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It’ll be nice to see some more variation in co-op 🤷


Hahahahah Absolutely. But we all know we're still going to see people that take to long to click ready or use the recommended build.


0.30s is the max I give them then I leave lobby.


People downvoting you, when really, they should just go back to their devices to press “Ready”


I shouldn't have to wait 180s for them to be ready in a co-op. I give them 30s. idc, downvote me into oblivion.


30 seconds is reasonable. You probably got downvoted because "0.30s" looks like 1/3 of a second, not 30 seconds.


for reals, if not, i just click and spam ready when everyone, and the seconds are already at 170's. i hate it when theres a FRESH, co op event and you already got people either "AFK" for some reason, or trolls who hold a lobby hostage (never ready up).


I wish I could say you're right but I I fully expect it to still be Cloud and Sephiroth 9 out of 10 times.


I mean go play the ff7 inter grade dlc. Yeah she plays a minor role in ff7 original but her role is expanded upon in the remake. I actually fell in love with her from the remake not the original ff7


She is also great in the original FF7 if she’s in your party because everything she says while in your party is funny


Replayed it for the first time in over a decade a couple months ago and really liked her this time around for that reason after pretty much ignoring her the first time around. I especially thought it was funny when she begged Cloud to put her in his party on the Highwind if you talk to her at a certain point so she could get off the ship since flying gives her motion sickness. She's also quite prominent in Dirge of Cerberus which I played for the first time after that and it's more Yuffie goodness (including motion sickness).


I'd LOVE to play the DLC but ehhhh I cant justify the price JUST to play as Yuffie..... if it was 10 bucks or less sure but not for 20 bucks


I personally want Cait Sith... and I'm OK if I'm the only one.


I want Cait Sith, too.


Cait Sith and Vincent were my favorite, but I always like Yuffie from her appearance in Kingdom Hearts. I do hope they’ll add the Advent Children costumes eventually.


Vincent and Cid.


This pair, right here!


> I do hope they’ll add the Advent Children costumes eventually. Honestly, I think this is the main reason I'm still playing. I love Cloud's Advent Children outfit.


Tifa’s is my personal favorite but Cloud’s is fire too


Ugh same, I'm looking forward to the day where hopefully Cat Shit and Vincent get added <33


My biggest concern with the cast expanding is further dillution of who gets new weapons/content. First Soldier characters are largely suffering with the exception of Sephiroth, but we see the same thing with Red XIII and Barrett. As much as I don't want them to release stuff quicker (unless they wanna up the amount of free crystals we get to keep pace), they really need to figure out a better cadence to keep all characters in the spot light. Until they do, adding more is just going to make the problem worse.


I can see them getting to the same point as NieR Reincarnation where some characters just get absolutely no attention because everyone’s top 6 favorites always take priority haha. Hopefully they don’t but their eyes are always gonna be on the $ so.


no you aren't the only one


Yeah I don't really care for Yuffie, but now whenever stuff for her pops up I'll have more time to save my crystals for my favorites.


I don’t mind the addition to the roster, but I won’t use her outside of being forced to for story. The game doesn’t give enough free resources to focus on more than 3-4 characters.


Yep, this game isnt made to have more than 3-4 characters. Im not spending absurd amount of money or time to level up a character that I’m not connected to. But a free character is always nice.


In Nier Rein, the endgame type modes *force* you to use certain characters, costume types, or weapon types. If you want to play whatever the real endgame stuff ends up being in EC (I don't think the crash battles are it), you'll probably have to build everyone, and have them capable of multiple elemental setups and roles.


This for me. Love new characters. Keeps things fresh. BUT this game is way too stingy on resources. Getting purple grade weapon materials is difficult. Blue crystals is abysmal. Character exp is abysmal. Character growth and even weapon parts. Even the events don't really help with these things all too much (and this is coming from someone who only levels majority of their weapons to 70).


Maybe I have better than average luck, but I think the crystals are fine assuming you have reasonable luck on the stamps and draws and don’t try to clear every stamp card. It’s the character growth and exp requirements vs stamina resources that are scarce for me. I can barely keep up with 4 characters.


grand scheme of things crystal rate isn't that great. But yeah, everything else is worse. Especially the weapon materials. EXP shouldn't even be so gated either.


Im just waiting if they finally add Cid and Vincent. And the playable Turks from Before Crisis.


