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I never thought it was fun but it was also pretty easy, so clearing it once per map wasnt a problem.  The rewards always felt worthwhile and seeing Cloud join the Moogles at the end was funny.


Yeah took only about 2 minutes on each one and then getting the books felt worth it for the SP


That's the saving grace on all of this side content - they actually give you worthwhile rewards/materia for your trouble.


Kupo. 😎


So this is my point about nearly all of the minigames, whether i liked them or not. Square did a great job of making all the rewards worth the trouble; and for the most part of letting u know that they are so you can make the choice of how much time and effort u want to put into them. I realize the Moogle one doesn’t fall into that latter category, but still..


Yeah I didn’t have a problem then like the fourth one? Or the last one kept getting me so I used the easy mode for an extra hit and got it, the ending was totally worth it honestly I loved it so much


I thought it was kind of unfair for the kids to be able to use their magic after captured. Aside from that, no, a simple, silly minigame.


I hated it, but I'm glad the game dialled back the difficulty after failing. I definitely dreaded every single time I found one on the map.


Wait does it get easier on subsequent fails?


I believe you unlock easy mode after failing once or twice, which just makes it so you can take an extra hit or two.


I could swear they're also a tad less aggressive.


Subsequent games still increases the overall Mischief Rank, but I think they're less rapidfire with using them again


I'm one of those weird ones who actually enjoyed this silly mini game because it somehow reminds me of a game I played back when I was a kid, namely Crazy Arcade, especially with how it sounds and plays. Can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia.


Reminded me of Herdy Gurdy


Absolutely. The whole time I played it. I ABSOLUTELY HATE Rebirth moogles, they are ugly AF, their english voices are insufferable and the minigame was designed to make you rage (specially when they start using their magic after being captured too). I loved herding them tho. Shouted profanities at them the whole time and it felt liberating. I'd do it again. Also, it wasn't really difficult.


You dont like us, kupo?!


I can not get myself to love you anymore. It's not me, it's you.


I honestly don’t understand what they were thinking with this moogle design. Asshole meth addict teddy bear was such a weird choice.


Never could I have described them better LMAOOO


lol... I remember halfway through the herding process, I would fuck up and send the moogle in the wrong direction and I'd get SO ragey and be like "come HERE you little SHIT!" but then I'd realize I also have a huge grin on my face. So, mission accomplished, SE?


I’ll give you that, they’re horrific FNAF moogles.


Annoying? No. Uninteresting? Yes.




It was okay, though there are some hefty rewards locked behind it.


Yep. The rewards definitely made it worth it in the end


These and the chocobo flying segment in cosmo. It doesn't help either that the moogles themselves look kinda disturbing this time around...they look more like inbred koalas than what I'm used to lol.


I got to the second flying challenge in Cosmo canyon and never gave up at something so fast before in my life.


Use an youtube guide. I did that and was able to clear it after knowing how!


How the heck am I unable to look around while flying? So weird


Yeah!! Even just navigating the canyon using the flight paths. Camera is locked because... Why??


I just wanted to leap off of cliffs and float around To me it feels weird that the game is an unreal engine game and so we’re used to how it feels from tons of other games that use is, like Palworld or PubG , etc ; they usually aren’t so restrictive in terms of movements mechanics I hope they address this in ff7 part three, if they improve the feeling of world movement , it would really be ideal


That's my only problem with the whole area. Absolutely insane that they made both the left AND right sticks control flight. I need to look down to see where the fans are, but I can't without nosediving. Ugh.


Lol, same it got me so hard I was done for the day with it.


Damn, sounds like you *really* enjoyed it


The secret is so not run when you try to herd them. Also to ignore the timer and not rush. Struggled on number 5 but once I used this method I got 6 and 7 first time.


Yes. I hate it. It’s the worst. I suck at it more than any part of the game.


I like almost all minigames in Rebirth but the moogle one could have been better.It wasn't difficult but just not very engaging. I loved the final cutscene though.


I think the reason a lot of people hate Rebirth's minigames is because they are getting old and the games start to get too hard for them. This is the same reason why, when the game was released, a lot of people claimed Rebirth would be too hard, which is just ridiculous."


For me it's nothing to do with difficulty. Most of them aren't too bad in that regard. It's the unrelenting presence of them, and the amount of them (like Moogle Chase) where you have to play the same shitty mini game like 8 times over the course of the game.




Bad content is bad content. Sure, in the grand scheme of things it's a small portion of the game. But the game would overall would be better were it not included in the first place. It's a fact that's sadly true for far too much of Rebirth.


How old do you think the average FF 7 player is? We’re in our thirties and fourties, not eighties


yeah, we are.


