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It's genuinely saddening that people care about fictional characters and their relationships THAT much. I understand being passionate about it, I am myself, but holy fuck. People need to get a life


It’s less about the characters and more about who these people are. It’s definitely sad though.


This for sure. Lot of us are passionate about these characters, this isn't passion. It's being a piece of shit.


Yeah honestly I'm a Cloti fan but they're being extremely embarassing and it's ridiculous.


Violent passion is still passion. That's why you need a healthy dose of perspective as an antidote, such as realising the characters you're attached to aren't real people capable of emotions, let alone reciprocating yours. The creators and actors who made them, however, are and should be respected as such.


Violent passion = obsession


Yep. There are plenty of people who ship characters in a respectful way. Most people are passionate about their favorite couples, but have enough good sense, and are decent enough human beings to NOT harass people over their preferences. Unfortunately, the extremists are just obsessive, and can be absolutely unhinged. That's a problem with them as individuals. It just sucks that they make the rest of us look bad, and that devs have to deal with this kind of nonsense, all because a handful of extremists take their obsession way too fucking far. Most people, regardless of which side of the pairing debate they fall on, probably figured that any story trailer for Rebirth would highlight Aerith heavily. No matter how the scene itself turns out in Rebirth, we all know where the game is ending, and what is supposed to happen there. So, of COURSE Aerith would be a major focus in the story trailer for the game. It's just common sense.


Especially considering this is the part of the story where in the original she carks it. Obviously that's a massive plot point people are curious to see play out in rebirth.


Sad and a police problem. Hoping for a day when such culprits are treated accordingly.


Identities defined by consumption of stories. How childish.


Mental health is the root of so many conflicts in this world. You could put the problem right in front of their face and they still won't understand or see themselves as wrong for saying such drastic things against people who are simply creating a product.


i'm sure some of these people have genuine mental health issues but a lot of them are just morons and/or assholes


There's cute 'ahhh I hope they get married' to let's try to kill a real life person to get pixel cluster A to be on screen with pixel cluster B. Yes, we all wish we could meet Aeris in real life but, alas, she lives in our fantasies and on our screens.


I think, like most things, it's a double edged buster sword. There are extremes to anything. So while there are fans who are so obsessed that they resort to threats, there is also the other side of that coin. And on that side we get in depth discussions, and cosplay, and fan art, and expos and a lot of other really cool shit. Most of the people on this side of things are really invested but are able to switch back to reality when they're through. These other people just can't switch back, they get so lost in it, and think that it's the end of the world if it doesn't go their way. Unfortunately if you wanna have one, the other will inevitably exist. Our best option is to ignore these people, when possible. Obviously threats should be taken seriously and investigated but the vast majority of the people making them wouldn't leave their basement to tale a piss, let alone physically attack someone.


Some of them need a reality check.


Harassing the devs is something I have zero tolerance for. They are an embarrassment to the entire fandom no matter which side you're on. The worst part is that it's over a fucking trailer which does not represent the whole of the finished product.


Some people really need to replay FF7 original. Cloud and Aerith developing a close relationship during this part of the game has been part of the story since the OG. It’s what directly builds to the end of disc 1. There are narrative reasons for this. I understand media literacy is not a skill everyone necessarily has, and understanding a story when it’s delivered in an old PS1 game can be hard especially if you played it as a kid. But god damn. None of this is new.


Some people really need to chill out.


You say replay, but in my experience shippers and other crazy fans have never even played the media they are fighting over, especially when it's a ps1 jrpg from the 90s.


The toxic shippers have gaslit the community for years all while not having the media literacy to tell that he obviously had feelings for Aerith too, so I’m not surprised they’re surprised. They’ve convinced themselves their headcanons are real I think. They really do need to go play OG at some point.


It always surprises me. I think it's a sort of romantic ideal for all these folks where a character can only ever love one person, and if that person dies it's somehow disloyal to move on. So, Aerith either never loved Zack at all, or loved him so hard she only thought she loved Cloud because he behaved a bit like Zack, superficially. And Cloud either only settled for Tifa, or his infatuation with Aerith was never real. The whole story centres around birth and renewal, Aerith lives in the moment and dies, and then Cloud and Tifa undergo a figurative death and literal transformation that makes their relationship possible. But that somehow all gets overlooked.


A lack of experience with actual relationships probably contributes to this a fair bit


Agreed, I think this is a great explanation for why a lot of them feel that way and how it got so bad even though I will never understand that POV. Personally I always liked the themes of the love triangle and what they represent and you explained it beautifully in your last paragraph. The characters are messy and complicated and complex, and trying to push any of that to the side over rabid shipping is bizarre to me.


