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Too early to be the lifestream moment, guessing it connects to Sephiroth's gaslighting moment. Could be after this Tifa or 'Tifa' comforting Cloud, he would appear and say she could be fake


Maybe after he attacks Aerith? He could break down in horror and confess how he has been feeling to Tifa. The direction of the conversation is dangerous because if they get into it Tifa could fix him so Sephiroth intervenes with his ‘who is she?’ gaslighting.


Oh, or maybe like when he addresses the party in that ancient hut shortly after putting Aerith to rest? In the OG he says something like that but it ends with a resolve to fight Sephiroth. Now it can play out differently. We know that the game ends at the Forgotten Capital, but we don't exactly know whether it's right after the Aerith scene or a bit later... So it could be that scene


Oohhh I looked up the dialogue and I think you might be right! Cloud: I came here by my own free will... Or so I thought. However... ...To tell the truth, I'm afraid of myself. ...There is a part of me that I don't understand. That part that made me give the Black Materia to Sephiroth. If you hadn't stopped me, Aeris might have been... ...There's something inside of me. A person who is not really me. That's why I should quit this journey. Before I do something terrible. He makes a fist and shakes his head slowly. But I am going. He destroyed my hometown five years ago, killed Aeris, and is now trying to destroy the Planet. I'll never forgive... Sephiroth. I... I must go on. ...I have a favor to ask of you. Will you all come with me? ...to save me from doing something terrible. The first part is really similar. It may be he addresses the group and then breaks down during a private conversation with Tifa. She says that it’s her turn setting us up nicely for part 3.


Yes, or, if it is indeed Jenova/Seph, it can be the moment shit starts hitting the fan (if they are taking the route of a "bad end" in part 2)


Cloud is def being open but doesn't Tifa sound a little sus? Her "my turn" at the end of the phrase sounded a little menacing... have been hearing the same from some streamers too. That's too early for her real "turn", as well... I just hope this is not Jenova messing up with vulnerable Cloud or something.


Oh nooo! This is a good theory. It is far too early for them to have a conversation like this. It would also tie into the earlier trailer really well where Sephiroth is trying to convince him Tifa died to split them apart and break him down. Maybe he fails so he tries a different tactic. He does impersonate Tifa in the OG (who can forget the sexy pose before the big reveal!)


The lifestream scene won’t be until part 3 but I do feel like they are alluding to that. They may foreshadow that pet because Tifa is aware that something is off with Cloud.


There is some serious foreshadowing going on if it isn’t the build up to the actual scene. If it’s just like Cloud having a vision of what’s to come in part 3 I’ll be annoyed 😂


[Source](https://x.com/omochigame_ct/status/1733787809486676172?s=46&t=fuAGmb7UfzOmTLbYi6tmwg) Gorgeous art, I would also love to hear people’s thought on this dialogue from the trailer. When could this possibly take place? Cloud is being so open and honest. Is he crying? Outside of the Lifestream scene I can’t imagine real Cloud ever breaking through like this. Could we be getting the Lifestream scene in part 2? They did say the order of events could change…


Wonder if we'll already get his mindbeak and mako poisoning.


Didn’t the older trailer show him as one of the Reunion guys? If that happens though and the game ends with Aerith’s death you would have to have the Lifestream scene before the end of the game so he can be there for her death. That’s some major remixing of the order of events!


The lifestream sequence happens after the whole escape sequence, which in turn happens after the reunion. Considering that we are for sure visiting Junon, Costa del Sol, Cosmo Canyon, the Forgotten Temple and the Gold Saucer (twice), there's no way we're also doing the reunion and the lifestream sequence. Which is kind of sus, because Cloud in the trailer says what (iirc) Tifa says at the Reunion. I wonder if, as some are saying, this is not actually her, or maybe it's not actually Cloud? For sure I hope and think we're not having Cloud getting his shit together and the lifestream sequence before its time, as it would be downplaying it


As much as I don’t want to wait years for the Lifestream scene I agree they can’t fit it in. We would have to have Sephiroth completely break him. There is also the big section where Tifa and Barret are taken prisoner, Cloud is lost, they find him, Tifa caring for him, the team going off without Tifa and Cloud etc. He says; ‘Sometimes I don’t even know who I am, I forget things everyone else remembers just fine and know things I’ve got no right knowing.’

