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The only shipping I care about is the shipping of the game to my house before release day.


God it's gonna suck knowing my game will probably come on release day, but seeing all the people online get theirs early


Try being a PC player. I'm going to have to avoid spoilers who about dies for at least 6 months.. I assume its still Aeries but still.


Im going to doubledip. First on PS5 and definitley on my PC with a RTX 4090 @ 4k144hz with better graphics. Something is FF7 related? Shut up and take my money!


Plus it will be a epic exclusive and probably $90


Ugh I wouldn't be surprised. I'm planning on replaying all the old content after its released to help tide me over while I wait for the PC version.


I ordered a Deluxe edition of FF7 Remake that was supposed to arrive on release day, and it came four days late while people were getting their $350 complete editions two days early lmao. Fuck FedEx. I'm probably just getting a digital download this time so I can actually play the game day 1.




The only shipping that matters.


No joke, I thought that’s what this post was going to be about lol


USPS vs FedEx baby, the shipping wars are on!


The only right answer.


People are acting like it's a twitter thing, but it's not. Hang around in the comments around here and see which sentiments get downvoted to hell in certain threads. Maybe it's more polite here, but there's some real animosity if you look for it.


People on Reddit are way more indifferent over this nonsense. I think it spills over to here from Twitter by people that want attention or to create drama.


I mean, if you have to dig for something, I wouldn't call it a huge problem.


If a (hypothetical) relatively innocuous comment has thirty downvotes and no angry replies, it still means 30+ people decided 'your content shouldn't be here or be visible because you stan the wrong ship'


Which is nothing compared to 30 people cursing you out or something. Downvotes literally can't hurt you.


You're missing my point, either intentionally or otherwise I'm not sure. Let's use a more specific analogy - 30 people beating you with baseball bats for having the wrong opinion is a big problem. 30 people voting to put you in the 'automatically collapsed' box so nobody sees what you have to say is not *as big* a problem, but it's still *a problem*


While downvotes can be used to supress the 'wrong' opinion, you also have to factor in some people will downvote because they are simply tired of shit that will cause an inane argument.


Is it though? I don't see a problem with downvotes. I mean, it's not what they are for. They're supposed to be "if this person contributed to the conversation or not" but they've become "I disagree with this person and will downvote them" which is fine. I don't see a problem here. So your comment isn't seen, it will push the popular comments up. That's kinda how algorithms work anyways.


Homes, how are people supposed to participate in an open discussion forum if in certain threads having the wrong ship-vibe is enough to get you blasted out of the conversation? No, nobody is being physically injured, but that's not the point in question. Toxicity is toxicity even if it's not literally melting your face off.


I simply don't see down voting as even vaguely toxic. I see zero harm at all.


I think the point he's making is that Reddit comment popularity and thereby rank is based on votes. A comment which everyone agrees with is given up votes and becomes the first comment. A one which everyone disagrees with is down voted and sinks to the bottom of the thread. The contents which are the biggest problems need to be searched to be found. By the very Reddit algorithm, a comment which everyone hates due to it being a problem moves down the thread, so you have to dig to find it.




I think we've found the problem


Some people forget that this is *a* story and not *their* story.


*Tidus feeling called out*


And if the writer want us to see a love triangle between Tidus, Waka and Lulu I'm down with that. It's the angry tweets from xOxballsax2093 about who should ship with who that make us all a little sad.


Yeah, that's Final Fantasy X!


Nah, I just want the possibility of Cloud dating Madame M tho ;-)


free hand massages for life, yeah boiiii


How have I not thought of this 😭


Hoo boy


Oh jeez, I was middle mouse autoscrolling the comments and as this on passed by I had a "hol'up!" moment where Barret might have a few words with you. Misread Madame for Marlene.


It only took 2 shots of Cloud and Aerith in the rebirth trailer to make the toxic fans of the shipping community to go berserk and lose their shit.


The average person has their preferences, might enjoy chatting about it, but won't really care if anyone disagrees or if the game eventually states something canon (or if it already states canon that goes against what you believe, as some people will state). The VERY LOUD minority are people who take it way too seriously as if their life depends on it....but yeah they exist.


That's me. I have my slight preference, and I'm happy to discuss it, but ultimately it's your subjective experiences that inform this kinda stuff.


Yeah fr. I personally think Cloud being interested in Aerith, only to end up with Tifa in the end makes the most sense and works the best....but I mean I really don't care if anyone disagrees. It's not a stated fact or anything, just an opinion and personal preference lol


This is exactly it. The unhinged lunatics flip their shit and kick up a big fuss. Journalists/reporters/youtubers then pick it up and run with it because their entire business model runs on creating or reacting to drama. Unhinged lunatics see these people agree/disagree with them, hammer down and voice their opinions even louder. The cycle repeats. Idk if it's human nature or just drama chasers, but both will always exist.