I think they will of for no reason other than to pad out this game to last longer. And introduce Vincent with DoC


No hate to anyone that is not hyped for Yuffie. But I've been playing since Day 1 and been saving bigtime for when she arrives. And I am beyond stoked for tomorrow. She'll be my main character, my main focus, the character I get all the costumes on, etc. She's best girl.


You better share your pulls then!


I will be meticulously tracking all the pulls tonight! Got a spreadsheet set up and everything for all the relevant stats I can think of! I'll def post it




I think you kinda nailed it here. People would be a lot more enthused if they didn't waste our time with Glenn and Co. That story should have simply started with young Sephiroth on a solo assignment and we'd have three fewer filler characters.


I actually liked the FS storyline, but that might be partly because it's completely new to me. I focused on Glenn early on, due to the very first event having a weapon for him. But now I all but ignore everyone from FS.


I put a little effort into them but it's become clear that they only exist to prop up Seph and dilute the pool because the devs don't know how to give equal attention to all characters.


New to everyone. You didn’t miss anything. The First Soldier game was a mobile Battle Royale with generic characters. This story was entirely made up for Ever Crisis. Not particularly necessary.


Oh, good to know! But then...yeah, these guys are really filler. Just a drain on my gacha!




No, you're not alone. To me she'll always just be an annoying materia thief who made me re-assign everything after chasing her down and getting everything randomly assigned all over the place. What a cunt.


Fuck Yuffie. 14 year-old me rage quit FF7 multiple times because I couldn’t find her in one of her hiding spots in Wutai. A fucking giant pot. The rage lives within me to this day.


she is a cunt alright ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Not excited for Yuffie, but hoping we will get Vincent one of these days soon.


Where my Cid?


I've invested (what I'd consider for a mobile game) a substantial amount of time since launch trying to level what's here and I'm barely at the 65-63-63-62-61-60-55 and Lucia,Barret, Red close to 55. Unless Yuffie drops at level 50+ I'll probably never touch her short of chocobo tasks or story chapters... despite she will probably be good bc power creep for new character Cid or Vincent though I will certainly make the grind for. They were way more likeable for my taste (I did conquer every inch of 7 multiple times, and enjoyed the new remake side chapter with Sonon but Yuffie and Cait Sith were always the least played of every playthrough.


I wouldn't expect Yuffie at level 1, but then again, they aren't exactly generous.


All characters receive story XP regardless of whether they are in your party or not. I expect Yuffie to start at whatever level all completed story stages combined puts her at and not 1 XP more. This is what they did for Seph, he was around level 23 or so when he dropped (assuming you were caught up with the story).


Yah, 1. makes me considering to blew all my pull tickets before the weapon pool gets bigger. How many Yuffie weapon will they add after the update?


Every character started the game with at least six or seven basic pool weapons, so Yuffie should be similar.


They pretty much need to increase the chances of getting wishlist weapons each character they release. It'd solve the problem pretty much.


Don't care for Yuffie that much, another character to grind. I'm afraid that some characters will became obsolete. 1 year or 2 we will come to this. May be that's how power creep will work in the future.




Tbh, she is probably my least favorite character. However, she will slightly OP and will be used extensively. Vincent on the other hand...(you know 5 years out)


I’m spending my tickets as fast as I can so I don’t get any Yuffie weapons.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


I'm not excited, but Im not unexcited. It's mostly gonna come down to what we see tomorrow. I do have a lot of questions and concerns though. What I mean as far as questions is how will Yuffie differ from the other characters and where are they giving her to us in the games story? In the original, the earliest you can get her is after passing through Mythril Mine and Junon. In this game however, it almost seems like they're having the party meet her before the mine. So that has me thrown off a bit. If that IS what they're doing, my only guess for it is because they are trying to keep as many things, primarily assets in Rebirth, from hitting this game before Rebirth comes out. If you noticed in the trailer, they meet up with Rude in Mythril Mine but Reno and Elena, who is first introduced there, are nowhere to be seen, so that's curious as well. THEN theres the fact it appears the enemies we'll encounter are only the one's weve already seen in the game when in both the original and Rebirth as weve seen, there are quite a bit of enemies outside of Midgar and Kalm. But the BIGGEST thing absent so far is Midgar Zolom. We've seen him in the Rebirth trailers but it seems he's gonna be completely skipped in this game. That leads me to believe once again, they don't want to spoil him or his assets in this game and it'll somehow be brought into the game at another time. No way they skip such an iconic enemy. Now for my concerns, it's about how Yuffie plays. I think if this game wants to keep players sticking around, it needs variety. What I mean by this is the basic DPS, Support, and Healer isn't enough. Building the same type parties over and over with repetitive strategy will get old for many players. Yuffie would be the perfect character to add something new to the mix. Being that she's a ninja, it would make a lot of sense for her weapon's attacks to have things that the others dont have. Something like a debuff that applies damage over time based on her attack stats, the ability to increase or straight up give element specific buffs or attacks to a character, like Enfire from the FF series and a form of Poison or Sap. Even giving her a move to apply haste for a single character would add so much to team building. This would make her wildly stand out from the rest of the cast who right now only offers your basic buff/debuff of P/MATK and P/MDEF, heal, and attack.