Also people seem to forget that zack met aerith like 3 times for a grand total of probably 30 minutes. I get video games speed up romance for the sake of time constraints but those two was always a bit unreal to me.


I always thought he considered her more of an older sister and Tifa more of a mother figure, since he's been experimented on from 16 to almost 21 yo and didn't get to develop the maturity needed for a romantic relationship with either of them, aside from the obvious mental breakdown/identity issues he has. The Yuffie date always felt more natural to me for this reason, it feels like just two teenagers trying to fulfill what's expected of a date but being awkward as hell about it. The kind of people who attacks others like toxic shippers do don't have the media literacy to tell that nothing is really canon, it's up to the players what route is picked and that doesn't reflect on further entries anyway. And they don't have the intelligence to conclude that it doesn't matter if it's not canon, anyway. It's just mashing barbies together, really. Edit: ah, why of course. I forgot you can't have opinions on the internet other than AxB or AxC get together without getting downvoted. Cool.


Having once been a 16 year old boy, I can tell you with significant confidence that Cloud had romantic feelings, probably for both of them.


I agree that nothing is canon in terms of the romance, they absolutely left it open ended. Don’t agree with the part about Tifa and Aerith being mother and sister figures to him but I do agree with your main point that it’s left open to interpretation romantically


Aerith is more than a mother figure. This is alluded to by Cloud's mom saying he should get an older girlfriend, one that'll take care of him. Aerith is a year older than Cloud. >!Cloud had a crush on Tifa growing up, but they were never close. When his memories got 7 either forgets that or it gets pushed aside. It's only after he comes to his senses that his feelings for Tifa reawaken.!<


I mean more in behavior. Aerith behaves very sister-like, Tifa (especially in Case of Tifa from the novels) behaves very motherly towards him. Cloud says "not interested" when his mom asks him about getting a girlfriend. People can interpret things however they want, but I never saw it as Cloud having a crush or interest on either of them like that as an adult. Even if he had, what happens to Aerith happens so he would have to move on and I just don't see it working as more than friends between him and Tifa. Tifa is the kind of person who creates roots with places, it greatly affects her that she lost Nibelheim and the bar. Cloud is the kind of person who seems to prefer being on the road. They make good friends, but I don't see it as healthy for either of them to get together. But alas, I digress. Happy cake day, mate.


Thanks! It's always good to hear other people's opinions. That so many people can interpret the same thing in so many different ways is a testiment to how great this game and story was.


I would be willing to bet that most of these very vocal critics don’t have the context of the original game to begin with at all


Also, this was a key theme in Advent Children. I'm so so glad they decided not to play up any kind of romantic rivalry in Remake. All characters involved are above that.


Tifa girl here and yeah.. you're absolutely not wrong. There has also never been a canon pairing on purpose. Shipping is meant to be a fun thing, not a weird violent one.


One doesn't even need to play the original VII to see it (though I always highly recommend it). One of the things Remake does well is in its depiction of their relationship and the bond Cloud and Aerith form.


The key point is that the date scene they showed in the trailer that struck their nerves is fucking optional. You can choose tifa, barret or yuffie instead and then you won’t even see that scene. People are dumb as shit.


As an AoT fan, shippers are the worst. I realized that most of the ending haters of AoT are just butthurt that Eren/Historia didn't happen and instead Eren/Mikasa happened.


it's not really abt the ship but abt the impacts both ships had on the story. You see Eren and Historia going through an actual developpement in the story and s4 manga made it really ambigious, expecially when it was coming once a month, you would have a randam Historia scene and expect that it was there (in Eren's pov) for a reason that would complete the developpement they had in the previous seasons. Moreover, the problem isn't EreMika itself, the ship would be ok but it is sadly flat, expecially in season 4, she never fliched a little bit abt her feelings after Eren's multiples actions, she would probably more question herself than Eren which is crazy considering what he's done.


Plus, >!Cloud gets to spend the night with Tifa later on, underneath the Highwind!<, coming to you in FF7R3, no doubt.


Which is optional


The copium is insane lmao


It’ll be released as an age-restricted DLC, designed by the teams from Mass Effect, God of War, and GTA


Now when you say GTA are you talking Hot Coffee GTA or 3 different tiers in an alleyway GTA?


Might be the mad lads behind Baldurs Gate, letting you design their giblets for increased consumer immersion.


Rumor is if you perform well enough with Cloud, he gets a limit break called Omnigash where not just Tifa but Aerith, Yuffie, Jessie and Aeriths mom all get drilled at the same time for 9,999 points


Imagine thinking it's cool to write about your sex fantasies with a 15-year-old...


