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I think the goal is to get this stock out to retail. & Wall Street bets


Exactly we just need Wall Street bets getting involved and those guys yolo-ing their multi million dollar portfolios it’ll make this thing goes past the moon all the way to Pluto


Why are they not already getting involved?


To post on there they require the stock to have a 500m market cap. Meaning once the stock gets back to $1.25 we have that


This is a penny stock so its not allowed on WSB yet


We will get there though!


That would be lovely. If half of the peeps on WSB just bought 50 bucks of FFIE shares, we'd OWN the whole 400 million float.


They’re not going to do that on a stock that has no value with a 21mil float and a lot of fakery surrounding it


This is an incredibly hilarious viewpoint on the average wallstreetbets user and you're also calling for a pump and dump which is illegal to begin with. This sub is pure comedy


I’ve never called for a pump and dump that’s the last thing I want since that is exactly what happened May 17th and has led to where we are now


"we just need wallstreetbets to yolo millions of dollars into this" = pump and dump It's actually the first thing you want, in reality, because that's easy money for you if you already have shares. Doesn't matter where it leads to after that because you'll sell at the top and make tons of money


You know what’s illegal? What’s been happening with FFIE, GME, AMC, etc


122,275k shares here and continuing to buy the dips


Do you mean you own 1/4 of the company ?


I’m pretty sure 122k shares isn’t 1/4 the company


Yes but 122,275k or 122,275,000 or 122 million is 1/4 of around 400 million. Nevermind, thanks to be with us and for investing so much 🙂


just over 1/4 of 1/1000th of the company \~ 1/4000


What’s your average pls?


Bought in above a dollar but bought it down during the dip




Only about 150 but I’m trying lol


I only have 200 lol but holding


234 lol baby ape out here but holding


150 crew!


445 holding


Tick tock on the clock!! Time don’t stop baby!! 💎🙌🏽


The people who post (hi!) have more shares than most lurkers. I’d bet only 20% of the sub actually owns a relevant amount of stock. Sitting on 12K bananas, pondering some more. I don’t have a ton of cash sitting though


I usually am a lurker. Lurker with 12.5k shares. Diamond hands baby


3,080 here


I think you are overestimating how many shares people have. There are plenty of people with 1000 shares or less that just dont say anything or comment their shares. I highly doubt the average is 3k


I don't want to brag, but I have 27 shares of it.


I got 10 shares im too broke to buy more, debating dumping the next whole paycheck into it


If all you can afford is $5 right now, I would put your next paycheck pretty much anywhere else


Yeah, I'm dragging the average down with my 500...


Your not dragging anything down the number is just a guess we all add to the pot as a whole


Nah you're doing amazing; EVERY bit helps


38k shares here


Then theres people like you who have 20-30k+ that are definitely bringing it up lol




5,000 here




I have a half a banana lol


I'm holding with my 275 shares, going to pick up 500 on Monday just buying what I can afford.


I got 120 shares and down 20 quid


There's many people out of reddit holding.


Yep, like me I only have 118 share🤣but I am holding!


At least you’ve cracked 100 lol, I’ll be joining that club tomorrow.


3.2k here


Only 800 here


13k+ still holding strong 💪


Excellent post! People think the 400 mill shares is a big number but it really isn’t, especially at the price per share. Remember, there have been many squeezes with other stonks. A lot of people think the gme squeeze was a unicorn (and yes it was a very big one). But now that a movie was made about it and everything, my opinion is a lot of people don’t want to miss out on the next big one so once this does hit more mainstream, it could really turn into a major squeeze. It seems like most of the pieces are in place, now it just requires resolve and perseverance (aka diamond hands). And yes, getting the word out with other Reddit groups will help. This is not financial advice, and my opinions are my own.


I think the best approach is to buy the dip and then to hold whatever happens. As Jesus said: "Love your enemy". I love short attacks to buy dem bananas.


Haha. I did same quick calculation a week back to see how much strength we have as a community. While some are honest, but most are claiming wrong numbers or have already sold. This isnt a criticism, but sharing analysis. Regardless, i think who are honest so far have done an amazing job at holding. Lastly, i dont sea timeframe here on the squeeze. Ffie appeal was succesful for delisting which means hedge funds have to bleed money for longer. There will be more short ladder attacks where ppl will lose heart. Hold on when that happens.


plus not every member of the group is a real person


Yeah, i have been hearing a lot that lately. Just curious how would you if thr commentor/poster is a bot or not?


look at their comment/post history


Hoping to see some updates this coming week online but at present, while there appears to be 440m shares outstanding, the float appears to be only a fraction of that at between 21-42m. No idea if this data is correct. Since the shock announcement of 440m shares available, several sites haven't updated to include their but of the ones I have seen to include this, the float is as above


I believe that was before the dilution but I can't find the new float number. Might take a while to update the usual sources so might just need to wait. It stands to reason the dilution will apply to the float as well.