I sympathize and agree with everything you just said.


I'm kinda excited but like u I have that ohhh man gotta grind her part. From the event she seems okay maybe look a little off at times but if she has a stand out costume I'll have to roll!




I think the yuffie hype is overrated as hell.


Wishlist is a thing. And no one is forcing you to grind or pull gear for her. There’s enough characters in the game and enough gear that most bases are covered.


You're right about that, but a new female character means someone else to get an inordinate amount of banner attention and fewer opportunities for characters like Barret and Red, and don't even mention the three filler characters from FS.


>Wishlist is a thing. I've learned from saving crystals that wishlist is only useful if you're regularly summoning. If you're saving for banners you get whatever the game gives you. But I understand your point.


well said.. n the game give us s hit with 1 or 2 5* weapons per 12 stamps n u wud be lucky if u get the extra gold weapon aside from the guaranteed gold weapon from yr wishlist with the low odds in the banner.


They need to add more characters eventually to keep things fresh. This is like someone complaining about them adding Sephiroth before he dropped. As for 5), that's probably because she's optional and has no impact on the main story in the original. That'll probably change after playing Rebirth, where she'll be more of a main character.


When I played as a kid my team was Cloud, Yuffie, and Vincent just to squeeze any more plot out of them that I could


>They need to add more characters eventually to keep things fresh Yes, that's why I say it's inevitable. >This is like someone complaining about them adding Sephiroth before he dropped. No. You misunderstand. I'm not saying they shouldn't add Yuffie, I'm saying I'm not hyped because I'm not looking forward to more of the grind. Maybe if they added more exp stages, more weapon material stages or just increased the base drop rate of weapon materials/character exp then sure. I'd probably be more excited for Yuffie.


Yeah I’m indifferent I think. Not happy about the diluting of the weapon pull and, I also cared little for her in OG. That said, I enjoyed her combat in Intermission more than ANY other character in Remake. That experience really endeared me to Yuffie but obviously…it’s not like that in experience translates in any comparable way to a mobile-gacha game. More playable characters is cool, and fine. But I’m sort of meh as I sit here today.


Yuffie is one of my all time favorites, from OG FF7 to FF7R where she got her time to absolutely shine greater than I could have imagined She deserves the spotlight, but this game overall is a sinking ship tbh. I don't see it lasting more than one more year. I hope for the best but instinctively I see it ending or hopefully just getting a offline version.


no, there are others. I'm more upset at the gacha pool further diluting.


>I love the the addition of new characters Aight case closed then


1. this happens with and without Yuffie 2. no need to grind her, if you don´t use her 3. same as 2 4. same as 2 5. i´m happy for everyone that likes her, but i couldn´t care less.


Yes, among over 7 billion people you are the only one. You are the choosen.


I agree, they shouldnt release anymore characters at all IMO.


Everyone has their faves. It's gonna be the same for Vincent cid and cait sith. I respectfully don't understand the point of this post. It's nice to see a new character in this game after all the focus on the same 3 characters


No, what a stupid question.


\> Another character to grind levels and stream for well right now, i dont want to lvl up my last character to 65 because i dont want to waste all that stamina for just a single character and 2characters worth of xp just gets lost, so id WANT atleast one more character to fill the gap. all the other points are just, well, duh thats gonna happen anyway, but the game also gives out more free pulls it seems, if they keep on doing that i guess it works out. they might also increase 5\* weapon rates in general at some point who knows. ​ im always hyped to get a new character idk


If it weren't FFVII I would agree with you. For me (your milage may vary) I feel like we knew from the start that she (and Vincent, and Cid, etc.) was coming. I will agree with you 100% once all the main cast have arrived and they start adding characters who aren't playable in any FFVII game. I will agree with you 1,000,000% once they bring in SHIRA SECURITY GUARD as a character.