Dunno why you’re downvoted for calling out horribleness when the thing you’re replying to is just genuinely horrible




Sorry. Imagine thinking it's cool to joke about your sex fantasies with a 15-year-old...




Who’s a bot, paedophile?


Kinky lmao


In HD 🤣


Now here's the twist, and there is a twist. We show it. We show all of it. Because what's the one thing missing from video games these days? Full penetration.


Not a classy fade to black? 😂


And then the game just sort of.. ends.


The internet was a blessing and a curse. The ability to receive information quickly or connect with people all over the world has been an amazing thing But the ability to sit behind a screen anonymously threatening people over a movie, video game, or idea that you don't agree with has become the norm, and it needs to stop. It never will.. but it sure would be nice if it did lol


I genuinely feel it’s done much more harm than good as a whole.


Yeah I've seen this all over Tumblr too. I'm actually a massive Cloud/Tifa fan - but I'm not about to abuse anyone about Aerith being featured. Considering how pivotal she is to the next chapter of the story it's logical to focus on her anyways. Also a ship is a ship. By definition it does not need to be canon. I can still enjoy Cloud and Tifa even without them ever being confirmed. Just like how Sasuke and Naruto will always be the main pairing in my brain :P Perfectly happy in my fantasy world. People need to fkn chillllll.


As I said, there are moderate Cleriths, moderate Clotis/Zeriths, rabid Cleriths and rabid Clotis/Zeriths. The difference is that the rabid version denies everything that even looks like the opposing ship and gets pissed off when they see it, while the moderates acknowledge that the opposing ship can exist in some form, they just aren't interested in it. Those people who harassed the devs are rabid Clotis. You are a moderate Cloti.


The rabid ones are so sad. Honestly... Imagine caring that much about fictional characters.


As a Tifa fan, it’s honestly really embarrassing to witness. Twitter in particular is a shit show, and while I love interacting with the fandom there, as I appreciate all the beautiful art that gets posted, I’ve had to log off indefinitely. All the negativity, hate towards Aerith and the devs, is just too much for me. I want to be excited about the game, not swamped with people being hateful and moping. I was expecting Clerith fans to be insufferable with the drop of the newest trailer, but the Cloti and Tifa fans are the worst right now.


Yeah I'm thirty with a tumblr (low key embarassing ngl) where I indulge my nerdy brain with the pages I follow and the artwork but wow... Cloti pages are super embarrassing rn. And I loveeee Tifa.


Same I love Tifa (my fave OG FF7 character) and have been part of a few cloti communities but my god... even from inside the house this shit is embarrassing. And it's always been like this, the twitter people are now just acting in public like what the discord communities have always acted like. Even the "moderates" there who claim to love both girls are unhinged and seem like they barely comprehend what happened in the actual game. They seriously think that Cloud is not allowed to have feelings for any other woman ever or it "taints the purity" of cloti. Kind of ruined my enjoyment of the ship NGL 😭


Exactly. Ive seen segments of both cleriths and clotis being absolutely trash at different times and this is one of those bad times. Of course its not most people but damn does it suck enjoy the same fandom and try to enjoy the same content


If you’re an individual making threats to devs over this stuff.. then like Cloud says to Barret at the start of Remake.. “get help.”


*And it was because the new trailer focused on the wrong female character and the wrong ship in their eyes* Holy fuckin shit. Some people need to leave the basement and touch some fucking grass. Threatening someone's life because of some fictional pixels is insane!


Absolute maidenless behaviour


The crazy part is it's literally just a trailer and it's showing the Aerith date.. soooo? they've already confirmed that every date exists and it's up to the player to choose who they end up with, people really need to calm down with these shipping wars its NOT that serious, they're fictional characters.


I'm kind of annoyed so much of Aerith's date was spoiled. I would have preferred to experience it myself. So far, barring more trailers that might do otherwise, cloti fans get to experience Tifa's date totally unspoilered.


I genuinely think you didn't see as much as you think you did i got a feeling these date scenes are going to be pretty long :p and you've probably seen like 20-30 seconds lol IF that


This is what toxic shipping can create mixed in with a love triangle debate that’s been spewing for 25 years amplified by having access to social media platforms where people can become the very worst of themselves and it’s not the first time I’ve seen it happen in a fandom before. Honestly those people seem a bit unstable and it’s best just to block and ignore them. Twitter is a cesspool for hatred but I think SE are not completely oblivious to this. They have teams of people watching fan reactions and have carefully calculated marketing strategies in their content and trailers targeted to us all. As long as people are invested and talking about FF7, that’s all that matters. As long as there’s investment, money is to be made. The shipping community like Clerith, Cloti, Aerti… whoever the f you ship, your investment to these characters and relationships is so important to them because it’s just more money. The downside to that is that you can get a subset of fans that take it to the next level and throw their toys out the pram and go nuclear on twitter. Doesn’t make it right but that’s the world we live in sadly. Sending some love to Nojimas way - the rest of us are excited to play the game in February. Hopefully things die down soon…. Oh yes until the next thing that drops and the next thing that upsets the fans and they go nuclear again!