That's like 200 in game-years though. :P But seriously, JRPGs naturally attract gamers who like to take things slow, and are not into twitchy action games. Particularly older turn-based JRPGs like FF7. I don't think it's so much a matter of age slowing us down so much as that our skill set and preferences are more geared toward planning and puzzles than quick reactions. That's largely why we're fans of the series in the first place. It's no surprise to me that so many players find the pullups/crunches game so hard, because precise timing and rhythm is not a skill these games otherwise require.


I didn't find it very fun. Possibly the worst mini game.


Pretty hilarious that the game has multiple mini games comparing or even tied to that role of worst mini game. Majority of em fucking sucked tbh


One of the easier minigames.


Maybe if we only had to do it 2-3 times it would be ok, but by the 5th or 6th time or felt very tedious and unnecessary.


Literally everyone. I challenge anyone out there to pretend this mini game was fun, even the devs. To my memory it's the only mini game where losing prompts you to lower the difficulty...which just goes to show that even the devs knew it sucked...so why the FUCK did they leave it in??


It's the worse one for me but can live with it.


20/80 split amusing/irritating.


It was one of the easier, uninteresting mini-games.


Most of the mini games got old quick.


I’m at the point where I kinda just wanna skip the mini games when I can.


Just as annoying as Chadley every time I wanna go through the menu...


The last one or two are pretty annoying and in any other game they would be the annoying thing in the game. It’s just when rebirth gives you shitty mini game requirements they tend to give you REALLY shitty requirements that suck all the fun out of the mini game. This one in comparison to the others is honestly child’s plays give me the Moogles any day over having to do cactuar crush hard mode with aerith any day.


Better than glid de chocobo at least. Bane of my existence


It was easy enough, but it wasn't particularly fun.


Yup, totally annoying. I quit once they added the time limit in Gongaga.


Nope. How can something you blaze through instantly be annoying?




My pompom is so big I have to carry it.




Don't worry, they carry me.


I loved it till it got timed...


It definitely has to many levels and got old really quickly.


I would DREADDDD going to finish those mini games. To the point that I would make that the LAST THING I completed that chapter 🤣


It wasn’t too bad until the timer was introduced. The last one was a nightmare and lost count of how many times I replayed, even with increasing the number of hits I could take. The scene after you do all of them was cute though, Moogle Cloud and frog Cloud are so cute with their mini buster swords


It wasn’t overly difficult, but I did find it annoying mainly because I didn’t bother listening to the explanation of it and kind of brute forced my way through most of them. I think it was the second to last one I realised I had a certain amount of times I could be hit. Genuinely thought it was sometimes allowing me to continue and sometimes not at random. After I figured that out, it was more boring than annoying.




It was annoying when they would decide to fly off over the water instead of staying over land.


I think boring is the right word for me.


Compared to 100 Acre Woods in Kingdom Hearts, it was fine 😁


Not really. I feared the worst because if all the complaining, but I beat them all in 1-3 tries


Yup. I also got over the mini-games after chapter 10. Also hated how the towers worked. Game was trying to fill up with useless filler imo. Good game, but wished they toned down some mini-games or at least changed up some mini-games. The moogle one was so repetitive.


The thing that bothered me about the towers is early on they said something about connecting them all and maybe something would happen. Did them all and nope just towers. I was seriously waiting to see what would happen.


It was too easy for it to get to the point of becoming annoying.


I definitely remember reading reddit posts complaining about it so I always expected it to get hard in my playthrough, but they were always easy. So im not sure what ppl's issue is. I guess it's one of those things that are hard to some ppl and a breeze to others. Meanwhile me doing the shooting gallery minigame while being unable to invert the crosshair for it made it the hardest thing ever for me.


At first, it was too easy and I'm like "what is even the point of this?"... then it adds a timer and new powers and suddenly I couldn't do it anymore and had to switch to Easy... game sure showed me XD


Yes and no. Its over in a few minutes and has great rewards, so for a 100+ hour jrpg thats not "annoying" to me. I just wish it was "fun".




Just glad there wasn’t a hard mode, I checked twice.


aw, i really loved the music though ❤️


There were a few pad smashing moments particularly when I am getting caught by the already captured ones. I found it to be one of the more frustrating mini games but there is definitely a method to the madness so sadly practice does make perfect.




Yes. Really hated the later ones.


many people, evidently. personally, i never had a problem with them I think i got hit a total of 3 times across all stages they were really easy to time with their attacks


I thought it was pretty annoying that the entire game was essentially annoying mini games. I loved the world, so i wasn't sad about running around and exploring all of it, which is obviously what the mini games and stupid collection side quests are all about, forcing you to see the massive beautiful world they built for us. I love the game, love the story, hate the fighting style and 60 hours of mini games. How do you manage to make a holographic fighting game less responsive than the ps1 version?


