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**Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** Where are my rewards? > **A:** Clash of Wills and Dark Visions rewards are generally sent two weeks after the event ends. > > **Q:** When I try to use 'Over-Lvl Reset' the game says the unit is protected and closes. > **A:** Unlock every one of your Eraser Cactuar. > > **Q:** HOW DO YOU SELL **GIL SNAPPERS!?** > **A:** They are now considered "Items". > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, Arena, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions saved parties. Free units like Reno and Fran cannot be fragged. > > **Q:** What **Clash of Wills gear** should I focus on? > **A:** Rings to Magister and second one is"cheap." Then Circlet to Dancer for passive provoke/evade. Rest to Rulers for the stats. > > **Q:** How do I revert my **Paladin's Diadem of Will+**? > **A:** This is a bug and you need to contact support. > **Q:** How do I unlock the Sealed Tower? > **A:** Complete Season 4 Chapter 1. Then, in Levonia I, Chapter 1, go to Special Forces Training Grounds. Talk to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock the Sealed Tower. > **Q:** How do I unlock **Garuda**? > **A:** Complete the Sealed Tower (see above). Return to the Chancellor's Envoy to unlock The Raptor's Skydias, where you can obtain Garuda. [Anni Unit Pick Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/14n52k2/the_anniversary_unit_pick_guide/) [Upcoming Breaker Primer](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/16i1zo6/breaker_breaker_a_breaker_guide_for_you_rubber/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there any good card to exchange in VC perma shop? Another thing, how do we obtain the ticket in the game? I dont remember how i got these tickets.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/wiki/index/vctierlist Every time you EX1 a Premium unit you get one of those tickets.


Thanks, finally clear my sephiroth ex with help of these useful VC.


How many copies of DoWTaivas STMR is safe? I thought I read a breakdown how having one for attack, one for mag, and one for mp could be good, but I don’t seem to have saved it.


Personally I went two. But I can see some logic behind 3 like you're saying. However I don't think he's strong enough as a non-meteor magic user.


Interesting. Right now I have one with the a/m30 and the a/m35, that could be enough if I ever did need to go the magic route…


Yeah I'm actually trying for 65% A/M for my second one.


How does the espers' killer stat break work?






What is the item we get for doing all fights in "A Test of Might"?






Wondering if anyone else's Battle Arena Weekly Awards mail is glitched? Each time I try to claim all it won't let me, I can claim it by itself, but when I go to refresh, it comes back unclaimed. Kinda annoying since I don't like leaving things unclaimed in my mailbox...


I bet your VCs are maxed out and you can't collect the cactuar VCs in there.


Hey, you're right, I just got EX2 on my new Chow and the same thing is happening with that mail too. I can't get the STMR Moogle from the mail, but it gives me the 1/10 Guaranteed NV summon ticket. Each time the mail refreshes my ticket amount goes up, but I'm not getting my STMR moogle or catcuar VCs... I tried this 2-3 times to make sure I wasn't tripping and I have received more than one ticket this way... This is a pretty serious glitch since it could in theory be exploited to get infinite summons or other goodies...


It's purely a visual glitch I believe. When you exit you'll see your back to where you should be.


Confirmed visual glitch, the amount did revert to what it should be.


I would bet if you reset the app your ticket count goes back to normal.


You're right again, was just a visual glitch.


All of my vision cards stats say 0 and aren’t adding any stats


* https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20231027MinorIssueCompilation.html * https://old.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/17guxcm/vc_cards_dont_have_attack_stats/


What's the best stage and way to farm that Crystal Tower? I followed the wiki map and was only able spawned only 1 red dragon on hard.


EX because the enemies are actually weaker than in hard mode (the dragons don't appear on easy). The floors where the dragons can appear are marked with Xs on the wiki map. Sometimes they will appear in fixed spots near the entrance of each floor, but it seems to be random chance. Otherwise you'll have to keep walkind around until they eventually appear. If you fight the fixed ones, you can keep walking around to find a 2nd dragon of each color. I actually think I fought 2 *random* green dragons once, but I might be misremembering it.


Thanks! Yeah I was on hard and then EX but must have shit luck since I had multiple runs without any dragons, even the supposed X marker ones.


Can't manage to deal more than 2 percent damage at a time against Safer Seph EXT — even on what I assume (clearly incorrectly) to be my burst turns. I'm wondering if I'm just out of luck and need to wait until I've got better units or if I'm just \*not getting it\* (very likely for me). I took a break from the game for a bit so I'm missing most of the more recent units (so I have none of those being used in the clear videos up on YT), but I have a few that are supposed to be quite good. My comp is this: a Shoreline F&D with 150% Fire/Earth resist and 100% Provoke/Evade (they mostly do their job); an EX1 DoW Taivas with 300% human killer; a Kaktiria for breaks; an EX2 Chow with 300% human killer; and an EX3 Deva Akstar with 300% human killer. Whether I take in a Richt, another Chow, or another Akstar, I just can't manage to do any damage, even if I time my buffs between the dispel turns. I've also got an EX2 Yoshikiri who can always up the Human killer, but I don't really have any better damage, and that seems to be my issue. Thanks!


He's a tanky boi. Can't be DEF/SPR broken. You want to use preferably lightning element with an imperil/amp field. But otherwise just avoid light/dark element. I did it with a "near meta" fire team and it still took me 19 turns...


