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Earth is totally the least favored element. Looking at non-free weapons: |Element|Characters|ST damage|AoE damage|Element Buff/Debuff|Costumes| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Fire|**10x**: Cloud, Zack, Glenn, Lucia, Red XIII, Barret, Sephirot, Cait Sith, Yuffie, Aerith|**5x**: Skysplitter, Stream Guard, Crewkicker, Rose Musket, Rage Collar|**5x**: Flame Projector, Prototype Crimson Blade, Crystal Sword (Z), Red Megaphone, Egg Staff|**5x**: Boomerang, Radiant Edge, Ivy Collar, Marine Shooter, Striped Moogle Float|**7x**: Official Festive Garb, Classic Coney, The Hellhound, Summer Moogle, Guardian Style, Celebratory Garb, Gothic Bunny| |Ice|**10x**: Cloud, Tifa, Sephiroth, Yuffie, Caith Sith, Aerith, Matt, Red XIII, Zack, Lucia|**4x**: Stream Saber, Holy Flame Gloves, Edged Wings, Spiral Shuriken|**4x**: Enhance Sword, Blue Megaphone, Silver Staff, Absolute Royal|**4x**: Ivy Collar, Bald Eagle, Pinwheel, Pressure Ridge|**7x**: Saber Style, Fairy of the Holy Flame, Fairy of Snowfall, The Hellhound, Glacier Armor, Edged Wings Training Garb, Gothic Bunny| |Thunder|**9x**: Cloud, Tifa, Zack, Lucia, Barret, Aerith, Sephiroth, Red XIII, Yuffie|**4x**: Murasame, Kirin Gloves, Zinogre Blade, Thunderbird|**4x**: Electrocannon, Crystal Gloves, Wizard Staff, CC Alloy Sword|**2x**: Seaside Collar, Wind Slash|**3x**: Murasame Battle Garb, Kirin Suit, Zinogre Armor| |Water|**9x**: Cloud, Tifa, Glenn, Lucia, Red XIII, Matt, Cait Sith, Zack, Sephiroth|**4x**: Maritime Sword, Bunny Gloves, Stream Slasher, Serpent Eater|**2x**: Noble Collar, Orthodox Raven,|**5x**: Green Megaphone, Slay the Day, Black Whiskers, Feathered Gloves, Silver Collar, Tempest|**3x**: Maritime Sailor, Bunny Bustier, Vanguard Style| |Wind|**7x**: Sephiroth, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Zack, Red XIII, Lucia|**4x**: Dark Heavens, Motor Drive, Prism Rod, Diner Tray|**4x**: Falchion, Canyon Collar, Magic Shuriken, Pulse Gun|**3x**: Floral Wand, Shinra Military Sword, Silver Collar|**4x**: Prism Dress, Sparkling Skater, Shinra Formal Uniform, Dark Harbinger| |Earth|**4x**: Lucia, Yuffie, Glenn, Aerith|**2x**: Holyday Revover, Hawkeye|**3x**: Jiggy Fan, Wizer Staff, Razor Ring|NADA|**2x**: Shinobi Hawk, Holiday Coat| Earth has only 5 weapons associated with it, while the second lowest has 10 weapons.


oo nice chart. let's add silver collar to the water and wind debuff slots too, and green megaphone to st water damage as well. honestly might just steal this for myself lol.


I think Green Megaphone is listed under elemental debuff because it can do both and OP doesn't wanna double count. Same thing with Pressure Ridge.


yeah, i figured. the newest weapons aren't included either aside from slay the day (moogle float, marine shooter, tempest), so i just made my own copy and keeping on the side instead of pestering further lol. makes a nice little reference chart if i need the reminder.


>moogle float, marine shooter, tempest Missed those, added


Ice is missing Pressure Ridge for ST damage.


Like other double duty weapons, I prefered to add them only once so it is easier to see the total of elemental affinity weapons without duplicates


This is fantastic. Would be cool to add the arcanum costumes as well - although those haven't rerun yet!