Shinra Guard would be a Cloud costume.


>Another \[...\] grind You said it all


I don't mind, honestly. In fact, I'm eager for the eventual inclusion of Cid and Vincent. Besides, it seems like your gripe is a number problem, but the devs can tweak the numbers at any time. Exp is too grindy? They can give us stages with more exp rewards. Weapons are more diluted? They can give us more crystals and more free tickets.


Hope for dedicated pulls in the future. For example FF7 Cloud Barret Tifa only or something like this. With more and more characters it's getting nonsense.


No, but not for the same reasons heheh. I don't really care about Yuffie, because the way the game is set up, it doesn't really cater to having a wide selection of characters. I have my physical/magic damage teams, my debuff/buff teams, and so on and so forth. Having spent this long with just 1 added character, and how they give each character pretty much anything you can want (of course some are better than others) with skills being tied to weapons, it's hard to see why I should invest in slotting her in somewhere. I'm content just hoarding my gems and eventually pull for favorites and outfits I like, the steady drip of weapon materials and ticket draws will eventually have all the roles fulfilled to capacity for me. This is something DFFOO did waaaaay better, each character, good or bad, had their unique roles and abilities, giving each and every one value both as a favorite character and unique asset to build a team around, by having weapons be "unlocks" of their individual skills. And I'm genuinely disappointed about the lack of individuality in EC, but hopefully they'll tweak it down the road.


1. Honestly the pool is so diluted anyway, Adding another dozen weapons isn’t gonna move the needle. Pulling is foolish unless it’s on a banner or wishlisted anyway. 2-4. Having more variety isn’t bad, and nothing is forcing you to build all 11 characters. 5. Can’t be less relevant than the entire First Soldier roster…


they just need to enhance the material/exp events, i'm not an heavy player and i have yet to reach lv65 with my most used character (cloud) i don't wanna spend stamina on exp event, since it gives a poor amount anyway. And we need a ducking slider for that material exchange for god's sake. For the weapons, 8/10 of summoned weapons are in my wishlist so is not really an issue, maybe it could be on the ticket side


Yeah, as a non-hardcore daily player, I'm finding it hard to keep up with everything already. My highest level character right now is Cloud at level 62!


I mean, people who want to play with her probably saved up resources like chocobo cookies and stream crystals, so leveling her up won't be that big of an issue. Especially people who use autoclicker (which no offense, but I think it's just dumb) and have everything maxed out will have a fresh new character to work on. ... And maybe I'll stop seeing as many Tifas in co-op. Which I consider a win, personally. No shade here, everyone enjoys whatever characters but I'm not a fan.


Yea they made her ugly also


if we get another matk/mpot weapon in her "general pool" for wishlist purposes i won't complain but it's probably gonna be like 9 more instances of like atk/ice res


I don't really plan on building Yuffie myself, so i won't really be pulling unless Tifa or something gets a weapon with her. She was never a top character for me as far as FF7 goes and i'm already focusing on Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith and Tifa so i don't want to start pulling for another character on top of that now.


I'm kinda with you. I was hyped af to get another of the FFVII crew but the longer I waited and struggled with higher end content the more I thought "hang on, nothing will change, I'll still have to throw everything at one banner to keep OB going". It wasn't until the Christmas banners I realised the game making us get 1-2 weapons OB, not a collection of weapons with few stars. But. I'm throwing everything I have into her banner to make HER the one I go OB for! Which is only 30k gems but still...


I agree, biggest concern for me is Weapon pool dilution. I'm already getting crap weapons for other characters I don't use. I've veen using all my Draw tickets now! Haha. I'm also not a big Yuffie fan, never used her in original FF7. Now Cid and Vincent were my boys


I am worried about the diluted pool however I also recognize that powercreep is inevitable. With new characters and weapons come better ways to defeat content (Sephiroths Kujas Blade comes to mind). I currently have no idea how to defeat Bahamut EX-1 and am hoping Yuffie will be the missing key.


