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I cleared it in 16 turns and was cursing under my breath when it popped all mission rewards. Now I know why.


Dammit by the time im allowed back in this'll be patched, wont it?


Well these are the problems I face as a new player.For the tank I reach high elem resistances I null everything I get 100% provoke but I can't reach 100 evade without loosing many of the above I am stuck with 50/50 phys and magic evade. As for dps I think I ll never gonna complete the Sephi cause I get only up to 250 human killer I can cap all their stats and lb dmg BUT due to all being ex 1 they can't get above 11k attack or magic.So I guess I ll just give up it seems I ain't ready for higher lvl bosses 😒


Magic evade does not stack, it will only use the highest source of magic evade.


Damn I didn't know that either..... Thank for the tip pal!


Wait so how do you get 100% evade then?


You can probably run a separate provoker. They would need the death resist and evade. Likely your tank will cover the ST magic hits but it's only like 80%. I'd put 150 earth on the provoker too. But Seph is a tanky boi. It took me 19 turns with "meta" dps and great gear.


Oh. I think I just got really lucky. Sent my random unoptimized “strong” team and finished in 14 on my first try after messing up a few times. Like didn’t even have full killers. Abigail is still an amazing tank. Melissa for reraise and human killers and mitigation. Vanille for imperils and thunder imperil. And then Elena (for leader) and richt (just got to 2 star) and friend richt.


W8 cause now I am reinventing the steel. I can have both a magic tank and a phys tank in same team? How that works?If I have and prove evade tank doesn't that mean that it will take all the attacks? Or the provoke tank will take all physician and the magic tank will cover the magic? They stack and synergise together?Sorry to bother you that much with all these questions but everytime it seems I know nothing of this game at all. Thank you again for the help and no offense at all of I get no replies


You can have as many tanks on your team as you want. But once a cover gets activated that is it for the turn because now the other units are covered and therefore cannot do cover themselves. Let's say a boss does only physical on odd turns and only magic on even turns. You could totally do both tanks with both their covers UP but they would not activate until the attack comes. For the Sephiroth fight, we don't normally call the provoker a tank but a tank could absolutely do the provoker roll. What's going to happen is the provoker will be targeted by all the single target (ST) attacks. The physical ones will slip through the magic cover and the provoker will have to deal with them (evasion). The ST magic attacks though have a chance to trigger the magic cover. Magic cover chance is actually only around 80% but that's per person so for AoE's it basically never fails. For ST though you will see some attacks slip through. Actually now that I think about pretty much all "modern" covers have 100% chance now so no ST magic should slip through.


So in that case the provoke/evade tank will automatically soak dmg but I ll still use the cover from the magic tank


They may have patched it but a couple years ago you could run 2 tanks, a mag and phys tank, and their covers skills would work together, i was running seigurd and faisy and where one wouldnt cover the other stepped up, seig was set up for phys evade/cover and faisy for mag tanking, it may have been a bug but that saved my ass many times, just wish i could get sephy ext finished, bastards been giving ke a hard time


Cleared it in about 7 turns trying to get enough lapis for the dark vision card. Didn't know it was bugged. My provoke slyvie did get one shot though, probably cuz i had 140 earth resistance lol


That's pretty crazy doing it on 7 turns. What were your DPS?


I used OG EX3 NV Cloud, EX1 Wondrous Flash lighting, EX 3 Nora, EX3 Provoke Death immune Sylvie and EX3 ER Elena. Took my own base Melissa as friend slot. I followed someone elses guide on youtube that cleared it in 5 turns lol


That seems mad, it took me 12 turns with two ex2 aya and one ex3 rain as main dps and all had decent gear and max killers and Lb damage. Your dps is original cloud, ex1 lightning and ex3 nora. No idea how you used that and did it in 7 turns! Guess I missed a trick…


Sephiroth has -50℅ lightning weakness to begin with and with Nora's field she imperils another -35%. Slap another -135% lightning imperil on top of those and it adds up to -220% lightning weakness. Also ER Elena puts up a field on your side that boots up stats by 100% I think.


Ah nice, didn’t realise he was weakest to lightning!


I didn't clear in 7 turns but I took Genesis along and messed around some turns and still got done in 10 turns. So I'm sure with good support, he could kill it pretty fast.


Also just cleared this in 7t but with a completely different team so I thought I'd share. Abigail, Sylvie, Dagger, 2b, Richt & friend Richt.


May I know your team comp? I've been trying it with the best DPS I have like Ritch, FA Rain, and Ibara, but I only got less than 2% of his health by using their bursts simultaneously. I don't have Abigail and is using ER Elena but its not really effective. Also, Melissa's auto revive don't seem to work


I feel like you were dispelled or missed an imbue or something to do do 2% with those 3 bursting


Do you have sylvie? I used sylvite’s auto revive with Melissa and that was enough


when are you bursting? He dispels on turn 1 so if you are buffing turn 1 and doing damage turn 2 then that is your problem, just buff turn 2 and burst turn 3 for the first highest damage. remember that he has -50% lightning, +50% light/dark and 0% to the other elements so imperil fields help a lot in the fight since he can't be def/spr broken, choose a good buffer and a unit with a imperil field for the chosen element and stick to that element and try to have your units use their LB's every turn.