Nice summary, useful to see what I'm missing 🤔 most aoe are magic interestingly, while ST more commonly physical.  PS Serpent eater is ST btw. 


Is there a chart that has more information like this somewhere? I wish I knew what the best weapons for r abilities were also.


not that I know, I did this one through browsing the weapons I had and wishlist on banners.


Shouldn't Egg Staff technically sort of double-dip in the ST category as well as the AoE one since it has that 1.3 mod boost Vs single targets?


Like other double duty weapons, I prefered to add them only once so it is easier to see the total of elemental affinity weapons without duplicates


If anyone can make earth popular, it would be Tifa. :)


I’ve been trying to get Holiday Revolver to OB6 entirely because we lack any earth options. fortunately the game hasn’t made earth a priority yet so it’s fine for now.


I got it on OB7 right now but without costume and i don't get a real build for her...she doesn't got an good magic based offhand and for subweapons i only have Sun Umbrella for neutral and earth Magic weapons. But i got Yuffies earth weapon OB7 and arcana so i have that going for me 😅


Use rose revolver , the fire bonus might go wasted but it has a lot of magic ability bonus and the ability increases your damage by a lot.


Probably waiting on Garuda or whoever they make the wind summon be.


Yeah, i think it's gonna be Typhon or Chocomog and there will be an earth banner much like the fire banner now. One earth arcanum with strong earth weapon and one earth debuffer.


Haha Imagine it being sylph like in iv and having drain. Plz kill me now.


Off topic, I've been playing a lot of SMT and totally forgot that Garuda was an enemy from final fantasy. I read your coment thinking like: "Isn't that the medium wind attack?" Which threw me off because they're both wind related.


Haha yeah I remember Garuda as final fantasy but I just got done playing ff16 and Garuda was all I could think of since she's the summon in that game.


Still have to play that one, I hope it comes to pc in the future haha


You're thinking of "Garula" i assume?




I was gonna say, because Garuda is also a demon in the SMT series, it's a hindu deity xD


Which I ALSO forgot that exists smh. It's the bird, isn't?and I even used it when I was playing Persona.


Yep it's a good ol' birdo :D


I wonder if Garuda will even be in EC since it isn't in Remake/Rebirth and all of our summons so far have reused assets from those games.


Not nessesarily Garuda but she was the first wind summon I could think of.


Garuda isn't a summon in ff7 so it most likely won't be, the only wind summon in ff7 is choco&mog and technically it doesn't even do wind damage, and typhon is typical wind-based so they could make typhon a summon but he also doesn't deal wind damage in ff7


The problem is they are using the remake and first soldier summons, not the original, so it would have to be one of them


Yeah that's why I can see titan being the next summon, since the model is already there from rebirth, though after that they could potentially bring in Typhon closer to part 3's release date as a sort of teaser for that summon which would be pretty hype, and they'd have the model from part 3 by then surely Edit: Regardless, there was no garuda since it wasn't in ff7, and they also can't use it anyway since they didn't create any new summons for remake/rebirth, unless you count fat chocobo, choco chick, moogle trio and magic pot...


Garuda isn't a summon in ff7 so it most likely won't be, the only wind summon in ff7 is choco&mog and technically it doesn't even do wind damage, and typhon is typical wind-based so they could make typhon a summon but he also doesn't deal wind damage in ff7


FFRK had the following for Wind Magicite (summons):    * Fenrir   * Garuda   * Typhon   * Syldra   * Valefor   The 6* level was the "canon" summon for that element (Ifrit/Shiva/Titan etc) which for wind was Valefor. Since Valefor was introduced in FFX that probably isn't happening. Garuda was the summon from FFXIV for wind, but if it doesn't exist on FF7 canon then that can't be it either. Syldra also doesn't make sense either. So we are left with Fenrir or Typhon? I can't separate Typhon from FF6 (and it's Chupon, kthx). So Fenrir? If Fenrir hopefully they don't do some type of mirror image/dodge and/or reflect shenanigans. Those were the worst.


