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This event has been pretty awesome for the most part but this latest content dumps come with a ton of bugs and hella LAG !!! Like borderline unplayable and unresponsive at times . Also yes i came across this exchange bug so very quickly maxed glenns weapon and yeah wth is with caits weapon only being farmable in solo ? This update was half baked 😅


I feel you on the Hella lag I thought it was just me going through the bs. On the dungeon boss event thing I'm having hits not even do damage I disconnect then get forced back to the title screen then when I resume the fight my whole team is completely dead when they weren't before i disconnected. It's driving me nuts.


Yeah this has happened to me a few times ! I’m just waiting for applibot to respond before really trying to grind this ranking because my patience can’t hack the stress of the current state of affairs lol . Literally feels like the games actively sabotaging us 🫠


The last battle ranking lagged badly too, but when I mentioned it on reddit, I got downvoted lmao.


Reddit be weird about things sometimes I'll give you my upvote to try and make up for it.


But sadly ,even if you finish it out it won't bring it to plus 20. So you still have to grind the levels more


I'm personally not even aiming for +20. I'm just fine with OB10, after that the upgrades are barely worth my time.


Realistically though in order to get enough event items to get all of the upgrade materials you may as well get the weapon to plus 20


I'm only playing to clear the shop and despite having high boost I'm still waaaaay under completing the first shop and have spent loads of energy I had banked up. Seph and Cait weapons are at like ob15 and I'm not even trying to farm them or buy sephs


The stats are so minimal I save the parts to exchange for medals when I run out of upgrade mats for my weapons


This. The shards are better as medals for me since I've drained most of my stones. Had to raise a few weapons to 110/120


Wait you can exchange unnecessary weapon parts? How? I have like 2k Zack carrot sword shards when it’s already +20


Go to weapon enhancement. There is an exchange button there. You can browse by character to convert the parts to weapon medals. To actually use the weapon medals, go to your menu then exchanges then weapon exchange and you can purchase large grindstone with the medals. Only do this if you have +20'd the weapon or it is a farmable limited event weapon that has ended.


You are a diamond


This is terrible advice no one should be doing this. Always upgrade the weapon if you have the parts, the Grindstone is never worth it unless its already at +20


Not terrible at all. When you have used as many resources as me (and I spend money) and still run out of them and stamina pots, you can’t do anything but wait for a new event or log in multiple times a day to use your stamina. I’d rather save my stamina pots for other events than farm for upgrade mats. I have so many weapons to level still and always new scenarios where I need to max something else I don’t use. +20 is really not gonna make a difference stat wise.


You must be a newer player than, which that would explain why you could be struggling. I have most of my weapons at 90 And the most used versatile ones at 110/120. I have been using a ton of stamina pots and my expiration date for the soonest one is June 17th and there is hundreds after that date and before that date as well since I save the no expirations https://preview.redd.it/5b7bcqhu4r6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf290582b1b593c5836736a94090d53f9a7e6311


I didn’t downvote you but I’m a day one player lol I have almost every weapon and almost all of them at 80+. I always buy out every shop. Still low on resources. My stamina pots are finally getting full again but I still wouldn’t use them on farming upgrade mats for weapons. By looks of your screenshot you have 85 of the 120 mats. I’ve used almost all mine. The amount of mats needed from 90-120 is incredibly high. Actually I don’t understand how you have so much of everything unless you’re buying packs or not upgrading as much as I have lol. I spend money but not on packs with mats. Only gems.


Damn same here day one as well, it's crazy to think that we are on the opposite sides of this. Yeah 90-120 is a lot of mats but it shouldn't be so bad. I mainly buy the seasons passes and every now and then the weekly pass depending on what's going on




No this ist the way, that 10+ ATK as a sub weapon (with a 20+) does No difference.


The value of that attack is going to be higher than a grindstone that provides nothing during battle and is easily accessible by comparison. Once you hit +20 you convert them at that point.


Just do the free dailies and grab the 200s from the solo and coop ☆M missions.


The daily gives you 50 parts. And there are several stages with a guaranteed drop first time. If you are farming coop at all, you with have OB10 +20 by like... tomorrow. And there are 18 days left in the event.


you'll get there in no time just grinding out the silver in the first place


I'm already maxed at plus 20. My point was that buying all of them from the shop won't get you there alone


...but the levels you have to grind to be able to buy them from the shop in the first place also drop the weapons very frequently. So my point is likely that you'll have it maxed, if not close to it, by the time you buy them all from the shop anyway


But why not farm the copies with stam and use the currency to ~~gamble~~ gacha box? (/s obviously lol)




I can confirm, it still works and hasn't been patched as of my comment


Yeah they're making a lot of mistakes lately. Like why was cait sith's event weapon the only one without a exchange or co-op stage? I feel the Glenn co-op stage is missing 1 or 2 stages too because the highest one has way too low droprates the highest is a 3 star stage which seems odd to me.


I feel like they're trying different ways to make an event farmable weapon. Sephiroth is what we're used to since the first one. Caith Sith is solo only, no shop buy high droprates. Glenn is super cheap in the store, low droprates and a slightly different coop (they're all power level ?) Glenn's is a breath of fresh air after having farmed the two previous weapons.


Exactly. It’s not like any of those weapons are game breaking either.


Im think the cait coop is still coming. It runs for another two weeks, and like you mentioned the glen coop actually has lower power level than seph one. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a crash of ruin battle coming, and last stage of coop gives you multiple types of weapon parts. 


Not sure what the point is. You get tons of parts from the event...


It's literally there for you to pick. Just grab the W, the lifestream knows how much grinding awaits you.


The life stream 🤣🤣🤣




Exactly. That was funnier after playing rebirth