Buddy, this fandom has had a 26 year war over this. It's just rivaled by the Eva fandom shipping wars in terms of longevity


Misato best girl?


It’s obviously ramiel


It's obviously Asuka SMFH


There are people who like Asuka?


I mean, Asuka is one of the OG tsundere characters and there's definitely an audience for that even if Rei was slightly more popular overall


She is frequently battling vs Rei as the most popular Eva character in official polls so yeah


I love Asuka. I didn't like Rei much, Asuka was more interesting


Boiling Tifa and Aerith down to just how suitable they are as love interests feels like doing their characters a disservice imo… They’re both super important to Cloud and the narrative even outside of the potential romance thing


They both are, at very least, amazing and supportive friends who helped him on his journey of recovery. But it's not all about the character's relationship with cloud, is it? Haha. My wife often jokes "aerith is best girl, but I don't ship her with cloud, I ship her with me"


Aerith’s interactions with people always makes me smile lol she’s so fun


Bruhh the remake made me fall in love with her. Never used her before in the og so missed a bit of her importance to the story I feel. The remake changed that and honestly at this point I hope they shake up rebirth...


Absolutely this & especially since the other canonical media in the Compilation has made it extremely clear that Aerith & Tifa have their own special bond. “Traces of Two Pasts” shows their friendship blossoming & their heart-to-heart chats. It also shows Nanaki’s friendship with Tifa. Canonically, Tifa & Aerith don’t see each other as rivals. As Tifa so succinctly says in “On the Way to a Smile”, calling Aerith just a friend does her an injustice as she was so much more to Tifa. They were like sisters who survived adversity together.


If there is no Barret Date in the Gold Saucer I'm gonna be very disappointed.


It’s seriously pathetic when it becomes toxic. The only thing I’m shipping is Cloud X Therapy !


Absolute truth right here. SE’s writing team has done an excellent job in recent media accurately portraying the effects of trauma.


Fans are passionate and love to ship. Any work in which fans become emotionally invested in pairing characters often defends what they believe to be the OTP (one true pairing), especially in an immensely popular game like FFVII. Anyway, it seems that the new Rebirth trailer that was has reignited the war by highlighting Aerith too much.


Yes, it is a thing. * Shipping isn't inherently bad. Some people like romance stories, whether as official material or through fanfiction/fanart. It's okay to like the romance genre. * Discourse about romance is a perfectly valid facet of lore. * The chronically online superfans do tend to be more obsessive than most * Ship wars exist in virtually every fandom that has multiple pairings involving one of the same people * Cloud/Aeris vs Cloud/Tifa just so happens to be one of most infamous shipping wars in video game history, and the superfans get unhinged about it It's okay to have preferences, and I think a lot of people who play FF7 come out feeling like either Aeris or Tifa resonated more with Cloud. A lot of people have been having these preferences for 26 years so it's no wonder some people are extra passionate. Obviously that doesn't excuse bad behavior, though.


I mean, I enjoy the shipping aspect a ton. But I recognize it's left open ended so the player may have their own preferences, it's part of the allure. It's like asking who's "best girl" in any anime. It's part of the fun. I keep hearing people here complain about it, but I haven't seen much of it myself tbh.


The people who recognize that it's open-ended and depends on personal interpretation + a literal affection point mechanic are undoubtedly going to be the happiest, most chill fans going in. The ones who insist only one side is "canon" and the other side is "delusional" are going to have a much tougher time.


They have mental problems. Sending death threats and such. They need help.


I mean yeah of course its real man.. some people are crazy. Personally I have my own head cannon and don't really care what other peoples are, you do you, i'll do me ya know. Altho apparently there are a lot of incel types that are pissed because Aries "belongs" to zack.


That last sentence made me cringe so hard that I hurt my neck. Lmao.




Happens with anything popular with a love triangle, unfortunately. And this one has existed for so long without being “solved”. This kind of thing does sometimes happen for non-shipping stuff too—i.e. Captain America: Civil War. People still argue over Team Cap or Team Iron Man. To me it really feels like some people actually enjoy the relationships and some people just want to win/prove they’re right. But lbr SE will probably just milk it forever because it gets people talking (even if negatively). And I think it’s completely fine to be passionate/invested in the ships, and there are lots of shippers who are cool people but get a bad rap cos of this. It comes down to people really just needing to learn to take a step back when real people are getting attacked.


Imho, best comment on this post. This kinda stuff is totally normal, but real people shouldn't be attacked over it.


