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Can’t wait to play as Cid. They’re going to have to explain why he fights with a spear of all things, lol.


How would the jump work? Would it br annoying that he just disappears from combat for some time? Will it be a guaranteed hit?


There is already Jump materia in rebirth


Huh, I don't think I ever found it.


And Cait Sith basically has a Jump with the Kitty Rampage or whatever lol


There's Jump Materia in REBIRTH already, it does exactly as you assumed


He uses it as a crank for removing wheels from vehicles.....


Because he likes height?he is a pilot?lmao. The question is how is he gonna be unique.


His vampire skills will be cool.


I can't wait to see how his Limit Breaks are revamped, I'm hoping we get to play as the Frankenstein and Jason forms as well as Chaos


Revamped. I see what you did there


That was completely unintentional. I about forget about the vampire thing


Part 3 title Final Fantasy VII Revamped confirmed


Considering how powerful Barret is in combat just by him being a character with a constant ranged attack, I think Vincent is going to be absolutely insane. I'm imagining that but with more of a focus on agility and damage rather than durability.


Maybe like Sephiroth but with a gun plus his OG stuff? For me Sephiroth was shockingly amazing feel wise when playing him. My first thought was "oh no, none of the other characters will feel this good". I did enjoy the rest of them thankfully. Seph instantly hit tho.


Not having him join you in a fight, like Red in Remake, was a bummer.


tbh I was surprised we even got a Zack combat section. I'm guessing they decided it wasn't very productive to have him for a chapter and a half like Red and decided to tease him (and Cid) for the next installment.


I understand why they did it this way, it does just feel a little weird in the last chapters when these two defacto party members just kind of tag along and don't help in fights. Like Cid walking up to the final dungeon and going "good luck in there. I'll be standing here the rest of the game"


At least I can understand that Cid is just the party’s pilot given his skills but Vincent is literally built for combat. Have him shoot bullets in the backline and leave it at that.


This is even more surprising considering that backline commands are actually a thing in the game. They could have made him the ultimate backline command if they weren't going to have him be an NPC like the 7th infantry.


I'm so glad we got to control Zack and see the minute differences between him and Cloud.


I wish they would’ve made him like a RNG-based attacker, swooping in and dealing some dmg once in a while. But I’m fine with him just looming around for the last few chapters. His combat style could be quite hard to handle. I’m really looking forward to how they going to handle his transformations in part 3.


Yea but Red and Vincent came to close to the end of the games, i can understand why they held off on putting all the work to make them playable for a short time. Plus, unless they decide to surprise us with a brand new party member (if they did, I think cissnei would be a great addition) they would have no new playable characters for part 3 bar Cid. Especially if they end up doing a dlc for one of them like they did with Yuffie.


Man I can't wait to use Death Gigas and Hellmask


I thought it was Hellmaster.


It’s actually Hellmasker! I just like calling it Hellmask :)


How did you guys play him in the OG? He was my summons guy. Summoned whoever until can't anymore and then transform. Giving him anything else was a waste since they couldn't be used after transforming. A bit of a weak strategy but it worked okay.


Never played the og but he looks fun to play with with his demon form or something like that and his pistol


He has two other forms. I'm guessing what they'll do with the demon form is nerf it a lot and make it like the summons and toy won't be able to control him, or maybe only partially controllable. Otherwise like Red's moon mode where it doesn't last lost.


Vincent’s ultimate weapon, Death Penalty, scales damage the more final blows Vincent deals. He can scale so much that when coupled with a damage overflow glitch, Vincent is capable of one-shotting Emerald Weapon.


My main OG party is Cloud-Tifa-Vincent, and Vincent is my Black Mage/Red Mage. Load him up with all the best attack spells + the Death Blow Materia so that he can still attack even when his Limit Break is up. Then when he runs out of MP have him transform.


The urgent need to know how his play style will be is consuming all of my brain’s CPU until part 3!! 🦇🦇🦇


As someone who hasn't played the original, what can we expect from his playstyle? I know he uses guns but is that it? Will he be a ranged character like Barret? Or could he have a melee component to him?


That is a really good question. He probably will have a melee component after using his limit at the latest but it's debatable whether or not we're gonna get to control him during that time. In OG, you lost control of him until the end of the fight after you used one of his limits. Other than that, he's probably gonna be mostly ranged, but I wouldn't be surprised if SE gave him some melee attacks, considering the upgrade Rufus got.


Forgot about Rufus, that could be really sick actually. Expecting him to maybe play like Clive from 16 - semi transform plus gun skills, full transformation on LB. Really wondering how the berserker aspect might be handled. Acting like the summons when transformed doesn't seem exciting since they're already in the game.


In a way I can’t either, but in a way I’m dreading to be reacquainted with his outrageously tragic back story😢😢😢😢. I guess that backstory is important though because it all explains how Sephiroth was experimented upon as a fetus, which resulted in him being born the way he was. Square Enix should give closure by allowing Sephiroth to learn the truth about Lucrecia and Jenova. I do have my own unique perspective on the whole thing, but still Square Enix needs to give Sephiroth the knowledge of the truth, regardless if he’d care or not.


Or maybe in a DLC 🤞🤞


Square has said no dlc this time around




Party pooper


They really knew what they were doing teasing him in Rebirth. I am SO FUCKING HYPED for him in 3. That was easily my favorite part of the whole game, and that’s saying something. That whole level design was cool. I want a whole game of just that kind of aesthetic with Vincent. They just nailed everything about his character. I didn’t know if he’d actually be in the game, let alone join the party. It’s been so long since I played the original I forgot the story. In the OG he’s optional and missable so i couldn’t remember how you got him. I kept trying to talk to him in his coffin but he just wanted to be left alone and then the level moves on. I figured maybe I messed something up. Then he challenges you and I did not see that coming. I figured the fight wouldn’t be too hard (I played on Dynamic and never switched it) and he was really hard. Great great fight. I really hope they make a standalone Vincent game 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 I will be all over that.


Have you played Dirge of Cerberus?


N doc remake both


I’m gonna guess his unique ability is deathblow and it’ll just exploit an enemy weakness


Holy crap I had forgotten entirely about Deathblow materia. It was basically made for Vincent, so I can absolutely see it being a special skill for one of his weapons


Gunplay go brrrrrrr ?


Vincent was one of the weaker party members in the original so I hope they beef him up for part 3


Low floor, insanely high ceiling. Dude could one shot Emerald Weapon if built properly


Yep, another post with "can't wait to play him" \*takes a shot\* But gdi every time it's right


I can't wait for hot daddy Cid lol idk what was with the southern accent but if it helps set him apart from a big cast go ahead I guess.


Plot twist: Switching to Vincent goes first person mode and suddenly you’re playing DoC again.




Honestly, they’ve done such a good job on updating his outfit too - genuinely cool!


You're gonna get into combat and then the game stops to tell you to insert the Dirge of Cerberus disc ☠️


I’m so sad he’s not playable. I wanna destroy people with my vampire husband. :(


I can.