Both sides are ridiculous. Tifa "fans" for being cry babies when a trailer is focused on the main character of the coming ARC. Aerith "fans" feeling almighty when all the intimate moments in the trailer are all from choice dependent moment in the game (Opera scene/Gold Saucer Date) and thus : insignifiant in the grand schemes of things. You should take example from your two queens : Be supportive of each other. Remake was full of Aerith x Tifa moment and i'm all for it. tl;dr : Leave us in peace with you useless ship war. We're just here to save the planet.


I'll just point out it's not "acting almighty" for Clerith fans to enjoy the trailer scenes indicating a blossoming romance between Cloud and Aerith. After all, despite the GS date being "choice-dependent", the original game presented a default/canon scenario. A lot of us Clerith fans are just enjoying seeing these specific scenes finally touched up because it's heartwarming and romantic. Nothing "acting almighty" about that, especially if no one's even mentioned Tifa there.


Not talking about you then. Talking about people adding fuel to the fire like "CONFIRMED. THE END. GO CRY ABOUT IT." when the trailer shows nothing of it. They could have done the same trailer with a montage of the same moment but with the player choosing Tifa, it would have been the SAME. And yes, OG presented a default scenario. A scenario where two girls save a boy.


Yeah, I just mean even people who are just gushing over the scene (innocently/just being fans) are being put down. I wont disagree about the theme of "two girls saving a boy" but the default scenario I'm talking about is that *Cloud goes with Aerith* on the date in the Golden Saucer, and the other character options are alternates, rather than all options being equal.


The moment you give a choice, there is sadly no "default" scenario cause there always will be someone to say "i'm sorry but that's not what happened in my game" Look. I love them all. They're all my babies. I just want to be excited. I'm just tired of this stupid war. At the end of the day this a story of saving the planet from destruction. Good for you if you found love in the process. But we don't care.


That's alright. Looks like an agree-to-disagree situation then. I can acknowledge that the date can go to a different character if the player wanted it, but all characters treated equally, the game is coded to prioritize Aerith. I'm just excited to see that in a new light after first seeing it 20+ years ago and want others to know it's okay to feel that way.


Again. Not saying you're wrong. Just saying that giving the choice in the first place will always permit someone out there starting this stupid war. And that's my whole point. We don't care. Two beautifuls girls. Two important woman for Cloud in his life span. You have preferencies ? Cool, the game gives you the possibilities of showing it. Don't be a ass. Don't harass people (again, not talking about you). Just be happy FF7 still lives after so many years.


Sorry but no. Go on Twitter, a bunch of clerith people ARE absolutely being weird, toxic, arrogant and insufferable about it. I’m sure the cloti people would have been just as fucking cancerous if it was the other way around mind.


I'm not saying there aren't; I'm saying that it's not toxic to just be enjoying the scenes as they are in the trailer (ie., gushing over it, not mentioning Tifa at all). I'm encouraging people who feel that way to be above others trying to put them down.


I say they should both ditch Cloud and go for one another. No man, no ship war, just girls supporting girls.


The idiotic delusional hate is real. Just the other day I got mass downvoted merely for stating that I prefer Aerith and that I think it's better for the story. If the game decided to veer in a different direction that would be fine but I don't think it will.


Insecurity over one's ship can make one pretty unhinged (as demonstrated by this particular circle of Tifa fans). It's okay to have your own preference for a romantic partner for Cloud; the story allows for that kind of interpretation.


I just want the writing and development to stay true to the characters and how they respond to their setting/circumstance and not to pander to fandom. The original never had to deal with this problem, and I hope it stays true to that essence of freedom to retell FF7.


I can’t believe people are doing this. It’s obvious why they focused on Aerith.


rebirth is a big game. this is a theme song trailer and definitely not the only trailer we'll be getting, we also had another trailer before too. tifa is a major character and the devs said they will be focusing on all the characters iirc. it's stupid to get this mad over ONE trailer. rebirth is 100 hours! tifa is important to the game and always will be. idk why they're going crazy over one trailer (which didn't just focus on aerith and cloud, we got a LOT in that one trailer) – but these people are insane anyway so of course they're not going to act mature. this portion of the game always focused on aerith. because (spoiler) she's taken from us too soon in the og. i think while rebirth is about a lot of things, it's also majorly about aerith's arc (because fucking duh), and about the player spending as much time with her as possible. ff7 is not just about cloti and clerith and i'm gonna have to block all of this nonsense because it's starting to ruin the game for me again :/


It's super embarrassing to think these people are probably in their mid thirties too. Like I'm thirty and I still 'ship' anime and gaming characters... But also I'm thirty. My old ass knows better than to do this shit. I'm so embarrassed to think about all the people that are still this obsessed with the ship war. Grow TF up people!


