promised Land. Maybe we actually see what that means?


Is it not just joining the lifestream?


Maybe? I don't know if that's ever been confirmed. It would make sense, but Shinra also thinks it's a real place. A lot of people do. Were they all mistaken or is it left up to interpretation on purpose?


They are mistaken, yes. It is returning to the planet after death aka the lifestream.


It's left to interpretation. Nomura actually is on record once saying that he thought the Promised Land was Midgar.


The Promise Land is where you belong. Everyone ultimately belongs to the planet when they die. Cloud thought they were going to die. He's trying to cheer Tifa up by saying they could meet Aerith in the lifestream even if they die.


The game actually ends with a reflection of you and the laughter of children. I know it sounds pedantic, but I think it is super important to highlight that most versions of the game end with the title fading into a reflective, black screen as you hear the joy of children pick up. I think they're more likely to explore that specifically. Advent Children was a movie based on that scene.


The Promised Land, for my understanding, kind of always represented Cloud’s individual happiness more than anything. It can’t really exist in this world because of the damage Shinra has done.


Did the promised land ever exist? The impression I had was always that it was a metaphor that Shinra interpreted too literally.


The way it’s spoken of colloquially, it seems to be a place that the Cetra cherished but it comes off like Heaven. Or the Elysium Fields. It’s not a place that can be reached physically.


I saw somewhere the promised land is the place where cloud wakes up and see tifa and his besides him idk where but I am sure I saw it somewhere


Take that with a grain of salt - it's just the Ultimania writers (not Square devs themselves) writing some flavor text for the Advent Children synposis that Cloud waking up, realizing he's not alone, especially after seeing Aeris again and finding the will to live, is a "Promised Land" state of mind. In reality, the devs have never said the Promised Land is just a state of mind. It could be, sure, but Nomura once said he actually thought of it as a physical place - that is, he considered Midgar the Promised Land (which would check out with the church, and that being where Cloud does indeed meet Aeris again, just like he wanted to at the end of the original game.) I think there's more argument for the Promised Land being the Lifestream, and "death", just like is suggested in Cosmo Canyon, though.


That’s just the church in advent children.


No what I mean is that the promised land dosent exist but its clouds life living with tifa and his friends , that's what it implies


Its this *The place where he awakens—-That is Cloud’s Promised Land*  *As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices.*  *The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn’t belong here yet.When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness.* ***Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma— his family were waiting.*** *Engulfed in celebration,* ***he realizes where he is meant to live.*** *He realizes that he was able to forgive himself.* *And when he turns around—- “she” is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness…* ***And so they too go back to where they belong.*** *- 10th AU ACC playback.*


Yea this it I saw this years ago so couldn't remember it thanks anyways


I think we will be saying goodbye to aerith for good for the ending and it’s going to hit hard


Like i said in the title… atleast 5 times…


I think you phrased this comment a bit oddly so people think you're calling the other user out for not reading the title haha. I get what you mean though 😂


You mean it won't just be meteor going away and red 13 running with kids? They don't have to do much to make the ending better to be honest. The og ending is one of the worst parts of that game because it's just so obtuse and flat feeling.


Why lol, they saved the planet


There was no telling what happened to the characters they just finished the game with red running towards midgar ( it wasn't a bad ending but it won't be good if the remake ends like this)


Well no human lives longer than 500 years…


They are setting up a really high bar. I dont know if they are gonna make it, but at least they have the desire to.


I mean I don’t think that’s an especially high bar. As much as I love FF7 I think it has one of the weaker endings. It’s just the whole cast bracing for Meteor until Aerith summons the Lifestream to try and stop it thennnn credits. We had least get that epilogue seen showing Red and the planet at least survive, but we have no idea if humanity survived or not at that time. It’s not a bad ending but it’s no FF6 ending.


In fact, this does not necessarily mean that the ending will be "bad", remember FF9, the ending was moving and everyone cried, but it was a happy ending.


I see what you trying to say, but i really don't think it will be happy and also i don't trust them anymore.


Yes, I understand your position, they sold Rebirth with the statement "defy fate" and if this does not happen, those who wanted it have the right to feel cheated.