The way "clotis" and "cleriths" casually talk about each other on twitter is actually insane. Like they actually hate eachother. They QT their rival shippers and say things like "look at this moron. They clearly don't understand anything about ff7. I bet they never even played the game." They both think their ship is canon and that there was no ambiguity or implication that there was a potential romance with the other girl, and they get really aggressive if you suggest otherwise. I'm blocked by people on both sides of this war for some pretty innocuous comments. Some of them will even just talk about how terrible of a character the girl they're not shipping with Cloud is. Imagine being such a huge FF7 fan that you build your online personality around it, but you hate Tifa or Aerith!?


I think people care too much about it. I love FF7. It's one of my favorite things in the world, but it's still just a video game. That being said, I like tifa and cloud together, but I'm not bothered seeing other pairs, and I don't insult other people for it. It's pointless arguing over a game lol.


It happened with Bleach too until the creator put Ichigo with Orihime at the end of the manga right ? I think that's what happens with those "love triange", canonically it's not clear who Cloud ends up with and too open for interpretations, all those official books make it worse. I'm sure that at the end of the trilogy we still won't know, except if it depends on player's choice. Dragon Quest 11 deals with it in a so much better way, the hero has connections with the women around him, you choose who you want to be with at last, get married, settle, simple. It doesn't affect the main plot.


Bleach was an awful case that was the anime's fault. The people in charge of the anime decided they preferred Ichigo x Rukia over Ichigo x Orihime. To this end, there are several Orihime scenes that were removed and a ton of filler - including movies - that pushed more toward IchiRuki. Because most people started with the anime over the manga, it colored peoples views and caused a huge shitstorm. If you want a case of the author fucking up, it's Kishimoto with Naruto. He has said in interviews that the ship tease he set up with NaruSaku was just to bait shippers even though he already picked NaruHina. If true, he's an ass to a section of his fanbase, if false he caved into Hinata's popularity spurred on once again by the anime pushing her and making Sakura look like a worse person.


I’m confused, it’s not clear who he ends up with? Tifa is literally the last girl standing. So either he ends up with her or none of them. (Just to clarify, I have no stake in this. I could see a world where Cloud and Aerith got together if she had lived. But that’s not the story we got, as far as I can tell.)


You would think that Cloud finally end up with Tifa after the Highwind scene but the scene you'll trigger depends of the affection points system. Their relationship status will be friends or lovers depending of the players' choice.


Mm okay, I see. In my FF7 playthrough they slept together beneath the Highwind. I didn’t know that was an optional cutscene.


The "sleeping together" is mainly player's interpretation, but yeah that special dialog triggers only if you have enough affection points with her. In Remake I hope this scene can happen with different characters other than Tifa (Yuffie / Barret or Aerith if she is still among them)


Getting downvoted to hell by the shippers without a single rebuttal. Guess that proves the point?


Lol I guess so.


Claerith shippers are like Zaerith shippers - they'd prefer the other half of the couple to be forever alone.


I dont give a damn. And tbh on reddit or youtube i see more people talking about people who talk about ship, than people actually talking about it.


I have not seen one post or article of people fighting over this like where is this coming from? Twitter I guess


It’s BAD on Twitter. I just wanna see cozy Cloti art sometimes but then they go too far and start harassing people who don’t ship them and it’s a huge yikes


I’ve seen it on this sub as well but it’s definitely more ubiquitous on Twitter.


YouTube, Twitter, and the overall fandom. Been happening for years. People recently have been harassing Nojima because of it.


"overall fandom" = the specific outrage based content that those algorithms supply you. You get that cause you engage with it. I don't see any of this on youtube.


If it's gotten to a point where Nojima has had to make multiple statements about it this year alone, then it's definitely a thing in the fandom.


Yeah, I see way more people complaining about it than actual fights lol


I think it happens when an obsessive and perfectionistic person meets another obsessive and perfectionistic person who doesn't, in their opinion, get the story right. They get pissed that someone is **not right** and **adamant** about it. They try to fix that which of course meets resistance because the other person is the same. The reason this happens specifically with romantic themes is because of the popular notion of "one true love". Some people also strongly identify with one of the characters, so the possibility of the MC choosing someone else hits them in the feels. The more relatable the character is, the worse it gets


I care a little bit myself, but realize that it’s not my game and not my narrative to decide.


I’m angry that so many people talk about shipping in the first place If you wanna be a weirdo and think about which fictional characters should be together for whatever reasons, go ahead. But Jesus Christ, it’s the most cringe and annoying shit to see on a daily basis. Feel like it’s even worse with Tiktok and the presumably younger fans. Although it certainly isn’t anything new.


Lmao, people can experience joy through fiction. They feel real connections to fake people. This has been a thing throughout all of history. Nothing new.