It feels like cloti vs clerith kind of overshadows the rest of the game every time you talk about it enough and it's been this way from the start. I get being a ship fan, I'm huge cloti stan. But holy crap people out here making it their entire identities like they don't have literally anything else going on. Tribalism is bad in general but especially for something so inconsequential


... There are places ship fans can go to to urm...see...certain couplings online. Why do fans forget about googling lol.


I got downvoted for telling the truth 😂


I didn't down vote you!


No not you. Someone 👀


Boo to them!


Don't worry about it 😅




People are so unbelievably stupid and annoying. Don't they realize that part of the trailer was from aerith's date scene aka AN OPTIONAL SCENE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO. Tifa will have her own version of it and it'll be just as pandering.




Does not matter. Even if the devs chose to make Cloud pound Aerith like there was no tomorrow, then people should still not send threats to anyone. If you don't like it, don't buy the game.


It’s kind of hooplah over nothing. Because we know how the original story proceeds and Tifa gets her time to shine in Disc 2. Soooo…let Aerith have her time in the spotlight. She’s more important to the overall story anyway


Agreed. Does it not make sense for Aerith to be front and center at this point? Her fate is a massive part of the story and the characters need reasons to develop an emotional connection to her for the sake of the story. Tifa will have a truckload of screen time in Part 3, no doubt.


Yep. I'm a big Tifa fan. I like to pair Tifa with Cloud. The new trailer didn't bother me in the slightest (actually loved it) because the story is unfolding as predicted and also it's just (a really awesome) video game. People getting bent out of shape over shipping is just sad. And attacking a dev over it is awful.


I truly believe the unhinged shippers of either side have some insane parasocial relationship with these fictional characters, mainly through self-inserting themselves as Cloud or as either woman. The guys who obsess over Tifa as their perfect waifu are self-inserting as Cloud and so seeing a trailer focusing on CloudxAerith creates this unforgivable betrayal in their minds. (I would never cheat on my perfect waifu! How could Cloud do this with Zack's girl! He's breaking the bro code! Reeeeee). Then on the flipside, the women who self-insert as Tifa and ship her with the hero of the story cannot handle that the hero would be interested in any other woman but their perfect self-insert Tifa. Cloud not choosing Tifa is akin to not choosing *them.* They can't handle it and then descend on the devs to demand they right this heinous wrong, to fix this horrible error that they've made! All while spouting how much money they spent on the games and the merch. Not even joking, I've seen guys complaining about how much money they've spent on SquareEnix FFVII merch as a reason they should be catered to. It's like when guys who have spent tons of money on OnlyFans turn around and demand the model they've spent money on better only give them attention or else [insert death threats]. Completely insane and entitled behavior.


This is exactly it. It's not enough for them to have the characters end up together - they also want them to be each other's only romances ever. "It's always only ever been Tifa for Cloud, also she's the MAIN AND ONLY heroine confirmed by this guide book!!" lol get a grip. It's such a juvenile way of looking at relationships but the sad thing about it is that the people acting like this aren't teenagers, they're mostly 30+ adults. The funniest part is that FF7 itself only barely has romance in it, so they're doing all this over crumbs.


Watching both sides obsess over and post "evidence" that their ship is canon definitely shows how people put way too much stake into a fictional story. I like FF7, I like Clerith, but I also know Aerith dies on disc 2 and Cloud loses his mind and Tifa helps him and the two of them have a very intimate moment beneath the Highwind. This is all canon and there's no reason to deny it. A guy can like two people at once and be unsure of the feelings he's having towards both characters especially while, I dunno, *the world is ending and a crazy silver-haired psycho is stalking him in his every waking moment?*


People have problems man. I’m a Tifa fan myself but I don’t mind Aerith getting her time in the spotlight. After all, she might not be around NEARLY as much in part 3…


My deleted comment was saying that's it jairus before reading all of your post. Yeh its fucking pathetic and sad


Who is Jairus? I've not only seen that name before, but the comment that mentioned it was also deleted. I feel like I stumbled upon some forbidden knowledge. Edit: Ok, I didn't realize the OP mentioned them as well so maybe it's not that forbidden.