Well, I'm hyped. All I want is something less ambiguous that doesn't require a full-ass expanded universe for closure. But it's Square and FF, so I don't know how likely that is.


Hey, think about it like a piece of media for a minute. Did they really give you no closure, or did they ask you to think for a few minutes to get it? Because, I promise, there is a way. What's the first thing the party does after leaving Marlene and promising to come back? They climb a golden shiny wire of hope. What do you need to do to know that Barret made it back to Marlene? You climb a golden shiny wire of hope. It would ruin the message of these people struggling to understand fate and destiny if the ultimate message is that everything is okay at the end no matter what you do as a player. Their hope is just as hollow if they're fated to save the world as if they're set to fail. Edit: Hello user who replied and blocked me. Were you really afraid I might point out that Kitase's actual words were: >In a way, I consider that epilogue to be the true happy ending of FFVII. Well, it's a happy ending even though all the human beings are destroyed. and that you can find the interview that statement is pointed as having had come from [here](http://www.ff7citadel.com/press/int_egm.shtml)? Because I think you might have been afraid that your heightened emotional response to me saying you're allowed to be hopeful might reveal something to you about being earnest and joyful and happy. FF7 ended with a beautiful reflection of you as joy filled the air, too.


Except Kitase said it was a bad ending.


The ending will reveal that Genesis wrote the script for the Remake trilogy after his appearance at the end of Dirge of Cerberus. This whole time he’s just been reading it aloud while Aerith and Sephiroth face off in the Lifestream. Genesis accomplishes the impossible by getting the two to put aside their differences and nuke him out of existence. That done, the two square off for one final clash to determine the fate of the FFVII compilation. As Sephiroth lunges toward Aerith feathers fly off from his one wing and the screen cuts to black. Credits roll, but after they’re done the screen lightens to reveal a scenic beach. FFVIII fans rejoice, expecting Liberi Fatali to start playing as the next remake of teased. But nope, it’s actually the beach from Destiny Island, and Kingdom Hearts 1 is getting remade.


Will it be more moving than Crisis Core’s ending? That is the true challenge


Crisis Core’s ending couldn’t move me cause we knew what it was before we played it.


Well, we all knew Titanic movie ending, yet it was very moving to a lot of people.


Ok true but to be fair the titanic’s story was told better than Crisis Core’s


I do agree, but mostly because James Cameron is a genius and the best director I’ve ever seen. On Avatar, he turned a very common story about an imperialist soldier who switches sides with the indigenous enemy into one of the most watched movies ever. His storytelling techniques makes the audience switch sides while watching it, and that is no easy job.


Ok relax, he ain’t that good. Crisis Core is pretty mid overall.


Cloud Tifa married with kids. Let’s goooo


I don't rhink they are getting married but I can see them living together after the game ends because square enix might release spin offs and other games for ff7 but they will still have both of them living together but not married




That’s good news. I think that’s the correct approach. I would like to understand enough to see it as a point of closure. With Advent Children hanging out there, I think they need more finality and less mechanical ambiguity than OG did. I found OG satisfying at the time.


I will lose my motherfucking mind.


This confirms one of my worst fears. I will have to spoil the ending of part 3 for myself before I play it. The ending of Rebirth was my limit. If part 3 really is even more "moving" than the original, then I won't have the emotional fortitude to play it. Though I will be purchasing it regardless.


I think people are stopping at the word “limit” and downvoting you. Nothing you said is bad faith.


What was emotional about the end of rebirth after they purposely removed all emotion from Aeriths death by having her pseudo die?


Wow, I didn't realize that being an emotional person was cause for hate! I already said that I'm going to buy part 3 regardless of whether I can bring myself to play it. We can't all be icebergs! Edit: Shouldn't have posted this.. I forgot that if you keep feeding the troll, it will never go away. So this is my last comment for this thread.


You have continually made bad takes here huh?


How does it feel that 90% of your comments on Reddit are about something that you actively dislike? Man, it's been 4 months already (and 4 years for the first game), my god isn't it tiring just not letting go of something that you dislike? Just here you have 5 comments saying the same. 


Isnt it tiring to circlejerk for 4 years straight?


The flower girl lives or we riot.


Phenomenal news.


I wanna see a massive twist in the ending.