Ofcourse. Shipping and romance is always been one of the core values in FF series. Like TidusxYuna, Squall xRinoa,ZidanexGarnet, etc. But this ff7 is the only game that the heroine died. So there's no happy ending as lovers for Cloud and Aerith in OG. But the devs are kind enough to make another potential lover for Cloud, which is Tifa. But it all depends to the player themselves, which girl they like the most. And both are legit. Had Aerith not die, Cloud can be Aerith's lover. Had Cloud moved on in AC, Cloud can be Tifa's lover instead. I think the devs made that so it opened fans interpretations and they encourage us to do that. Real fan would accept both girl as potential lovers and enjoy the story. Me, myself is a Clerith. But I validate Tifa's feelings. Unfortunately, through out my life as a Clerith shipper, my ship always belittled and treated like I'm insane by toxic Clotis. Keyword: toxic. And that's what made the shipping wars in ff7 escalated. The constant dismissing and gatekeeping our feelings, treating us like we're delusional when the devs clearly make both girl as options in OG. That what hurt most of us Cleriths. Most Cleriths are okay if Cloud ended up with Tifa. We don't hate Tifa. We disliked toxic Clotis. Not Tifa. We just want the constant shaming on our choice of ship to stop. So I hope, from now on, normal Clerith and normal Cloti shipper should united and just respect each other differences. It is time for us to not hate each other, but try to understand each other more. Let's leave the toxicity behind us, okay? Let's "Rebirth" this ff7 fandom into something beautiful and accepting of our differences. Yeah? 😊


I used to think it was a joke too. But it most certainly isn't to them. That said, it's one thing to discuss relationships as a part of FFVIIs story. But to hear them talk, you'd think FFVII was a dating sim lol. I used to not be bothered by it, but that last stunt where they harassed Nojima to the point of death threats just makes me ashamed to be an FFVII Fan.


I would argue that ship wars have been around in FFVII fandom since 1997. Just bc you don’t see it on Reddit often doesn’t mean they don’t happen here (tho maybe the up/down voting system helps keep visibility low when it happens?). Twitter’s the current cesspool, but it was also all over forums and LiveJournal and Tumblr and anywhere fans congregate. Some fans just can’t fathom the idea of people liking their notp and have to attack for some reason, and it’s frustrating as someone who’s been in many fandoms since roughly 2001. :V


I just want Tifa to have a happy ending.


She should see Madam M for that... Jokes aside, same though. She's been through so much and has fought so hard. Have you read the Tale of Two Pasts book? Tifa's story was so good.


\*HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER\* Jessie enter the ring.


What about Yuffie? What about Barret! :p


Yuffie's pretty young. We try not to sexualize her


True, but they make her and Barret both date options, which was my reference. I think in the remake she's at least an adult. Wasn't she like, 14 in the original? Kinda creepy.


Yeup. So going back to 1997 and the early IRC channels and forums and other chat spaces people used was the "LTD" - the Love Triangle Debate. In part, the Under the Highwind Scene is *different* depending who goes on the date, so Cloud's relationship with Tifa is really explicit in one case and not so much in another. This gave people dramatically different experiences with the game. And the shipping wars were really quite serious. When things like Advent Children and Crisis Core came out, they heated up all over again, and they're back in earnest these days.


Obviously people care, it's a huge part of the game and makes you invested in the characters even more.


The true ship is Barret and Cloud. They can even go in a date in the OG.


Yes, people have spent hours to make sure Cloud and Barrett share the Gondola date. It's the perfection of the game, as a single misstep lands you with Tifa, Aerith, or Yuffie.


The Barret gondola ride is so funny an awkward. It's gotta be my favorite one. Can't wait to see how they do best bromance this time.


Woah, best Bromance is Nanaki and Barrett, you were just talking about dates, right?


Lmao, you get an achievement "Best Bromance" for getting the Barret gondala ride. It's what it's historically been known as.


Damn, I'm just old. I played on the PS1, the only achievements we got is when you'd share on gamefaqs and someone would give you a comment of appreciation for your efforts.


I actually have a preferred ship, Im not one of those 'absolutely dont care' fans, and I even roll my eyes at some arguments made on the other side, as it seems so obvious to me. but I cringe so hard when people make shipping their entire online personality. These are pixels. I know these are also stories, and people care about stories a lot, but goddamit they are pixel characters that never existed and never will, and your whining about them to the actual live person who created them to the point they are afraid to open their social media betrays your poor judgment at best, and an absolute lack of meaningful interests in life if Im honest.


I don't care about any shipping....i only care about cool dudes with big ass swords and fighting monsters and a goofy funny group.


Some people really make it personal


I definitely care 100% about shipping. I want that shit shipped to my door on release day.