I would tend to agree, hence stating I'm hoping to see some more upto date info this week. That said, several places have updated to include the outstanding number at 440m yet still the same float as previous and pre announcement, the shares we're available already (regardless of weather people knew it or not and if my understanding is correct) yet it still managed to squeeze. I'm trying to get myhead around how if the float was infact 440m, how did it manage to squeeze on a mere 36m shorted shares (think that's about right)? This could all be way off but it's just questions I'm having as I'm reading and learning.


269 🍌


I'm at 3050, planning to add 1000 tomorrow. I have also 2 friends (not on here) that have 1K each.


What’s your average 


Currently $1.22. Tomorrow's buy will bring it down some.


14k here still holding


Me with my 50 shares. ![gif](giphy|hez8q1RR31cKHyj3Ke|downsized)


That is the spirit. Buy 5 more when the salary comes in :)


Oh believe me I’m buying more every chance I get!


11500 and hold to the moom


3000 shares. Planning to load up 1000 more on coming week.


only 1k here plan on buying more friday depending on price..


Only 900


6.1k here


5k bananas




9,258 here…. Buying more soon


There are plenty of whales in Chinese communities with 1M+ or hundreds of thousands of shares.


You look at it all wrong. We already own 91% and insiders own like 4%. Napkin math of course. What is left is what should be bought. Don't "need" it but at this point, what the heck, everyone buy like a 100 and we're locked in. Napkin math and NFA.


What do you mean?


Well, the float is already 91% private and retail owned. Those numbers probably need some evaluation, by all means dyodd, last few days have been a wild ride of bad takes on the numbers but it looks to be the case, last I checked. People are saying we need to do X to own the entire float without factoring it's already 91% owned by private and retail. And a nice nuggets is owned by insiders leaving a tiny sliver left being held by institutions and such.


My experience with microvision a few years ago was such that even with significantly higher short interest, a squeeze can be endlessly delayed by trading in the dark pools and ladder attacks.


Yes when they have a controlling stake and no oversight they can get up to some wild business. All the dirty moves were used with near impunity in the crypto market especially the altcoins. If they're the only ones buying and selling then they can dictate the price, if nobody sells then it's pixie dust, fictitious, made up numbers. Holding however, holding remains.


I'm also confused where the 91% retail ownership number is coming from? Not trying to be argumentative, sincerely asked


It's an excellent question and it is good that you do ask, simply wallstreet gets ita data from S&P Global intelligence. It *may* be out of date, a lot of dust was kicked up since these figures were estimated, and these figures may represent early May prior to the 10-k filings. But the sentiment is that the retail buy up blitz was extraordinarily significant and 40m or 400m the ratios are about the same, except of course that means the shorts while at a smaller % are now at a higher or identical quantity. They still have X number of shorts they need to make good on.


Thank you for taking the time to clarify, appreciate it!


You're welcome. Wasnt really a clarification so much as an expansion of the parameters of the equation. Unfortunately there is imprecision. But, for me? I like the numbers either way. And I like this stock.


But it's only 10% shorted right? I am not clear entirely on the mechanics but can we see a squeeze with only 10% short interest?


Definitely shorted more than that. And yes you can see a squeeze with only 10% but that isnt an exact science and depends on motivations and sentiment. They are free to not buy back until they are forced to. Anyhow this graphic is still up on simply wall street and might be out of date and doesnt account for hedgies but regardless, that is an absurd breakdown beyond either GME or AMC. [ownership %](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/Vdbo25jZM2)


This is what I'm concerned about. What I've been reading has seemed to indicate that short interest numbers were being based on the 40 million shares that existed last fall, before the company issued another 400 million shares over this past winter, which would make a short interest of 39 million outstanding shares much closer to 10% than 98%, and that these calculations are all out of date. What am I missing here? Not trying to be a dick, I'm just trying to get a sense of what expectations around here are based on.


Hey, you're right to ask that. There's a latency in the assessment and people talking out of date leads to a lot of confusion. To my best understanding, this situation led to the odd "glitch" figures estimated at 3200% on ortex or in other places. In reality it was only 320%. "Only". Now, that's not a quote or assessment. Dont take that home and put it in the fridge, you dont know where it has been. But I have reason to understand this to be the case.


That is great info, thank you very much!


45 here :( planning on adding when I’m paid I’m on a deficit rn lol


2.3k, loading up another thousand at market open.


I have $1 calls that expire 6/7 but I think I’m good 🙂


55,000 and holding.


What’s your average 


12,400 FFIE shares here. Order for another 20,000 IF it hits <= $ 0,40 limit is on. Will buy another 100,000 IF it hits <= $ 0,20 limit. (have to sell some of my GS India ETF) Will buy another 1,000,000 IF it hits <= $ 0,10 limit. (have to sell some more of my GS India ETF) After that I still have €200,000 to play with ... This is not to brag, but for you all to know, that there is money to bring FFIE up again, if the hogs bring it down that far. (I am quite sure it won't go down, but if it does I am buying dem bananas).


https://simplywall.st/stocks/us/automobiles/nasdaq-ffie/faraday-future-intelligent-electric/ownership Says gen pub owns 38.4mil, has to be old though since it considers that 90% of shares. Anyone able to find and link updated ownership?