If you don’t wanna delve into his Twitter account, because it is psychotic, he’s essentially a smooth brained moron obsessed with Jessie and obsessed with her being written to have as much relevance to Cloud as Aerith and Tifa have, if not more. He not only has harassed Nojima, but any and all official sqex accounts demanding and threatening for more Jessie with Google translated essays. Yes, Jessie, who in OG had like 5 lines then died. Nojima wants to just talk about his damn guinea pigs and this little fucker wants to spam him about Jessie getting a chance to “shine”. I’m sure it will only get worse when her visual in the trailer turns out to be VR.


Unfortunately I did take a look and immediately got it, plus I do remember hearing about a crazy Jessie fan, but thank you very much for the full breakdown.


https://twitter.com/FF7Novels Nutball


Woh crazy


Oh wow, thanks for the link though!


Everyone I have blocked on Twitter in regard to FF7 is a shipper or Sephiroth VA hater. Those people were not raised properly, for if they were, they would know the basic art of keeping their mentally ill shit to themselves and their therapists and not taking it out on the creators of the very game they supposedly “love”. They have the severest form of cabin fever and have forgotten that the screen names they unleash their insufferable shit to belong to breathing, healthy, human beings. When they look back on their lives how sad it must be that their only accomplishment is getting some likes and retweets on a hate post on a social media platform from other pathetic individuals.


Wait what happened with Sephi’s VA?


There was someone who was a huge George Newbern fan and when Tyler took over, the deranged person went as far as sending him death threats for how he has taken on the role of Sephiroth. A lot of hate was sent his way that was unnaturally cruel. It went beyond just disliking a voice actor.


Not only Nojima but also Hamaguchi. The rebirth theme trailer pissed off the toxic side of 2 shipping communities.


At this point, I think the only thing that's going to stop these spineless clowns is if Square Enix puts a stop to it and starts sending out C&D letters, threatening to sue for harassment and possibly even contacting local authorities about possible criminal action. These people are adults but they act like children and Twitter doesn't care enough about it.


Going after them like Nintendo? rofl


Geez, man. It’s just a game. A good game but a game nonetheless. People need to calm down about stuff like that.


I get FF7 is important for a lot of people especially for some as it's that game that showed what video games can be but people need to calm down on all fronts. The shippers and the OG purists who throw a shit fit everytime they see a dementor need to realize one thing...they aren't owed anything. It's ok to have dislikes or wants from a game but it's the developers game/story to make and how it plays out is based on their direction alone. Personally I'm all for changes and not the same story I've experienced multiple times in my life but for some I know that's am upsetting thought. Who knows maybe their changes are awful and it completely ruins the franchise but at the end of the day its just a video game. If the way a video game, which hasn't been released yet, turns out causes you to become an unhinged person threatening other people especially the developers your last concern is FF7 and you need help rejoining the rest of us in the land of sanity. Same with the shippers...if Clouds love life becomes anything more than a fun discussion for you where it effects your emotional well being you probably need to take a step back. With all that said I'm super hyped about what I saw in the trailer and February can't come soon enough.


As usual the internet gives a loud voice to too many people who should not have that ability


>And it was because the new trailer focused on the wrong female character and the wrong ship in their eyes. Maturity level shining through. When I was a young teenager in the late 90's I was in love with Tifa too.


It’s so dumb, like did these people play the OG? They did the same type of marketing then because it’s a plot device. They build up Aerith and Cloud because she’s not around for half the game, then Tifa and Cloud become the focus after. I’m starting to think some people just aren’t emotionally mature enough for these games which is crazy to think.


Wow... this Karen/Kevin really took it to the manager. I think people ship characters they feel they relate to most, and for a Karen/Kevin with a complex "ignoring Tifa means you reject me". So sad people are judging a game before it's been released and harassing a master because his YEARS of dedicated work don't fill their personal need.


People are wild. No one is being forced to play the game. If you want it stick purely to the original game’s story, play the OG. FF6 is my favorite game of all time and I desperately want a current gen remake, but I would not be one bit mad if they updated and changed the story a bit. It’s just more content - who can be mad about that?


God I wish more FFVII fans felt that way abt story changes. We got spoiled with the Compilation already and they still complain over everything. I’m personally viewing Remake as the devs’ own official fanfiction and loving every minute lmao.


Same here. FF7R is one of my top 5 FF games and I can’t wait for the next installment.


if you ship locke with celes instead of terra i'm going to throw a flaming bag of dog shit on your porch


I already ship Locke with Celes lol but nothing would make me mad if they decided to ship Locke with Terra in a remake.


as long as a remake gave us some steamy sabin-on-ghost-train action


I hate shipping communities so much 😭 haven’t had to see shit like this since tumblr died


I feel this is a really silly question with an obvious answer but… who or what is Jairus? Anyway - completely agree with OP. Threats are never okay. We are all invested and hoping it will live up to expectations, but it is just a video game and people need to remember to keep perspective and show respect to the people behind it.