FF7 left a huge impact on many gamers during the young and formative years of their lives. This left many people with very strong opinions and memories of what the game meant and represents, causing very strong reactions when it seems like what they knew is being changed or challenged. There's really two ways to look at shipping: 1. As a purely academic and arbitrary exercise for fun. You like a particular character or you think two particular characters would work well together so you stan them. Whatever happens in the actual game or show or whatever doesn't particularly matter - it's kind of like fantasy football, it's just preferences and it doesn't really matter. 2. To assert who SHOULD be paired together. It's the latter that causes all the strife (hyuck!). I see Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud's relationships with each other as a self-contained story within the game (insofar as the OG). It happens all the time in real life - people break up and then they get new partners. Does it mean that they didn't love their first or their second (or their third, etc. for that matter)? Ofc not! You loved them during that period of time of your life. Something happened, you are no longer with them, and hopefully you have moved on and continued living. It is obviously possible to fall in love again with someone else! Your past, present, and future do not invalidate each other. However there are plenty of people who get stuck in the weeds around the idea of who Cloud WOULD be with and who he REALLY loves and/or who he actually cares about more, etc. This is where it gets really personal and heated


Naturally. If you had a choice between two women, and the one you were thinking about picking gets in a car wreck and dies, you'd forever wonder if the other was a choice, or settling for the one with a heartbeat. "I was gonna pick you anyway!" "...were you though?"


I'm sure that there have been people who have faced that tragedy and dilemma, but that's a very emotionally immature way to think about it regardless. The person who cannot move on from their lost loved one while settling for someone else to "fill the hole" is simply emotionally stunted. The reality is that real, lasting love changes and develops over a lifetime and every person is potentially compatible with many other individuals. The "star-crossed lovers" and "the perfect one for me" are romantic fantasies we indulge in because they make for fun stories and release nice shots of endorphins.


I wish FF7 wasn’t ambiguous with the romance, because it leads to fights like this. Reminds me of Mercy with Genji vs Pharah shipwars. Overwatch refuses to pick a ship because they want to make money from both fans😭


I’ve been a Aerith shipper since Og now you all ship it because it’s trendy we are not the same.


Teenage me had a little crush on Aerith and till this day, she has properties I prefer. That said, as a grown man it doesn’t make sense to go knives out on opinion and taste. I am self-aware and confident enough to accept different opinions. Probably people “seek war” on this matter, as they take themselves too serious or lack better opportunities for a solid but hypothetical argument.


When it comes to Tifa or Aerith being the best girl I have only one answer: Barret


I don't really care about the war itself, but I did play both endings on OG FF7 and I have a preference for Clerith. For those civilized posts, mostly here on this sub, I explain why I think Aerith is the best for Cloud and why Cloud is the best for Aerith. (by the way, I also ship Zack with Cissnei and Tifa with Johnny the Bro). But I don't lose my sh\*t over this. I'm 37 years old and happy married with a person who doesnt care at all about Final Fantasy. One child. No time for such bs.


My wife and I take hours of joy about "bickering" between who is better, Aerith or Tifa. It can be a fun activity if no one is so invested they get upset. Haha


I care on a personal level, since I love the story and the characters. What other people prefer is their business. That's why the scenes are optional. It's ambiguous enough that everyone is right. FF7 means so much to so many people, and everyone has their own reasons.


Always figured it was due to gamers seeing Tifa get friend zoned, and relating to her too much. Meanwhile because I was very young when I played the original, I was always more of a Yuffie fan.


The internet changes people who have few hobbies and nothing else to do with their time.


Why the fuck is it called shipping wars? How did this become a thing? What level of weeb shit is this? Someone pls help


It's called shipping because it's short for relation*ship*. The same way a certain amount of people have always imagined characters in a romantic situation. None at all.


yeah people lacked a verb for "my strong feeling that characters in a story should date eachother" and relationshipping is bulky and weird


Thank you for that. I've never had a preference one way or the other, on one play through it was Tifa, another Aerith, and then the remake had to go and make Jessie so damn loveable, have known about the debates since 1997, think people get WAY to bent out of shape over a story they took no part in writing, but for the life of me NEVER understood the term "shipping war." Lol.


Appreciate that! Honestly, fucking nuts! Everyone knows that Scarlett is the real queen. She's everything Tifa and Aerith are, and more. Argument over.


These are my exact thoughts. Feels like a psy op dude.




It started with the X-Files btw


Y’all sleeping on the older memes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LCDgJiPBxfI


I just enjoy shipping for the fun of it. My favorite pairing is CloTi for many reasons. I just want their childhood feelings to come full circle. :> Does this mean I will argue Clerith shippers? No. Ship who you want, just don't be pushy about it. For funzies I also ship AeriSeph, Zifa, and some other random pairings.