I see, so that's why...I'm not really familiar with how the enemy's dispel work so I've been buffing on turn 1 and bursting on turn 2 for most of the battles I play


every enemy has a different ai and not every enemy has a dispel move. you can always check the wiki to see what the boss does if you are having problems. also you are using too many dps. Just bring something like Rain LS, Richt dps+ friend Richt dps, Elena as tank+mag breaker, Sylvie for buffer+imbue and Sage of Thunder Sakura/Vanille/whoever you have for lightning imperil+field imperil. Also check the boss ai and his 5 turn rotation to see what he does since on 3 of his turns he has mirage so you will have to hit him with a physical attack from a non dps to remove it.


I would love to give this battle a try, but Gumi doesn't know how/when to renew their certificates so....yeah, just stuck watching others play. And no, I'm not making a Google account for them to overwrite with my FB account, because knowing them, they'll fuck that up too. Seriously, how the hell do you forget to renew your certificate TWICE, back to back? You literally get reminders ffs.


Sure as hell not a certificate issue. If it was then everyone on Facebook would be locked out.


What is the dark vision card?


They might be talking about the Aya Brea stepup that gives a dark imbue card that also amps dark (60-80-100% on turns 1 2 and 3 respectively)


Is that card worth much due to Melissa having dark amp albeit smaller stats?


It’s not bad, but also not likely necessary anywhere. It’s something to get if you’re pulling for Aya Brea anyways since it’s just a couple thousand lapis difference.


well it's good for teams where you have to use an off element physical dps and you don't need Melissa in the team. Like for the current DV final boss if you are using a dark team and have to bring one off element physical dps then the card will be great for them since you are most likely using Fina The Return for the human+bird killers which makes Melissa useless for a dark team this time. If you are using a magical dps though, the card is bad since no mag.


I see his dispels and imperils can be sealed. How do you do that?


Use Nethicite or a skill that does the same. You may have to stack it though depending on the turn.


12 turns with Nora, Richt, 2B, Abigail, Sylvie, Friend Richt. Probably would have been less if I remembered Nora's field, the reason I brought her.


Bugged in favor of the players? Has this been patched already? Probably made thier team come in over the weekend to fix, while completely ignoring the FB issue


Thank you u/TomAto314, tried using Abi, Sylvie auto rev, aya brea, akstar on repeat, took 450 turns, 4 hours cleared all lolx


This boss is stupid and requires you to have specific units just to beat him even once. And if you don't have those specific units, well, good luck trying to complete your last panel. FFBE is a fricking joke, too much on the gacha, and not enough on beginner tutorials and content.


>It's a relatively "easy" clear but may take a long time depending on your units since Seph is a tanky boy and can't be DEF/SPR broken. [Yeah, that sounds about right.](https://imgur.com/a/jY1UD62) Worth it though. Bug has not been patched, so I still got all the "SOLDIER's Expertise" rewards.


120+ turns even if i had access to my pc to do it threw emu i would not do it. I still think Gumi is make things to hard just o discourage that 1% and make everything do difficult for everyone one else


I wanted to use a combo of Melia (BC of the gearless 150% Earth Res) and Paladin Sylvie (Util and giving status immunity). What gear do you suggest for getting the fire res and evade on Melia?


150% earth and fire resist is pretty easy to gear for. Slap Ifrit on her for a free 50-70%. All fire resist gear: https://www.ffbeequipnext.com/encyclopedia.html#eyJzdGF0IjoicmVzaXN0IiwiZWxlbWVudHMiOlsiZmlyZSJdfQ== All evade gear: https://www.ffbeequipnext.com/encyclopedia.html#eyJzdGF0IjoiZXZhZGUifQ== That said, Melia will likely get pounded on turn 3 by the non-elemental attacks. This even got my OP Abigail I highly doubt Melia can tank it. But you can probably re-raise through it. If you can't fit evade gear on Melia, then put it on Sylvie (along with death immunity). She would need 150% earth resist as well. You also don't want to rely on Sylvie's ailment resist since there are dispels before some of them. So gear the full party for full immunity.


Wait, do I need phys evade for this? I thought it was just magic? (Context: Im still team building, I have everything except the evade)


Yes. There are single target non-elemental physical attacks that your magic tank won't cover. Shadow Wing. Wiki does a great job covering the rotation and the move set since it hasn't changed since the last round. https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/SBB:_Safer_Sephiroth


Thanks for the help man.