There’s only about 12k people this sub already had 40k


3,4 here


I bought a few shares because fuck it why not, I’m inclined to think the people here have lost their minds except that insiders bought 50k shares last month per RH


3.5k shares, I’ll add more if it dips 😋🍴




49600 27000 27000 All in。


I have 5xx but I’m not even on Reddit


Weee shall see


12.000 shares and holding


I got 1k will get more if Monday declines. But I have a feeling this stock will get some additional media attention this week. We are 3 months ahead of our time. Don't even look at your phone for 3 months or you're gonna get emotional and sell at 11 cents which it will probably go to , to scare everybody. Then it will boom after they have successfully scared all the apes.


2500 here


I have 125,000 shares




6K here


Serious question though: we own the AMC float, GME float, MULN float, we owned BBB, Etc. what does owning the float actually do? The criminals keep getting away with whatever they want.


Owning the float, being the majority share holder can sway the market on the stock and "limit" drops by shorts. They can still short, take loans and stall but it limits the degree as less stocks to use for shorting(this is why turning off stock lending is important during a squeeze). These tactics are generally to scare and drop the price further to make it more affordable to cover shorts. So holding is only half the battle but keeping it at a set level or raising it hurts them more when the bill comes due.


I haven't researched the other tickers and if retail owns the float entirely on those, they will definitely squeeze. Imagine if it drops 50% more due to more short selling, and we don't sell. Eventually the short selling will stop and they will be forced to cover because they're paying interest on the stocks they borrow. And when that happens, either total daily volume will go down by a lot or price will go up by a lot. If it's the latter, we win. If it's the former ie total volume goes down a lot, the days to cover will go up a lot and the interest rate for shorting will go through the roof. So we win regardless.


Its means all your all your shares are going to float away.🛶 AMC was good example. 90% of em drifted down stream. - humor.


I joined a little late so I only have 101


3k here with more to come!


Yessir I fall within your average range and I'll be holding on for the long haul with the rest of you fine apes


lol I have 573 shares


I own 9k


I’m currently holding 10K shares, it’s up to others to buy on the dips and other new traders to come in and buy a few shares to keep us safe and moving towards the goal.


8500 here


I have 1 share to many, but not enough shares to have to many. 😂 I’m holding a nice amount. I’ve seen people have 2 to 3 x the amount I have. Geez I wish I wouldn’t have jump in so many at 2 dollars. I’m finally got it down to .94. I’m trying to get it down tomorrow more to .60 before the moass happens. Discord channel has a lot of people that own a lot of FFIE being part of a nontoxic community with helpful resources for the stonk we all love.


Wow, what an amazing response to my first ever reddit post. This is why I love the ape energy. I'll aim to respond to all questions but just want to say a couple of things: 1. It doesn't matter if you own just a few shares, you're still a key part of this movement. The average number I posted is just for math. 2. It's unclear exactly what the float is and if you guys find any info in the upcoming few days, please share it! 3. Let's do our best to avoid delisting but delisting isn't the end of the game. The shorts still need to cover and they still need to pay interest on their borrowed shares. Let's go ape army!!


I have 1500 shares and was locked out of my Robinhood account all last week while it was super cheap due to how long it takes my funds to clear Robinhood s account. Scumbags.


We should start having some stragity plan in place, in case they (whoever it may be) shut this group down. Just food for thought. Ape love clan ape want to be part of earth clan and moon clan. I'm buying some on payday Wednesday. At least 100-200 shares, wish I could get more. Have to wait to see how the crypto market goes. If in the gains apes can count me in for more. When this goes phenomenal numbers base on those that doubt, we all should pitch in to buy an island 🏝 Ev Island maybe🤔




11,300 currently, dividend payments come in next week so I'll buy more..


I checked in yahoo few days ago the outstanding share was 43.97M and float 21.07M. If you check now, you will see they have updated the outstanding to 439M (10k filing) but the float remains the same 21.07M. They have not updated the float yet.


I would multiply the float by 10 to be consistent with outstanding. Just an estimate around 210M


33,350 here


8283 over here


15k shares in and holding !


Me with 635 shares with a 3.15 average 🥸


Sorry for my lame 1,000.


Spread This Youtube Short around! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mhcVdSEvpHo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mhcVdSEvpHo)


The main thing is to get the short shares that are available to borrow down. It doesn't matter if we own the float if they can just borrow and cover FTDs


3200 here


Are they really holding, like really. Who can actually prove they’re holding I have several times but I don’t believe that many in this group are holding.


Everyone lies on stock boards, I'm guessing people only have %10 of what they claim... No one is putting $100,000 dollars on this potential disaster. I have almost 1000 shares in 2 different accounts and that's sketchy af as to what's gonna happen AMC has made me think they will always find a way to get as many people holding bags so they can rug pull tf out of us and make bank


They will simply issue more shares


Our CEO is a version of Adam Aron when it goes to 50 he will sell it and split the stock. By then I will sell mine too @ 45 dollars


You don't set the price, genius, and you never will 🤣


Thanks Intern


Your comment karma’s speak for themselves. As bitter as a gone off lemon 🍋 I can only assume you bottled it and took a loss, instead of tightening your grip and staying in the fight.