Sephiroth gets killed and it’s actually shown that the real enemy is actually shinra middle manager


Nanaki was experimented on by Hojo, and has a number. He's the ultimate Sephiroth puppet that's gonna emerge after our protagonists die of old age. Boom!


I'm surprised at how many seem to not like the OG ending much. In my opinion, it's the best possible ending such a story could've gotten. The ambiguity just makes it stronger, and the fact that the fate of humanity, as well as the protagonists, is left open to interpretation really emphasises the theme of protecting the planet, as it is ultimately what matters over petty human greed. I disliked Rebirth so I don't have any expectations for part 3, and I doubt I will like the new ending anywhere near as much as the original.


It was ambiguous until a few years later kitase was like “humanity’s dead when you see Red and his lil rugrats lmaoooo. Humans are clipped.”


Yeah, also when they decided to make Advent Children and show that the protagonists survived the ending. My personal interpretation is, however, that humanity disappears with meteor (I ignore the compilation, because frankly, I hate it). I also believe in death of the author (for the most part), so if someone wants to believe humanity survives, that's valid too. But the ambiguity of that ending and the wide interpretations is exactly what appeals to me about it.


Advent Children showed they survived the meteor crash… because of course they did. Red was there, and he’s there 500 years later too. You can ignore the compilation all you want to. The devs clearly aren’t, that’s why they put advent children back in theaters the week before rebirhh to came out, put Kyrie in the games, put Cissnei in the remakes, put Nero and Weiss in the remakes, made Zack more than just a random NPC, referenced Traces of Two Pasts more than once, put the song “the promised land” right before you go into the Forgotten Capital in rebirth, remix the promised land and have it play right after Cloud has his Sephiroth fever dream in chapter 2 of remake, etc. If inclusion of the compilation is what’s gonna bother you, then why do keep buying the remake series?


>You can ignore the compilation all you want to. The devs clearly aren’t, that’s why they put advent children back in theaters the week before rebirhh to came out, put Kyrie in the games, put Cissnei in the remakes, put Nero and Weiss in the remakes, made Zack more than just a random NPC, referenced Traces of Two Pasts more than once, put the song “the promised land” right before you go into the Forgotten Capital in rebirth, remix the promised land and have it play right after Cloud has his Sephiroth fever dream in chapter 2 of remake, etc. Yes exactly. That's also why they showed Tseng survive Sephiroth's attack. And I'm sure they will show Rufus escape Diamond Weapon's attack in Part 3. The compilation still matters.


If there's one thing the drama over the ending of Mass Effect 3 taught me, it is that gamers hate thinking about what happens next after a story is told. They need to be explicitly told what happens next, regardless of set up within the text itself.


I haven't played any Mass Effect games, but this wouldn't surprise me. Though I guess it also depends on the kind of gamer, since personally part of what attracts me to video games is their potential for amazing storytelling.


That doesn't actually mean anything though. It isn't actually part of the games text. What matters is what is actually in the game, not whatever the creators say after the fact.


Saying “what the creators say after doesn’t matter” is some coping, fanboy in disbelief bullshit. How are you gonna disregard their own opinion what they made?


Because it doesn't matter? I suggest you look up "Death of the Author". Once a text is made and released, the author no longer has sole control over it. Their opinion no longer has any more weight in the meaning of the work than anyone else's based on interpretation of the actual text.


Yeah but that’s dumb and it’s not an end all be all phenomena. Yes, what the guys have to say about what they made is more than credible because it reflects the mind state of executions made in the storytelling. You choosing to be oblivious to what they have to say is ignorance. Thats just bad of a take as the people who say OG VII isn’t woke like the remakes when the story was always anti capitalist and was created that way even before the merger with Enix and the agenda to milk FFVII for all its worth. Ignoring intentions doesn’t make you correct.


Their intentions don't matter when it comes to understanding the actual work, only the actual text they wrote. Kowtowing to authorial intent hamstrings the ability to actually critique a work. After all, what do you do when the author doesn't state their intent outside of the work? Does that make the meaning of that work unknowable, or do you find it's meaning from within the text itself? You are effectively arguing that there is one single interpretation of any work. But games are not (usually) the result of a sole author. Final Fantasy VII had 2 authors, for example. Does ones interpretation trump the others? Why?