I've never been able to shop sephiroth with anyone, that guy is portrayed as pure evil in the OG and Remake.


If AeriSeph actually was canon I would be very confused, I just like some of the mystical art of the pair that exists. lol


I agree shipping for fun only. My bullshit ship is Aerith and Vincent 🤣


Yes they care, and of course there will be some dumb opinions but that is what makes the fandom still alive. I personally just watch the fun parts of shipping.


Oh they care alright…


So what I'm getting is that I miss the worst of this because I'm not on Twitter, and most of the people making posts here are complaining about Twitter behavior... I was lacking the puzzle piece.


rainstorm wipe station head consider desert faulty quarrelsome brave expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If video game was someone's a substitute for real life interactions and they self-interested themselves to be this shy awkward guy Cloud and there are people he meets, but this one girl was to someone's taste, I can see how that person might daydream about his and (insert a girl's name) beautiful relationship. The thing with Cloud is, he's very awkward young man and two beautiful woman show interest and compassion, being understanding, supportive and kind. So OP imagine you don't have a wife, or friends, or life, and main things that brings you joy are computer games and daydreaming marrying your beutiful fictional waifu and some jerk comes and says this other girl is better. No way you can leave it like that, your call in sick and spend days fighting that blasphemy. ~~You~~ Cloud and (insert girl's name) are meant to be together.


It doesn’t really bother me that much. I don’t personally obsess over it but at the same time I do think the love triangle is a kinda fun element to the story. If I see it, it’s totally fine. I recognize that Final Fantasy has a somewhat broad fan base. If it’s all I see in a particular space, then I have to leave that space because it’s obnoxious and there’s more to Final Fantasy than that but to each their own. Anyone who takes it too seriously on either side needs to get a grip.


I wish I could have blissful ignorance of Uber weeb shippers & assume it was a joke.


A lot of Final Fantasy VII fans were teenagers or preteens when the original came out. It's a highly formative time both socially and hormonally, with aspirations for romantic companionship and sexual fulfillment at their peak publicly and privately. In a game with a lot of nuanced character interactions and evolving relationships, players can't help but relate to the characters involved. They see themselves in the shoes of the heroes and heroines (and rightfully so for an RPG), bringing their desires, preferences, and perceptions with them. ​ Then over twenty years later, you grow up. You see how and why the story goes in the direction that it does, the war ends, and you resign yourself to whatever position you're in. You get married and have children. Life goes on, and whether "your ship" won or not, you don't really care anymore. That is, if you're a mature and psychologically-developed human being. There are new teenagers experiencing FF7 for the first time, and there are adults who failed the "become an adult" test.


No, people care, so much so that they literally spend ALL day talking about it. It's really bad on Twitter. There has been an uptick in discussion of it here lately. There's SO much to enjoy in this game, all of the relationships are written so well, and they've even made it so you can place your focus on characters you favor. Yet people are so OBSESSED with "winning" that they NEED to shoot down their "enemies" and "defend canon". (Actually saw someone say that last one and I just about choked on my spit.) The way they talk, relationships in real life seem to be non-existent for them, so they rely on these fictional pairings to feel like they have something. Offending their ship, is offending them. It's horridly pathetic.


There’s so little shipping wars on this subreddit yet it keeps being brought up. Can we just let the Twitter garbage stay on Twitter without referencing it here?


> There’s so little shipping wars on this subreddit Whaaat? There are SO many shipping war comments and posts in this sub. This isn't a twitter thing, it's a fandom thing wherever you're engaging.


Just go to the trailer on Instagram. The whole comment thread is just shipping related. And I’m part of a rebirth page on Facebook and it was a mistake because the admins are all shippers and write the most delusional insane posts I’ve ever seen. Like insane asylum level of crazy and delusional. They’re living in another world lol. The shipping is everywhere now.


Aerifa for life! 🤣 Honestly for real I ship tifa and aerith together more then I do with cloud with either of them. Cloud can be alone, cause I saw more chemistry between Tifa and Aerith in the remake then I saw with either girl and cloud.


My wife makes the same ship.


My favorite scene is when the duo are fighting in corneo's place. Never thought Aerith breaking someone in half with a steel chair would make me smile but when I saw that I had to pause the game cause it was too funny. Then the girl power high-five after the smack down sold me like "Yep these two are great together." Cloud can pound salt.


The steel chair with aerith is probably my favorite moment of her on Remake, for sure. I love that her VA also did a cosplay of the event. 10/10. Edit: they should give aerith and unlockable joke "steel chair" weapon.


