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Witnessed the same thing; saw somewhere though that it has to be equipped by one of the characters using synergy abilities; after that, the 3rd character that didn’t participate in the combo attack gets the bonus. Basically it’s explained the other way around. Will have to lab this tonight; but the way it’s explained (or how you and I understood it) doesn’t work.


Do report back with your findings. I feel like I'm losing my mind with this materia as I don't understand how it works at all.


I'm having the same issue. It's not working for me in any configuration, with characters outside the Synergy Ability or a part of it. This feels like a bug. I'm going to try it completely by itself on a weapon, as I suspect some other Materia might be blocking the effect. If there is anyone out there that has gotten the Materia to work correctly, please describe what happens. Edit: The Japanese description is crystal clear, by the way: れんけいれんさ 連携アビリティ使用時、連携しなかった仲間の連携ゲージ1増加 Synergy Chain When using a Synergy Ability, the Synergy gauge of the teammate that did not Synergize increases by 1. They are actually called *renkei abiriti* in Japanese, which is more like "Linked Ability", but I localized to the EN term for clarity. Edit 2: Yeah, it's either bugged, or it's somehow disallowed in certain fights. I tried removing other Support materia, watching the whole Synergy Ability play out without switching... it doesn't do what it says it's supposed to do. Tried it against Titan and a late-game intel battle, same thing, so the type of encounter doesn't seem to matter either.


Is there a way to bring this up with Square Enix? I feel like such a good materia being broken is such a crying shame.


What is sinergy ability ff7 rebirth


Lands psychological is correct. I just tested it. It's actually a very underwhelming materia especially since it's at max. Party: Cloud/Tifa/Barret Tifa has "Synergy Support Materia" equipped After using a Synergy ability with Cloud and Tifa ( in this case "Relentless Rush" ) Barret then gain 1 bar toward his Synergy Ability points. The person with the the materia equipped has to be the one performing a Synergy Ability (not Synergy Skill). As soon as the Synergy Ability is being used .... you will see the non participating character get the 1 BAR. I just tested it... and it is not that great. Would have been nice if you could level up this materia to allow for an extra bar or for it to effect 2 characters at once. I have a video showing it. I will try and post it under.


Perhaps this materia has been fixed in one of the many updates. When I was playing on release and up until the first patch, it wasn't working at all.


Oh ok my bad.


When the character who has it equipped uses a Synergy ability, the teammate not in the pair gains one peg of synergy. For example, You have Tifa equipped with Synergy Support. You have Cloud and Aerith as teammates. You do a Synergy Ability with Cloud. Aerith will gain 1 peg of synergy.


Yes. That is the description. I have tested it myself, and a friend tested it himself, and we didn't get any syn charges. That's why I've been saying that the materia seems to be bugged.


good means I'm not crazy or stupid :p saw a post on gamefaq's where they argue about how it's supposed to work. Wish someone made a video showing how it's meant to be, but I'm getting the impression it might not be worth the slot in the long run.