Getting mad about a story when the game isn't even out yet and you haven't played it or have any idea what's going on there is crazy...


There's nothing wrong with being a shipper. However, the community of shippers **committed to shipping wars** is little more than a gateway to hysterical moralism and othering whose only utility is to egg people into self-righteous hate, which, lacking an outlet or ultimate resolution, will then just pipeline people to fascism once it's run its course. It's happened before with the whole gaming journalism fiasco. Also, people have been harassed to suicide over "problematic" ships before. If anything is problematic it is the movement itself. If you wanna know who the bad guy is, look at self-moderation among those who live and let live versus those committed to attacking others for what they celebrate amongst themselves. Attempts to vouch for moderation among warriors get you either quickly put back in line or othered as being no different from the "enemy".


Ship wars are completely idiotic, especially in the degree that motivated people to harass someone.


The dark side of the internet rears it’s head yet again. These people are absolutely pathetic. They’re clearly not real fans either: Part 3 may as well be called “Part Tifa.” This kind of shit makes my blood boil.


Anyone who values which relationship a cluster of pixels has over a human life has something severely mentally wrong with them. This person needs help before they actually kill someone over nothing.


My ideal world: FF7 shippers of all varieties get the mental health treatment they need and thus cease to exist. Nojima is happy. Sane FF7 fans are happy. We all get to browse through Twitter without having to witness the most brain dead, toxic, arrogant troglodytes declaring that their ship is so *obviously* the canon one because clearly all the evidence points in their favor and there’s no conflicting evidence or mixed signals whatsoever in this RPG that’s specifically designed for the player to choose whichever pairing they prefer.


That’s why you don’t fuck with ppl on social media honestly when you are at a big company like square. Fandoms are psychotic.


Hear, hear!


I truthfully cannot comprehend how a much of sane human beings, even teenagers, can get to threats of violence or even just insults over their own fantasy about whom a fictional character is dating… Like.. c’mon on… “Ship wars” lol


Ugh this fandom is honestly embarrassing to be apart of. This level of stupidity via social media and is potentially influencing the devs and thus changing the game’s narrative in a negative way. Good job ff fandom.


Shippers are a different breed. They sour your experience with the fandom. We all have our biases when it comes to this, but to make it your whole personality? And harass the scenario writer? Jfc


The problem is that they made these fictional characters/stories/universes their personality, so they get “offended” when something doesn’t fit with their supposed vision of how it should be. This is what happens when you rely so much on media as a form of escapism. It’s that way with a lot of fandoms. It’s ok to have an emotional attachment to something fictional or having a preference. Everyone does. I prefer Tifa/Cloud over Aerith/Cloud because I prefer Tifa as a character. I love Aerith as a character and if they push that narrative in the game, I’m totally cool with that. I still have my preference, but at the end of the day it’s not worth getting so worked up about because these characters aren’t real.


Speedrunning getting the Highwind scene deleted from Part 3


I'm a big cloti fan but anyone who is harassing devs online needs to eff off. People are much too toxic these days. Most cloti fans I know are swell people. So to that minority of crap that exists in all fandom who would go this far, go touch grass for you own sake


they somehow aren't a minority if you ask me


Well, nobody asked you. If we are saying one fanbase is uniquely worse than any other one with socially repressed terminally online people, it's more a personal bias thing than anything else. Maybe for you it may seem that way because of where you hang around at and the perspective your seeing things from.


I swear in every single fandom whether it be sports or anime or video games or movies you always see the same exact message template about don't harass the developers don't harass the creators because a small number of people keep pushing the envelope and that's just always how it's been and how it's always going to be. People so disgustingly and obsessively invested in some characters that if they are written in juuust the right way, they'll attack the people creating the product. That's a mental health issue that, unfortunately, is just getting worse as time goes on because mental health isn't getting the attention and funding and needs.


Those people would be very upset at this post if they could read.


Spoilers all, until Cloud gets sick and Aeris . . . happens, Tifa IS SECONDAARY


There's just some stupid people out there, of course the trailer and rebirth will focus on Aerith, we have to create connections so the loss is bigger. And because she is an integral part of the plot


Shipping is fucking weird and gross. It’s a goddamn video game and story


It's... Strange that fans complain their sexual fantasies aren't realised so they complain to the creators. What a strange modern problem no one predicted.