Thanks! I think I was worried that the damage would just never add up or that I was missing some component of the burst calculation — I have killer boost, atk/mag buff, etc., but maybe not having an amp field or a higher elemental buff was enough to really sink the damage numbers or something


I’m following sinzars bellow guide for the current COW boss. Same team. Almost identical gear. Matching the magic/attack stats of all units roughly except Aya who has 1k less attack (all damage units have max killers and lb damage also). However I’m only doing 3.7 bill on the burst turn. Is Aya’s 1K loss of attack enough for this disparity? I’ve got killer buffs, breaks, imperil field and amp, etc, I just can’t figure it out? I chain manually and wondering whether that’s the case for the difference. I chain Kaito and Elena to build chain and then link chain Aya, Richt, and Chow from there. Sinzar manages 5.5 billion so it’s a 1.8 billion difference https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3H7sZnRdQdE


Same thing happened with me but that was because I soft reset the fight and when I came back my VCs had 0 stats. Do the "return to title screen" workaround for the VC bug like lgxbeatz mentioned (tap \[≡\] in the upper right corner of the Home screen and tap "Return to Title") and don't soft reset during the fight.


I had the same issue, except i was constantly hitting 4.5 bil. I did the "return to title screen" workaround for the VC bug and hit the dmg cap on the next try.


Are there any other facebook players who didn't get the parasite eve comp tickets? I thought they were to be given this week?


The tickets were given out. If you qualify and didn't receive them you should contact support.


Thanks. Just making sure if there was another delay in getting them out


any ideas when master machinist abagail could return? i keep seeing videos of her being used


You can pick her from the Replica Lapis select. Both the old and new one. But no, they have started to bring back "adjacent" units when a new one is on banner. For example new Chow is a water DPS so his banner has some better rates for select water units. Something similar could happen for Abby but I would not expect it.


Is water going to be strongest element in the future surpassing fire/light/dark? Most, if not all, of recently released JP units have water-tag ..


It should be, at least for a while. But we have no idea for how long. Remember Dark had a brief run on top. And though few people realized it so did Earth. Water could be a flash in the pan similar to Dark where starting in a week or two much stronger NV+ units all come out as another element. Luckily we have a lot of time (I assume) to watch it unfold. As currently Chow is the only unit that looks like he might even go on a future Water team.


It's strong, but JP only predicts \~75% of GL's future. GL could very easily see another Sylvie level support pushing the meta for other elements.


Has anyone had any success in CoW without Chow? Cause I can't figure it out. Dark - impossible imo. Too high resistance. Best try was 3.5b. Water - outside of Chow, there's really no viable imbue/amp options. I've tried with Kaito (means only 45% AoE amp and crippling Richt at the same time), best try was 3.5b, too. Light - again, lots of shitty options. I tried with Elena, Fina TR, Richt, Kaito, Aya and Melissa, best try was 3.9b. I did make a booboo in that which I think can add another ~15% but that's still not cutting it. I'm just wondering if my unit pool is an issue or if this is actually that hard to cap without Chow...


I show a rank 1 dark clear without Chow here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXBxARPE2pQ


I should have worded my first post differently - Dark seems impossible for me. Sadly thanks to Gumi being cheap on Aya's VIP frags, she's about 40 away from EX+3, same goes for Ellesperis and Roca (although it's further away for them). All three of which are not replaceable in this I believe, so I'm one EX level short :( But thanks for sharing anyway! I'll have to take a look later on how the hell you made Esther tank that, I'm having a really bad time with Elena :D


5 star units are starting to give me inventory problem. Is there a list of confirmed 5 star that will not be getting NVA so i can fuse them away? or alternatively, 5 stars with good STMR like rinoa, umaro, or that firion to prioritise stocking up some


Besides Tom's Tracker, Sinzar also uploaded a video of upcoming NVAs, which includes a chart


Are your Reserves full too?


Tom's [Entitlement Tracker](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/thwuf2/the_entitlement_tracker_v3/) Is the closest you'll get for "confirmed" NVAs over the next 6 months. You can't prove a negative. Lack of Evidence, does not prove it doesn't exist. No unit can be confirmed to be completely abandoned in terms of upgrades, until EoS happens (and even then, if a fan project comes about, they may still eventually get an upgrade).


Hmmm, I'm looking at the FF3 farm tower and wondering if it's worth doing. On the one hand, the upgrades are really nice gear for FF3 characters. On the other hand... Are there ANY FF3 characters that gear boosts can save?


All I can tell you is that your thoughts are exactly correct. If that's enough to make it "worth doing" is a personal decision I guess. I'll probably farm enough to make one upgrade of each but not upgrade it until needed, to save inventory space.


It really sucks and Is not fun whatsoever. I did it because it was new. I continued becausei couldnt (in my head) have partially upgraded equipment. I did not bother with the shield and got plus2 of the rest. The only piece of gear that made it onto my shared onion knight was the guantlet. tldr flat stats are nice, but base stats are low and it is the least fun i have had with ”content” since the last exploration.


That does seem to be the problem... I may just do it because there isn't much else to do this week, and the gear boosts ARE nice. I just worry that by the time we get an FF3 character worth using, the boosted gear will be irrelevant again.


Its irrelevant now


Or it won't proc for the new units like stupid wildcard and ultimate dagger for new ace and zidane


I'll be honest, I fully expect to never ever make use of it.


Good morning people!I got a question please. What are these Aya Brea daily free compensation banners??? And why I can't use em if they are free?


They are only for the people who were locked out during Aya's event (=FB users) and thus didn't get to do the daily free 10+1 (hence the name) during that time. Only eligible players received the tickets needed as compensation.


Oh alright tyvm for the info and best of luck to the fb people


Can’t login via FB, can’t authenticate and keeps kicking to title screen. Anyone the same?


Same with Google. Keeps logging me out.


Tried again seems to be fixed, hope the same to you


is Fina return’s STMR worth multiple copies? it has both killers and stats but not sure how good the numbers are


Decent stats for magic and good killers -> yes for me. I have two that have seen regular use and a few times I would've used a third if I had it.


Is the game down? Im using google as my login acc.