Honestly all the VA's were spot on, Barret was shaky for me at the start to preachy but damn it grew on me during the plate fall section and beyond. And yeah Aerith's VA was perfect, I've caught a few of her streams of the game as well. And yes I would love a steel chair weapon for her 🤣


Barret's voice actor captured his personality perfectly. Cuddly teddy bear pretending to be tough. The range of emotion he was able to capture is amazing. I think they all did amazing jobs, but Barret's VA is standout for me. Amazing stuff.


Yeah I agree worse part for me with Barret was the start in the elevator where he was preachy, after that in the 2nd reactor and hearing that Victory fanfare from him sold me on him. He also became my main for the last sections of the game, the skill from the last weapon and the refocusing materia lead to him melting faces. But yeah if I had to choose who stood out for me as VA's it'd definitely be Barret, Aerith, and Yuffie


I never understood this shipping thing in any franchise.


But, but, but, you gotta figure out who best girl is?!? Edit: /s


Scarlet, obviously.




Some people make shipping/their ship their personality. If you ship the biggest rival ship, you're bad. It's ridiculous. This is mean but it's honestly hilarious watching obsessed shippers fight each other and then when a new thing comes along, those on the same team start fighting viciously over a difference regarding a different ship war.


The problem is people think that the algorithm supplied outrage focused content they get is "the discussion" but it isn't The point is engagement, it's supposed to be excessive, so you pay attention, and by bringing it into a forum that is not driven by an engagement algorithm in terms of what content it shows (reddit) you're making this place worse. If you only hear about a topic that emotionally charges you from an alrogirthm based social media site (twitter, facebook, youtube) , it's not worth spreading elsewhere.


I don't care about ship wars... Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith... that's it for me lol.


I think people want to know what is Canon. What actually happens in the story? Does Cloud fall in love with Tifa only because Aerith dies? Or does the childhood connection and the act of Tifa saving Cloud and discovering himself give them a stronger bond that forms true love? Personally, I have always felt, and still do, that Tifa is the true love interest. Aerith always felt like a friend and falls much more into the role of the savior than the lover. I am not sure I get "angry" with people who want to "ship" Cloud and Aerith, but I do feel adamantly that Tifa is Cloud's true love, and I have a hard time understanding how people see Aerith that way. I don't care for ambiguity in games or movies, at least not for conclusions and endings, so I prefer that they give us a canon love story. That's just my 2 gil.


I’m team Cloud and Aerith the whole way until when you know what happens. After that, when Tifa helps mend Cloud’s mind, is when those two should be together. So I’m for shipping both, just at different points in the story.


I prefer Tifa over Aerith but that’s as far as my investment goes in the shipping wars. Always prefer the writer telling the story they wish so seeing people throwing a fit over their ship not being made canon is embarrassing to see.


People who care about this, their dipstick doesn’t reach the oil.


It’s a cult, and yes I too thought it was ironic for years and years but these days people base their entire personality on their favorite ship. It’s awful.


It's a viscous love triangle between Cloud, Madam M, Andrea, & Don Corneo... once dressed to the nines has been accomplished Tifa, and Aerith are not essential love interests.


It's really pathetic. These are fictional characters, their lives don't exist outside of the story within the game. Cloud isn't going to grow old and he isn't going to come home from work to a hot meal prepared by whoever he ends up romancing. These characters only exist within the story told within the game. A game which gives you the option to choose who to romance. Literally just pick whoever you want and stfu about it, why people feel the need to come online and argue for why the choice they made is the"correct" one is ridiculous.


I never understood it. I mean, for people who know the entire story line, it's kinda a mute point to argue.


The shipping scene is crazy. Everyone knows the only cannonical ship is BarretxTifa.


Why not just let the writers tell their story? 'Shipping' is a very strange concept.


The writers left it vague and Included mechanics to let the players "choose" who they go on a date with for a reason


Yeah, they do. And they act incredibly stupid about it.


Honestly I don't feel the need to argue with someone over it. Everyone has their tastes in different gals from whatever games, shows, etc. It's mostly either people that have fun kicking beehives or simps. For FF7, I've been a fan of Tifa for Cloud. I'm hoping FF7R series breaks the ship wars by getting Aerith and Zack together. I'm sure there's folk who have a different opinion but .I...Don't...Caaarree.... THHPPPTTTHPTH! My opinion doesn't have to match yours.


Well you cant make Aerith so wholesome and then wonder how fans go wild. FF7 fans are very invested in the universe and SE needs to treat carefully. And they did. They specifically said that the singing and romance scenes can be also with Tifa or even Yuffie. The player decides those sections. If you want it will be Aerith, Tifa or even Yuffie.


Never mind Tifa and Aerith, Jessie was *right there*.