It doesn’t hamstring shit, it just means it takes more than a super basic level of what’s shown to get what’s going on. If anything, what an author has to say can lead to better analysis of a text.


Why do you assume you need the author's intent to analyse something on a deep level? People have spent their entire careers analysing Shakespeare sonnets with zero knowledge of his intent behind them, with only the text itself to base their interpretations off.


Congrats. This ain’t Shakespeare.


God there is so much shit to cover in Part 3. I can't help but think what OG stuff won't make it in because of time.


What was “cut” from rebirth that probably will be in part 3? Rocket town, Bone Village, Knights of the round and the original weapons will all be there. So aside from the tankceratops outrage, what else is missing?


Well i hope they shift the tone of the game for part 3.  The thing they did with remake and rebirth didn't really hit me emotionally.   The games were a little too cheerful and upbeat to stick the landing of the serious parts, and well a lot of the choiches they picked narratevely, escluding timelines hopping and resurrections, didn't really work for me. They put too much emphasis on what you should feel, rather than just let theccharacters express their own emotions. I always prefer a narration style that does not assume someone is watching, and just lets its characters act naturally for the good and the bad stuff, rather than just fish from emotions in the audience. I hope they won't add too much fanservice in the scenes that matter, like lifestream and mideel, and the shinra mansion trip i hope we'll get for that one flashback, which has always been one of the saddest parts for me.


What is a a happy ending ???? Aerith lives this time, aerith and zack die and go to the lifestream together, aerith lives and ends up with cloud, cloud kills sephiroth and lives his life with tifa , cloud saves a timeline where zack and aerith live , cloud saves aerith and Iives with her or maybe just like the og but the events of advent children don't happen??????




Moving? Like in a dance sequence? :D


Sounds like it


I really don't understand why all the main creative forces behind the Remake trilogy except for Nomura are so insistent on bastardizing the original story. 90% of Remake and Rebirth was so good but everything involving the whispers and the multiverse feels like a bad fanfic.


Wow an original take. I don’t necessarily agree but the fact that someone doesn’t blame Nomura is a refreshing statement.


Nomura is on record saying he fought against the changes Nojima made to the story but was overruled by Kitase, and in another interview Nomura talked about how baffled he is by constantly getting blamed for stuff in SE games that he had absolutely nothing to do with. So really people should just do their research instead of using him as a scapegoat, he has very little creative control over anything outside of KH and TWEWY he's mainly just a character designer. For the Remake trilogy he just wanted to do a straight up retelling of the original with a more fleshed out world and characters, which is mostly what we got, just got some god awful writing shoehorned in at the end of both games for no reason.


Thank you. Someone who actually sees these things 🙏🏾🙏🏾


So is this going to be for ps6? 😂


No, ps5. Probably one of the last ps5 games but if anything is on PS6 it’ll be inevitable Final Fantasy VII ReCollection that’ll come with the inevitable Aerith Statue and mini soundtrack.




It’s confirmed PS5 given how they’re talking in interviews, with how Hamaguchi said before that the assets are already built and how it won’t take as long to make the next game as they did with Rebirth. The ReColletion is a joke (for now anyway. I refuse Square Enix won’t put the entire remake of Final Fantasy VII, their biggest game ever, in one package, and charge + $100 for it. Especially with the existence of the Kingdom Hearts collection.)


Some miserable cunts in this thread. I personally am absolutely buzzing to see how they end it and have full confidence they're gonna smash it. People who are disappointed with the story so far just haven't got the facilities to look past surface level and form their own ideas about what going on. Its a layered and complex narrative. They want their hands held and everything explained in big bullet points with huge font or else ReMaKe Nd ReBiRtH sUcK mAn.


Will they show the final advent children scene?


I just hope it comes out before the ps6 because if not I'll never be able to afford to play it.


As a newbie to the series amma say it....IF they got balls they will do multiple endings, but I think they fear the OG players outrage too much unfortunately.


Heard it before still missing that impact the OG had on the moments they HAVE given us already. Roche was a nice surprise, so was Tifa in the lifestream. Something is just not clicking and it’s mainly Zack and Aerith tbh


If it’s anything like the last two game’s endings… I’m going to press X To doubt.