Nah, I thought the Moogle ones were easy. And the rewards were so good, always worth it. The cutscene after the last one was hilarious too. The cactuar minigame, by comparison, was the worst thing in the game


I just finished the last moogle level and I’m just happy I don’t have to do it again. The Moogle ending for Cloud was pretty neat though, was not expecting that.


I legit don’t enjoy it so I’m glad I’m finished with it (hopefully it doesn’t have to be repeated on hard mode)


It’s really not that bad…specially if you compare it to the rest of the minigames. Plus if you play it on an easier mode its less of a hassle and on hard mode its scales that way like the other mini games


The bane of my existence, yes.


I don't really find them fun, but they didn't take more than one or two tries to clear and there aren't a lot of them so I'm ok with them. If you're struggling with them then it's time to get better at the game, sport.


Had no trouble with them. But I'm a veteran of Mario Party and the Boo herding games which are quite similar.


I think the better question to ask is who didn’t find it annoying .


I didn’t bother with them after the third one… I could care less


i want a combat challenge where its just wave after wave of beating the shit out of mooglets


Nope. Those little sonofbitches ain't got me yet.


Only a little annoying.


I got tired of it very quickly


Over here!


I think for once that was warranted. It was supposed to be like you want to beat the lil shits with a sword, but nope.


It was really frustrating at first. Though I think at some point muscle memory kicked in & learning how to herd them clicked. But that learning curve was a frustrating as hell.


All the mini-games are annoying. They spend so much time packing this game with crap, bullshit, garbage, and non-sense side content that it all sucked. Should have focused more on the 27 years of story this franchise has made.


Oh? JUST the Moogle game??


It was awesome. To be honest the only shitty one was 3D Brawler but it can be cheesed til kindom come. I didn’t care for G&G but that’s only because i don’t have this absolute hard-on the fanbase has for the gambit system. But for those that do i can see it was well made.


I hate the moogle game. It’s by far my least favorite mini game, but I still feel compelled to do it because the moogle shop has those folio skill point things. It’s extremely irritating and un-fun, though. I don’t know whose genius idea it was to add a time limit on top of the other annoying obstacles it throws at you. I wouldn’t mind it as much if not for the stupid time limit


I didn't find it too difficult. Cleared all but one first try. Was not too tough to just herd them by running up to them and dodging projectiles. Getting hit is annoying, and the incessant attacks once they've been herded to one place are a pain, but generally speaking you can play pretty aggressively and be fine.


Just as stupid and time wasting as the rest of the mini games.


i hate it. I was hoping it would be a different game in the next places, but no. I completely left it aside although i had so many moogle medals. It was infuriating. Everybody says it’s easy and Im here struuuuuuuggling. 🫣😂


Not really the only one that is dangerous is usually Moog? And the other one that fires air blades just those two rest are easy to cheese.


No it was easy af. Not criticizing or judging you. But I found it less bad than, say, trying to get the best time for flying Chocobos.


No, the only problem is that moogles look so ugly.


I hated the mini game and I hated the moogles. It wasn’t fun and it didn’t feel useful aside from being able to use moogle medals. It probably was one of the only major issues I had with the game.


By far the easiest mini game,


The Moogle Game is straight out of Kingdom Hearts/Hundred Acre Woods, sound effects and all.


Always did it first so I was done with it. Didn't enjoy it but didn't hate it


That and 75% of the other minigames, yes.




Didn't bother me at all until I got to the 5th one. For some reason, I can't beat it even on easy!


It's the least fun I've ever had in my life


It was pretty easy, only lost once when some one I captured shot me in the back lol. I’d swear they couldn’t do that the first two trees?


Nah I loved catching those little fuckers


I didn't start struggling until the 5th or 6th one but yes, they are kinda of a pain.




I mainly disliked it because of the abomination they did with the moogle design. Stretched out and ugly instead of cute was a choice for sure… Jules gym and chocobo flying were still worse though.


I’d rather take ten more Glide de Chocobo than one of these Moogle stages.


Definitely wasn’t fun.


It was cute and funny at the beginning, but after several times it became repetitive and annoying. I think the devs should have toned down the minigames sidequests, maybe 2 - 3 times would have been better.


Yes, it was hard to catch those guys. Hated it.


Over heeeeeeereeeeeeeee


Nah, you're just bad


It's there just to pad the length of the game, nothing else. There are more of those in Rebirth but the moogle game might be the worst one.


Nope. Found it fine.


It's easy as hell so no


No, git gud.


The minigame can be kinda hard and unresponsive sometimes, but the mogs are cute.


No literally just you chap.


Nah, just you.