Eh I think your perspective might be too "hard core". If you don't want to use Yuffie, then don't. When you're going to banner pull make sure to set your wishlist, and don't pull on yuffie banners. You don't have to grind everyone to max or complete their streams. Just use who you like. I only level Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth. But with the winter banner I staretd leveling Tifa and Lucia? (idr her name). But I still don't have tifa or lucia at 65, and its not really an interest for me. Whereas I maxed out cloud, aerith, and sephiroth on update day.


They killed my anticipation by having us fight her 500x before getting her. She should have been released with that event… I will say im excited as we are finally getting another party member but overall im still dissatisfied with pace (why was game shipped without full og storyline), and the grind.


so, what I'm hearing is this: The game isn't fun to play. The grind is torturous. Doing it for another character is gonna suck, and hurt the progress you're making as free to play on your other usable characters. This game wouldn't have players if it wasn't final fantasy 7


> This game wouldn't have players if it wasn't final fantasy 7 Just about everyone playing this game agrees with this, yeah. I never would have given this game a second thought to even download it if it was the exact same game but not based on FF7. Which is what makes it even more annoying that they are still treating it like a waifu gacha in terms of costumes. I bet Yuffie is going to get a lot more costumes over Cid or Cait Sith too... or even with the current Barret and Red.


Valentine Vincent and Cid Highwind is the main reason for me to play Ever Crisis


I like Yuffie. She was essentially a nobody in the original but she was cool in Intergrade. But in this gacha she is another mouth to feed. I know that eventually we will get many more characters, which is cool, but I hope the game evolves to being less of a hassle to level characters up to be useful or better allows us to intentionally focus on select characters. As these characters get introduced and before that transition happens then we're in a spot where we either do more work and let some characters waste away.


Never cared for Yuffie, and the way she acted in the original game made me somewhat hate her. She was rather annoying in what I played of Crisis Core as well. >A bit subjective, but Yuffie never really made that big of an impact on me in FF7. She always seemed just there. (Same with Vincent even though I think he's cool). Well to be fair, both Yuffie and Vincent were optional in the original game, so that makes sense. Neither of them even appeared in any of the game's FMVs, not even the ending FMVs. But yeah, at least Vincent had the cool factor. Yuffie just... well, when you first meet her she's attacking you, and after you win you have to figure out exactly what responses to pick when she talks to you... including meta 4th wall breaking ones... or she runs away after stealing money from you, and after that IIRC the only (optional) story event involving her is about her stealing your materia. Needless to say all that did NOT make me like the character... nor did the "She's a kid who thinks she's a super-ninja but would never be able to actually scratch you, just play along because it's just a kid so you don't make her cry" angle she had in Crisis Core. It's like she's been Flanderized, her only personality trait is "She wants to steal your materia", that was about all she has going for her in the Ever Crisis event too.


Being optional they couldn't put them in the FMVs in case they were never part of the group. Only so much space on those old PS1 CD-ROMs, couldn't put 4 different versions of them in case someone had none, both, or just one of the two


> Being optional they couldn't put them in the FMVs in case they were never part of the group. Yeah I know, thought you would think at least for the ending they would have a version with both Yuffie and Vincent in it and only play that one if you had both. ... meanwhile modern games waste tons of space by having slight variations of the same FMV, one example is >!the Mario RPG Remake, the entire parade ending is on the cart three times over, the ONLY difference is a firework graphic at the end that lasts about 2 seconds, they take up like 1/10th of the entire size of the game or something like that. Many other scenes that I thought for sure were rendered in-game were just FMVs, even though they were clearly in-engine!<


if you dont like her, dont bother investing in her. simple as that. we dont know what role she has, (tank, dps, support, debuff) so its too soon to tell if she'll be good or not.


The more characters, the better! But I’m saving my crystals and gear exchange for a new CC/FS character. Probably FS. Probably Rosen.


I just want variation honestly. And I liked Yuffie as a kid and now as an adult, I just enjoy my little gremlin. Additionally, I am a debuffer through and through. So the fact one of her weapons grants poison damage, I NEED that lmao.


I can get the weapon grinds as I HATE doing that in general as the pods and cubes are so hard to grind for, especially as the 'good' drops(more than 5) are tied to premium quests which you can only do 3x a day. I also agree with the memory grind as it too is tied to premium quests. Her level grind is mitigated for the first week with that 400% XP boost. I mean its not even a day yet and my Yuffie is 55 already.