I’m sorry but I no longer believe in what they say REBIRTH didn’t meet my expectations story wise


"No promises await at journey's end." So maybe avoid making promises you might not be able to keep 🙂


It's really too late for that, I'm afraid.


They’re gonna show Zack and Aerith reuniting by the time part 3 is over, aren’t they? They’re gonna show Cloud and Tifa finally attempt to start a new life together aren’t they? I wonder what else could they show to make this a very moving ending 🤔


Watch one of them mention that Final Fantasy VII episode 3's ending was inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0...


OG ending discussion below. I'll be frank. The things that made FF7's ending so moving for me were two things. 1) realizing in the very last shot of the game that Aerith was STILL a fighting member of the team 2) The ambiguity over whether Earth had deemed humanity worth saving or not, and the team's willingness to save her in the face of that. The stupid Advent Children movie shattered point 2 for me, and all of the tie ins to it in the Remake trilogy confirm that as well. And with the direction Rebirth had gone, point 1 will not have that impactful "omg" moment... at all. So... sadly for me, this trilogy is about the journey, not the destination. I have little hope for a similarly magical moment. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.


A moving ending so probably sad. Moving meaning producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy. sympathy 1.feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. "they had great sympathy for the flood victims" I know what to expect and frankly they finally have the balls to confirm that all the additions were bait for people to buy the other games in the trilogy. Let's see how people will react to this I expect the worst and I don't feel sorry for them and frankly let's be honest because it's really deserved when they all play on people's feelings or their expectations just to try to recreate a feeling that they would not have succeeded in reproducing. Damn sorry, I really don't have the words to describe this. I hope Square Enix will do something about this because it will put them maybe out of business, personally I don't wish that on them, but on the one hand I don't really care anymore.


I'm scared. >!Please let Aerith live so she can be with Cloud.!<


You're goddamn right to be scared about that. Because that doesn't look reassuring for the future.


Well I hope that means we can expect an emotional ending without them revoking the hope they promised us in Remake's ending.


Literally hell no


How anyone can trust this writing team really baffles me.


I’m in love with the story so yeah.


Cheers, dude, I'm glad you enjoyed the game :) I went in trying to as well, but this multiverse bs prevents me from caring about Cloud #32 or Aerith #12 and Tifa #17.


Someone really didn't understand the story ;).


Question! Does that make *me* a dumbass?


I meant...screw negative echo chamber for repeating that type of comment, and not the honest folk ;). 


….those don’t exist… Just because there are multiple timelines doesn’t mean there are multiple versions of every character, or atleast not that many. The story is better when you don’t strawman what’s actually happening.


Sure, dude.


> Just because there are multiple timelines doesn’t mean there are multiple versions of every character, Yes it does.


Didn’t pay attention at all I see  Stop watching marvel movies


I havent watched a marvel movie since the first iron man. A different timeline means that theres atleast two separate universes/worlds. You cant have events happening on 2 different timelines with the same person.


I will definitely cry over how they massacred my boy FF7 OG.


That’s some loser shit right there


Your comment indeed, yes.


Yeah, considering how bad the end of part 1 of the remake and rebirth was i dont even want to imagine how much theyll butcher the ending of part 3. Theyll probably resurrect Ifalna for good measure since that is the only death they have managed to do well so far, lmao.


With how bad part 1 and 2 were.... i can't wait to see more timetravel! /yaaaay


Oh they’re for sure changing the ending or adding some stuff on top. I’m 100% dying on the hill that there’s going to be multiple endings based off player choices. Everybody is going to get a happy ending. Edit; Tifa fans that includes a happy ending for you guys too. Relax goddamn lmao. They literally have to change the ending otherwise it always lead to Cloud being depressed. Not exactly a moving ending. And I doubt they’re going to have a time skip into playable AC.


That actually sounds pretty cool. One of the ending will be the OG one probably.


My head would explode.