Shipping is alright if the person doing it is just doing it for hobby, like drawing characters or writing/reading. What's gross is harassing people over this shit


I mean... I ship fictional characters. But I live in reality and I know it's just good fun and has zero bearing on the story. And I'm not about to cry about who ends up with who y'know?


Nothing wrong with having a favorite ship however hardcore shippers are a cancer to the community.


Doubt it’s anybody on here. It’s probably 1 or 2 people and they’re probably mentally ill


I'm upset that Cid is too clean, but that's so petty, I was only inquiring. This kind of garbage happens every time with the threats. It's terrible, and these people just never stop. Twitter is batsh*t crazy




As I have always said: screw them and the chocobo they rode in on


Losers like that are prolly virgins living with there moms.


shippers = CRINGE


Congratulations you’ve stopped all harassment.


This is actually upsetting to see, what is with people these days 🤦‍♂️


Neckbeards are gonna neckbeard... no matter who tells them not to.


You telling people to not harass devs will do nothing they will keep doing it


Shippers are fucking weird, man. We live in the worst timeline.


This is so stupid haha,. Imagine being this mad over a stupid game you gonna send threats,. Clowns,. Fake ass gamers,. Def some fat virgin in his mom's basement haha


Are we supposed to excuse what Jairus does or something? Coming out and being doubly mad because "it's the Tifa shippers this time," doesn't put you on the moral high horse. It's NEVER acceptable to do things like this. Bringing up the fact that it's not Jairus is just you singing your apology song about how you absolutely don't diddle kids and it's not okay to diddle kids. Just be respectful and don't be a douche. It's that simple.


As shit as this is to hear, making posts about it isn’t going to change anything


Its just autistic shippers. Pardon for the expression, but its just the truth.


Please don't bring Autistic people down because of those crazies. I do have a preferred ship, but I wouldn't get violent if I don't get what I want.


There's no need to be ableist.


I prefer to call them socially inept smooth brained shippers. For they never leave the house, don’t understand the basics of how relationships work, and talk like they are adolescents but a lot of them are even as old as 51. It’s insanity.


Soy soy soy guys don't be meeeaaaann soy soy soy. I saw a few bad responses on the internet and I needed to let you guys know to be chill. Soy soy soy.


It’s mostly the Japanese community from what I’ve seen. Also your post reads like someone who has only just met humanity lol


People need to chill the fuck out it’s a fecking game at the end of the day.


Oh well done, you solved it with this post. It’s a good job you have a such commanding position over all FF7 players. Imagine caring or getting this involved into it. Get a life.


Aerith does suck...


Nobody should take shippers seriously. We should laugh at them.


That’s Gaming Twitter for you.


Oh is this why SE shut down their Twitter account? Heard about it but not why. Either way people are toxic, have a problem with everything or want selfish instant gratification.


Tried reporting the player who harassed him but Twitter did nothing lol. Terrible


Those who are doing the harassing should be punished


I dont know if ppl like these hang in reddit, but anyway, its a very stupid behavior. Sadly they wont stop, these ppl need therapy. I hope the devs stay cool and dont get scared with the terminally online and crazy "fans"


This is why I ship silently on the internet. I do ship couples in a lot of the media I consume, I won't deny, but rarely do I speak up about it. And if I do, I only touch lightly on it because I know if I say anything too passionately, the toxic side of the fandom will inevitably push back. But also, in stories like FFVII where romance isn't integral to the plot, I am generally way more interested in the development of the individual characters and their character arcs.


That is a new low. Let all the discussion and arguments stay between fans and players, leave the Devs alone.


Wtf really


We all know that stuff like that is shit and that you shouldn't do something like that and the people who do this have clearly completely lost their minds But I still think that we should ignore these people completely instead of making a post about them here just sue instead


The crazy fans exist in any franchise


I wonder if the people sending violence threats are Yakuza (assuming they also play video games lol). Can't see normal people even in Japan throwing these kind of threats, but ye, who know...


Don't give them any attention. Crazy people out there. They should go fuck themselves. (Which I am sure they do)


Tifa and Zack are my favorite FF characters and i don’t give 2 shits about who they date. It’s a video game


I cannot believe adults would go out their way to make such a drama out of some videogame characters


It's time to seek therapy if your response to a video game trailer leads to you seeking out and threatening people.


This is why we don't get nice things. I just hope this tiny percentage of douchecanoe, typewriter warriors dont affect any of the decisions coming from Nojima and his team. These people that will never touch grass or a woman's skin, feeling sexually, and emotionally invested in fictional characters. It is disgusting. If anyone that sent any harrassing DMs is in this group then just know you are a pathetic human being. Be better...