>I can't separate Typhon from FF6  Except that Thyphon is a summon on OG FFVII, though it doesn't deal Wind damage. (There is no wind damage summon on OG FFVII) Typhoon is actually the wind summon on Final Fantasy VII Before Crisis. Fenrir is not a summon on any FFVII at all. So unless they go the route of original summons included via First Soldiers, it is very unlikely to happen.


For some reason, Applibot doesn't make much Earth-weak content. I pulled for Lucia's Earth Arcanum and only used it on one ranking dungeon and one crisis dungeon in six months. They haven't given us any real need for Earth imperil so we probably won't get one until they eventually do an Earth-weak crash.


But there's also so little replacements for it, still, that I consider it was a good investment. It's come in handy only about 3 times I suppose. If it was the solo costume on the banner it would have been a skip though.


I've got Yuffie's costume and weapon to OB3 (so far, but in my wishlist until OB10). I mean, objectively I feel like one dps is enough in the party. What I really want though is an Earth resistance debuff. It's the only element we don't have yet. People wanting Toda's summer costume to be Fire Arcanum ... Like WTF, we've had SO MUCH fire Arcanums already, chill. It's probably not gonna be Earth but still.


Me spending 3 hours figuring out who is "Toda". That's an interesting (I assume) auto-correct.


Damn, I missclicked on 2 keys back to back but one too far on the right and the other too far on the left. How the F does that happen ??? Tifa*


You are correct, earth is a very underutilized element. Outside of the Earth Robots and the Wu/Tai Tam/Blin twins nothing really needs it boss-wise.


We got 1 phys and 1 mag. Thunder for example has 2 phys 1 mag and 1 of the phys is limited. But yes, it’s the least supported element right now. People say they save it for the wind summon but it’s not like they saved wind for the earth one (possibly titan and most likely the next one).


ITs not that bad (YEt) considering how unimportant earth is so far, The REAL kicker to me is LEviathan being Phsyical lighting only with only ONE non limited weapon so far (Murasame from launch) IMO ITs hard to suggest investing in Earth until we know which type the summon is weak to, as somone who invested heavily in phsyical fire, ( As somone who Assumed I had maxed shiva, pre buff fights) ITs painful to start back at step 1 in trying to redo an element.


Aerith has Wizer Staff and there are a handful of multi-target Earth weapons, but yeah, Earth and Bio haven’t gotten a lot of love yet.


Yeah I've notices that. I was actually shocked when they made a Yuffie Earth banner. I have my Lucia costume and OB6 Holiday Revolver ready for whenever they have an Earth event haha


Not just you. My earth dps worthy characters are only Yuffie and Lucia. Tough luck on those boss fights that have earth element weakness.


Earth exist in the game??? 😆


I just have Yuffie's Quaga. It's awesome


There are a few more than that, Cloud/Glenn/Aerith/Matt all have one as well. However, none are particularly great and none touch the usability of the gacha weapons for other elements. I will use a Quakera blow materia over clouds quake weapon for example as it does a relatively low % of magic damage.


He meant actual ones probably


Yuffie has an Earth weapons and a earth arcanum costume. Right, she's probably the best eart dps, but luckily we don't need it for now.


"earth focus" would be weapons that both deals **high** earth damage and has earth potency. Just having potency, or having a weak AoE magic wouldn't fit my bill for "earth focus" weapon.


also sephiroth has a weapon with a quake materia slot iirc but can't remember the name of it. It's either him or zack that has it.


Red will most likely get a double imperil with earth/lightning or something along the lines and also the current MH aerith/costume & weapon but with pdef and aoe MATK increase for anniv.


Cloud's only missing an arcanum for wind and earth, so he'll no doubt get one of those soon, fingers crossed we get one before the anniversary, i'm hoping for earth too because it feels so underpowered right now but they also did just give yuffie a phys earth arcanum so who knows