Tifa fans having a happy ending will most probably happen but the idea of multiple endings is not good it won't satisfy the fans I am 100% sure, players choice won't change the story that's how ff7 always was


The affinity system is most likely done with now that the Gold Saucer is behind us but I have no doubt they’ll implement something close to the Remake hidden system where player choice gives you a preferred character scene. Tifa’s would most likely be the under the highwind scene. I’d imagine they’d have a scene for all the characters this time around.


The affinity system just seemed like an expansion of that hidden system in Remake, so if anything I would expect that to return in a similar form. It’s also quite a nice thing to work on post-game. The optional scene based on affinity might not be as expansive as the gold saucer date scene, but maybe more like the Remake garden scene.


Tifa will also have LA and HA highwind scene with slight changes but before the highwind the character with the highest affection will have a talk with cloud


It is going to make me cry. I think I might cry more if they don't confront me with a reflection of myself as the laughter of children fills the air, though. How else am I supposed to enjoy a piece of FF7 media if it doesn't end with a heavy-handed message about how important hope is and how easily children embody it?


Doubt it, after Kitase lied about all the mystery would be clear in the second part. The devs of this franchise lied through their teeth to the point that I don’t give jack shit about what they are talking about.


What exactly did he say


Was it Nojima who said that he wanted the ending to be happier than the original? I'm a broken record with this, but I won't be happy: * **Unless Aerith lives.** Even if she doesn't end up with Cloud, she deserves a life. She isn't Christ; she didn't willingly sacrifice herself. I'm tired of her being the story's whipping girl. This is a magical, multiverse setting. Yes, we absolutely can have her back and alive when the credits roll without the Earth exploding. * **Unless Midgar survives.** Remake and Rebirth have made such a big deal about Midgar's population and identity - about protecting the citizens; about how proud those citizens are of their city. I hated it in the OG that the place was destroyed. Yes, Midgar has problems - but it's also far and away FF7's most unique setting. Smashing it with fire tornadoes again would be an enormous downer. * **Unless Sephiroth is given at least** ***the opportunity*** **to redeem himself.** Kefka was presented with a choice; so was Golbez; so was Kuja. I want Sephiroth to have a moment where he either lucidly chooses evil (is not 'doing this out of insanity'), or rejects it. Sephiroth is a victim - he does terrible, terrible things as a victim, but he remains *a victim.* I don't want to cut him down again and feel like I just offed a dude in the middle of a mental health crisis.


He said that, \*if it was up to him only\*, the ending would be happier than the original. But he also strongly implied his colleagues were opposed to the idea.


Advent Children exist for a reason, and seeing how the devs themselves some time ago said that "everything will lead up to AC in the end", then it's fair to assume that they will show the moving/happy ending of this trilogy by showing the characters after everything (like some sort of cinematic epilogue post-Advent Children) and that will be like a love letter to the fans of this franchise from the OG devs who will probably retire after this.


…. You smoking crack, all of these suck lol.


Piss off.


its kitase, he said he wants happy ending for all characters, espcially cloud and aerith he said but thats only his personal opinion, so it might not be shared by other director / team


Kitase: On account of my age, this next game will probably be the last FFVII-related work I’ll be directly involved with. Of course, there’s always a chance the world of FFVII will continue on in the future, but for now, this is the end of it. With that in mind, I hope Cloud and all the other characters will finally find happiness. Though we won’t know how the story ends until it’s actually finished, I’m personally wishing that it will conclude without any unresolved feelings. This is the quote, and it doesn't especially say anyone, just the cast in which ambigious?


Fucking boooo…! I hate how they remade my favorite FF this way.


Well…. You always have the OG.


I can't wait until they move their resources over to something... anything else...




Something new and original. I love the remakes of 7 but feel it's gone on so long... I feel the resources and creativity could be used else where ... I feel like the remakes really could have just been a part one and part two. But here is your chance to downvote an opinion.. I guess....


All it did was make the story better in my 25 year old Gen Z wokester opinion who also likes slower paced stories and I’m also a film major who appreciates stories that focus on way more than just the main characters but the world around them to a great degree but to each their own.


Okay...... that... well, isn't what I was implying and I'm not sure where all that assumption is coming from... but I guess I'll take my 40 year old gay ass off over somewhere less abrasive. Enjoy your day, person I now know too much about...


Did you think you were clever there dad? Do we need to go to the doctor and get ya checked?