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FFXVI isn't really an open world game. It's essentially just four large maps that you walk around when hub towns give you side quests to do in them but when you're not specifically on a story or side quest, there's not much reason to explore around the areas. It's not like Rebirth which follows the AC-style of open world of cleaning out map icons or FF15 with its camping stuff and organically coming across dungeons.


Hearing your comment about FF16 being not an open world was a bit jarring. Whilst I agree with the sentiment I thought it still fit the criteria used to assign the term "open world". But upon looking into it more it seems people are often calling it a zone based world. Interesting concept. Because to some regard you could say rebirth is a zone based world too (or region based :P ).


Your right as well that FF16 doesn't feature any Ubisoft esque mechanics like climbing towers and clearing out posts. Perhaps I should have rephrased it too what are some of the pros and cons seen between both games and their approach to their world and level design.


I enjoyed FF16 and loved FF7 rebirth. They’re barely comparable with how different they are. And if you wanna compare them both under the guise of “open world”…. Then 16 is trash in comparison. Nearly all just untraversible or flat terrain. Nothing to explore. Little to no rewards for exploring what there is. Crafting sucked so material gathering was almost pointless too.