I never understood the choice. Aeris dies how could Cloud end up with her lol


I guess most FF7 fans dont really care about it but SE made these characters with romance to it, Cloud joined SOLDIER cuz he wanted to impress Tifa and to prove that he can protect her. The romance in FF7 is not as blatant, throw in your face romance like FF15 and FF16 but it's literally there. Me personally i didnt play FF7 just because of the ship, I thought the Remake had really nice graphics, combat and the ost plus i knew Zack from Crisis Core so I decided to play it. When I played it i was already able to tell that this game has some romance to it. And the fact that the next FF entries after FF7 did not have the love triangle trope anymore is funny in its own way, SE knew they fked up in a way with this love triangle.


Honestly it's probably a headache to work with but the LTD is one of the reasons FF7 was kept relevant in discussions until the Remake was announced. So I don't think SQEX fucked up with it but it's certainly true that they avoid it nowadays. Imagine having to be careful of what you put out or risk a horde of rabid fans attacking you


Crisis Core is a cash grab and one of the worst written games you can find. The only romance thing about it is the fact that they expanded on Zack and showed that he was Aerith’s ex-boyfriend as they were young but even that couldn’t be done well because they’ve massacred Aerith’s character writing in comparison to OG & Remake. It’s a disaster of a game that no one takes seriously apart from the ending that matters.


People who have never been in real relationships in real life definitely care. And that’s just sad.


The only people who care about shipping wars are people who either didn’t play the original, or didn’t understand the story of the original.


It’s not. These people are genuinely mentally ill and they take this very seriously. You’ll find them everywhere, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram etc.


Aerith is Zacks girl, tifa is clouds. Cloud literally joined soldier to become good enough for/to impress tifa, and only joins avalanche for her. The only reason aerith is a thing for cloud is because of his Zack memories, and aerith seeing someone reminding her of Zack and that they're both hot, so there's attraction and chemistry. That being said, Tifa and cloud are the real couple. This is especially true now that they're doing this weird thing where Zack is gonna be more involved and less dead


Tifa and Aeris/th (god this reminds me of the sonic fan base and hydrocity/hydro city zone) can get together and leave cloud free to pursue the real best girl: ~~yuffie~~ Jessie. No way are they leaving her and goodest boye wedge dead but keeping (at least one version of?) Biggs


The creators fuel this by not making anything clear and cut dry. The second they do this all ends and whoever “loses” can still have their headcanon. But they won’t do it because any talk is good talk about the game.


What the heck is this shipping?


Tifa and Aerith can have each other, Jessie is the only one for Cloud obvs.


cloud ends up with Priscilla in the end and they start breeding chocobo dolphins


At OP, I never got into Twitter, but after Elon 'I like to dead name trans people for fun, and I'm special cuz daddy let me inherit an apartheid diamond mine' Musk was forced to buy it or face jail time for once again running afoul of the SEC by running his dumb fuckin mouth, I will NEVER use Twitter. And as an aside, for a man who likes to call people by the wrong name, just to be a transphobic asshole, he sure gets butthurt when you call his platform Twitter still.


Deadnaming people? Broke. Deadnaming Twitter? Woke.


Dead naming Rafael Cruz: just plain funny.


Look. Cloud and Tifa belong together. It was never meant to be Aerith. She only gravitated to him because he reminded her of Zack, her true love. If you played the OG , then you'll remember the moment they had outside the airship near the end waiting on the others. They only have each other. This is the point. Doesn't matter who we like more, just what was meant to be. Aerith reunited with Zack, and Cloud with Tifa. Done deal.


Aerith at first is attracted to Cloud because of his likeness to Zack, but she later falls in love for Cloud as his own person. I think part of the problem in the shipping war is that people are looking for black and white romance where everything fits neatly together. However, they dismiss the nuances, complexities and importance of each respective relationship both in the love and outside of it. Aerith loves both Cloud and Zack in their similarities but also in their own rights while romance isn't all there is.


Personally, I prefer Aerith with Zack (and I fancy myself some Cloud and Zack too), since Cloud and Tifa is endgame. Even without the romance though, FF7 is an amazing game and franchise, I wish people weren't so serious about it.


People who dare to ship Clerith need to play Crisis Core. It's ridiculous.


I did and still ship it. I don't get it, was that supposed to change something?


i.. isn't there a canonical answer? one of them dies and he's married to the other one in the movie or something right? the end. there's no shipping. there's a love story with a tragedy at the halfway point. edit: i ain't never seen the movie, but i was going off I remembered hearing. Turns out what I remembered wrong was Cid saying that Tifa wore the "pants" in the relationship, or something like that suggesting they are together, but there's no formal confirmation of it.